426 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 426: How Strange... (3 updates) “That's how it all happened.” Su Qi recounted the events truthfully without adding any personal bias or emotions. She narrated just as they had occurred. Officer Zhang Ru meticulously recorded her statement in her notebook. Compared to Yang Zongfan's previous statements, the onlookers at the door tended to believe Su Qi more. After all, the little girl looked so delicate and had such a fragile appearance; if a man was alone with her in such a setting, he likely had ill intentions. Furthermore, there were previous rumors at the company regarding Yang Zongfan and similar incidents. Everyone was more inclined to believe he acted with inappropriate intentions. The most critical evidence was that during the morning meeting, Yang Zongfan had been completely outclassed by Su Qi, who was his assistant, in stock trading. Just this fact alone made his lies lose credibility. After listening to Su Qi's account, several members of Wang Yun's team seemed to want to speak out about Yang Zongfan's transgressions. However, Wang Yun gestured for them to remain silent. She had already had a complete fallout with the Yang family's uncle and nephew and was certain to resign. But there was no need to drag her team down with her. Despite the leadership’s incompetence, 'Compass' was, according to delegation and workload, average in the industry. Every resignation should be considered cautiously by an adult. Wang Yun was not selfish enough to make her team suffer just because of her grievances. Besides, she had her own ways to verify the facts. Deputy CEO Yang Hao looked at the room filled with people still discussing and felt concerned that the situation might affect him negatively. Quickly, he called to the crowd, "Get back to work, keep an eye on the stock market." With his words, everyone returned to their workstations. Soon, only two police officers, the Yang family uncle and nephew, Su Qi, and her three wives remained in the room. Officer Lin Hao compared the events described by both parties and first looked at Yang Zongfan, the one who called the police, "According to your recounts, I can't yet determine whose version is correct. Do you have surveillance in this room?" Hearing Officer Lin Hao's words, Yang Zongfan felt secretly delighted because there was no recording in this room! However, just then, Wang Yun stood up on one leg from the sofa and said, "This room might not have recordings, but the hallway and conference room do. Officers, you might want to check the recent recordings." Following Wang Yun's suggestion, Officers Zhang Ru and Lin Hao soon reviewed the recordings of the morning meeting and interactions between the two directors. After watching, Officer Zhang Ru furrowed her brows. Though it was evident that Yang Zongfan likely had nefarious intentions, there was a lack of substantial evidence. The law currently promotes the idea that attacking first, regardless of circumstances, leaves you at fault. Moreover, Yang Zongfan was the one injured. As long as he insisted he was there to discuss business with Su Qi, as officers, they couldn’t do much against him! The crucial point was that Su Qi wasn’t injured at all, while the other party had a bleeding head. Without surveillance, if this went to court, she would be at a disadvantage. Yang Zongfan might even falsely accuse her of intentional harm or excessive defense, complicating matters further. After considering, Officer Zhang Ru asked Yang Zongfan: "You've seen the recordings, Mr. Yang. There are two options now: do you wish to reconcile with the other party, or pursue charges?" By first mentioning the recordings and then suggesting "reconciliation," Officer Zhang Ru was subtly guiding Yang Zongfan towards settling. However, Yang Zongfan was on the verge of promotion to General Manager. He couldn't easily let go of an incident like this where he was beaten, as it would damage his reputation. Although he knew his case wasn’t strong, with all his years of experience in negotiations, he was aware that being the injured party with no evidence against him placed him in a favorable position. Seeing Su Qi's pale and fragile face, Yang Zongfan decided to teach this fresh-out-of-school girl a harsh lesson and show her the adult world’s darkness. He wanted to claim compensation for medical expenses and other costs until she had nothing left. With this plan in mind, he said, “I want to press charges. Let’s have the court issue a subpoena to her in a few days.” Yang Zongfan, assuming Su Qi would be scared upon hearing about the court, expected some flustered reaction from her. But unexpectedly, aside from her continued pale demeanor, Su Qi showed no sign of panic. In truth, Su Qi’s calm composure wasn’t due to previous court experiences but rather because at that moment, she was dealing with a personal embarrassment. Given the number of people in the room, she was mortified and trying her best to control the situation. She didn't even hear Yang Zongfan’s words. At this point, Wang Yun replied, “How fitting, Director Yang. We also wanted to discuss this with you. See you in court then! However, you might need to spend these few days in custody!” She then turned to Officers Zhang Ru and Lin Hao, “Officers, for attempted harassment, isn’t preliminary detention warranted?” Though surprised initially, Officers Zhang Ru and Lin Hao nodded in agreement. Wang Yun then found a seemingly misplaced pen amongst the cluttered items in the director's office, opened its cap, revealing that it was actually a recording pen. After a little fiddling, all of Yang Zongfan's statements were played back from the recorder. His egotistical voice, particularly the parts about “complying for a chance at an easier position” and “a certain amount monthly,” put him in a completely passive position. The unfolding drama matched what Su Qi had described earlier. Hearing the crashing sounds on the recorder hinted at Yang Zongfan trying to make a move. Officer Lin Hao then silently handcuffed Yang Zongfan. In disbelief, Yang Zongfan wondered how the recorder came to be. But just as everyone assumed the drama had concluded, the recording pen played Wang Yun’s voice saying, “Honey, it’s okay now. Don’t worry.” Hearing such a clear voice, Su Qi distinctly felt the icy gaze from her two wives. Unfortunately, suppressing her embarrassment proved harder, causing her personal barrier to finally breach. Oh no, how embarrassing. Officer Zhang Ru watched this scene, puzzled about how a single recorder could leave both Yang Zongfan and Su Qi feeling so hopeless. How strange!