1081 - I Became a Villainess and Was Pestered by Beautiful Girls

# Translated Web Novel Chapter: The Fallen Xue Clan Leader The words of the white-haired witch stirred a subtle yet undeniable feeling in the hearts of the powerful beings present. Who would have thought that beneath the icy exterior of the Chief of the Xue Clan lay such depth of emotion and loyalty? Is this the allure of a cold exterior hiding a warm heart? However touching it might be, sentiments cannot fill one's belly. Especially knowing the limitations of the blood pact within the Realm of Void, rendering her words ineffective to those present. “Can we interpret the Chief's words to mean she will no longer covet other families?” A representative of the Zhan family rose to question after consulting with a few others. “I’ve spoken what I intended to.” The white-haired witch replied cryptically. “How you interpret it is up to you.” Why would she fall for such a trap? While she personally had no plans for expansion, she wouldn’t shackle the entire Xue Clan with such promises either. Being branded with "no trespassing" would make every future move precarious. The lack of a concrete promise caused unrest among the strong individuals below. No one there was naïve enough to be swayed by mere words into blind optimism. In the end, the white-haired witch had avoided making any useful commitments at all! Senior Xue allowed the crowd some time to descend into chaos, as the gathered representatives from various factions discussed noisily. “Ancestor,” Xin Er was massaging her shoulders as she whispered, “What exactly are your plans?” “What do you think the Xue Clan should do now?” Senior Xue asked, half-closing her eyes, enjoying the service of the young maidens. Having power and influence was indeed delightful—young maidens massaging her shoulders, offering her tea, and another providing leg massages. There was no need for her to lift a finger… As the leader of the Xue Clan, she could easily have seven maidens serving her every day, each one different from the last... “To be honest, the clan's growth has been a bit too rapid,” Xin Er thought carefully before answering. “Our previous leniency in recruitment has only shown the tip of negative implications. For future stability, I believe halting expansion after assimilating the Tian family's territory would be wise.” “You also mentioned that you’re not interested in the Realm of Void, so pouring too much effort into conflicts with other families would indeed deviate from your goals.” “Ah, Sister Xue, are you really not planning to stay in the Realm of Void?” Tian Er sounded a bit disappointed. “Why not take me with you? I’d love to see the outside world with you.” “Tian Er, stop with the childishness. We still have the Xue family to uphold for Senior Xue,” Xin Er scolded with a frown. “Besides, you know that people from the Realm of Void can’t replenish their strength outside.” “But…” “The unique properties of the Realm of Void may be troublesome, but they aren’t unsolvable,” Senior Xue smiled faintly. “In the future, when the opportunity arises, I will take you all out for a tour. As for now, you’re correct. Pursuing warfare contradicts my intentions. Yet, we cannot yield too hastily, or else we’ll invite oppression and bullying rather than command respect.” Thump! Thump! Thump! After a moment’s rest, Senior Xue tapped her mystical staff against the floor, bringing the assembly hall to immediate silence. “I understand that your main reason for coming here is to seek stability for the continent,” the white-haired witch began. “I can promise that for the next fifty years, the Xue Clan will refrain from expanding... provided you agree to my request.” “What request?” Hearing the witch’s willingness to negotiate, all attention was focused on her. “Each family present must provide me with a portion of their bloodline power,” she declared in an incontrovertible tone. “It must be at a core level, with a total volume not less than that of a Supreme-tier pinnacle fighter.” “What?!” The hall erupted into chaos once more. So this was her intention all along—after all those meaningless words, her ultimate goal was to seize bloodline power! Demon, villain, terrifying progenitor bloodline! “Don’t rush to oppose,” the white-haired witch added. “Consider this: once I gain your bloodline power, wouldn’t that eliminate the necessity to destroy you? Core level, Supreme power—though it sounds vast, if each of your family members contributes slightly, for superpowers like yours, it’s wholly manageable without any losses.” “I gain power; you gain peace. Is this not a mutually beneficial deal?” While the notion of Supreme-tier bloodline power seemed immense, to a super family, it was merely a drop in the ocean. “Mutually beneficial...” Was she once again taking them for fools? This agreement would fill the coffers of the Xue Clan and the Chief, yet all they would gain is the "peace" they ought to have in the first place... Even if it seemed unreasonable, no one was quick to step forward in opposition. Why? Because the Xue Clan leader indeed possessed the audacity backing such demands. Refusing her terms wasn’t out of the question; they merely needed the resolve to prepare for battle. “Chief Xue,” the female elder of the Gu family was the first to speak, “can we understand what level of power you might reach after absorbing the bloodline power from all ten families?” Legend holds that the primordial bloodline absorbs and culminates into the pinnacle of numerous bloodlines within the Realm of Void, yielding inconceivably monstrous power. Though the power of the white-haired witch was already unfathomably formidable. The ten great families couldn’t make the foolish move of “feeding the tiger with their own flesh.” What if after empowering her, the Chief Xue grew beyond control—what would they do then? “To be honest, I’m unsure,” Chief Xue shrugged. “Even without enhancement, I’m already considerably stronger than any of you. After absorbing your bloodlines, I suppose only certain legendary figures might pose a threat, while others won't be much of a trouble.” She admitted it… To lay the truth out so candidly—doesn’t she fear scaring off the representatives? “What good does lying do?” The white-haired witch appeared to see through their thoughts. “Would lying reduce my power? Your focus should not be whether I have the ability to crush the ten families, but rather if I have the capability to uphold the promises.” A strong individual seldom needs to compromise. The strategy of the super families, using numbers to intimidate the Xue Clan, was fundamentally flawed. If she held any significant attachment to the Realm of Void’s resources or cared for her reputation therein, maybe there would have been some consideration. Clearly, Chief Xue was utterly different from previous progenitor bloodline wielders. Before coming here, likely no one anticipated that the white-haired witch would hold such intentions, leaving them at a loss for immediate decision-making. Messengers were dispatched from the Beast Plains, bound for the various family domains. “Now that everyone’s here, shall we stretch a bit?” Senior Xue inquired with a smile. “There are plenty of bothersome void beasts around, aren’t there? Would you all like a bit of practice? Consider it a favor on my part…” Devil, definitely a devil—to have others fight for free and call it a favor—proving that formidable evil is intimidating, but an unscrupulous one is even more dreadful.