236 - Mistress, I Was Wrong

"Water—" Dongfang Minghui shouted out loud, her voice nearly penetrating the entire space she occupied. However, when it approached the little house, it was automatically blocked, ensuring that she wouldn’t disturb Seventh Sister as she received the Qian family inheritance. "Coming." Ding Ding flapped its wings and flew over, carrying a porcelain jar larger than itself. The jar was full, but by the time it reached Dongfang Minghui, it had dwindled to almost nothing. Dongfang Minghui really wanted to ask how they managed the water transport. Every time, it was just a tiny bit. Yet, when she met Ding Ding's eyes, seemingly pleading for praise, admiration, and rewards, she found herself unable to say anything. "The water's too little, you'll need to make several more trips." She gave a little water to each spiritual herb based on their needs, and when handing the jar back to Ding Ding, she advised, "Tell Toothless and Little Fatty to stop playing with water. And be steady when carrying the jar, otherwise, switch with Toothless, let Toothless carry the water." Ding Ding, catching her expression, quickly flew off. "Hehe." "Little Bean Sprout, stop laughing." Dongfang Minghui always felt that Little Bean Sprout was a bit silly, but sometimes rather sharp. She wasn’t sure why it chose this herb patch, diving headfirst in after leaving the Tianyin Helmet. Once freed, Little Fatty ran off with Toothless to find a water source. Though, it was somewhat farther from her than she would have liked. Thus, daily watering became a back-and-forth effort between Dongfang Minghui and them. "Hehe." Little Bean Sprout laughed maniacally as usual, its bud swaying to greet her. Dongfang Minghui examined Little Bean Sprout’s bud; it had grown larger. "Hmm, Little Bean Sprout, are you about to bloom?" The ghost-faced tree spirit would have a human face after blooming. She had long prepared herself psychologically, so her care became increasingly meticulous. "Hmm, could there be some treasure beneath this herb patch?" Little Bean Sprout suddenly stood still, its stem sticking straight up. Seeing this telltale sign of concealment, Dongfang Minghui laughed out of frustration. The moment Little Color in her soul sea heard of a treasure, it wanted to rush out to investigate. "Stay put and don't move, or I'll feed that ice lotus to Little Bean Sprout." The ice lotus rested in her soul sea, guarded by Little Color like a mother hen. Little Color hadn’t eaten it yet, seemingly waiting for the lotus to bear fruit. However, making it fruit after extracting it from the iceberg was challenging. Regardless, due to various reasons, that heaven-sent treasure had been set aside. "Minghui, you’ve changed." Little Color grumbled. This was nothing like the previously adorable and naive Minghui it had known. "You should take a look, there might be something really good." Dongfang Minghui chuckled coolly, ignoring its temptations. She gracefully accepted the water, only to find, once again, that the full jar dwindled to nearly nothing. "Toothless, how exactly are you transporting water? Why is there so little by the time it gets to me?" Toothless stood quietly, listening to her without saying a word, blinking with a silly innocence in its eyes. For a moment, she was taken aback, unable to muster her frustration upon realizing it. "Ding Ding, change back." "Ah." "Also, take me to see those two little rascals." Ding Ding reverted to its guise as Dongfang Minghui and led the way flapping its wings. Ten meters east lay a small river. The water was crystal clear, glistening with a golden luster from afar as if gilded. "Little Fatty." "Toothless." The two suddenly popped their heads out of the water silently, seeing Dongfang Minghui's stern face, seemingly not pleased. "What are you two doing down there?" Toothless and Little Fatty exchanged glances, yet before they could respond, she had already taken the jar from Ding Ding, and scooped a full jar herself. Raising her head, she found three pairs of eyes blinking at her with wide curiosity. Perhaps it was just her imagination, but she felt the water temperature seemed slightly warm, warm to the touch, as she briefly compared it to the sun overhead, then glanced back at Little Fatty and Toothless. She recalled the false little dragon residing in her jar and decided to let it out from the space within. The golden-scaled fish, upon spotting the river, leapt into it with the grace of a dragon crossing the gates, splashing water onto the startled onlookers. "Village chief, although there's no essence of the moon here, there's the essence of the sun. See if it’s of use to you." Little Gold False Dragon wagged its tail at her and dove under the water’s surface with an agile flip. As it played contentedly in the river, Dongfang Minghui refocused on Toothless, Little Fatty, and Ding Ding standing before her. "You’re hiding something from me, aren’t you?" The three shook their heads in unison, mirroring each other in action and expression—there was definitely something suspicious. "For now, I’ll believe you." "Of course." Ding Ding agreed from the side, even offering a hand to help carry the jar. Walking one behind the other, Dongfang Minghui watched the beautiful wings fluttering in front of her, mentioning, "Ding Ding, since Seventh Sister is in seclusion, why don’t you transform back into Seventh Sister?" "No way." Ding Ding pouted, refusing without hesitation. "Why not?" Ding Ding couldn’t quite articulate why, it just didn’t want to mimic Qian Wanyu’s appearance and even felt a bit lost, "I don’t know." Recalling how Little Fatty had chosen an utterly ordinary face, Dongfang Minghui guided, "Ding Ding, what kind of person would you like to become? Or perhaps is there anyone in your memories deeply impressive, someone you’d want to become like?" Ding Ding hesitated, unable to conjure up such an image, even its owner’s face was but a blur. Seeing its wings droop dejectedly and almost spilling the jar's water, Dongfang Minghui hurriedly took it from Ding Ding’s hands, and upon tilting it, found the water had lessened once again. "What’s going on!" Unsure, Ding Ding looked at her, “What’s wrong?” "We’re short on water. Let’s go back and get some more." Dongfang Minghui was now convinced that Toothless and Little Fatty were hiding something. With this realization, she picked up her pace significantly. After a few moments, Ding Ding suddenly flew off with a flap of its wings. Two vines shot from her hands, faster than Ding Ding, binding it back to her. "Ding Ding, were you trying to warn Toothless and Little Fatty?" "What do you mean, warn?" Ding Ding feigned ignorance, thinking it could charm its way out with a bit of cuteness. But with Dongfang Minghui's face, playing innocent completely backfired. Dongfang Minghui refused to be swayed. Watching Ding Ding use her own face to feign innocence embarrassed even herself. Yes, she needed to convince Ding Ding to adopt another appearance quickly. "Ding Ding, come here." Without suspicion, Ding Ding flew over, only to have its wings gently held by Dongfang Minghui. Using a dragon sinew, Dongfang Minghui tied Ding Ding securely, "This dragon sinew’s odor has been removed. It’s fire-aligned, Ding Ding, you mustn’t eat it, understand?" Ding Ding sniffed the dragon sinew binding it, sensing fire elemental energy. Typically, it might have nibbled a bit to taste it, but now the smell turned it away. What it didn’t know was that thanks to several gold-type energy cleanses by Qian Wanyu, a simple judgment of edibility had gradually returned to it. "Xiao Jiu," Ding Ding pleaded, struggling a bit, "Could you remove this dragon sinew? It's uncomfortable." "If you promise not to run and accompany me back to see what Toothless and Little Fatty are up to, I can." Without thinking, Ding Ding sold out its allies, "They’re catching fish." "Catching fish?" "Yes." In the river, many creatures fled like scared mice from cats when faced with Toothless and Little Fatty, but not from Ding Ding. It took a long time for Ding Ding to recount recent events underwater. It required no coercion or persuasion from her. Dongfang Minghui doubted it was as simple as just fish. If it were merely fish, the two would have already asked her to help roast them. Cooked food was always better than raw, and while Little Fatty might not have given up raw food, Toothless, raised on all sorts of delicacies by her, was quite the picky eater. "Ding Ding, you’re such a good little thing. Always let me know in advance if there’s something up." Dongfang Minghui untied the dragon sinew, affectionately nuzzling it. "Got it." Ding Ding had no awareness of having betrayed its companions, chattering away with her until they returned to the riverside. Under the golden glow, the Little Gold False Dragon swam around playfully like a champion swimmer, surrounded by fish trying to evade it, creating a divine spectacle of fish circling the false dragon. The Little Gold False Dragon was the first to notice Dongfang Minghui, swimming toward the shore and flicking its tail at her. Dongfang Minghui gestured for silence, then released Ding Ding. She quickly rolled up her trousers, removed her shoes and socks, and stepped onto the grass with her two bare, white feet, occasionally bending some stalks beneath her. Staring at the water, she looked pensive. Ding Ding flitted around her back and forth, completely clueless about her intentions. "Hmm, let's give it a try." Dongfang Minghui glanced at the gradually darkening merman pearl and sighed, stuffing it back into her pocket. She closed her eyes and, with a splash, jumped into the water. She immediately felt the fluctuating temperatures, one moment warm, the next cold, like being torn between extremes, and it was extremely uncomfortable. Then she involuntarily gulped in some water and began to sink. The Little Gold False Dragon had wanted to play with her in the water, but seeing her struggling desperately, it knew something was wrong. "Ah, Xiao Jiu." Before the other two could pop out of the water, Ding Ding grabbed her hands and pulled her out, dumping her onto the riverbank. Dongfang Minghui coughed vigorously, still recalling the warm water that suddenly turned cold; there was definitely something wrong with it. Just as she was about to summon Little Gold False Dragon, Toothless and Little Fatty surfaced from the water. Ding Ding buzzed around her like a little bee, fussing over her with utmost care. Toothless and Little Fatty, seeing her in her bedraggled state with the jar tossed aside and water still pouring out, quickly climbed up from the river. Their clothes dried in an instant, as if they had never been wet. Dongfang Minghui watched enviously and coughed a few more times. "Dry my clothes for me." Little Fatty obediently extended her hand and gently brushed against her, evaporating the water droplets. Toothless looked at her helplessly and asked, "Why are you back?" "Call me mother." Toothless: "…" Dongfang Minghui tried to assume an authoritative figure, the head of the family, but her pouty face lacked any trace of authority. Toothless put her shoes and socks back on and explained in a low voice, "There are two springs below this river, one releasing hot water and the other cold. Together, they generate a natural Yin-Yang Spring." "Yin-Yang Spring?" Dongfang Minghui thought she would need a trick to get the two little ones to talk but was surprised by their voluntary confession. She then inquired in her soul sea, "Little Color, what's a Yin-Yang Spring?" Having only heard of it, Little Color had never seen one. Hearing Toothless mention a Yin-Yang Spring and seeing this utterly ordinary river, it felt a bit duped, "The Yin-Yang Spring is a treasure for others, but not much beneficial for you." As its name suggests, a Yin-Yang Spring balances yin and yang, often helping double-element practitioners, like those with both water and fire elements awakened, rare individuals who need it to stabilize their inner energies. "No wonder." Dongfang Minghui suddenly understood, recalling the awakening of five elemental energies in Qian Wanyu’s body, most of them aggressive. "I think Seventh Sister needs it." "Your Seventh Sister only needs you," Little Color rolled its eyes. "If not for you, she would have exploded or gone mad…" Dongfang Minghui: "…" Was her influence so apparent? "Why?" "Among your Seventh Sister's five elemental spirit body, elements like lightning, metal, and dark carry hostility. In contrast, earth and wind are gentler but still succumb to dark's devouring nature. Her body accumulates aggression; without you harmonizing with her, counterbalancing that hostility, she would have lost her mind long ago, making inheritance difficult." Dongfang Minghui frowned, "Seventh Sister has been easily swayed by inner devils lately. I hope this time it goes smoothly." "Rest assured, if anything goes awry, you'll sense it." "Mhm." Toothless reluctantly explained, "These two springs have settled for hundreds of years, so the river's fish are imbued with spirituality. We wanted—" "To eat fish," Ding Ding earnestly interrupted Toothless. Dongfang Minghui nearly burst out laughing and beckoned Ding Ding to sit on her shoulder, "Ding Ding, let Toothless finish." "And Little Fatty." Toothless shot a frosty stare at Ding Ding, which had no effect on the oblivious creature, "We wanted to explore the riverbed thoroughly. With these springs forming over centuries, there's much for investigation. We planned to tell you once we had leads, but you surprised us…" "Yes," Little Fatty added. Dongfang Minghui pouted, "The water in the jar is always low. Is it also due to the Yin-Yang Spring?" Toothless picked up the drained jar, filled it again from the river, and set it before Dongfang Minghui. "See how the water changes once it’s out of the river." They gathered around the jar, watching intently. After a while, the water seemed to vanish like magic, gradually reducing. Dongfang Minghui found it fascinating, understanding now why Ding Ding always had so little water left upon returning. It was actually the essence of water. Oddly enough, Little Bean Sprout seemed to fixate on the herb patch immediately after she first watered the spiritual plants. "Hehe." Seeing treasures always made this group pause in their tracks. Dongfang Minghui stood up, "You’ve been hanging around here thinking it was for fun, but you've discovered a treasure. Fine, take your time and search. Just let me have a glimpse once you find something." With that, she refilled the jar with water and left with Ding Ding in tow. "Aren't we catching fish?" "Not right now." Dongfang Minghui looked sideways at Ding Ding’s disappointed face, recalling the unfair blame it had borne recently, her heart softened, "We’ll catch some after watering the plants." "Okay." Happy, Ding Ding fluttered around, resembling a butterfly-dragonfly from afar, occasionally stopping to wait for her, "Little Color, is there no way to preserve the Yin-Yang Spring water?" Little Color immediately knew her intentions. "It’s not impossible, but what's collectible is minimal. Unless you move both springs into a space," an almost impossible feat. "Hmm, tricky." Dongfang Minghui pondered aloud. Little Color rolled its eyes, "Don’t dream. Just being near your Seventh Sister minimizes risks." She quickly returned to the small house. Noticing Seventh Sister surrounded by a vibrant aura, nearly obscured, she paused, then moved to the flower and herb patches, "Alright, time to water you." Ding Ding fluttered about, stopping in a peony blossom, swaying along with the flower bud, then standing on Little Bean Sprout's bud, strong enough to support its weight. Dongfang Minghui constantly monitored it and received an endearing smile from Ding Ding. "Little Bean Sprout, I’m giving you extra water. So be diligent, and bloom into your human form soon." Little Bean Sprout: "…" Blooming was possible, but transforming into a human form required a significant time, especially in a period where its lineage’s heritage was sparse. Noticing Little Bean Sprout's peculiar reaction, Dongfang Minghui couldn’t help but ask, "Will it take many years? I might not be able to accompany you by then." For a spiritual herb, hundreds of years pass in a blink. For humans, reaching longevity usually requires cultivation of Spiritual Emperor status, otherwise, long life is just a fantasy. The atmosphere turned eerily calm. Little Bean Sprout gently shoved Ding Ding off its bud, extending its stalk to rub her finger in consolation. Dongfang Minghui smiled, "So, Little Bean Sprout, strive like Little Fatty and reclaim the expectations the ghost-faced tree spirit clan has for you." Then, Ding Ding dragged her back to the river to catch fish. Faced with the bizarre fish Toothless tossed onto the bank, Dongfang Minghui hesitated, "I don't know about these fish, could they be toxic?" Toothless smacked the fish on the ground a few times, "Not toxic. These fish have absorbed Yin-Yang Spring's spiritual energy, rare spirit fish indeed." Even so, she picked out some of the more unappealing fish, thinking it would be safer that way. "Tasty," Ding Ding didn't mind the fish bones at all, devouring an entire fish with a series of crunches, bones and all, downing dozens without any sign of its stomach bulging. "Eating," Little Fatty joined in, eating heartily. Toothless, however, ate sparingly, soon submerging into the water again. Dongfang Minghui grilled all the remaining fish for the two little gluttons. After they finished, their eyes still sparkled at her. "I can't, I need a break." Life had become quite lively due to the Yin-Yang Spring. She spent most of her time nurturing Ding Ding and Little Fatty, who absorbed the Yin-Yang Spring's energy better than expected. Little Fatty had nearly formed a physique, short-statured but always returning to the herb patch after eating. There, it practiced something Little Color described as "unspeakable" with Little Bean Sprout. Dongfang Minghui once observed Little Fatty’s well-intended actions. Aware of its fire element awakening, transferring essence without scorching Little Bean Sprout could only be done by drizzling saliva on it. Little Bean Sprout, nourished by Little Fatty's saliva and watered with Yin-Yang Spring, eventually burst open its long-dormant bud almost out of nowhere. "Ah, Bean Sprout is blooming," Ding Ding was the first to notice. It often teased the other flowers, so spotting Little Bean Sprout's new, beautiful face made it tilt its head in curious observation. Dongfang Minghui was in the middle of concocting potions when she heard the news, quickly setting aside her tasks to see the blooming face. "Huh?" "Little Bean Sprout blooming doesn't make you happy?" Little Color remarked in surprise. She had expected Little Bean Sprout to mirror the ghost-faced tree spirit males, but instead, it bore a lovely face that seemed feminine. If the three old tree grandpas knew, she wondered, would they be pleased? "Of course not." Dongfang Minghui quickly denied it, seeing Little Bean Sprout’s dejected expression, which soon blossomed into a smile like a gentle spring breeze. "Little Bean Sprout, you might still need a pot, right?" Yet, she pondered how large a pot could support a thin-necked plant with a face. It was a bit of a headache. "No need." "You can talk now." "Yes." Little Bean Sprout uprooted itself, hopping from a patch of obsidian soil. Dongfang Minghui worriedly watched it go, fearing it might accidentally harm its face. A plant’s appearance was difficult to repair, she mused motherly with concern looming over her features. Little Bean Sprout hopped around, anxiously inquiring, “I want to find Little Fatty.” “Little Fatty is at the river. Why not wait until she comes over?” “No, no, I want Little Fatty now.” In a display of obstinacy, Little Bean Sprout restlessly bounced around her, chanting Little Fatty’s name repeatedly, creating an annoying buzz in her ears that lingered even after it stopped. "Oof, I have a headache." Little Color shared the sentiment, a throbbing pain building in its head from the incessant droning. The Pig Immortal Grass interjected, "A ghost-faced tree spirit's innate talent has emerged. You should take a sound-controlling pill." Dongfang Minghui promptly took a pill, and after a short while, the echoes subsided. She looked at the still-bouncing Little Bean Sprout, "Hold still, Bean Sprout. I'll take you to Little Fatty once I’ve recovered." "Okay." Ding Ding, unaffected, found Little Bean Sprout’s antics amusing, but noticing Dongfang Minghui’s pale face, it gently rubbed against her, "Xiao Jiu, are you okay? Let me help massage your temples." She felt better soon, but Ding Ding insistently massaged gently at her brow, making Dongfang Minghui chuckle at the misplaced gesture, "Ding Ding, why aren’t you affected at all?" Pig Immortal Grass cast a glance at the Longevity Cauldron above its head, explaining, "Its resistance is greater than you’d think. Little Bean Sprout's magic is like a minor itch to it." Dongfang Minghui quickly connected the dots, realizing the Longevity Cauldron’s immense protective capabilities. Seeing Ding Ding bounce back easily after Qian Wanyu’s heavy hits, "This could be troublesome." Ding Ding led the way for Little Bean Sprout, an enthusiastic journey for a cauldron spirit and a tree spirit side by side, full of exuberance. Suddenly, Dongfang Minghui sensed a strong spiritual fluctuation, pulling her up short. "Seventh Sister." "Probably her." Ding Ding, perhaps perceiving the shift, turned back and waved, "Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, hurry!" Little Bean Sprout urged on, "I want to see Little Fatty." "Uh, alright." Watching them disappear, Dongfang Minghui quickly redirected her path back to the herb patch's ruins. The tranquil spiritual energy suddenly surged in all directions. As she approached, she felt the contained volatile energy, "What's happening?" Pig Immortal Grass admitted, "The inner demon has taken hold." It added, "We're in danger." Enmeshed with inner demons, Qian Wanyu would be unrecognizable, attacking whomever she disliked indiscriminately. "No, I must help Seventh Sister." "You helping her—" Pig Immortal Grass’s words cut off as the perpetually hesitant individual unleashed a wave of wood elemental energy, reaching for the swirling fiery vortex that pulled her in with sheer force. Inside, Dongfang Minghui found herself in a kaleidoscope world, six hues surrounding her. Five of those were intimately familiar as they joyfully rushed to her. Her wood energy pacified them as she searched, finding Qian Wanyu ensnared in a dark red core. Her condition was poor, a grey mist enshrouding her. "Is this the Qian family inheritance?" "Maybe, but it's risky," Pig Immortal Grass warned. "I've never seen red spiritual power like this; it's unusual if this is inheritance." The reddish energy lacked the heat of fire but exuded a chilling sensation, unlike past encounters. A long-sealed scent of blood and coldness pervaded it, "Little Color, Pig Immortal Grass, why do I feel uneasy as I approach?" "Nor-mal." The two spirits, tightly huddled in her soul sea, shared a chill. Boldly stepping forward, she touched the dark red energy, feeling it seep into her being, a cold shiver running through her, "Little Color, Pig Immortal Grass, protect my soul sea." Voices flooded her mind—screams, manic laughter, chaotic noise like a somber symphony. Despite a sound-control pill earlier, the strange sounds persisted confusingly in her mind. "Kill me, end all our grievances." "Kill me!" "Ah—" Ugh. "Wake up!" Dongfang Minghui clutched her throat, her hands tugged outward by vines, engaged in a strange tug-of-war. Suddenly, Pig Immortal Grass surfaced, pouring precious Yin-Yang Spring water over her head from a ceramic vial. Jolted awake, she felt disoriented, noticing her hands around her throat, Little Color's vines leaving bleeding imprints on her wrists, "It hurts." Pig Immortal Grass quickly retreated. "You almost broke your neck. How does that feel?" "Phew." Pig Immortal Grass and Little Color sighed, relieved after protecting her soul sea from external disturbances, not anticipating her self-destructive actions. Dongfang Minghui incredulously asked, her throat aching terribly, "You mean I tried to kill myself?" "Yes, while yelling ‘kill me, kill me!’ as if under a spell." “That wasn’t me—it was someone else," she insisted, wincing from her sore throat, "Little Color, that pill didn’t stop those voices, they just kept chanting to kill me… kill me…” Did it really drive her to self-harm? "Try taking two more." "Eating more probably won't help," Pig Immortal Grass cautioned, "This is beyond sound. It's the deepest resentment from the soul sea mixed with spiritual energy. Your pill wards off spiritual energy-induced voices, but not this." Dongfang Minghui became more anxious. If she, a bystander, was driven to such despair, what would happen to Seventh Sister upon hearing it? "Pig Immortal Grass, since you can identify this, do you have any way to help Seventh Sister?" Pig Immortal Grass pondered, observing the blackish-red spiritual energy surrounding Qian Wanyu. "This seems to be the spiritual energy forged from the deep-seated resentment collected at Qian Ying's death. It's filled with a malicious aura. I've seen ruthless people, but never someone who hates their own kin like her." Dongfang Minghui suppressed a bitter smile. Qian Ying deserved backlash, her indifference to Lien's situation evident. If she had even a sliver of goodwill towards her child, she wouldn't have entangled her wicked schemes in the inheritance. Did she want the most promising talent of the Qian generation to fall into her trap? She wouldn't let this woman's plan succeed. "I feel Seventh Sister's anguish." "One thought makes a Buddha, another the devil." The thin line between enlightenment and damnation twisted her stomach into knots. As Dongfang Minghui grew frantic, Pig Immortal Grass interjected, "Quickly, use the imprint given by the Soul Yin Grass." "What?" The Soul Yin Grass imprint, that vibrant orb. Dongfang Minghui hadn't known how to cultivate it, but hearing Pig Immortal Grass's urgency, she quickly retrieved it. Pig Immortal Grass kicked the ice lotus out as well. "Pig Immortal Grass, when this is over, I won't forgive you!!!" Little Color fumed. "Silence! If they perish here, the ice lotus will find a new master," Pig Immortal Grass snapped, nearly sparking another quarrel. Just then, Qian Wanyu opened her eyes, staring at Dongfang Minghui with crimson intensity. Her gaze startled Dongfang Minghui. The Seventh Sister she knew was gone, replaced with someone whose brow darkened with malevolence, lips purpling like the poisoned. She felt a stabbing pain in her heart, "Damn, Seventh Sister's possessed by her inner demon." "No, she's beyond that. She's walking the demon's path." Pig Immortal Grass shivered under Qian Wanyu's icy glare. The humanity in her eyes seemed stripped away, daunting it to toss the Soul Yin Grass imprint into the dark red energy. Yet, it was instantly flung back by Qian Wanyu. "Seventh Sister." Pig Immortal Grass hauled Little Color into the fray, "The only way is to throw these objects into the inheritance. Didn't you want the ice lotus to bear fruit? This is the opportunity. Capture it, and you'll have both. Fail, and goodbye to Xiu Qi." Little Color despaired—how had inheriting become its problem? "I'll leave my body so she doesn't go on a rampage." "Seventh Sister, it's me, Ninth Sister!" "You must sacrifice a part of yourself. She's absorbed much resentment, amplifying her negativity. Only you can awaken her conscience." "Myself?" Dongfang Minghui questioned, "How should I sacrifice?" Without time to explain, Pig Immortal Grass and Little Color charged at the dark red energy. One carried the colorful orb; the other, the white ice lotus. An evil smile curved Qian Wanyu's lips, her dark red energy splitting to engulf both spirits, swallowing them into the inheritance. She licked her darkened lips, "Looks delicious." Stunned by this transformation, Dongfang Minghui saw Seventh Sister trying to refine Little Color and Pig Immortal Grass, "Seventh Sister, no!" Glancing around, she noticed the five elemental energies excluded from the inheritance, "Why is Seventh Sister's energy banned? Shouldn't they merge during inheritance?" An impossible thought surfaced. Could this transformation occur because Seventh Sister abandoned all resistance, accepting the inheritance? "No way." "This can't be true!" This wasn't gaining inheritance; it was a path to destruction. Dongfang Minghui channeled her wood element to envelop the five energies, trying to draw them together, but to no avail. Confusion surged—they should harmonize seamlessly. "Sacrifice!" "Sacrifice myself?"