Chapter 148 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

"Bang!" Another dull piercing sound. Amidst her panic, Li Meng quickly assessed the situation. The grappling hooks had hit the taxi shuttle beneath her buttocks at least five times. It seemed they were indeed trapped. The driver, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears. He watched as several airborne motorcycles stopped not too far away. A group of black-clad individuals brandishing weapons advanced towards them. He began contemplating writing his will. "Damn it! Miss Li Meng, can you transfer the remaining money to my family's account? The account number is xxxxXX." Li Meng was dumbfounded by the driver's shamelessness. She hadn't expected this foreigner to bring up such matters at a time like this. Was he joking or just oblivious? Right now, she was in no mood for jokes. For a moment, she regretted her decision to leave home. It had led her to the brink of death at the hands of these unidentified assailants. But Li Meng was not one to give up easily. She glanced at the back, directly tore off her power-suppression ring, and then snatched the small gun from the driver's hand, ready to fight to the end. As Li Meng stared at the rearview mirror, preparing to target the nearest black-clad person, she suddenly noticed something unusual. "Wait...those vehicles back there..." "Boom!" Before Li Meng could finish her thought, two precise explosive devices hit the two airborne motorcycles in her sight, along with the four black-clad people atop. They exploded into pieces, and then a motorcycle, seemingly out of nowhere, appeared in front of Li Meng. The rider on it pulled her up and without waiting for her to sit properly, sped away. "Nan Yin!?" As soon as Li Meng got on the motorcycle, she sensed a familiar fragrance emanating from the person in front of her. It wasn't until she saw the long white hair peeking from under the helmet that she confirmed the person's identity. "Nan Yin! What are you doing here?" Li Meng exclaimed in astonishment. But Nan Yin gestured for her to be quiet, and Li Meng understood that it was not the time for talk. She obediently wrapped her arms around Nan Yin's waist from the back seat. Then, as she turned around, Li Meng saw another identical motorcycle lifting the unfortunate driver and drawing closer. "Proceed with the planned operation!" Nan Yin nodded at the riders approaching from the right. She then increased the speed of her motorcycle, leaving two riders to tail closely and the rest to spread out in a protective formation. On the other hand, the black-clad individuals, despite being caught off guard by Nan Yin's unexpected counterattack, showed little panic. They quickly regrouped and joined the pursuit. It was evident that their vehicles were faster, as within seconds, six or seven of them caught up with Nan Yin's team on the highway. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Perhaps upon receiving some command, the black-clad individuals started shooting at Nan Yin and her team. The riders accompanying Nan Yin immediately fired back. Gunfire resounded on the overpass, and riders from both sides were occasionally hit, turning into debris along with their vehicles. Nan Yin, faced with the loss of her subordinates, remained unfazed. The current situation was within her acceptable range. Knowing how tricky this mission was, Nan Yin had anticipated that at least one-third of her team would be within the acceptable loss range. "Zi...Boom!" As Nan Yin and her team navigated a sharp turn on the overpass, the crisp sound of an electric gun rang through the night sky. Snipers deployed on the tall buildings on both sides began shooting, resulting in two of the black-clad individuals falling dead. Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the snipers, Nan Yin unexpectedly veered toward the bridge's edge. In the bewildered eyes of the black-clad individuals and amidst Li Meng's screams, Nan Yin plunged from the overpass to the ground below. The pursuers were caught off guard by Nan Yin's seemingly suicidal action. They had no time to react. When they finally realized and attempted to take another route for the pursuit, the riders left behind by Nan Yin immediately launched an attack on them. The battle on the overpass was no longer related to Nan Yin, as she and Li Meng, miraculously unscathed, arrived on the crowded main road. "Ah! Ah... you... you." Li Meng's encounter in the last few seconds was more thrilling than anything she had experienced in her whole life. Even as Nan Yin smoothly maneuvered the motorcycle on the lane, Li Meng was still in a state of shock, screaming in terror. "Okay, okay, please stop screaming, alright?" Nan Yin reached out, patting Li Meng's shoulder to help her calm down. However, Li Meng's voice was already hoarse from the intense screaming. With a hoarse voice, Li Meng shouted, "What were you doing just now? We almost died!" Having led a life of luxury, she had never gone through such an exhilarating car chase. "What about me? See, we're still in one piece, aren't we?" Nan Yin smiled and removed her helmet, securing it on Li Meng's head. She then gave her a strong hug. However, just as Li Meng was about to say something, Nan Yin's expression suddenly turned serious. She had noticed several black-clad individuals driving airborne motorcycles off the bridge, following behind them. "Ugh, they never give up." Casually complaining, Nan Yin warned Li Meng to cling tightly to her, then activated the motorcycle's engine overload mode. While it would greatly deplete the motorcycle's lifespan, the urgency of the situation left no time to consider this. Yet, when Nan Yin looked back at the pursuing black-clad individuals, she found the distance between them was not widening but narrowing. What's going on? Had their vehicles reached military-grade levels? Nan Yin frowned slightly. At that moment, one of the black-clad individuals raised a portable rocket launcher. "Hold on!" Unfazed, Nan Yin made a swift turn after adjusting the rearview mirror. The rocket barely missed them. Nan Yin even caught a whiff of a burning smell, unsure if it was from their own or Li Meng's hair. As she continued to ride towards the urban area, seizing the opportunity, Nan Yin retrieved the 【Whim】 from her system space. Since it required no aiming, she fired back at the rear, causing the distraction and resulting in four of the black-clad individuals to meet with an accident due to their distraction. The deafening sound of the explosion made Li Meng's heart race, but Nan Yin's adrenaline surged. It had been a long time since she had experienced such a battlefield atmosphere. She then swiftly retrieved a modified stun gun from the motorcycle's compartment. As they zoomed past a large truck, she used the adjusted rearview mirror to shoot and incapacitate the remaining two black-clad individuals. "Phew..." Watching the last two enemies lose control of their vehicles and crash at the roadside, Nan Yin leisurely put away the gun. She glanced at the sky. The intense gunfire and explosions had drawn media craft hovering above them. Then the question arose—how could the police not have arrived yet, when the media was already on the scene? Did the New York police have such low efficiency? New reader group: 666403941, welcome all readers to join and urge updates!