Chapter 69

"I'm so sore..." Early in the morning, Luo Qingchuan used his spiritual energy to heal his tired body. He looked at the silver-haired beauty who was still sleepy in bed. He lifted his stiff shoulders, feeling more exhausted from being held by Chen Yan Yu all night than from being tossed around by Su Yingxue for three hours. Whether it was because he didn't want to disturb her or because he was afraid of crushing her beautiful silver-white hair, Luo Qingchuan didn't dare to move. His spiritual energy quickly restored him to his usual state, and he couldn't help but marvel at the difference of being an extraordinary being. Since establishing his foundation, Luo Qingchuan constantly felt his body becoming lighter and more agile. He freshened up and when he came back, he saw that Chen Yan Yu seemed to have woken up. Under the morning light, the girl's slender jade legs knelt, looking even smoother and fairer, with a well-proportioned body. Chen Yan Yu sat up from the bed, her silver-white hair slightly messy, a few playful stray hairs sticking up. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and faced Luo Qingchuan with a big smile on her black couple outfit. "Good morning... I see it's already morning," Chen Yan Yu saw Luo Qingchuan and smiled sweetly, a faint pink tint appearing on her beautiful cheeks. "This is... spending the night... hehe, so happy." Luo Qingchuan looked away. As he took off the couple outfit and changed into his own coat, he asked, "Chen Miss, when do you plan to return to East Sea?" Chen Yan Yu was taken aback, looking up at the ceiling in confusion. "I'm not sure... I can go to school next week, so I want to go there first for registration." Luo Qingchuan remained calm. "Have you never attended school before?" "Yes," Chen Yan Yu felt a little embarrassed but still stubbornly said, "But I know everything! I've read many books at home! I have an incredible memory!" "I see," Luo Qingchuan was glad that Chen Yan Yu didn't take anatomy courses, otherwise she would have probably given him a lesson last night. But... Studying dragon physiology or human anatomy? Hard to say. Anyway, Chen Yan Yu hadn't transformed into a dragon many times since childhood. In the era of depleted spiritual energy, countless fierce birds and beasts that once ravaged the world perished one by one, their bloodlines severed. Even the dragon race could only hide in the Dragon Palace and barely survive. So Chen Yan Yu's current state could be described as a human formed by dragon transformation, rather than a dragon that transformed into a human. "Would you think I'm dumb..." Chen Yan Yu asked nervously. "It seems like I know nothing and can only rely on you..." Luo Qingchuan comforted her, "I've always thought Miss Chen is very smart. You'll get used to it once you spend more time in the mortal realm." "Really?" Chen Yan Yu's eyes sparkled. "Really," Luo Qingchuan said sincerely. Then, he saw Chen Yan Yu, who had been praised by him, happily climb down from the bed and cuddle up to him. The girl rubbed her head against his body and said, "Luo Qingchuan, do you think we will be in the same class?" "We will," Luo Qingchuan firmly believed in this. Because someone was arranging it! Lu Chu Ning... Lu Chu Ning... that damn little nymph, I can't outplay her! Chen Yan Yu suddenly paused. "I think I've seen your teacher! Is she a little girl?" Lu Chu Ning did indeed look for Chen Yan Yu. Luo Qingchuan looked at the cute face of the girl and nodded gently. "Yes, she is Teacher Chu Ning." "At that time, I thought she was really strange... But she said she wanted to take me as her disciple!" Chen Yan Yu smiled brightly, "That's great! Teacher Chu Ning is really kind! I wonder what kind of gift I should give her... Does she like adult gifts or children's gifts?" Luo Qingchuan used his five fingers to comb through her hair and said, "Don't worry about those things. Teacher Chu Ning is wealthy, she doesn't lack anything." "Okay," Chen Yan Yu nuzzled against him and whispered, "Then I'll thank her in my heart!" Luo Qingchuan felt that Lu Chu Ning had been setting traps for him all along. But the little nymph did help him once, she protected Chen Yan Yu... So Luo Qingchuan owed Lu Chu Ning a favor. Anyway, Teacher Chu Ning was doing her job properly, and Luo Qingchuan gradually became more at ease. Perhaps Teacher Chu Ning was helping me in some way. Lost in his thoughts, Luo Qingchuan was suddenly kissed lightly on the cheek by Chen Yan Yu, who stood on her tiptoes. "Good... good morning kiss..." Chen Yan Yu's small hands were connected in front of her, her delicate face glowing with a touch of blush, "Luo Qingchuan, are you... leaving now? I'll miss you so much." Her clear eyes were bare with the sadness of separation, but they carried a gentle blessing. Luo Qingchuan's heart trembled for a moment and he was unexpectedly filled with fear. He quickly put on his coat. With an unchanged expression, he said, "I'm going to see a friend." "Then don't forget to take your clothes," Chen Yan Yu said nervously. In the end, under Chen Yan Yu's anxious gaze, Luo Qingchuan put the couple outfit into his storage space. He opened the hotel room door and asked, "Will you be staying here all the time?" Chen Yan Yu excitedly said, "I can come to your place!" She had even thought of that possibility? Luo Qingchuan smiled helplessly. "My home is far from the school. You can rent a place to stay. Hmm... You should also have enough money to buy a house, right? Should I buy one for you?" Chen Yan Yu shook her head quickly. "Dad said that someone will arrange accommodation for me after I start school. It's already Monday! He also said that if I want to make friends, I can stay in the school dormitory, so it's my choice." After all, the Dragon King had some powerful friends among human cultivators who had covered up everything. For example, Chen Yan Yu came from the East Sea, but she had all the necessary documents and even a registered residence, which had surely been arranged by the Dragon King for his little princess. Chen Yan Yu looked forward to it. "Luo Qingchuan, when I have a place to stay, please come visit me." "Okay, I will definitely come." He pushed open the door, about to leave when he heard Chen Yan Yu's voice again. "Luo Qingchuan..." The young man turned around and saw Chen Yan Yu sitting up, her gaze fixed on him. "Um..." Chen Yan Yu suddenly couldn't meet his eyes. "About... spending the night... with me... were you... happy?" She wanted an answer. "Well," Luo Qingchuan thought for a moment. Although he was very tired, holding Chen Yan Yu's fragile body in his arms felt very comfortable, and she smelled nice too. "Yes, I was happy." Luo Qingchuan had always been an honest child, so he smiled sincerely. "I'm leaving now." "Mmm!" Watching him walk away, Chen Yan Yu sat on the bed for a moment, She looked at the side of the bedsheet and couldn't help but reach out with her fair hand to touch it gently, With her head lowered and her silver hair covering her face, she couldn't see her own expression, but a faint sigh of confusion trembled in her throat. "He still won't take me with him, I can only wait until Monday to see him again..." The morning light didn't penetrate the silver curtains, so naturally it couldn't see the expression on the girl's face. Then, the sight of a small panda plush toy lying quietly on the bedside entered Chen Yan Yu's eyes. She hugged it to her chest and quickly forgot the sorrow in her heart. She lay down calmly, closed her beautiful eyelashes, and a satisfied smile appeared on her lips.