Chapter 131 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Tick. Tock. Liquid drops fell on the ground, leaving a chilling blood-red stain. Creaking and creaking. Canvas shoes made a grating sound on the wooden floor. "Snap crackle pop, it cracks. Snap crackle pop, it breaks. The heart is in my right hand, the small intestine is in my left." Even though Nan Yin had entered the hall of the mansion, the eerie nursery rhyme continued to linger in her ears. Despite being familiar with the plot, Nan Yin felt no fear in the face of this strange melody that could make others cry. Instead, she found it somewhat ridiculous. Clearly, as a high-status ghost king who had lived for thousands of years, choosing such a low-level method to manipulate people's hearts seemed somewhat laughable to Nan Yin. However, Nan Yin misunderstood. This kind of song could indeed affect people's minds, but with Nan Yin having lived two lifetimes, her willpower was incredibly strong. The tricks that worked on ordinary people were child's play for her, and the song's intended effects failed to manifest, leaving behind only a comical tune. Apart from the increasingly pungent smell of blood in the air, Nan Yin felt nothing amiss on the first floor and proceeded upstairs without hesitation. The second floor was even darker, and Nan Yin could no longer see her surroundings clearly. She tried to use her night vision device, but found it wouldn't work. It was definitely the doing of the ghost king. Facing the dark corridor, Nan Yin pulled out her handgun and cautiously advanced. She did not intend to rely on the gun to harm the ghost king, but out of habit. She was uncomfortable without a weapon in hand. The dark corridor, once adorned with magnificent chandeliers, had now become nothing but ornaments. Even with the moonlight, neither of them could see the end of the corridor. Tick. Tock. The sound of liquid dripping made Nan Yin pause slightly before quickening her pace. At a corner of the corridor was the former room of the ambassador. Recalling the plot, Nan Yin speculated that this was her destination. By the dim moonlight, Nan Yin saw that the room's door was slightly ajar. If there had been a light source, she would have been able to see the scene inside. A trail of blood extended from the room and stopped right at Nan Yin's feet. "Boom!" Suddenly, a lightning bolt flashed outside the window, illuminating the entire corridor and, inevitably, the scene inside the room before Nan Yin's eyes. She could finally see what was inside the room. A girl's body hung horizontally from the ceiling, Her lifeless head drooped, staring in the direction of the door, Furrowing her brow, Nan Yin raised her gun and aimed at the girl, but then, for some reason, she lowered it again. Then... The girl's head moved, and her cheek rotated 360 degrees, only to fixate on the snow-haired girl below. Her cracked lips moved, oozing a trickle of blood. "Snap crackle pop, it breaks. Snap crackle pop..." The eerie song made Nan Yin frown even deeper. Run! Run fast! Out of nowhere, Nan Yin suddenly had this thought. She instinctively knew it wasn't her genuine thought. Indeed, these ghosts excelled at manipulating people's hearts. Realizing this, Nan Yin smirked slightly. The horrifying scene in front of her didn't scare her at all—more accurately, her ample preparation made her fearless. The snow-haired girl suddenly took a few steps back and began firing the gun in her hand, shattering parts of the girl's body! "Boom!" Ignoring the inexplicable sound behind her, Nan Yin turned and walked away. The eerie song continued: "Snap crackle pop, it breaks..." Everything went surprisingly smoothly, and Nan Yin quickly descended the stairs. However, she abruptly halted and, with the smoke from her handgun yet to dissipate, she gazed around, slightly stunned. In the living room, stood quietly seven or eight figures. There was the chef of the mansion, old servants, newly hired maids, and some former embassy staff. Their faces were ghastly! Extremely pale, with dark, hollow eye sockets, and a complete lack of a nose bridge; they smiled, their cracked, smiling lips extending to their cheeks. Their arms, as pale as corpses, lifted as they smiled and approached Nan Yin. Yet, Nan Yin was unaffected by these entities. She felt puzzled and wondered why, just a moment ago, it was reminiscent of a rural corpse, and now it seemed like a biohazard. Perhaps, the ghost king assumed that Nan Yin looked like a teenage girl, so he wanted to use these bizarre scenes to break her psychological defense, but all of this seemed like a grotesque movie to Nan Yin. With keen interest, Nan Yin lifted her handgun and aimed at the nearest figure, then, after three shots, although the body was completely shattered, it continued to advance towards Nan Yin in a form that defied scientific logic. Nan Yin didn't need to apply science in this world, and given the current situation, these were all just illusions conjured by the ghost king. With this in mind, Nan Yin lost interest. She took a step back, put away her handgun, and produced a talisman given to her by Su Xiaoyu. The green talisman bore runes that Nan Yin couldn't understand, but she didn't require knowledge. She knew its function; she remembered this talisman could dispel illusions, so she used it. "Whoosh!" As Nan Yin tossed the green talisman into the air, it immediately turned into a green light, dissolving in an instant. The sluggish advancing corpses vanished at once, without leaving a trace, as if they had never appeared at all. Indeed... these were all illusions. However, before Nan Yin could finish her amazement, she felt a sudden chill in the air! Instinctively, Nan Yin promptly pulled out her most potent killing move, "Sudden Whim," and fired four shots in a row in a certain direction. "...Interesting." "But, I don't have children." A light, ethereal female voice drifted into Nan Yin's ears, carrying an underlying coldness that seemed to freeze her blood flowing through her veins. "Crack!" A pitch-black spatial crack suddenly flashed before Nan Yin, and a slender, blood-red figure surrounded by ghostly aura reached out with a delicate jade-like hand and directly snatched Nan Yin's handgun. Nan Yin did not resist, and her handgun was successfully taken. There was a sigh of doubt, followed by five gunshots. Five bullets emitting red light hovered in mid-air. Due to the proximity, Nan Yin could even clearly see the details of the bullets. Clearly, the entity in front of her mistook Nan Yin's ordinary handgun for "Sudden Whim," which flashed for a second when she fired it, and to confirm this notion, it fired five shots at her. "A thousand years have I been dormant, and the empire's firearms have advanced to such a stage?" the female voice spoke again, and the pitch-black spatial crack continued to expand until it was large enough for an adult human to enter and exit, a blood-red figure strolled out from it. This time, there was no blood aura obscuring her features, and Nan Yin strained to look up to see a peculiar woman clad in a red palace costume, with three unusual pupils and shoulder-length purple hair. She had violet long hair draped casually over her shoulders, but the vertical third eye on her forehead was tightly shut. The girl, who seemed no more than sixteen or seventeen, looked at Nan Yin with apparent curiosity, and the thick ghostly aura surrounded the girl's entire being. "You are..." Nan Yin spoke unconsciously, realizing that she was now able to speak, no longer affected by the oppressive pressure. "I am Luo Nu." The girl seemed quite interested in Nan Yin and casually revealed her name. However, Nan Yin was certain that what intrigued her more was her "Sudden Whim." ... New readers: 666403941, welcome to join and urge for more!