297 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 297: The Intricacies of Huang "Tai Tai" Su Qi squinted her eyes instinctively in response to the disdainful look and tone directed at her. While her temper was generally mild, she wasn't someone to be easily bullied. Gazing at Huang Teacher, who looked bossy and high-handed, Su Qi—whose face tempers seemed directed at—responded: "Rather than searching for personal causes, perhaps you should first examine the issues within your teaching method. Isn't that where your failure lies?" In fact, Su Qi wanted to express something even harsher. However, with her elder brother and a high school student present, it wasn't solely about the two of them. Ultimately, she opted for this more tactful approach. Zhao Tian Ci, watching Su Qi stand up for him, felt a newfound confidence and said: "If Su Teacher were our homeroom teacher, I’d definitely ensure the entire class writes a composition." Su Qi was momentarily taken aback by Zhao Tian Ci’s words. Isn't he just leading her into a trap? Yet, upon reconsideration, Su Qi realized it might not be such a bad idea after all. After all, if she became a teacher, it would give her a legitimate reason to remain at this high school, continually enjoying such a remarkable learning environment. With this in mind, Su Qi began to think it might indeed be a good suggestion. Almost immediately, she heard the voice of the System. "Ding! Feeling your intense desire to become a teacher, a new task has been issued—become a Homeroom Teacher 1 (a continuous task). Task description: Slack host, provoked by Huang Teacher's derision, ignites her hidden fighting spirit. Now, replace Huang Teacher as the homeroom teacher of Class 212!" Task reward: A book titled "Road to the Rise of the Weak Student." Failure penalty: None. Seeing that there was no failure penalty attached to this task, Su Qi felt a bit sentimental. This little System truly does consider her circumstances; it even omitted any penalties. Thinking it over, Su Qi understood, having spun many grand tales herself, such minor penalties would hardly matter. However, Su Qi had no intention of failing. She was feeling quite spirited now, and indeed, it was a great opportunity. "If I were the homeroom teacher, I'd definitely be more competent than you!" Su Wei Yi was surprised upon hearing Su Qi’s words. These years had seen a drastic change in Su Qi, given that she used to avoid direct eye contact with him, her brother. Let alone challenging Huang Teacher, who had been teaching for six years, exemplifying the mature attitude of an experienced professional. Watching Su Qi raise her head to meet Huang Xiao Kou, who was standing in high heels, with unwavering eyes, and then observing Zhao Tian Ci's admiring gaze, Su Wei Yi suddenly thought, perhaps letting Su Qi become the homeroom teacher might not be a bad idea. One might say it's reckless of the principal to make such a decision. After all, Su Qi doesn't have a teaching certification; she's still a student. But it all depends on the class situation. With the average score of Class 212 being around 200, it's obvious these students aren't invested in learning, lacking even the basic attitude needed for exams. Why then, as the principal, is Su Wei Yi willing to take on such students? In simple terms, it's about funding. As a private high school, while its establishment aims at nurturing and educating, it also requires adequate funds to maintain the environment and teaching staff, ensuring a positive cycle. After all, expecting the horse to run without feeding it is a widely resisted notion nowadays, which is why some problematic students were inevitably admitted. Regarding problematic students, it doesn’t refer to physically challenged ones, but those who don't exhibit the typical enthusiasm for learning as regular high school students do. Various factors contribute to this, with a significant reason being these kids are too wealthy to care. They believe, "With so much money, why should I bother studying arduously?" Thus, the students of Class 212 attend this high school merely to appease their parents, using schooling as a pretext. Consequently, the parents mostly adopt a laissez-faire approach, as long as their kids aren't expelled, allowing them to fool around. Therefore, Su Wei Yi was driven by a sudden impulse to let Su Qi take charge as the homeroom teacher. Potentially, a unique approach might harvest unimaginable outcomes. Presently, his sister could indeed be considered quite prominent, and she carries a semblance of a teacher. Nevertheless, prior to proceeding, Su Wei Yi needed to assess whether his sister truly had the capacity to fulfill the role. He also had to confirm whether her intention was just bluster. While Su Wei Yi pondered these things, "Little girl, I suppose you just graduated! You must be uninformed about the current classroom situation to be so outspoken. If you genuinely become the homeroom teacher, you'll be in for a rough time. Trust me, don't get involved in these murky waters—for your own good!" Huang Xiao Kou, hearing Su Qi's rebuttal, uttered a long string of words. Hearing that phrase "for your own good," Su Qi felt even more motivated. She detested when others, after delivering a slew of arguments, capped it off with the phrase "for your own good." Remember, the reason Su Qi left home alone to attend Su Da during her freshman year was precisely because Su Lu Jun said "for your own good." This spurred countless nights of contemplation about the true concept of "for your own good." Ultimately, Su Qi realized that phrase only burdens the listener while providing the speaker with comfort. Looking at Huang Xiao Kou in her seasoned demeanor, Su Qi was just about to use a "for your own good" retort when, She heard her brother speak: "It seems you've prepared for a rational departure, Huang Teacher?" Hearing this, Su Qi was puzzled, and so was Zhao Tian Ci. Su Wei Yi's question seemed abrupt since their discussion was centered around changing the homeroom teacher. How did the conversation suddenly leap to resignations? Actually, this was something Su Qi and Zhao Tian Ci, as outsiders, might not understand. As a teacher, especially in this high-paying private high school, it’s expected to have genuine skills. Su Wei Yi couldn’t believe that a teacher he hired would publicly berate her own inability to manage Class 212 or demean a class in front of the students, such a basic error. Which left one reason: Huang Xiao Kou wanted to resign. This was merely her way of pushing towards resignation since contracts had a yearly term and salaries were settled at year-end. She seemed eager to leave, hence this approach. Honestly, such situations weren’t rare for Su Wei Yi. After all, attending this prestigious international high school meant most students came from affluent backgrounds. Teachers here, during tutoring sessions, would gradually come into contact with some elite circles. Most family friends of these students were wealthy too. Female teachers sometimes found themselves enveloped in love, given their own exceptional qualities. Many opted to become affluent tied wives rather than continue their careers. Having been principal for several years, Su Wei Yi had seen a lot, not finding this phenomenon odd. But he was somewhat annoyed with how Huang Xiao Kou handled her profession. Then, Su Wei Yi handed over a resignation form, saying, "Treating students this way will eventually shut the door on your teaching career. Are you sure about this?" Huang Xiao Kou took the resignation form without responding, glanced through it, and nonchalantly pulled out the pen from her collar, swiftly signing her name. She then left the principal's office without a backward glance. Upon leaving, she was no longer Huang Teacher, but either Huang Xiao Kou or perhaps Mrs. Huang. She felt an overwhelming sense of relief. As Su Wei Yi predicted, she found her perfect match, a wealthy groom. Having just received their marriage certificate two days ago, her future required no hard work. Being a Mrs. Huang was sufficient. Initially, she intended to persevere until year-end. However, the kids in Class 212, overly pampered by helicopter parenting, presented too many challenges. Recently, bathed in love, pampered by her husband, Huang Xiao Kou developed a condition known as "Princess Syndrome." The primary symptom of which is an aversion to grievances. Hence, during the mid-term exams, Seeing almost the entire class neglecting essay writing, the condition erupted. As Huang Tai Tai slowly walked out of the school, she saw her husband, recently licensed and driving a Cadillac to pick her up, and felt immensely sweet. Before entering the car, she glanced back at the school where she had worked for years, observing the bustling scenes of campus life with students and staff engaged in their tasks. At that moment, Huang Xiao Kou couldn’t help but sigh: For the rest of the time, just watch as I outdo you! Friendly reminder: If you find this book interesting, add it to your shelf to avoid losing it in the future. Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter | Contact Us