343 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 343: The Farewell, I Wish Not to Know (3rd update) After the exams, the class teachers of each class convened brief meetings. Although they were called class meetings, Su Qi felt they were more like notifications. The content was straightforward: students were informed that the following day was a break, and the day after, they should attend class at 8 AM without any books, just themselves. Teachers of each subject would review the exam papers, and at 6 PM, there would be a parent-teacher meeting. The high school students would finally have a long-awaited one-month holiday. As Su Qi approached the back door of class 212, she was met with the sound of excited chatter. Hearing the system's completion notification, Su Qi learned that they had performed quite well in the exams. After all, their average score had surpassed 400, which was remarkable compared to their previous average of 200. The students were understandably thrilled. Peering through the window, Su Qi noticed many students comparing answers with their peers, discussing whether they had solved certain questions correctly. Occasionally, sighs or snickers would erupt. This scene reminded Su Qi of her own high school days, where post-exam discussions were common. Unlike then, when she was somewhat introverted and most students were confident about their performance post-exam, she now found herself enjoying the lively atmosphere of class 212. Hidden by the back door, Su Qi was soon spotted by the students. A few female students, whom Su Qi often assisted with questions, enthusiastically ran out to bring her into the classroom. With her entrance, the classroom quieted significantly, and every student turned their attention towards her. Feeling a bit self-conscious under the grateful and expectant gazes of the students, Su Qi was gently reminded of how much she had grown during this month as a teacher. Clearing her throat, she composed herself and addressed the class: "I suspect you all did quite well this time!" The students, still riding the adrenaline of just finishing their exams, eagerly began sharing their thoughts. "I've seen a lot of these questions before, like the second-last math problem." "I've also seen the English cloze test." Hearing the exaggerated exclamations from class 212, students from other classes, already dismissed, gathered at the door out of curiosity. Seeing that 212 was one of the remaining classes, worried about cutting into their playtime, Su Qi was about to relay the main points of the meeting and dismiss them. But then, the class president, Zhao Tian Ci, raised his hand and said, "Ms. Su, for this semester's exam review, could you be the one to explain it? We would love to have one last lesson from you." After his words, the eyes of many students glistened with moisture. In that moment, even Su Qi's vision blurred slightly. During this almost one-month interaction, she had gradually grown fond of this class and every delightful student in it. The thought of parting soon was admittedly saddening. Lowering her head, she blinked away the emotional tears and sniffled, regaining her usual composure. With a smile, she replied, "Of course, I’d be happy to explain. It's just reviewing after all, no problem at all." After speaking, she noticed the room remained silent, and the sadness lingered in the atmosphere. Thus, she added, "You all don't need to be so upset. I live in Zhe City, so I'll definitely visit you whenever I can." This kind assurance did little to uplift the spirits of class 212. Over nearly a month of interaction, they had grown fond of Ms. Su. The thought of seeing her every day soon turning into a rare occurrence, perhaps only a few times a year, was something they struggled to accept. Looking at the faces of the students, each one showing signs of sorrow, Su Qi understood that they did not want her to leave. But she could not abandon her own college education. Contemplating how to ease the students' concerns, her gaze fell on her small student desk in the upper left corner. Unlike others, Xiao Xiao, due to doing well in her exams, wore a joyful expression. Her doll-like face and cheerful smile, with her chubby cheeks all bunched up, made Su Qi want to go over and pinch her. Seeing Xiao Xiao's bright demeanor, Su Qi was reminded of the impending school term and how students would likely miss her. After two seconds of thought, Su Qi said, "You know, I'm only a sophomore. By the time you take your college entrance exams next year, I'll be a junior. If you get into So University, you could become my ‘junior classmates’!" Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in class 212 lit up excitedly. However, that excitement quickly diminished. After all, So University was a top-tier school, and students who had previously struggled to score even 300 couldn’t fathom getting in. Noticing the joy fading into sadness again, Su Qi quickly understood their worries. It all boiled down to their grades. Su Qi found it a bit amusing. It seemed like the students of class 212 had been struggling for so long on the path of poor academic performance that they hadn’t yet shifted their perspective. It was much like her, in the early days of her transformation, instinctively heading to the men’s restroom. They needed to realize now that their average score had already crossed the 400 mark. While it wasn't exemplary, it was far from poor in Su Qi's eyes. Considering recent years, even a straightforward 400 was enough to attend a second-tier institution. Reflecting on this, Su Qi smiled and said to the class, "This time, your results are excellent. Although I haven’t graded the papers yet, I’m sure our class's average will exceed 400. Do you believe it?" Hearing Ms. Su assert that the average would be 400, class 212 was incredulous. A beginning with a 4—that seemed only achievable by those top-ranking classes! It seemed impossible for them. Each student shook their head, a reaction Su Qi expected. The leap from a 200-point average to 400 was enormous, nearly double, and it was normal for them to harbor doubts. Were she not there, witnessing their daily progress, hearing that students with a previous average of 200 suddenly reached a regular level of 400, she too would have been skeptical. However, the system had already informed her that her task was complete. With that reliability, Su Qi saw no issue in instilling confidence in the students of class 212. Looking at the head-shaking students, she continued, "Why don’t you have a little more faith in yourselves? Let’s go over the scores together." As she spoke, Su Qi picked up a chalk. She wrote the subjects—Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, and History—on the blackboard. She estimated Chinese at 90 points. Then for the other subjects, she had the students suggest approximate averages. Soon, six numbers appeared on the board: 90, 70, 70, 65, 65, 75 Adding up these numbers, they surprisingly reached 440, which didn't seem all that difficult. Even Su Qi was a bit taken aback by the result. Though she had padded some scores, she hadn’t expected it to be this high. With excitement rekindled in the students' eyes, Su Qi continued, "Suo University's entry score isn’t exceptionally high these days." As she spoke, she adjusted some of the numbers slightly higher. Seeing the revised scores, they might not seem immediately attainable, but the students felt they were no longer so impossibly distant. Noticing the hopeful light return to the students' eyes, Su Qi also breathed a sigh of relief. Farewells are emotionally challenging, and Su Qi wasn’t entirely sure how to handle such parting words.