Chapter 100 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

The rain was quite heavy, but it passed quickly. After Nan Yin and Jiang Mi had waited for about fifteen minutes at the convenience store entrance, the rain gradually stopped, leaving only a cool breeze filling the streets. Half an hour later, Nan Yin led Jiang Mi back to the mining circuit. There weren't many people left at the circuit at this point, clearly due to the heavy rain earlier. Surprisingly, the calm and quiet circuit had a different appeal compared to the bustling atmosphere before. "Hurry up and put away the cars over there! Don't let the rain get in!" "Hey! Can those people over there hear us? Hurry up and drive that car into the parking lot!" "What! Someone got hurt? Who the heck slips in the rain?" By the time the two girls leisurely strolled to the scene, there were only the members of the car club left. They were busy tidying up the scattered lanes, while some were checking on the race cars - their prized possessions. After all, they were a car club; how could they not have race cars? Seeing that there wasn't much fun to watch here, Nan Yin thought to take Jiang Mi home, especially since her mind was still in disarray and she needed a quiet environment to calm down. Just as the two girls were about to leave, a member of the car club, clad in a black leather jacket, approached them. Initially, Nan Yin thought that they were just blocking the path, but she soon realized that the person seemed to be heading directly towards them. The environment wasn't very welcoming, so Nan Yin prepared to summon the weapons in her system space since the person in front of her seemed to be trouble. Unexpectedly, however, the person, although looking tough, was polite when they reached them. "Ladies, our leader, Lance, would like to meet you. Do you have time?" Nan Yin's guess was right. The car event that night was indeed organized by the car club. In fact, the majority of street races in the Philo district were usually hosted by the car club; they were undoubtedly the largest gathering of street racers in the entire Tianzhou City. The temporary base for the car club that evening was at a small restaurant near the mining area. Just by looking at the car decorations at the restaurant's entrance, Nan Yin knew it was likely another gathering spot for the club. The streets were mostly dark at this hour, since it was late at night and the recent heavy rain had sent the few pedestrians scurrying back home. The area around the restaurant, however, was still lively. Some members who hadn't left yet were gathered in small groups, while around a dozen club members stood outside the restaurant, keeping an eye on the activities of the street racers. They didn't conceal their firearms, and Nan Yin even noticed that some held smart guns. It was clear to Nan Yin that the so-called leader of the car club, Lance, was currently inside the small restaurant. After leading the two girls to the restaurant's entrance, the guide from the car club picked up the phone from the old-fashioned landline outside the restaurant. Nan Yin was surprised to see this ancient device; she wondered how it had survived until now. "Ladies, Lance is inside. He invites you in," the car club member said after hanging up the phone, nodding at Nan Yin and Jiang Mi. Without much hesitation, Nan Yin ignored the dozen or so intimidating bodyguards and entered the restaurant. Nan Yin wasn't afraid of being set up; firstly because she had arrived here unexpectedly that evening, giving the car club no time to lay any traps. Secondly, she had plenty of weapons in her system space, which gave her confidence, and she had secretly contacted Fubo Zhengsi and Bai Lang, who were now on their way. As expected, someone came forward to search them after they entered the restaurant. However, the car club gave them face, as the person who conducted the search was a young woman, and they found nothing. After all, Jiang Mi only carried a finger tiger, and all of Nan Yin's weapons were in her system space; she had nothing on her person. After the search, Nan Yin was allowed to enter the second floor of the restaurant, where the car club's senior officials and their alleged leader, Lance, were seated. The ferocious appearance of the car club's senior officials didn't seem to faze Nan Yin much. What surprised her was that Lance, the supposed leader of the car club, was a girl. The snow-haired girl looked at the girl sitting in the upper position, dressed in a black punk jacket and black boots, with silver short hair, and furrowed her eyebrows slightly. The leader of the car club is a woman? Nan Yin immediately had this question in her mind. It wasn't due to any gender bias on Nan Yin's part, but because the last time she encountered the esper in the factory, he referred to himself as Lance. In such a case, Nan Yin had assumed that Lance was a man, not a woman… and certainly not a pretty woman. Wait… could it be… Lance was a lesbian? Nan Yin's gaze at Lance suddenly changed. She hoped it wasn't so; the way this woman looked at her seemed clear, so she shouldn't have any improper thoughts. Nevertheless, Nan Yin wasn't so shocked by Lance's gender that she was at a loss. After going upstairs, she turned and politely greeted Lance, "Are you Lance, the leader? I've heard your name before. May I know why you, as the leader, wished to see two insignificant people like us?" Seeing the two unassuming girls in front of her, Lance, Zoya, couldn't help but admire their courage. Nan Yin and Jiang Mi looked like mere young girls, yet they could appear so composed in a place like this. Lance looked at the two and smiled slightly, shaking her head. "Insignificant? No, you are not insignificant! One of you is a legendary driver registered in our club, and the other… is the recent talk of the town, the head of the White Hair Gang in the Philo district. How can you be called insignificant?" Nan Yin couldn't help but look strangely at Jiang Mi after hearing this. A legendary driver? She hadn’t realized that Jiang Mi's driving skills were already so well known outside. She would have to ask more about this when they returned. This little girl still had many secrets that Nan Yin didn't know about. After glancing at Jiang Mi, Nan Yin smiled and looked back at Zoya, "A legendary driver isn’t someone a little girl driving a Wuling Hongguang can become, Lance. But I wonder what you meant by this White Hair Gang?" Nan Yin already guessed that Zoya was referring to the team recently formed by Fubo Zhengsi and Bai Lang. Although she had instructed Bai Lang and Fubo Zhengsi to act covertly, it was impossible for the car club, with their influence in the Philo district, not to know about the recent disappearances of several small gangs in the Philo district. Even the possibility that the few gangs forcibly merged by Bai Lang were under the car club couldn’t be dismissed. "The White Hair Gang; it's named after the white-haired, red-eyed leader who is quite the fighter. Isn't 'White Hair Gang' a fitting name?" Zoya replied nonchalantly. Nan Yin furrowed her brows. The 'most formidable fighter' must have been referring to Bai Lang. He did have white hair, like Nan Yin, he cleared his throat - she would have to ask him about it. Now that she had been exposed, Nan Yin was not going to hide or cover up; she openly admitted that Bai Lang was working for her. But she couldn't agree with the name. “Bai Lang is indeed working for me, but ‘White Hair Gang’ doesn’t really fit. After all, the name of your car club sounds much more pleasing than ‘street racing gang’, doesn’t it?”