Chapter 115 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Nan Yin should consider herself lucky that Long Yun's room was not on a high floor, only about the third or fourth floor. She landed in the tree and then leaped gracefully down to the ground, relying on the cat's agile body. Nan Yin didn't dare to linger and ran for hundreds of meters until she reached the maximum release distance of the system's space before stopping. Next, without thinking, Nan Yin put Long Yun back into the space. The cold and beautiful woman reappeared in the same posture as when she entered Nan Yin's space, lying on the bed. After waiting for a while and looking back at the castle in the dark of night, Nan Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Up to this moment, Long Yun hadn't caused any trouble. It seemed that she hadn't noticed Nan Yin sneaking away. It seemed that her residual sound was still fairly reliable at critical moments. Regaining her senses, Nan Yin still didn't change back into her human form. After all, many teachers from the academy of supernatural abilities were patrolling. She continued to explore the outside in her cat form. With Long Yun's restraint now gone, Nan Yin could take this opportunity to understand the secret realm. After all, it was the first time she had encountered this aspect of the world of supernatural abilities since arriving in this world. As mentioned earlier, Nan Yin saw several European-style castles, while Long Yun had chosen the one furthest inside. In addition, Nan Yin's current body was small and exhausted. She finally managed to reach the door of the nearest castle after running until she was out of breath. Reluctantly, Nan Yin had to jump onto a tree branch to rest. It had to be said that the cat's body was nimble and agile. If she were in her teenage form, it would have taken some effort to climb this tree. However, before Nan Yin could catch her breath, she suddenly heard footsteps approaching. Initially, she thought it was just nearby teachers patrolling, as she had noticed teachers and students patrolling the campus on her way there. But then she felt that something was wrong because the footsteps were getting closer and, in the end, stopped right in front of the tree she was on. After that, a steady male voice rang out, "Don't hide. Come down. We have already found you." Upon hearing this, Nan Yin immediately felt chills down her limbs and dizziness. Indeed, these teachers and students from the academy of supernatural abilities couldn't be considered normal people if even her hiding as a cat had been discovered. However, before Nan Yin could hesitate about whether to come down, she instinctively felt a sense of crisis. Before she could act, she felt as if she were caught in a net and lost her balance, falling from the tree. "What's this? Turns out it's a cat," a nonchalant female voice remarked, sounding very charming. As Nan Yin finally came to her senses from the sudden fall, she opened her eyes and saw a middle-aged man and woman in wizard robes standing in front of her. The man was looking at her with a pensive expression. Suddenly, the woman approached and lifted Nan Yin by the nape of her neck. After petting her a few times instinctively, her expression suddenly froze. The man quickly noticed the woman's unease and, without waiting to ask, the woman fearfully placed Nan Yin back on the ground with great respect. "What's wrong, Nala? Why do you look so nervous?" the man asked, perplexed by the woman's expression and actions. "You fool! We're in big trouble! This is Dragon Cloud's cat!" "Dragon Cloud's cat?!" The man was also instantly stunned. Then he looked at the still dazed little cat on the ground, breaking out into a cold sweat. "Nala... are you... are you sure you didn't make a mistake? I remember Dragon Cloud didn't have any pets!" The man's voice was filled with panic, but from the tone, it was clear that he was beginning to believe Nala. The other people might not know, but could they, as teachers of the academy of supernatural abilities, not understand their own leader? That woman was a beautiful but extremely obsessive-compulsive individual! Remember the last time Smith Elder only brushed against her clothes, and that woman burnt all her clothes of the same style in front of all the elders the next day! If that woman knows that they've caught her pet and in this rude manner... the scene would be too tragic. Nala was about to cry. "How could I possibly be mistaken! This is the cat Dragon Cloud was holding today!" Nala was close to breaking down. The man heard the tremor in Nala's voice and for a moment didn't know what to say to comfort her. "What do we do now?" Nala did not answer the man's question. Instead, she knelt down and took out a few orange crystals, placing them in front of Nan Yin, and then she said in a fawning tone, "Great Cat Spirit, we have offended you tonight. Please accept this token of our apology. Please don't hold it against us.." As for why she called it the Cat Spirit? Could Dragon Cloud's cat be an ordinary little cat? At the very least, it must be a magical creature! This name should be fine, yes, definitely fine! Nan Yin now realized that these two teachers mistook her for Dragon Cloud's pet. And it seems they didn't dare to provoke her. Just as Nala finished speaking, she saw the little cat in front of her tilt her head as if in thought, and then nod seriously. Seeing her nod, Nala was almost in tears of joy. She bowed to Nan Yin again and then pulled the man, who was still dazed, to leave as if fleeing. As she watched the two teachers leave, whom she had unintentionally deceived, Nan Yin hurriedly used her pink little paws to retrieve the orange crystals left behind by Nala and put them back into the system space with a thought. Then Nan Yin was startled. Ignorance might be bliss, as getting this information gave her a fright! This was because, facing these few orange crystals, the explanation given by the residual sound was that these crystals were all of the highest quality magic crystals! As is well known, this world has various mysterious systems; supernaturals and sorcerers are the most common, and there are also wizards and vampires, while monsters coexist with humans. Magic crystals are essential consumables for most system practitioners, and all known large magic crystal mines in the world are tightly controlled by various countries. Moreover, magic crystals are graded. The lowest-grade magic crystals can be found everywhere, and even ordinary people might produce a low-grade magic crystal when buying things. But high-grade magic crystals are not something ordinary people can come into contact with. High-grade magic crystals have purer quality and contain higher-level secret factors, making them excellent strategic resources for practice and technological use. In simple terms, each high-grade magic crystal was an invaluable treasure. And now, just because of a misunderstanding created by someone else at her own expense, Nan Yin took away a full eight of them! My, oh my.. just how terrifying could Long Yun be in the eyes of these teachers, that just because she touched herself as her pet, they used eight high-grade magic crystals to smooth things over..