Chapter 77: The Unlucky Li - The White Eyed Princess of Konoha

## Chapter 77: The Unlucky Li "The Lotus of Konoha will blossom once more!" It was clear to everyone that Li, who knew no ninjutsu or genjutsu, stood no chance against Gaara, who could manipulate sand and had an impenetrable defense. Li could rely only on his sheer physical prowess. The Eight Gates was his only trump card. Kakashi shifted his headband to reveal the Sharingan and quietly said to Hinata, "Hinata, watch the upcoming fight carefully." Hinata: "???" Why should I watch closely? What are you really trying to say? Hinata muttered, her eyes on Li down below, "Is it worth it?" Is it worth it? Kakashi wasn't sure how to answer Hinata's question. For many, this was merely a Chūnin Exam. Even if they failed this time, there was always a next time, countless next times. But for Li, winning this fight was his ninja way. All of Li's chosen opponents had passed the preliminaries and made it to the third exam. Li did not want to be the only one falling short here. Honestly, Hinata admired Guy and Li. In a world obsessed with lineages and hailed as the "Legend of Eyes," they reached the pinnacle of strength solely through hard work. Even if their peak shone as temporarily as a firework, they still left a lasting impression on the world. Suddenly, Hinata didn't want to say anything more. She simply wanted to watch quietly, to witness Li's first, and most brilliant, self-unveiling. "The Third Gate... Gate of Life... open!" Below, Li's body turned crimson, veins popped across his face, and his eyes turned white, all supported by sheer willpower. "Ahhhhhh!" Li roared in pain as he opened the Fourth Gate, the Gate of Pain. 'Thud!' Li vanished instantly from the spot. The mere shockwave of his movement shattered the floor of the hall, and the wind blew fiercely, forcing the spectators to raise their arms in defense. However, the cost for this overwhelmingly powerful burst was heavy. Every capillary on Li's skin had burst, his muscles torn, his whole body reddened like a steamed lobster! For the first time, Gaara was moved by Li's resolve. But before he could react, his jaw was struck heavily, sending him flying like a bullet. Even Gaara's automatic sand defense couldn't keep up with Li's speed. 'Bang Bang Bang' Gaara was kicked around like a ball, his so-called ultimate sand armor was brutally shattered by Li's relentless strikes. Hinata, having activated her Byakugan long ago, wore a solemn expression. Even against a Li like this, she'd likely rely only on her Heavenly Rotation for defense. She could only parry, lacking strength for a counterattack. The final strike! Opening the Fifth Gate, Gate of Limit, Li's muscles tore further, and the excruciating pain caused a momentary hesitation in his movements. Gaara's actions were clear to Hinata's Byakugan, but there was no one to warn Li. Li's last strike... so strong! Yet, it still missed its target. Opening merely five gates, though Li's speed was astounding, his attack lacked power. Though Gaara's sand armor had been broken, Li's two consecutive punches after opening the Gate of Limit couldn't seriously injure Gaara. The gourd turned into sand, cushioning Gaara's fall and breaking his descent. Li landed on the ground, pale and barely able to move. Hinata cried out, "Guy-sensei!" Unless Li personally conceded, only his supervising jonin, Guy, could declare for him. This was a battle between Konoha and Sand Village. No one could interfere unless one side surrendered or the proctor intervened. Gaara, clearly drained, didn't have time to wrap Li entirely with sand. The sand clung to Li's left hand and foot, only to be dispersed by another force. In the first round, Gaara had already showcased his 'Sand Binding Coffin'. Without needing Hinata's warning, Guy was well-prepared. "Hu~" Hinata let out a small sigh of relief, lowering her heart from her throat. Hinata truly appreciated Li. During the second exam, she didn't want Gaara to pass, mainly because she didn't want Li to be severely injured. I've worried so much for you! Luckily, you're okay. Hinata sighed quietly, whispering almost inaudibly, "Destiny is a lament of the weak, luck is the modesty of the strong. Li just lacks a bit of luck." Yes, Li had the power to change his 'destiny’. He just needed a little more luck. Hinata wouldn't pity Li's failure. As Li himself would say: To a man ready to face his fate, any sympathy or pity is an insult. Glancing at her comrades, Hinata felt warmth in her heart, seeing how everyone was gradually becoming stronger. Kakashi, overhearing her, felt both surprised and gratified. My Hinata is finally thinking clearly. Thinking of past days, Kakashi felt a burden. It's so hard for me! It seems letting Hinata watch Li's struggle did have some effect. Kakashi placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder, about to offer some encouragement. Hinata shot him a glance and coldly said, "Stop touching me, or I'll shout..." Emmm... It was finally Choji’s turn to fight. “Choji, you can do it! You're the best!” Hinata took on the role of a cheerleader, rallying Ino, Sakura, and Tenten to loudly cheer for their comrade. They also vented the pent-up emotions from the previous match. Seeing Li push himself so hard, gambling with his life, only to fall short—it left everyone in a gloomy mood. Hinata remained uplifted, unwilling to dwell on frustration, it simply wasn’t in her nature. People often say there’s untold sorrow behind every smile shown. But Hinata didn’t want to be that kind of person. Reborn into this life, Hinata only wished to live it joyfully. Proving one’s worth—that’s living for others. True joy belongs to oneself alone. The fight between Choji and Dosu was incredibly amusing. Every time Dosu tried to close the distance, Choji ran off, throwing kunai bombs at him from afar. 'Boom boom boom' Explosions echoed across the arena. Dosu rolled around everywhere in a pathetic state. Though his gauntlet weapon could send sound waves, it couldn't counter the kunai bombs from a distance. "Choji! Go for it!" "Choji! You're the strongest!" "Choji! You're the best!" Choji never felt as cool as he did at that moment, a group of charmers cheering for him, his presence rivaling Sasuke’s. Without knowing it, Choji struck a pose... “Watch my ultimate move…”