328 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

**Chapter 328: The Last-Place Wager (Third Update)** Su Qi heard her phone ringing and instinctively reached for it, only to find that she touched a small head instead. She suddenly remembered the little girl snuggling in her arms. Worried, she quickly checked to see if she'd hurt her. Xiao Xiao's heart was racing. Even though the touch was as fleeting as a dragonfly skimming water, the sensation was intoxicating, like a poppy, leaving her a little addicted. Just as she was adjusting her breathing and preparing to sneak another forbidden touch, the alarm clock went off. This made the guilty Xiao Xiao bury her head in Su Qi's chest in embarrassment. Su Qi had no idea what the little girl had just done. She only saw Xiao Xiao with her head nestled against her chest, looking as if she were asleep, and she seemed even smaller. Gently, she poked Xiao Xiao's cheek, slowly brushing aside her bangs. Su Qi watched as Xiao Xiao gradually opened her eyes—her doll-like face coupled with a harmless expression reminiscent of a small animal, her cheeks slightly reddened from breathlessness due to Su Qi's embrace. She was so cute that Su Qi felt an urge to plant a kiss on her. Moreover, without the bangs, Xiao Xiao's attractiveness was truly remarkable. Su Qi thought she should take the opportunity to bring Xiao Xiao to a hair salon to trim her bangs—after all, girls should always be pretty. Since they had to be at school today, Su Qi set the alarm for seven. They planned to head to the cafeteria for breakfast afterwards. But before that, Su Qi had a question she wanted to confirm with Xiao Xiao. "Xiao Xiao, how is your body feeling today?" When Xiao Xiao heard Su Qi's question, she touched her little heart with both hands, fearing her mischief had been discovered. Once her guilt subsided, she carefully considered Su Qi's question. She was surprised to find that she was breathing smoothly today despite not taking her medication. Her big eyes lit up instantly. Could this be the power of liking Teacher Su? Though Su Qi was unsure of what was going through Xiao Xiao’s mind, seeing her bright, shining eyes, she understood that the jade seal might have played a role in this change. After washing up, she took Xiao Xiao to the cafeteria to start a new day of school life. Incidentally, before the afternoon class, Su Qi received another call from Xiao Xiao’s mother, Chu Qin, requesting her to look after Xiao Xiao again today as she was rather busy lately and Xiao Jinyu was on a business trip. Considering Xiao Xiao’s medical condition, and the jade seal could offer some relief, Su Qi readily agreed. Plus, she genuinely liked the adorable little girl, although she found Chu Qin's request somewhat peculiar. But after all, what could happen between two girls? Even if Xiao Xiao harbored thoughts similar to her own wives, Anning or Zijin, she appeared too timid to cause any real trouble. Besides, with Xiao Xiao’s strength at level 2, compared to Su Qi’s level 3, how could she possibly win? Humph! In Class 212, due to their recent confidence from completing various test papers, the time passed quickly. In the third class of the afternoon, they welcomed a long-lost physical education period. Class 212 was relatively fortunate compared to other classes because their PE teacher was in better health. However, today's PE class didn't bring joy to Class 212. The boys were playing ball enthusiastically, and just as class monitor Zhao Tianci scored a three-pointer and was about to show off, Tang Zihan tapped his shoulder and motioned towards a group of girls. Zhao Tianci followed Tang Zihan’s direction and saw a group of girls closely gathered. 212 was a special class, unlike the usual forty-student classes, they only had 25. Among them were only eleven girls, and after excluding the frail Xiao Xiao, there were only ten. Now, Zhao Tianci saw their own girls surrounded. If this had been a few days ago, Zhao Tianci, who was prejudiced against girls, wouldn’t have cared. But since they changed seats and interacted more over the past days, he discovered girls were quite pleasant to get along with. At least not as exaggerated as those outrageous online remarks. Sometimes their little gestures were rather cute too. Moreover, as the class monitor elected by everyone, he couldn’t stand by while his classmates were bullied. So, he ran over towards the group of girls. Seeing Zhao Tianci rush over, Tang Zihan and other boys also stopped their game and followed him to see what was going on. The sight of over a dozen boys charging over quickly captured the attention of Class 210's boys, who were having their PE class too. They also set down their balls and ran over. Soon, the center of the playground was divided between the two classes. At this moment, Class 212’s female monitor Wang Ying, seeing her male classmates also coming over and standing behind her, felt more confident due to the numbers. She pointed at a girl from Class 210, saying, "Li Ya, apologize to Zhang Yishu!" The boys of Class 212, while not knowing exactly what happened, saw Zhang Yishu embraced by Wang Ying, tears rolling down her cheeks, looking as if she had been bullied. They glared angrily at their counterparts in Class 210. Class 210 had 52 people, looking at Class 212, only half their size and yet so full of attitude, they too returned with glares. This situation quickly attracted the attention of the PE teacher, who rushed over to get to the bottom of it. Here's what happened: High school girls generally have less athletic aptitude than boys, and sports like basketball or soccer aren't really their thing. Most girls prefer finding a shady spot during PE class to chat or watch videos. However, with Teacher Su’s recent impact, the learning atmosphere in Class 212 had improved. Zhang Yishu was puzzled by a math question from the recent class and decided to ask Wang Ying about it. Wang Ying, ashamed to admit that she forgot how she solved the question, began discussing it with Zhang under a big tree. Just then, Li Ya from Class 210 passed by and saw the two engrossed in math. She couldn't help but snide, "Hah, as if you guys are studying." Upon hearing this, Wang Ying, in a fit of anger, confronted her and demanded an apology. Had she been alone, Li Ya might have apologized, but she was with three close friends and didn’t want to lose face, so she argued instead. As their voices escalated, more girls from Class 210 gathered, directing their ire outwards. Zhang Yishu, usually a bit introverted, started shedding tears after being accused by a number of perceived troublemakers. The PE teacher, understanding the situation, instructed Li Ya to apologize, since she was the one who started it all. Reluctantly, Li Ya apologized. However, someone from Class 210 then insulted, "Losers will always be losers. Study all you want, for nothing!" Furious at these words, Zhao Tianci, feeling the heat of the moment, yelled at the students of Class 210, "Want to prove it? Let’s compare results in the final exam and see who the real loser is." Upon hearing Zhao Tianci’s challenge, several students from Class 210 burst into laughter. Thus, the wager between Class 212 and Class 210 commenced, setting the stakes of exam results to determine who would be dubbed the losers. **Note:** If searching by book name doesn’t work, try searching by the author’s name, as it might have been renamed. Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter