Chapter 119 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Jiang Mi mentioned that her roommate had actually been eliminated eight days ago, so now the dorm room was all hers, and Nan Yin could stay with her... at least for one night. Nan Yin thought about it since she didn't have anywhere else to go, so she agreed. Faced with the challenge of how Jiang Mi was going to get past the door guard to her dorm, Nan Yin didn't say much, simply mentioning she had connections, and Jiang Mi didn't ask for further details. At night, Nan Yin resorted to her old tricks, transforming into a kitten to sneak into the dorm, then assuming a student's appearance in the restroom, and finally using the password given by Jiang Mi to enter the dorm. Once inside the dorm, Nan Yin started to leisurely organize the gains of these days. After a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Nan Yin finally heard the sound of the door opening. But halfway through, Nan Yin felt something was wrong because the person outside coughed when opening the door, clearly not Jiang Mi's voice. The only possibility was that the person outside wasn't Jiang Mi! She couldn't have gone to the wrong dorm, so who could the person outside be? At that moment, Nan Yin couldn't afford to think about it. She absolutely couldn't be discovered! At least not right now! Thinking this, Nan Yin decisively climbed onto Jiang Mi's bed and pulled the curtain shut. Thank goodness for the luxurious facilities of the exam venue! The students' beds were bunk beds, with the lower part being a wardrobe and a desk. Moreover, the bed area had an opaque curtain. Thank goodness, Nan Yin was hidden here. As long as the other person didn't have a brainwave to come and inspect Jiang Mi's bed, she wouldn't be afraid of being discovered. As expected, after the person came in, they only went to the empty bed opposite, and even started to tidy things up. Unable to resist, Nan Yin quietly pulled back the curtain to take a look. On the other side was a freckled girl in a school uniform, with a British appearance, currently packing her personal items onto the empty bed. Could this be Jiang Mi's new roommate? It wasn't impossible; after all, that bed had been empty for a while, and it wouldn't be a problem for a new student to be arranged for the exam venue. But this was a problem for Nan Yin; she couldn't leave right now. After all, the space was cramped, and no matter how nimble she was, she couldn't avoid making noise. Moreover, there were all kinds of surveillance outside. In this situation, she could only continue to wait and see if there was any turning point when Jiang Mi returned. So Nan Yin waited for about twenty minutes, and Jiang Mi finally returned all dusty and weary. She was still carrying cherries, which seemed to be for her favorite person. Seeing a stranger in the dorm, Jiang Mi's heart instinctively skipped a beat, but she quickly calmed down and greeted her new roommate. After a while, a teacher knocked on the door and explained the background of the British-looking girl. Indeed, she was a new student who had just moved here due to some issues at the London exam venue, and something happening at the Hogwarts exam venue, and so on and so forth. Once the teacher left, Jiang Mi and the British girl chatted distractedly for a while before getting ready for bed. However, the moment she touched the familiar outline of the blanket, Jiang Mi instantly understood everything. Jiang Mi carefully glanced at the girl opposite and found that she had already put on her earphones, either listening to music or playing a game. When she called out to the girl in a normal volume and received no response, Jiang Mi became bolder. She took off her outer clothing, climbed onto the bed, and slipped under the covers with lightning speed. Nan Yin:!!! Although this was a dorm for two people, the bed was much larger than a normal dorm bed, almost like a double bed. But when Jiang Mi slipped under the covers and stared at her, Nan Yin still felt uncomfortable. She hurriedly whispered, "Jiang Mi! What are you doing? Cover for me! I'm leaving!" But Jiang Mi was unwilling. She shook her head and said stubbornly, "No, no! You can just sleep here tonight." "Besides, it's a double bed and there's a curtain, and that girl has headphones on. I just called out so loudly, and she didn't hear it. Even if we do something, we won't be found out." The first part of what Jiang Mi said seemed to make sense to Nan Yin, but the latter part made her feel uneasy. What did she mean they wouldn't be heard doing something? What was Jiang Mi planning to do? While Nan Yin was lost in thought, Jiang Mi had already taken off her own clothes, leaving only her underwear. Then she stared straight at Nan Yin. "Sis, shall I help you undress?" "Wait, you...?" In the cramped space, Nan Yin didn't dare raise her voice. She could only watch as Jiang Mi unfastened her own school uniform and revealed... "What exactly are you planning to do?" Nan Yin gave Jiang Mi an exasperated look. But to her surprise, Jiang Mi looked sad when she heard that and directly buried her head into Nan Yin's chest. "Sis... I'm under a lot of pressure. Do you know how much pressure I've been under since I came here?" "There are hardly any students left in the Philo Street area, and Roland High School only has a few. The remaining students are almost all from powerful and wealthy families, and I am... powerless and without influence." Nan Yin was slightly startled by these words. Just as she was thinking about how to comfort Jiang Mi, the orange-haired girl suddenly made an outrageous proposal, "So, sis, how about we relax a bit?" Nan Yin was slightly stunned and didn't know what Jiang Mi meant by relaxing. Before she could figure it out, Jiang Mi had reached around to her back and unfastened the clasp. "You...!" Having lived two lifetimes, Nan Yin couldn't be clueless about what Jiang Mi meant by relaxing, especially considering they were both girls, and... Just as Nan Yin was about to resist, she suddenly felt her lips being covered by something soft. For some reason, she thought of the kiss she had given the orange-haired girl that night when she had taken the initiative. After that, her resistance disappeared, and she thought about how Jiang Mi was already her person, or rather, they were each other's people... After lingering entwined for a long time, Nan Yin finally whispered, "The two of us..." It seemed like Jiang Mi knew what Nan Yin was about to say and grinned, "Sis, don't be afraid. It won't reach anyone else's ears. She's really got those headphones on. If anything, I'll be more careful." Nan Yin let out a sigh of relief, allowing Jiang Mi to take charge. It wasn't that Nan Yin couldn't be the aggressor, but she was experiencing this for the first time in her two lifetimes. In this situation, it could only be Jiang Mi who took the lead. "It's just relaxing for a bit, it's... it's okay..." Nan Yin persuaded herself, while biting her lip, after all, she didn't trust the thickness of those headphones. Moreover, Nan Yin felt a lot of pressure lately... indeed, she also wanted to relieve some stress, but she didn't expect it to happen tonight... So, this stack of kindling that was Nan Yin collided with the fierce fire that was Jiang Mi, and with Nan Yin thinking that Jiang Mi was already hers, or maybe, they belonged to each other... After the girl wearing headphones fell asleep, the two women, who realized this, finally stopped restraining themselves. The girl wearing headphones finally fell asleep early, and the two women who noticed this finally stopped restraining themselves. 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