1087 - I Became a Villainess and Was Pestered by Beautiful Girls

After uttering these words, Senior Xue and Xiao Zhu both held their breath nervously. Communicating so directly with the will of the Heavenly Void, even for them, was incredibly pressuring. The Xue Clan Leader's jokes were meant to lighten the mood. "But what if we're rejected? Would it mean Xiao Zhu could never become a deity? Would she rebel? Would she stop liking such an unremarkable master like myself?" "Yes." Surprisingly, the Heavenly Void responded swiftly and affirmatively. "Really?" Xiao Zhu asked skeptically, "Are you sure you want to give me your approval? To be honest, there are reasons why the Will of Nine Continents resists Tang Xin." "Hey, did you mistakenly call me Tang Xin?" "I know," the Ultimate Senior Sister nodded, "Nine Continents has so much more to consider and know than I do. Its focus on Tang Xin is meant to address this issue right at the source." "This issue? What issue?" Senior Xue scratched her head. "The chaos of the world," the response came, "Actually, the time and space we find ourselves in now..." Though the Ultimate Senior Sister continued speaking, the White-haired Witch couldn’t hear a word, as if something was cutting off her senses. She knew what was happening. 【It’s not yet time.】 "Not yet time?" 【It’s not yet time. You need to find the Magic Lock first to understand things clearly.】 "Alright then." The bizarre silence lasted only a moment, as the will of the Heavenly Void seemed to sense the situation and voluntarily fell silent. "It seems 'she' doesn’t intend to let you know the reasons," commented the Ultimate Senior Sister, "You'll have to uncover it yourself." "You’re quite humane, at least better than the Nine Continents," said the White-haired Witch. "For now, help my friend ascend to become a deity." "Okay," came the answer, "I will grant her approval, allowing her to become a deity. But first, you need to do something for me." "Ha?" Senior Xue raised her eyebrows. Indeed, it's quite human-like... even learning the human tactic of leaving sentences half-finished! As expected, there's no free lunch in the world! "You could consider this a test from the Heavenly Void," the answer continued, "Of course, you can refuse. I will still upgrade her to deity status, but afterwards, she must stay behind." "No, absolutely not," Senior Xue flatly refused, "Tell me, what needs to be done?" "You need to retrieve a deity," she instructed. "It's named 'Infatuation Lock.' Bring it back, and I'll return your deity to you." "Wait a minute, isn't the deity of the Void supposed to be under your jurisdiction?" Senior Xue asked with confusion. "Why do you need me to retrieve it?" "Deities have spirits, self-awareness, and wisdom," explained the will of the Heavenly Void, "Unexpected situations can occur. For instance, you've seen the War Staff, which is one such case, though it failed." "So there have been successes..." Tang Xin looked at Xiao Zhu, nodding, "Alright, I'll bring back the deity." "Tang Xin..." The spirit beauty showed a look of hesitation. Instinctively, she felt the will of the Heavenly Void wouldn't be so "kind." On the surface, the task of retrieving the deity doesn't seem to put any pressure on Tang Xin, suggesting something is amiss. "Worried I'll get into trouble outside?" The White-haired Witch raised her thumb. "Don't worry, even if the spirit of the deity is a stunning beauty, I won't look twice!" "Just go..." Xiao Zhu turned her head away, not wanting to see her shameless companion. The Ultimate Senior Sister waved her hand, and a space portal appeared ahead. "And my body?" The White-haired Witch pointed to her body, which was occupied by the will of the Heavenly Void. "I'll borrow it for a while," came the reply. "As compensation, I'll give you a hint... Remember, you must bring back the ‘deity.’" Senior Xue nodded, patted the head of the spirit beauty, and then jumped into the space portal. After she left, the Ultimate Senior Sister summoned a cluster of multicolored light, enveloping the deity broom within it. "The process will be painful," she warned. "But you should be able to endure it." "You didn’t trick her, did you?" Before entering the light cluster, Xiao Zhu turned and asked. The Ultimate Senior Sister didn’t answer, merely flicked her fingers, sending her into the light. "I didn’t expect you would choose to help her." Behind the will of the Heavenly Void, flickering lights gradually formed the outline of a woman. "Aren’t you supposed to be more conservative and rigid than the Nine Continents?" "I'm just doing what needs to be done," the will of the Heavenly Void replied without turning back. "This issue stems from you, so I want to ask one thing." "Can she truly meet anyone’s expectations?" ... Stepping through the space portal, in a blink, Senior Xue arrived in a place resembling a paradise. Nestled by mountains and rivers, lush and vibrant, with birds chirping and flowers blooming, the villagers bustling about were mostly of first-level lineage, or just ordinary bloodlines. Is this where the renegade deity is supposed to be? Senior Xue thought she’d be capturing some mindless, ruthless deity that required righteous justice. But if this deity still has reason, that would be preferable. Communicating with this deity and convincing them to return voluntarily would naturally result in a perfect resolution. She sensed the surroundings, finding no sign of the deity. Yet this was no obstacle for the White-haired Witch. She spread her bloodline power and detected a unique energy trace within her domain. After all, a deity is a deity. No matter how well-hidden, it can’t completely "disappear." Adjusting her composure, donning a smile, she followed the trace to a wooden cabin. Creak— Before she could even speak, the door was pushed open from the inside, and out stepped a beauty of unparalleled charm. Her long hair set elegantly, a tear mole at the corner of her eye, dressed in plain robes that couldn’t hide an aura that made anyone lose their heart at first sight. Without a doubt, this was a stunning beauty who could captivate to the point where the White-haired Witch nearly reconsidered her loyalties. "So you've come after all..." The beauty's voice carried a gentle fragility, invoking an uncontrollable urge to protect and pity. "Ahem," Senior Xue cleared her throat to cover her moment of distraction and awkwardness, "You must be Infatuation Lock, right? I've come by the order of the Heavenly Void to, uh, invite... capture you back." "Do you think," the woman sighed softly in return, "That I would easily give up the almost infinite freedom I’ve gained?" "Uh, probably not..." Senior Xue touched her face, assessing the woman's strength. A fully realized deity is quite formidable, its divine domain alone would be enough for seventh-level powerhouses to drink up. Yet after absorbing all ten great family bloodlines, she's surpassed the seventh level, and it may be possible to subdue her directly. "I suggest you come back with me," she advised. "Defying the will of the Heavenly Void has severe consequences, which I've experienced firsthand." "Since you've experienced it, you should not advise me." The woman raised her arm, where an iron chain coiled, ending in an ancient bronze lock that pulsed with powerful energy. And at that moment... "A Lock, do not be rude to our guest."