Chapter 53: How Could Teacher Kakashi Be So Cute - The White Eyed Princess of Konoha

### Chapter 53: How Could Teacher Kakashi Be So Cute The as-yet-unfinished grand bridge exuded a unique aesthetic in its incompleteness, poised majestically against the horizon. A gentle breeze caressed the surface of the sea, which mirrored the sky's hues. The verdant waters extended towards the horizon, mingling indistinctly where sea and sky blurred together. A young girl sat at the edge of the bridge, fishing rod in hand, her legs dangling and swinging carelessly, embodying a rare moment of serene leisure. Beside her, a silver-haired youth leaned back on one hand, the other clutching a book, lost in the beautiful world described within—an image of tranquil idyll. What a truly heartwarming and serene scene. Heartwarming, my foot! (□′)┻━┻ Kakashi had to be doing this on purpose! This middle-aged seasoned rogue was surely crafting this ambience intentionally, and his aim couldn't be innocent. Could he be trying to woo me? Does Kakashi not sense how awkward the atmosphere is right now? Hinata could hardly bear it, compelled to start a conversation to break the silence. "Kakashi-sensei, did you ever have a girl you liked before?" Kakashi's single visible eye lifted slightly from his book to cast a glance at Hinata. Hinata got the message loud and clear—Kakashi had no intention of engaging, the eye-roll said it all. "In just a few years, you'll be thirty, right, Kakashi-sensei?" "Do you plan on participating in matchmaking?" "Most people would be married with kids at your age, right, Kakashi-sensei?" "There must be quite a few eligible women among the jōnin. Do you fancy any, Kakashi-sensei?" "Let me tell you, when pursuing a girl, you must be proactive. Don’t hesitate to express your feelings. Confess straightaway. If once isn't enough, try twice. Thick skin is essential." "Kakashi-sensei, although we're ninja, there’s more to life than missions! You could take on fewer missions and stop hiding in your home with books all the time. Go out more, meet some girls!" “……” Taking on the manner of a worried parental figure, Hinata pressed on, seemingly intent on steering Kakashi down the path of matrimony. From initial inquiries, she eventually moved on to advising Kakashi on how to court a girlfriend. Nearly thirty and still causing concern! At first, Kakashi merely felt awkward, but then Hinata's chatter grew incessant and tiresome. Was Hinata off her meds today? Finally putting down his book, Kakashi gave Hinata a puzzled look, internally reflecting on what he might have done to upset Hinata recently. This current mission wasn’t particularly problematic, after all... Besides, Naruto and Sasuke were shouldering most of the responsibility. If anyone deserved Hinata’s ire, it should be Naruto and Sasuke, not him! Kakashi pondered, "Could Hinata be upset that I didn’t ask Tazuna for a place to stay? But that sort of request is a tricky one to make!" He glanced at Hinata again, noting her slightly angry demeanor. Ah, girls' feelings! They are indeed hard to decipher. Seeing Kakashi's bewildered expression, Hinata decided to give him a hint. Scooting a centimeter away, Hinata made her intentions known without words. It wasn’t laziness; such movement was tedious. Better let Kakashi figure it out and move away himself. Kakashi, with his keen shinobi instincts, quickly perceived Hinata's intent. Silently lamenting, “Am I really so unappealing to the opposite sex?” he looked at Hinata, who returned his gaze. “Did I offend you?” he asked. “No, but I’m wary of misunderstandings.” “What misunderstandings?” “Didn’t you notice the odd tension just now?” “……” Their eyes exchanged understanding, and each grasped what the other meant. Kakashi stretched lazily. Me, pursue a kid like you? Please. Hinata responded with disdain. Middle-aged men with a taste for young girls? I’m onto you. Kakashi stubbornly remained, unwilling to cede ground out of teacherly pride. Hinata also stayed put. I'm Hinata of the Ōtsutsuki, destined for greatness. How could I fear a mere mortal like you? And so, Hinata continued fishing, while Kakashi resumed his reading. Gradually, the atmosphere returned to its previous warmth and tranquility... A young girl fished leisurely, while a youth read lazily... As noon approached, Hinata had caught thirteen fish, the largest weighing a hefty five pounds. Eyes gleaming with hope, Hinata looked to Kakashi and pleaded, “Kakashi-sensei, pretty please!” It was, after all, the four of them’s lunch. Though Tazuna’s daughter brought meals for the bridge workers, it was nowhere near enough to satisfy Hinata’s appetite. Moreover, after a morning of training, Naruto and Sasuke also needed to replenish their energy and nutrients. Despite this, did Kakashi care? "You catch your own fish, you cook them." Turning aside, Kakashi continued his reading, ignoring Hinata’s attempts at cuteness. Hinata knew nothing of cooking. Accustomed to a pampered life, she hadn’t developed such skills—cooking was beyond her. “Kakashi-sensei, don’t you want to eat fish? It’s really tasty!” “I eat light. A little will suffice for me.” Damn! How humiliating! Hinata felt a sting. What do you mean you eat light? Are you suggesting I eat a lot? Even if it’s true, Hinata always denied it. I’m just storing enough food for the next few weeks, like a camel. I can’t really eat that much in one sitting. Or maybe, I’ve somehow learned the Akimichi clan’s secret technique of storing chakra with fat… Hinata glanced down at a certain area, nodding. Yes, it’s all chakra stored there. How else would I be so powerful? Just try and fight me if you doubt it! Moving away by over a meter from Kakashi, Hinata resolved never to speak to him again in this lifetime—their friendship was over. After a pause, she huffed, “Fine, let Naruto and Sasuke starve then.” She had been willing to deliver a meal to Naruto and Sasuke if it meant getting Kakashi to cook. But now, with her own meal at stake, why care if the two of them starved? Besides, Hinata had a score to settle with Naruto. Let him starve for all she cared. Glancing at Kakashi, she noticed Tazuna busy behind him. “If Naruto and Sasuke starve, it’s definitely not Kakashi-sensei’s fault.” “They’re still so young, growing, and don’t even have enough to eat…” “Sigh! In this vast world, only I, their teammate, seem to care!” “……” Kakashi gazed skyward in exasperation. What had he done in past lives to end up with Hinata as a subordinate? “Fine, you win!”