Chapter 81

Chapter 081: The Curiosity of a Cat In the small classroom, Su Ying Xue was captivated by Chen Yan Yu's resplendent silver hair as she sat down. The morning sunlight shone down, like a gentle stream flowing down the delicate back of the young girl. She wanted to reach out and touch it... "H-Hi," Chen Yan Yu's face turned a light shade of pink, looking cute and adorable. Her two small hands shyly entwined in front of her belly, "My last name is Chen, I'm Chen Yan Yu." Chen Yan Yu looked over and saw Chu Ning sitting at the side, her graceful figure leaning towards her as she smiled with her crescent-shaped eyes. The black pupils in her eyes were like shining stars. "Good morning, Chen classmate. I'm Su Ying Xue. Your hair is so beautiful, so long and fine." It was a gentle voice. And... "This girl called me classmate! And she complimented me!" Chen Yan Yu's heart leaped with joy. She was so happy that she stammered, "You... you're also very... very nice-looking." Su Ying Xue pursed her lips and smiled. What an innocent child. "You're a dragon clan?" Su Ying Xue was curious about this. "Mhm." Chen Yan Yu looked at Su Ying Xue, her pair of sacred golden pupils gradually filled with confusion, "You know?" Su Ying Xue chuckled and said, "Teacher Chu Ning mentioned it." "I see!" Chen Yan Yu thought that Teacher Chu Ning must have been worried that she wouldn't be able to make friends in the new class, so she had introduced herself in advance. Wait a minute... "There are only three people." In other words, besides me and Luo Qing Chuan, the only person left is this Su sister? But why isn't Luo Qing Chuan here? "Su sister, do you know..." Chen Yan Yu was about to ask, but she saw Su Ying Xue's eyes light up. "What did you call me?" Chen Yan Yu blinked her eyes, her face turned red all of a sudden. She didn't expect to blurt out her inner thoughts like that. "Su... Su sister..." Chen Yan Yu lowered her head and whispered, "I... um, hope I didn't offend you? Because I feel that you're very gentle..." "Of course not, I'm very happy." Su Ying Xue's heart melted at the adorable new classmate. In Su Ying Xue's eyes, Chen Yan Yu was like a little cat—timid, shy, and adorable like a little elf. It made people want to take care of her without thinking about her being a dragon from mythology. Indeed, she was worthy of being a member of the dragon clan, with unlimited charm. Su Ying Xue couldn't help but raise her jade-like hand and lightly brush a strand of Chen Yan Yu's beautiful silver hair off her delicate shoulder. Her natural grace was truly astonishing, making Su Ying Xue want to observe her carefully. Chen Yan Yu trembled lightly. Su Ying Xue quickly retracted her hand, and with a gentle smile, she asked, "Are you okay?" Blushing, Chen Yan Yu shook her head. Actually, she was happy because of Su Ying Xue's kindness. Chen Yan Yu had always been fond of beautiful humans. "Su sister, I want to make friends!" Chen Yan Yu said what was in her heart. "Huh?" Su Ying Xue was slightly surprised. Chen Yan Yu quickly added, "Yes, with you. I want to be friends with you!" Su Ying Xue nodded gently. "Sure." Then Chen Yan Yu blossomed with a bright smile, swaying gracefully. She looked at the beautiful fairy in front of her and said, "Su sister, do you like watching idol dramas?" Talking about emotions, gossip, and idol dramas! This was Chen Yan Yu's way of making friends she had come up with. Chen Yan Yu was determined to establish a good relationship with the beautiful Su sister and make her first friend among humans! Luo Qing Chuan... Luo Qing Chuan was her boyfriend... it was different... Su Ying Xue was quite surprised. "What?" Chen Yan Yu's question came a bit too quickly, leaving her a little caught off guard. "I-idol dramas..." Chen Yan Yu suddenly became anxious. "Su sister, don't you like idol dramas?" Recently, when Chen Yan Yu was browsing dramas online or searching for information, she often saw people saying that idol dramas were clichéd and predictable. It was awkward and always telling strange stories. Many of the dramas she liked were criticized harshly. Only then did she realize that there were actually many people in the world who didn't like romance dramas and even detested them. Chen Yan Yu felt so wronged. She wrote a long text slowly and painstakingly, explaining the excitement and fun of idol dramas, trying to express the beauty of those things and hoping to make others understand... But Chen Yan Yu couldn't convince anyone. That day, she held her phone and typed until her eyes became blurry, unable to see the screen clearly anymore. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gave up. Engaging in online discussions had been a huge failure. Chen Yan Yu cried for a long time, feeling very upset. Then she realized that she should stop talking to people online. She found them mysterious and frightening, just a few simple sentences were enough to break through her defenses... "Only idiots like that kind of trash. It's clichéd and boring." "Are you still a grade schooler?" "Go watch XXX, it's a hundred times better than what you're watching." "Arrogant CEOs are so stupid. It's so embarrassing, there won't be anyone like that in real life." There were also some strange comments that frightened Chen Yan Yu even more: "How old are you, little sister? Wanna have an online relationship?" "Please, please, please add me on your friends list. I love idol dramas so much!" "If anyone says idol dramas are bad, I'll tear them apart!" Although she had stumbled upon some dangerous things that were as unpredictable as an illness... Chen Yan Yu still thought long and hard about whether she was an idiot or not. In the end, the girl reluctantly but lacking confidence, told herself that she was just a little foolish and unfamiliar with human society, so she didn't understand a lot of common sense. But she was actually very smart! Luo Qing Chuan had said that she was very smart! Chen Yan Yu regained her confidence. Thinking of Luo Qing Chuan, Chen Yan Yu wiped away her tears happily. Chen Yan Yu learned to disable comments and bullet comments because she was afraid of the few people who made her feel mysterious and scary. Just a few simple sentences were enough to break through her defenses... "People are growing apart," Luo Qing Chuan had said that when they were talking about something else. Chen Yan Yu silently watched the things she liked, seeking solace for herself, and always looked forward to spending time with Luo Qing Chuan, finding happiness through anticipation. Therefore, at this moment, Chen Yan Yu suddenly grew afraid. Could it be that Su sister actually hated idol dramas? What should she do... Chen Yan Yu regretted it. She regretted revealing her love for idol dramas so early. To truly understand someone, one must open their heart... Chen Yan Yu suddenly froze, realizing that if everyone thought this way, interpersonal relationships would become a constant test and suspicion. Ah... socializing is so scary... Then, Chen Yan Yu heard Su Ying Xue's reply. "I don't dislike it." Looking at Su Ying Xue's gentle and elegant face that resembled the moon, Chen Yan Yu sniffled, her eyes moistening. In an instant, she reached out with her slender fingers and held Su Ying Xue's hand. "Su sister, you're so kind!" "Huh? Why am I... kind? Why are you crying?" Always poised, elegant, and calm, the fairy was also rare in a fluster. "I... I'm scared that you'll dislike me because I like idol dramas..." Chen Yan Yu couldn't hide it after all, saying whatever she thought. Even though she didn't fully understand some things, she always wanted to be the first to open up and express her emotions. Su Ying Xue smiled wryly, took out a tissue she had with her, and gently handed it to Chen Yan Yu. "Here." "Thank you... sniffle..." Chen Yan Yu took the tissue but then felt embarrassed, and her voice turned cute and silly, "Actually, I didn't cry that hard. It's just that, just now, I suddenly felt that Su sister is so gentle, it's like being saved..." Su Ying Xue laughed and tousled Chen Yan Yu's head as if playing with a little cat. Warmth enveloped her heart, making her so happy. Chen Yan Yu... seems to be the type who easily develops feelings for others. If she encounters a bad person, she will definitely be deceived. Su Ying Xue quietly made up her mind to protect Chen Yan Yu and prevent her from being bullied by scoundrels. But... Su Ying Xue suddenly became curious and asked, "Chen classmate... um, Xiao Yan Yu?" Xiao... Xiao Yan Yu... Chen Yan Yu's cheeks turned hot, and it seemed like steam was about to rise from her head. "W-What's wrong?" Su Ying Xue thought for a moment and chose her words carefully, "Why did you go to a bar that day?" Su Ying Xue felt that the girl in front of her, although beautiful and noble like a goddess, seemed timid and didn't seem like someone who would go to such a crowded place to have fun. There must be a secret inside... Su Ying Xue was very curious. In a strict sense, she felt that she was like a little cat as well. "Actually... I went there with... my... boyfriend." She had already spent the night with Luo Qing Chuan, so they should be boyfriend and girlfriend, right? Chen Yan Yu boldly said such words, and after saying them, her heart pounded like a little deer. She kept replaying the image of the boy's gentle and delicate facial features, elegant phoenix-like eyes, and his incredibly kind and brave nature, which made her heart flutter. And then, Chen Yan Yu covered her face. Su Ying Xue understood at a glance that this must be the action of a lovesick teenager. Because when she thought of Luo Qing Chuan and those things, she occasionally acted like that too. Su Ying Xue was even more curious, and she asked softly, "Xiao Yan Yu, so you already have a boyfriend. What kind of person is he?" A sense of crisis arose! Su Ying Xue felt a sense of crisis. Chen Yan Yu had come to the human realm from the Eastern Sea, and so quickly she had already found a boyfriend? Could she not have encountered a bad person?! Su Ying Xue involuntarily clenched her small fist. Chen Yan Yu said with great joy, "He's a really great person!" Chen Yan Yu's face glowed, filled with happiness. She seemed to be madly in love. Su Ying Xue pursed her lips. Although she was worried that Chen Yan Yu might have encountered a bad person, she still wanted to bless her new classmate with a happy and beautiful love. Hopefully, it was just baseless worry. Good people could be misunderstood, while bad people were always good at disguising themselves. Su Ying Xue asked a few more questions, feeling a growing sense of unease. "Xiao Yan Yu, do you really like your boyfriend?" "Mhm!" Chen Yan Yu nodded eagerly, her silver hair swaying around like a dancing starry sky, "I really like him! I like him a lot!" The girl smiled sweetly.