Chapter 74 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

It's been a while since school ended, and most of the students have already left. Even the ones who are staying back are mostly busy at the cafeteria. Therefore, the garden at this moment was empty. At least up to this point, Li Meng hadn't seen anyone. Although feeling a little bored, Li Meng still patiently walked into the garden at the thought of the message Su Ranran had sent to her. Turning left and right on the stone path in the garden, Li Meng finally arrived at a pavilion. As she looked up, she saw a fatigued girl with cat ears holding a white fox sitting alone on the edge of the pavilion waiting for something. "Ah, Li Meng? What are you doing here?" Su Ranran greeted Li Meng as she saw her, but her expression remained the same, thinly veiled with weariness. "Ranran, your brother asked me to find you," Li Meng casually replied. However, her gaze had not left the little white fox in Su Ranran's arms since she arrived. "My brother asked you to find me?" Su Ranran was somewhat surprised. "Yeah," Li Meng nodded. "Your brother said he has already seen traces of the mansion, and he also said that you might have encountered a white fox. He told me to take care of it." "White fox... It must be my brother's doing!" Su Ranran finally realized upon hearing Li Meng's words. Could this fox be causing trouble because of her brother? Su Ranran couldn't help but think of her miserable experiences from last night, feeling a surge of resentment. "Ranran, where did you get this white fox? It looks very cute," Li Meng sat directly opposite to Su Ranran and brought up the topic while admiring the little fox in her arms. "Cute? " Upon hearing Li Meng describe the little creature as cute, Su Ranran couldn't help but shiver reflexively. She looked at the lady in front of her as if she had heard a very funny joke. "You think this little thing is cute?!" "Hmm... Isn't it?" Li Meng also looked puzzled. Ignoring the little fox's identity as a demon fox, just based on its petite and cute appearance and its snow-white fluffy tail, this little guy was indeed the adorable type that girls would love. At this point, Su Ranran seemed a bit agitated. She impatiently ran her hand through her hair. "Let me tell you..." Then, Su Ranran naturally recounted all the misfortunes she had experienced in the past two days to Li Meng. Of course, she emphasized her encounter with the white fox, which even made Li Meng exclaim in amazement. "Ahem!" Just then, the little white fox in Su Ranran's arms suddenly woke up. It immediately lifted its head and began sniffing vigorously, as if searching for something. "You see... it's foxing again," Su Ranran helplessly held up the little creature for Li Meng to see. The fox struggled in Su Ranran's hands. "Foxing?" Li Meng reached out and touched the little white fox's ear. Surprisingly, the texture was quite pleasant. "Hmm?" The little white fox, after sniffing Li Meng, couldn't take its eyes off her anymore. Well, strictly speaking, it wasn't just a glance. It was a sniff. The little guy smelled something that pleased it. "Swoosh!" Before Su Ranran could react, the little creature, still in her hands, jumped into Li Meng's arms! Not only did it leap into Li Meng's embrace, but it also sniffed all over her. "Hmm... it seems like it really likes you," Su Ranran looked at the little white fox nestled in Li Meng's arms, appearing somewhat incredulous. You see, since bringing this fox into the campus this morning, Su Ranran didn't know how many of her female classmates wanted to touch it. However, each time, the little creature would either bite back viciously or cower in fear, showing obvious shyness. But now, it had jumped into Li Meng's arms all on its own? Su Ranran couldn't understand. "It seems like... it really likes me," Li Meng tried to stroke the little creature's body, and it not only didn't resist, but also cooperated by nestling into her hand. "Right, your feeding method is probably wrong," Li Meng lifted the little creature and looked it in the eye. Then, after a moment's hesitation, she took out a bottle of high-quality magic crystal liquid from her bag, poured it onto her hand, and then offered her finger to the little creature's mouth. Indeed, the little creature not only didn't reject it, but also happily clutched Li Meng's wrist with its little paws, sucking on her finger, as if it were nursing, absorbing the magic crystal liquid into its belly. "Feeding magic crystal liquid... Why didn't I think of that..." Su Ranran frowned when she saw this scene. No, she had tried feeding it with monster blood, a piece of common knowledge for an apprentice monster tamer like herself. However, the little creature simply refused! In a short while, even though it hadn't absorbed much of the magic crystal liquid, the little creature looked quite content. Reluctantly releasing Li Meng's finger, it even gratefully licked her hand to clean off its saliva. However, when Li Meng tried to return the little creature to Su Ranran, it refused to let go. The little white fox refused to leave Li Meng's embrace! "This... does this mean I'm freed?" Su Ranran blinked, stunned. "Huh?" Su Ranran's words momentarily caught Li Meng off guard. "Ah! Li Meng, you have no idea. This little guy has been tormenting me since last night. It only acknowledges me and refuses to stay temporarily anywhere else! But now, I'm giving this little fox to you!" "My brother sent you to find me for it, right? Whatever you want to do with it, whether steam it, fry it, barbecue it, or make soup out of it, it's up to you! I have no objections!" "Bye now!" With a sentence in her familiar jokingly litong (intentionally mispronounced Japanese), Su Ranran quickly disappeared, leaving with her short bow in hand. "This... this..." Li Meng looked down at the little creature constantly nuzzling her chest, wearing a bemused expression.