299 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

### Chapter 299: My Sister, What a Talent! After fifty-three minutes, Su Qi meticulously checked the test paper once more to ensure all blanks were filled, and then handed it over to her elder brother. It's worth mentioning that with an IQ of 7, paired with this uniform set's "focus aura," solving questions became quite an enjoyable experience. Even after finishing, Su Qi felt a sense of fulfillment. As Su Wei Yi glanced at the paper his little sister handed over, he asked, "You're done?" Su Qi nodded. It was quite odd, considering she had been completing it right in front of him, and he had been watching her for a while. "Aren't you going to check it again?" he continued. Su Qi shook her head. She had a habit when doing English questions: after completing a major section, she'd skim through it, which she counted as her form of checking. Given the nature of many reading comprehension or cloze test questions, or those requiring personal viewpoints, they could often get confusing during a final review. Thus, this test paper was already checked, leaving no need for another review. Despite many questions that required presenting viewpoints being relatively novel to her, for which Su Qi had limited experience, she couldn’t guarantee a high score. However, she was quite confident in most of the multiple-choice questions and predicted scoring a solid 200 marks wasn't far-fetched. Examining his sister’s assured demeanor, Su Wei Yi found her answers unlikely to be mere guesses. So, he sat by the computer to look for answers to compare with her paper. This entrance exam for teachers at Said International High School was crafted exclusively by internal faculty, resulting in no public leakage or accessible answers online, assuring that Su Qi hadn't cheated. Holding the test paper, Su Wei Yi began comparing it question by question with the computer-stored answers. All multiple choice questions were correct? Su Wei Yi surmised Su Qi's basic skills are solid and even brilliant, befitting her status as a top student from Su University. Climbing to the cloze test, she got everything right too? He was surprised because even among their faculty, there were none who aced this portion. Reading comprehension, also flawless. At this point, Su Wei Yi began to suspect that maybe Su Qi peeked at his computer for answers; otherwise, how could she finish both quickly and excellently? Scoring 15 out of 20 on selective questions, too? After moving past his initial shock, he couldn’t help but remain impressed. Luckily, Su Qi had weaknesses; in essays requiring subjective viewpoints, a few points were lost. This aspect was understandable to Su Wei Yi, given she hadn't taken the teacher qualification exam and had only experienced high school and university-level English. Such subjective questions were unfamiliar to her, making them difficult. That said, even without considering subjective questions and essays, Su Qi's score surpassed the benchmark he had set for her. Now, Su Wei Yi was intensely curious to know how much his youngest sister could actually score. To avoid any accusations of unfair subjective scoring by himself, he fetched an English teacher who was off-duty to co-assess the paper with him. Twenty minutes later, not only was Su Wei Yi stunned, but the summoned English teacher was speechless. After all, she had struggled arduously to score 267 back in the day. In contrast, the youthful woman ahead of them scored a staggering 276, using merely an hour to complete the exam, as reported by the principal. This showcase of genius made the teacher feel immense pressure. Yet simultaneously, there was relief that if such a gifted woman were linked with their school, her standing would flourish alongside theirs. Offering Su Qi an encouraging whisper of "Good luck!" she departed. Now back in the room, only Su Wei Yi and Su Qi remained. He cast another look at the test paper and then at Su Qi, astonished by the realization that his long-overlooked sister was indeed a hidden talent. Recalling his earlier promise, he glanced at the 212 class schedule and turned to Su Qi, “I have some things to attend to, but after I’m done, I’ll take you to see Class 212.” Hearing her brother's words, Su Qi couldn’t help but feel excited. After all, if she truly became the class teacher, wouldn't that mean she'd be able to stay at the school indefinitely? Meanwhile, Zhao Tian Ci returned to Class 212 and informed the classmates of the news of Old Lady Huang’s resignation. The whole class perked up upon hearing the news. Honestly, while Old Lady Huang was tolerable during freshman year, by sophomore year, the students realized their homeroom teacher had become increasingly pretentious. Her attitude had cooled from initial enthusiasm and her comments toward the students had become increasingly crude. Nobody enjoys being subjected to sarcastic remarks. Even though Class 212’s students weren't academically inclined, they still maintained proper values. They respected their teachers, but Old Lady Huang had crossed the line, provoking them into silent protest by opting not to write essays in exams to critique her in silence. Unexpectedly, the protest turned serendipitous as Ms. Huang unexpectedly tendered her resignation, leaving Su Qi to take her place. Class 212, known for harboring problem students, differed from other classes having over forty students; their class only had thirty, with just twenty-four present during lessons. The physics teacher, hearing the soft buzz of whispers below, didn’t mind much, as long as it wasn’t excessive. Aware that the students in this particular class didn't heed lessons, addressing it sometimes felt pointless. Yet the hushed discussions grew increasingly louder. Occasionally, expressions like “Oh, the group admin!” or "Fei Ji" would resonate. “Go Fei Ji, don't make Teacher Su upset.” [Teacher Su, hehe, Teacher Su] This rumor began circulating among the boys, yet due to the small class size, it soon reached the girls’ circle as well. A glance at Su Qi's photo and whispers of admiration spread; after all, her captivating looks and charming, cute video persona left quite the impression. Girls, being natural admirers of beauty, felt that having such a charming class teacher would brighten their mood daily. Quickly, the class atmosphere animated, visible to any onlooker peeking through the window. In the back left corner of the room was a small figure, hair concealing her beautiful eyes, and fair skin tinged with an unhealthy pallor. Her small frame seemed encapsulated in a world of her own, impervious to the teacher's lectures or the whispers of classmates. *[Note: The page offers features to toggle between simplified and traditional Chinese characters, adjust font size, and change reading background colors.]*