422 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

### Chapter 422: A Clash In the conference room of Compass Stock Trading Co., Ltd., it was already 9:40 AM. Su Qi, who usually sat in a corner, was now standing beside Manager Wang, calmly observing Yang Zongfan, whose face was flushed with anger, yet unable to articulate his frustration. Su Qi, a prodigious talent with an IQ of 7.0, had studied twelve stock trading manuals, achieving a remarkable investment success rate of 92%. Against the Investment Director, who had only a 65% success rate, this debate was inherently unbalanced—practically a one-sided slaughter! Yang Hao, the vice president, also bore a tense expression, surprised that this seemingly fresh graduate knew so much. The discussion initially focused on return rates but soon veered toward more highbrow topics under Yang Zongfan’s machinations. Yet, to Yang Hao's astonishment, his nephew couldn't out-argue this young woman in any domain. It became evident that it wasn't Yang Zongfan’s weakness at play; rather, the young woman was simply too formidable. This realization was widespread, with others in the meeting room also coming to the same conclusion. Some of Wang Yun’s team members couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. After all, witnessing a director being lectured by an intern assistant to such a degree was indeed comical. Moreover, it was delightful to see a rival being taken down a peg; it was an opportunity not to be missed. Yang Zongfan caught those snickering and glared at them fiercely, before shifting his gaze to the one causing him so much trouble—this little upstart who had been at odds with him since joining the company! He was definitely going to fire her! Wang Yun, observing Yang Zongfan’s menacing glare at her little spouse, shielded her behind her, saying: “Director Yang, you’re scaring our team with that look of yours!” Wang Yun’s words were layered; she first asked him to retract his gaze, implying that Su Qi was under her protection and thus off-limits to him. Yang Hao, watching his nephew’s face redden with fury, glanced at the crowd. Though he could forcefully install Yang Zongfan as 'General Manager', as the vice president, such a move would cost him support. Yang Hao considered that it would be wiser to deal with this little firebrand first before promoting his nephew to general manager— With a clap of his hands to redirect everyone’s focus to him, Vice President Yang Hao decided to play the mediator, saying: "Let’s adjourn this meeting; it’s already 10 o'clock. Everyone should check today’s market conditions. The matter of the general manager's appointment will be discussed another day!” People seemed disappointed to hear this but had no choice but to listen to the vice president's instructions. With Yang Hao's closing words, everyone dispersed quickly. Wang Yun, noticing that even after the meeting adjourned, Yang Zongfan continued to glare with hostility at her little spouse, quietly shielded her adorable partner behind her back. This display of cuteness made Wang Yun feel a twinge of jealousy, thinking, “Director Yang, surely you harbor no resentment toward my little assistant, do you? They say a man is mature at 30, but Director Yang, you’re near forty. How could you still hold a grudge against our small assistant? Director Yang, are you angry?” Hearing Wang Yun’s teasing words, Yang Zongfan ultimately said nothing. In this situation, anything he said would only damage his reputation further. Resentful, he stormed out of the meeting room. With Yang Zongfan gone, Su Qi finally slumped into her chair with relief. Truthfully, she had been quite nervous just now; this was the first time she had defended her position so publicly. Nevertheless, watching Yang Zongfan, who had bullied Wang Yun, leave dejectedly, she felt exceptionally invigorated, even alleviating some of the discomfort and pain of her special time. In the past, Su Qi didn’t understand why there was chatter online about how girls liked to argue during their periods. After this incident, Su Qi found that winning an argument was indeed a great way to relieve stress. Wang Yun looked at her little spouse, who defended her and was now slumped in the chair. Although Su Qi had mentioned before joining the company that she would stand up for her, Wang Yun had taken it more as idle chatter. After all, Su Qi’s sweet appearance and gentle personality made it hard to imagine her going against authority. However, she had proven Wang Yun wrong— Thinking about Su Qi’s confrontation with Yang Zongfan earlier, Wang Yun felt a warm glow of affection and found Su Qi somewhat dashing as well. She realized she had grown even fonder of her, though given it was a special time, any "rewards" would have to wait. Today’s stock market was still in a bull phase, albeit showing signs of slowing compared to the previous day. Su Qi sipped the red sugar water her wife Wang Yun had prepared, as she gently massaged her stomach. Despite the effort, her small frame curled up in pain. The reason was simple: the tension during the confrontation with Yang Zongfan had tightened her muscles, and now that she was relaxing, Su Qi felt the pain of the first day of her period even more intensely. "System lady, do all girls experience this much pain during their period?" Su Qi, distracted, lay flat on the table and asked. The system lady’s crisp, girlish voice quickly replied: "Host, that depends on the individual. Your constitution is naturally weaker, and since you’re often around those mature female creatures, you experience more pain than the average girl. But host, you have the Imperial Seal! No, wait, I shouldn’t have said that, it might be discovered. Forget what you heard, I didn’t say anything!” Hearing the system lady, especially the final sound as if she was covering her mouth, Su Qi would have laughed if not for the pain. For now, she was too preoccupied to laugh, merely holding her stomach and nestling in Wang Yun's fragrant embrace. Su Qi regretted not bringing the Imperial Seal to work; it might have eased some of the discomfort. Wang Yun, seeing Su Qi curled up like a kitten in her arms, genuinely felt for her. As a woman, Wang Yun understood the repercussions of being too tense during a special period. Seeing her little spouse in such discomfort, Wang Yun decided to place Su Qi on a chair, gently pat her on the head, and say: "I’ll pop out for some medicine and be right back!" Even though Su Qi shook her head to say it wasn't necessary, her curled-up demeanor wasn't very convincing. Meanwhile, in the general manager’s office, after the morning meeting, Yang Zongfan was privately discussing matters with his uncle, Yang Hao. Yang Hao’s intentions were clear: he wanted Yang Zongfan to "have a talk" with Su Qi, employing any means necessary to make her quit. Another incident like this could undermine authority even if he assumed the role of general manager. As for Wang Yun, Yang Hao didn't plan to dismiss her since, regardless of anything, she was indeed capable. If it hadn't been for his nephew’s ambitions, the general manager's role would undoubtedly have gone to her. As Yang Zongfan exited the office, he encountered his arch-rival, Wang Yun, coming toward him. As rivals and given the morning's incident, they passed each other without a word of acknowledgment. As the echo of Wang Yun's high heels faded away, Yang Zongfan suddenly realized that this meant Su Qi was alone in the director’s office. Though the small assistant had stood her ground against him in the meeting room, Yang Zongfan believed that was due to Wang Yun’s support. Now, with the office practically deserted, he thought of her soft, innocent face and imagined she was easily intimidated. Considering this, Yang Zongfan concluded it was necessary to "have a little chat" with her— With that thought, he headed towards Wang Yun’s office.