Chapter 78

Chapter 078: Reunion After a brief silence. "You are..." Su Ying Xue blinked her eyes, gently lifting her face with a smile, "A new classmate?" "Yes, yes." Chen Yan Yu was like a curious little beast, wanting to approach the beautiful fairy sister, but shyly hesitant to move her feet. Chen Yan Yu thought to herself... it seems like she's about to make a friend! Her heart thumped with excitement and anticipation. But... "Why isn't Luo Qing Chuan here?" With a hint of confusion, Chen Yan Yu suddenly heard the soft voice of the elegant fairy sister. "Classmate, you can come in now." Su Ying Xue probably knew that the transfer student was someone easy to get along with, incredibly beautiful, like a dreamlike elf, but actually a shy little girl. Chen Yan Yu, like a visiting guest given permission by the host, cautiously walked into the classroom. "Can I sit next to you?" Chen Yan Yu asked. Su Ying Xue nodded gently. "Sure, sit wherever you like." In the small classroom, there were two desks joined together. Chen Yan Yu sat down next to Su Ying Xue, her mind full of thoughts about what to talk about when making friends. In idol dramas, girls gather together to gossip and talk about relationship problems. Chen Yan Yu found the answer and her eyes lit up. "Learning through application, I'm so clever." Chen Yan Yu smiled, looking adorable. As for the other desk, it remained empty and lonely. ...... ...... ...... Luo Qing Chuan, sitting in a chair, heard Lu Chu Ning's voice. "Somebody is coming." Before this, Luo Qing Chuan and Lu Chu Ning had remained silent for a while. Then, Luo Qing Chuan saw that in the corner of the silver conference hall, countless talismans flew and emitted a brilliant blue light, as if condensed from water mist. The talismans flew and danced, and the outlines of two figures slowly materialized. Two women, one dressed as an elegant aristocratic lady, wearing a shimmering blue gown, with a hat on her head. She was around thirty years old, her face blurred with a watery glow, making it unclear. Beside the aristocratic lady, there stood a maiden in a black dress. It was an ancient black dress, and the girl wore a black veil-covered pointed hat on her head, as if her face was obscured by a hint of night, her whole body filled with mysterious colors. Luo Qing Chuan immediately recognized the identity of the girl in the black dress, his heart skipping a beat. ...It was Jiang Ye. The aristocratic lady beside Jiang Ye was her aunt. Jiang Ye turned her gaze and also noticed the figure sitting next to Lu Chu Ning, the boy enveloped in a black shadow, sensing an ominous and chaotic aura. Luo Qing Chuan saw that Jiang Ye seemed to be startled for a moment. I guess Jiang Ye has recognized me... Luo Qing Chuan quickly realized the truth. Jiang Ye's aunt, Jiang Lan Yu, held Jiang Ye's soft hand and took her to sit across from the round table. "Lu Gongzi, I have brought the child from our family. You promised to give us a secret realm from the Cong Ming Sect." Lu Chu Ning nodded. "I will fulfill the promise I made." Lu Chu Ning shifted his gaze onto Jiang Ye, observing her. Then, Lu Chu Ning couldn't help but feel that Jiang Ye's gaze seemed to be wavering as it glanced towards Luo Qing Chuan next to her. Lu Chu Ning recalled a post in the internal forum, Jiang Ye giving the Green Ghost blade as a gift in order to meet him. In her heart, Lu Chu Ning muttered, "How many more karmic ties does this little troublemaker want to stir up?" "We never doubted Lu Gongzi's reputation." After receiving the affirmation, Jiang Lan Yu's laugh was enchanting. "Lu Gongzi wants to cultivate young talents, which is also a good opportunity for this child." "She's at the Foundation Establishment level..." Lu Chu Ning praised, "Not bad." Jiang Lan Yu was very curious about the identity of the person next to Lu Chu Ning, but she knew that members of Up Above should not inquire about each other's identities, so she did not ask further. Luo Qing Chuan remained silent. Up Above was established by Lu Chu Ning, outwardly to cultivate young people with exceptional talent into his own forces. In reality, Lu Chu Ning's main goal was to deal with the Heavenly Court, something Luo Qing Chuan understood. The Heavenly Court, a secret organization hidden within the Dao Alliance, its leader calling himself the 'Dao Ancestor,' harboring a towering ambition. They aimed to disrupt the existing order of the civilized society and rebuild it, marking the beginning of the separation between immortals and mortals. Many cultivators had different ideas; for example, they wanted to control all the ancient divine mountains. Those were all places with abundant spiritual energy, how could they allow ordinary people to buy tickets to enjoy the scenery? Why did cultivators like themselves have to hide and sneak around? Why couldn't they sell medicine pills without permission? They were already transcendents, why couldn't they even afford an apartment and had to work as bodyguards for wealthy people? With various thoughts in mind, many cultivators joined the Heavenly Court. Luo Qing Chuan knew that Lu Chu Ning still hadn't grasped the secrets of the Heavenly Court, she was only the first to notice the subtle changes within the Dao Alliance. The biggest information Lu Chu Ning knew was the name of the organization, the Heavenly Court. Lu Chu Ning didn't understand what the Heavenly Court wanted to do, nor did she know which sects within the Dao Alliance had joined, and who among the six Star Lords was associated with them. Who was clean and who was behind the scenes. Because Lu Chu Ning was still unclear about any information, she couldn't distinguish between friend and foe within the Dao Alliance, so she felt uneasy and could only start with the young people, finding trustworthy geniuses to bring under her wing. With the revival of spiritual energy being only nine months, many members of the Heavenly Court were not yet powerful. Lu Chu Ning thought that in case the Heavenly Court took a liking to one of Up Above's exceptional talents and wanted to recruit them... Isn't that planting a spy? They call themselves the Heavenly Court, and Lu Chu Ning created Up Above just to instruct everyone to cover up their identities, so as to prevent any spies or revelation of everyone's identities in case someone within Up Above was recruited by the Heavenly Court. As for herself...Lu Chu Ning chose to act openly, because she was the youngest Star Lord, and it was understandable that she wanted to develop her own strength. This was the public façade she created. "There are two more members coming." Lu Chu Ning looked at Luo Qing Chuan and Jiang Ye, her lips curling up as she softly said: "You, one is Number 1, and the other is Number 2." She continued, "There are also Number 0 and Number 3, who are on their way to meet you." Number 0, Number 3... Luo Qing Chuan's eyes flickered slightly, he knew who they were. Number 1 was originally Jiang Ye, but now it was Luo Qing Chuan. Number 0 was Zuo Tian, the Son of Qi Yun. ...... ...... Seeking Dao Class. Many students were still in awe of the beauty of the silver-haired girl. A handsome black-haired youth, who looked like a modest gentleman, was sitting in a corner, his slightly narrowed eyes seemingly lost in thought. Zuo Tian felt that the girl seemed familiar. Where had he seen her before? Where was it? Zuo Tian suddenly got startled, childhood memories flooding back. Chen Yan Yu, the daughter of the Dragon King of the East Sea! "Chen Yan Yu has come out of the East Sea. Why did she come to the city where I am? Could it be to find me?" Zuo Tian heart sank. He didn't pay much attention to the Seeking Dao Class app, nor did he read the forums, so he was naturally unaware that the bolt of lightning came from the Dragon Clan. He spent all his time every day dealing with the heart demon. Once he encountered the threshold of Foundation Establishment, Su Ying Xue's sword qi would appear in his mind. The fear at that moment magnified infinitely, making it increasingly difficult for Zuo Tian to overcome it. The voice of the Ancestor sounded, "She's not here to find you, child. I heard Chen Yan Yu telling Lu Wu that she wants to find Luo Qing Chuan." "Well, that's good. It's a relief that she's not looking for me," Zuo Tian breathed a sigh of relief. "With the revival of spiritual energy, if Chen Yan Yu were to come looking for me, it would definitely be to take the 'Chaos Star Bead'." Chen Yan Yu knows Luo Qing Chuan? Can't figure it out. Zuo Tian felt exhausted. He thought he should have been the one to Foundation Establishment, but he was already suffering here. On top of that, the 'Chaos Star Bead' that could help stabilize his cultivation and increase his cultivation speed might be taken back by the daughter of the Dragon King... As for Chen Yan Yu's childhood talk of marriage, Zuo Tian remembered, but he didn't take it seriously. Chen Yan Yu was very beautiful, and at that moment, Zuo Tian, too, was amazed by her appearance, involuntarily feeling admiration towards her. But Zuo Tian was even more afraid of losing the Chaos Star Bead. In his heart, Zuo Tian felt that destiny was uncontrollably changing, and everything seemed to be tilting towards an unfavorable situation for him. The actions of the Secret Realm Exam were imminent, and Zuo Tian was under pressure. "Child, your heart is troubled again," the Ancestor said gently. Zuo Tian contemplated silently, and then sighed, "What the Ancestor taught is right, I have been foolish. As long as I can overcome the heart demon, my cultivation will soar, and the Chaos Star Bead, aside from stabilizing my cultivation, has little use. If the Dragon King wants to take it back, I will return it to the East Sea." Just then, Lu Wu returned to the classroom door and said suddenly: "Zuo Tian, can I trouble you to come out for a moment?" Zuo Tian got up and went outside the classroom. "Lu Wu, what's the matter?" Lu Wu turned over his hand and took out a jade bracelet. "Be prepared, Lu Gongzi wants you to go somewhere." Zuo Tian immediately understood and took the jade bracelet. "Is this about 'Up Above' that you told me about last night? I'll go right away." Zuo Tian emotions roiled, and he smiled, planning to meet the world's geniuses. ...... ...... Jiang Lan Yu observed the mysterious figure in the black shadow. She looked at Lu Chu Ning but couldn't help but be curious and asked with a smile, "Was this child personally chosen by you?" Luo Qing Chuan was seated next to Lu Chu Ning, and no matter how she thought about it, their relationship seemed intimate. Lu Chu Ning smiled without saying a word. Jiang Lan Yu didn't ask any further. She stood up and said, "I'll leave my child here for now. Lu Gongzi, until we meet again. As for the promise about the secret realm..." "I will have someone from the Cong Ming Sect deliver it to you another day." Lu Chu Ning calmly replied. "Thank you, Lu Gongzi." Luo Qing Chuan saw a deep blue talisman floating in Jiang Lan Yu's hand, disintegrating into shadows, shrouding her. After a moment, Jiang Lan Yu had disappeared. ......Jiang Lan Yu was at the Foundation Establishment level and didn't have the ability to teleport herself. She could only rely on the Jiang family's treasure to get here. Luo Qing Chuan looked at Jiang Ye. Because of a secret realm... Jiang Ye was handed over to Lu Chu Ning by the Jiang family. Although it didn't necessarily mean it was a bad thing, Jiang Ye had no choice but to come. The black-clothed girl's veiled eyes seemed to meet Luo Qing Chuan's gaze, but after a few seconds, Jiang Ye turned her head slightly. So we meet again in this place... Jiang Ye was surprised in her heart, finding fate to be truly strange. Yesterday, Jiang Ye almost believed that she and the Green Ghost would never have any further intersection. At most, after a long time, if the Green Ghost found a better spiritual blade than the 'Red Scroll,' the 'Red Scroll' would be returned to its original owner, then they would have a chance to speak again. And yet, they met again today. Under the black veil, Jiang Ye's eyes dimly widened. Even though the Green Ghost developed a sense of admiration for her, she couldn't help but feel pleased. Encountering the Green Ghost, she would have the opportunity to continue training with him. He was a good person to be around, always giving Jiang Ye a sense of tranquility. In this unfamiliar 'Up Above', having a familiar and trustworthy person accompanying her, Jiang Ye felt that even she, who had always been unfortunate, seemed to have been lucky for once. Luo Qing Chuan averted his gaze, cooperating tacitly with Jiang Ye to present a facade of being strangers to each other. At this moment, Luo Qing Chuan again saw two rays of white light, lighting up on the left and right sides of the round table... everyone was here. When he saw the radiance on the left side, someone stepped forward first. He was a white-clad youth. Clad in white, like an ancient attire of vigor, he appeared as a free and easy young swordsman. He kept his jet black hair tied in a casual ponytail with a white ribbon. The slender waistband around his waist seemed even more elegant. The pale sleeves of his white clothes were bound at the wrists, revealing his two long hands. Looking at his smooth skin, it was clear that he was not very old. The youth wore a red fox mask on his face, mysterious and inscrutable, as if looking down upon all living creatures in a playful manner. Luo Qing Chuan recalled that in the 'Taixuan Divine Record,' Zuo Tian practiced various marvelous Dao techniques, and at this moment, he used 'Transmutation.' Except for the mask, this set of clothing and even the seemingly ancient appearance of a young hero and the ponytail were all transmutations. The white-clad youth was also newly arrived. He stood still, observing each person sitting on the left and right sides. One was a girl in a black dress, with a hidden aura, unable to ascertain her depth and of unknown origin. The other was a person shrouded in shadows. This person sat next to Lu Chu Ning and clearly had a deep relationship with her. His strength was also difficult for Zuo Tian to discern. Zuo Tian was slightly taken aback. Zuo Tian had already reached the 9th level of Qi Refinement and cultivated the 'Taixuan Divine Record.' However, he couldn't determine the realms of the two people present... Does that mean... 'Are they both at Foundation Establishment?!' Zuo Tian bit his lip lightly, feeling a heavy sense of defeat surge within him. Zuo Tian thought that even though he hadn't reached Foundation Establishment, he believed that facing the same-aged 'geniuses,' the 9th level of Qi Refinement was already astonishing. However... 'Why are they both at Foundation Establishment?' 'Doesn't this make me seem weak?' Zuo Tian felt dejected and silently pulled out a chair to sit down. Then, he looked at the figure gradually manifesting in the opposite white light. A person clad in red armor, with a face mask pulled down, revealing only a pair of eyes. Zuo Tian sighed in relief. Fortunately, this guy was at the 8th level of Qi Refinement; I'm not the weakest. Zuo Tian suddenly felt humiliated by his own thoughts... if it weren't for Su Ying Xue's sword, Zuo Tian firmly believed that he would have progressed by leaps and bounds, and he could secretly return a few elixirs for healing to Luo Qing Chuan after he reached Foundation Establishment. "Everyone is here, huh." Lu Chu Ning held her chin with one hand and lightly tapped the table with the other, her enchanting and profound eyes sweeping over the four people, as she smiled and said: "Take a seat, let me introduce everyone." Lu Chu Ning glanced at Luo Qing Chuan, "This person is Number 1, who will temporarily serve as your captain. Come on, say something, Number 1." The attitude of the young girl, Lu Qing Chuan, seemed somewhat intimate, causing the other three to be secretly surprised and even more curious about their relationship. Unable to maintain his silence and mysterious demeanor any longer, Luo Qing Chuan reluctantly spoke up. With a hoarse and cold voice, Luo Qing Chuan said, "Captain, I don't want to be one." Lu Chu Ning smiled teasingly, one hand propping up her small face, turning her head to look at him, "No, I've already decided it's you." Luo Qing Chuan fell silent, silently resisting, but no matter how he looked at it, he had to accept this predetermined identity. Then, Lu Chu Ning looked at Zuo Tian. "This person is Number 0, the one who agreed the earliest, so his number is closest to the front." Zuo Tian instinctively felt that there was hidden meaning behind this... being Number 0 at the 9th level of Qi Refinement seemed somewhat unconvinced. Accumulating inner frustrations, but Zuo Tian suddenly let go of it all. It didn't matter... ... After the Secret Realm Exam, after killing his heart demon, there would be no more obstacles in the future. Zuo Tian decided that he would break through to the Golden Core stage within a month, soaring like a dragon out of the abyss, making a stunning debut. Next to the round table, seated beside Luo Qing Chuan, Lu Chu Ning's gaze fell on Jiang Ye. "She is Number 2, the only girl among you all. Take good care of her." Jiang Ye's voice lacked any emotion when she spoke, "I don't need protection." Lu Chu Ning was taken aback for a moment before she chuckled softly. "Sorry." Jiang Ye shook her head, "No need to apologize." Jiang Ye thought her attitude might have been too bad. "Number 3, hm, you give people a sense of security." Number 3 had already taken his seat. He was tall and sturdy, like a small tower, with a commanding demeanor. His red armor exuded a blood-red rust-like color, and his eyes were sharp. Luo Qing Chuan observed, and remembered the future events concerning Number 3. Number 3's original name was Mu Cang Lang, coming from the Mu family in the northwest. He used a gun. Mu Cang Lang seemed quiet, but in reality, he was shrewd and perceptive, skilled in socializing with others, and liked to befriend strong individuals. According to future plot developments, Mu Cang Lang became good friends with Zuo Tian. In a battle fought side by side, Mu Cang Lang died, and Zuo Tian was pushed into dire straits, but he comprehended a breathtaking sword technique and killed a powerful enemy. "Hello, everyone, I am Number 3," Mu Cang Lang smiled and said, "I'm probably the weakest one here. Please take care of me." "Do you have anything to discuss?" Lu Chu Ning asked. The white-clad youth suddenly stood up. Zuo Tian's eyes didn't contain Mu Cang Lang; he looked towards the black-shadowed Luo Qing Chuan and then at the veiled Jiang Ye. Then, Left Heaven turned to Jiang Ye and asked, "Miss, do you use a sword?" Jiang Ye replied briefly, "I use a knife." Left Heaven fell silent, then looked at Luo Qing Chuan. "Sir, what weapon do you use?" Luo Qing Chuan was curious about Left Heaven's actions but didn't lie and replied frankly, "I am skilled in both the sword and the knife." Jiang Ye's dim eyes widened... the Green Ghost was also proficient in swordsmanship? Zuo Tian felt a glimmer of joy. Great! That's a big help! Zuo Tian extended his slender fingers, and a delicate crystalline ancient sword appeared in his hand, exuding an extraordinary aura. "This sword is called Fei Jing, a middle-grade spiritual weapon," Zuo Tian looked at Luo Qing Chuan, a carefree and friendly smile on his face, "Please use your sword to fight me. If you can defeat me, this sword will be my gift to you."