246 - Mistress, I Was Wrong

### Chapter 246: Strange This path was entirely opposite to the previous one; one went downward while the other climbed upward. Following the topographical map shown by the Dragon Pearl, they ascended the mountain and finally found a place to rest halfway up. "Wow, have we really come this far?" Looking down, Dongfang Minghui could see the continuous water flow lines clearly, tracing their route downhill. She played with the water for a moment, finding it cooler yet milder compared to the chilling water they had encountered in the Yin-Yang Spring. The waterfalls, rivers, and mountain streams were now out of sight, reduced to distant specks. Splashing sounds filled the air as Little Bean Sprout and Little Fatty played in the water, sending droplets everywhere. The water cascaded over them, yet the two creatures of differing attributes frolicked happily in the stream. Some of the splashes even landed on them. Dongfang Minghui pulled Qian Wanyu to stand at a distance, gazing up the water flow. "Seventh Sister, do you think the water flows down from the mountain peak?" "It should be." "So, will we soon find the Dragon Clan's location?" Qian Wanyu hesitated a bit; the map indicated that the Dragon Clan's location was still some distance from this water body. "Don't rush; we've already shortened much of the journey. If we were to pass through the outskirts of the Ice Lotus Mountain, it would take months." Hearing they had taken a shortcut, Dongfang Minghui felt a bit more relaxed. Little Fatty's injuries had mostly healed. It stayed in the water flow as they moved, climbing upstream with surprising speed, able to keep up with them despite occasionally being swept downstream. Dongfang Minghui had witnessed the dramatic circumstances before and understood how Little Fatty got those abrasions on its abdomen. They rested for an incense stick worth of time. Just as they prepared to leave, Little Bean Sprout, who had been soaking in the water, moved quickly, nestling against Little Fatty. At that moment, Little Fatty's footing slipped. The entire body was swept backward by the force of the water, crashing into jagged rocks. Half of its body was flung up, and its belly was slashed by a sharp stone, bleeding profusely. "Little Fatty." "Don't help it; let it handle it on its own." Qian Wanyu said coldly, stopping Dongfang Minghui. Ding Ding flapped its wings and hovered nearby, clearly tempted to help yet remembered Qian Wanyu's words, its eyes glued to the wound, "Oh no, Little Fatty is bleeding." Dongfang Minghui hesitated, softly speaking to Little Fatty, "Little Fatty, navigate around those rocks and come here. I'll apply some medicine for you." The injuries on Little Fatty were always this way, with new wounds replacing old ones. Initially, Dongfang Minghui was anxious, seeing such injuries every day was distressing; but later, she recognized that Little Fatty couldn't live without water. On land, its short legs meant that its abdomen rubbed against the ground as it moved. Besides, its body was so long that the rear constantly wobbled. Surprisingly, its belly was quite soft, allowing it to tread short distances over softer undergrowth. Unfortunately, they were currently on an uphill path. Little Fatty glanced at them with two beady eyes, jumping out of the water, landing solidly on its feet, though its long tail thudded heavily against the ground, unable to control the force yet. Even hearing the sound made her feel the pain. However, seeing Seventh Sister's stern expression, she refrained from commenting. Since Little Fatty rejoined their team, Seventh Sister had been particularly stern with it. Ding Ding echoed lovingly, saying little Fatty had gotten lucky once again. However, it was surprised by Little Fatty's maneuver. In the end, everything aligned perfectly. "Little Fatty, hang in there." Examining the wound, Dongfang Minghui realized it was particularly deep and sternly advised, "This time it's serious; you need to recover properly, no soaking in water until fully healed." Little Fatty moved its short paws, curling its tail close. Little Bean Sprout nestled its face against Little Fatty's side, all eyes on Little Fatty's wound. Minghui washed her hands, "Seventh Sister, this can't go on forever. Perhaps—" Qian Wanyu knew where the conversation was headed and interrupted, "Allowing Little Fatty to easily follow us is not the hard part. The challenge lies in its capacity to survive in dangerous situations." Dongfang Minghui understood this reasoning, "But—" "Ninth Sister, you can raise Toothless, raise Little Color, Pig Immortal Grass, even Little Bean Sprout, but Little Fatty must manage on its own." "I also raised Ding Ding," Ding Ding piped up, flapping its wings, "Little Nine also raised Ding Ding." Dongfang Minghui extended a finger, which Ding Ding gleefully clung to, swinging back and forth. "Why are you so adamant, Seventh Sister?" But determination doesn't change Little Fatty's battered state. "Little Nine, Little Nine," Ding Ding suddenly exclaimed in delight, "It can shed!" "Shed what?" Ding Ding swiftly picked up a stone and replaced it with a leaf in front of her. Dongfang Minghui realized, "Ah, Ding Ding, you're saying Little Fatty should use this method to travel?" "Exactly!" Ding Ding, intrigued by Little Fatty's maneuver, understood. Qian Wanyu watched them with a smile she barely suppressed, casually lounging to the side. Dongfang Minghui explained Ding Ding's method to Little Fatty while Ding Ding cheerfully assisted, forming an unexpectedly harmonious duo. "Little Fatty, did you understand?" "Ah—" As soon as she finished speaking, Little Fatty transformed into a tree trunk before her eyes. Ding Ding quickly searched around, finally spotting it three meters away, coiled around a tree. Little Fatty's instant movement surprised yet justified itself. One unaware would assume it mastered instantaneous travel. "Little Nine, Little Nine, over here." Dongfang Minghui caught a glimpse of a faint smile on Seventh Sister's face and realized, "Seventh Sister, you did this to awaken its potential. I never considered that." Qian Wanyu flicked her finger against Dongfang Minghui's forehead. "Your heart softens too easily, making you overlook the obvious. Come on, let's keep moving." Ding Ding flitted ahead, amazed at Little Fatty's ability to morph into large rocks, the transformation intrigued beyond belief. Occasionally, it nearly collided with a large tree. They trailed behind, occasionally catching Ding Ding's elevated, delighted tone. "Seventh Sister, Ding Ding won't be lonely anymore." "Ding Ding is a carefree artifact spirit, but eventually, with some fortuitous opportunities, it still needs to grow." Dongfang Minghui watched Ding Ding's erratic flight, "Seventh Sister, does the master Ding Ding speaks of still exist in this world? The last time you mentioned it, Ding Ding seemed upset. It was the first time I saw Ding Ding with its own secrets." Normally, Ding Ding appeared carefree, rarely recalling its master. Qian Wanyu shook her head, saying nothing more. If Ding Ding's owner truly were a Spirit Emperor, they wouldn't vanish without a trace. A figure with such power, even if unseen, would have a reputation enough to intimidate the entire world. How could they allow the Longevity Cauldron to languish on the Ice Lotus Mountain without concern? The worst-case scenario could be that this powerful being, close to a Spirit Emperor, fell unexpectedly. "In the future, we should try not to mention its owner in front of Ding Ding." "Ding Ding is carefree now; it's best not to bring it up." Mentioning it might only bring more troubles. Besides, where would she find a new owner for Ding Ding? Her earlier words were merely a stratagem to escape the Longevity Cauldron gracefully. Little Fatty and Little Bean Sprout brought up the rear, quietly listening to their conversation. Little Fatty reached out to gently touch Little Bean Sprout's branch, "Ah." Little Bean Sprout pressed its face against Little Fatty's back, "Little Fatty, let's never part." Little Fatty hesitated briefly before nodding firmly. Hearing Little Bean Sprout's voice, Dongfang Minghui turned back to give them a glance and sighed softly. She had once joked that they were inseparable like shared spaces. Not long after they had set off again, Ding Ding suddenly returned, diving into Dongfang Minghui's arms. "Little Nine, there's someone ahead." "Huh? Someone?" Dongfang Minghui doubted her ears. In a place like this, not a soul had been seen—not even a fish that Ding Ding might snack on. Recently, Ding Ding and Little Fatty had subsisted on her dwindling stockpile of chew sticks, one each day. The news of another person was astonishing indeed. Qian Wanyu immediately instructed, "Ding Ding, lead the way." By the time they arrived, Little Fatty had already hidden itself in the shadows, lying low and motionless, reminiscent of a natural ambusher with its beady eyes fixed ahead. Even as they drew close, it remained still. Before them stood a tall man, his back turned to them, covered with white hair and carrying a basket. From his exposed fair skin visible through his sleeves and pant legs, his age could be roughly inferred. Crouching by the grass, he pulled them out with force, roots and all. Dongfang Minghui quickly realized he was searching for herbs—not an expert, judging by the mix of herbs and weeds tossed carelessly into the basket. They waited until he had gone some distance. Qian Wanyu lingered for a moment before slowly standing. "It seems there might be a sick person at home, hence the urgent need for herbs. Seventh Sister, should we follow and see?" "Of course." Having finally encountered someone, they couldn't just let the opportunity slip, especially since they headed in the same direction. The man's tall form, when straightened, stood a head above even Qian Wanyu. His stride was confident and long, making it a challenge for Qian Wanyu and Dongfang Minghui to keep up, despite their quickened pace. Unexpectedly, he removed the basket, tossing it over the waterfall's edge before vanishing with a quick somersault. Dongfang Minghui, wide-eyed, tugged at Qian Wanyu, "Seventh Sister, is there a path below?" Qian Wanyu hushed her, then instructed Ding Ding to scout ahead, "Careful, don't let anyone see you." "Got it." Ding Ding, turning into a small bee, swiftly descended through the rushing water, emerging almost an incense stick's time later. It returned to them, tilting its head, struggling to describe what it saw. "You can walk there." Trying to demonstrate, Ding Ding comically attempted a backward flight maneuver but clumsily toppled over, quickly scrambling up to try again. Halfway through, its body flipped, and Dongfang Minghui narrowly caught it, "Ding Ding, watch out for your Longevity Cauldron." In this reversal, it was uncertain if the person inside the cauldron had also flipped twice. Qian Wanyu comprehended, "You mean the path below is reversed from above?" Ding Ding nodded eagerly, "Reversed, reversed." Reversed? Dongfang Minghui found it somewhat incredible. "Ninth Sister, stay here for now. I'll go down with Ding Ding to check." "Seventh Sister, be careful." Qian Wanyu agilely crossed the water flow, peering down to see a path opposite theirs. Consulting Ding Ding, she found it could barely fit one person. There too, a gentle stream ran alongside, astonishingly spring-fed and alive, unlike mere decoration. "Ding Ding, if I fall, you must catch me." "Got it." Together, they descended, experiencing an uncontrollable sensation as the world spun, flipping them inverted. For them, it was only a brief dizziness, and the world below appeared similar to above. Had Dongfang Minghui been present, she might have seen Seventh Sister and Ding Ding walking upside down—a sight she couldn't yet observe. Just then, Little Fatty issued a warning cry. Dongfang Minghui turned but felt a sharp pain as something pricked her neck. She hurriedly pulled it out, revealing a black-glossed silver needle—poisoned. "Little Fatty, quick, go." "Ah." Little Fatty grabbed her swiftly, but she had already collapsed, clutching a porcelain bottle. Little Bean Sprout flopped onto Little Fatty in retaliation, emitting a loud cry, "Ah—" The piercing sound made Dongfang Minghui vomit blood anew, her soul sea shaken enough to rouse Little Color from its meditation. Pig Immortal Grass promptly opened the porcelain bottle, sending two pills tumbling into her mouth. "Ugh, everytime I awake it feels like surviving death. What are these white-haired people about?" Little Color grumbled, displeased at its interrupted cultivation and missed opportunity to advance, deeming it not the right time. Qian Wanyu, also shaken by Little Bean Sprout's shrill scream, felt a subdued impact compared to the previous underwater experience—but realized the trap too late. "Not good, we've been tricked. Ding Ding, take me up, quickly." "Ooh." Unaware of the situation, Ding Ding, immune to Little Bean Sprout's cry, ascended. They arrived to find a group of white-haired people retreating swiftly after seeing them, fleeing with impressive speed. "Little Nine, Little Nine." Ding Ding soon spotted Dongfang Minghui lying motionless and hurried to her side, "What's wrong with Little Nine?" "Ninth Sister." Noticed by Qian Wanyu, she saw her lips had turned purple, bloodstains around her mouth. Checking her pulse, she found it irregular. "What's happening?" "Poisoned." Little Color morphed into human form, appearing slightly older this time, more mature. It wrapped the blackened needle in grass, examining it closely, "A mixed poison, seemingly potent." Pig Immortal Grass rolled up the porcelain bottle, tossing it to Qian Wanyu's lap, "I gave her regular antidote pills—whether they work remains to be seen." Qian Wanyu uncorked the bottle, quickly identifying them as antidote pills. Ninth Sister always prepared duplicates—one for herself, one for protection. But the person most adept at identifying poisons lay unconscious. "Ding Ding, let them all out. Maybe someone recognizes this poison." "What's wrong with Little Nine? Why isn't she responding to Ding Ding?" Ding Ding hovered worriedly, "What's wrong with Little Nine?" "Ding Ding, be good. Ninth Sister is poisoned. Let them out; say I need to discuss something." "Ooh." Clueless about poisoning, Ding Ding expanded the Longevity Cauldron, releasing everyone, including the bewildered fierce beast. Everyone emerged unsure of their locale, especially Qian Ziyan and Qian Yiling, both yanked from their cultivation unceremoniously by Ding Ding's command, "Little Nine is poisoned; you all need to find a way." "Sorcerer." "What?" "Poisoned?" "Let me see." Examining her in turn, none could devise a solution. Qian Wanyu's expression darkened, standing abruptly as Qian Yiling caught her wrist, "Yu'er, what are you planning?" She drew her Water Thunder Whip, "I believe I know where those people went. Finding them will lead us to the antidote." Qian Ziyan nodded slightly, "Wanyu, I'll go with you." "No, the both of you should stay here. I fear they may attempt another ambush. They likely used these elusive silver needles for an attack. I can set up a formation. Mother, Uncle, keep watch over Ninth Sister until I return." "Yu’er, take Ding Ding with you." Ding Ding was perched on Dongfang Minghui's shoulder, occasionally touching her chin and nuzzling her face with a worried expression, evoking sympathy. Qian Wanyu grabbed it, speaking softly, "Ding Ding, would you like to come with me to teach those who hurt Ninth Sister a lesson?" Ding Ding tilted its head and glanced at the unresponsive figure, quickly catching on, "Yes, yes, but what about Little Nine?" "If we find the antidote, Ninth Sister will be fine." "Then let's go quickly." The two of them moved stealthily along the path. With Ding Ding perched on her forehead, eyes darting all around, appearing distracted, it noted, "Why does this path seem familiar?" Prompted by Ding Ding's remark, Qian Wanyu halted abruptly. Several pebbles tumbled silently down the path. She surveyed the surroundings, "Ding Ding, does this path resemble the one we traveled?" "Exactly, the same." "Two sides of a mirror?" Recalling their previous path, flanked by two diverging routes alongside the ravine, one ascending and the other descending, with the ever-flowing water regardless of direction—including the Anhui tribe that dared not breach further—Qian Wanyu contemplated rapidly. "Ding Ding, if you notice anything different, alert me at once." Ding Ding nodded solemnly, "Got it." The tiny figure cradled its head, seated atop Qian Wanyu's head, and after a while, pointed out, "There's a cave." "Hmm?" "There, see?" Ding Ding pointed to a familiar spot, realizing it was where they once paused to rest, Qian Wanyu quickly recognized it as well. "Could they have tracked us through a mirrored surface, deliberately drawing us away to target Ninth Sister?" "Ugh," Ding Ding tugged at Qian Wanyu's hair, "so vile and wicked." "But why?" Reaching out to touch the cave's entrance, Qian Wanyu found no barrier or formation. She almost doubted her earlier guess, but soon discovered the same white-haired person they had lost sight of. "Who are you?" The white-haired person sat silently, using a stone to crush herbs he had gathered from above, grinding them into a paste before placing them into a broken jar. Having been with Dongfang Minghui for so long, Qian Wanyu recognized the expertise in his actions, even if the herbs were unfamiliar. It occurred to her that this group might need an alchemist. "What do you intend to do with Ninth Sister?" Her query drew his attention. Even someone as seasoned as Qian Wanyu was startled by his Anhui face, similar to those outside the ravine. "Ding Ding, did you see Little Fatty earlier?" Ding Ding pondered for a moment and definitively replied, "No." Qian Wanyu gritted her teeth, "That little creature's so cunning. If I catch it again, I’ll surely skin it." "Why skin it?" "What is your connection to the Anhui outside the ravine?" He withdrew deeper into the cave, revealing another, similar being—also with white hair and an Anhui face. The human-Anhui hybrid, extremely tall, cradled a white-haired figure at least 1.8 meters tall. Qian Wanyu felt her suspicion was confirmed, "If you desire healing, why poison Ninth Sister? Hand over the antidote, and I'll spare your life." She watched as the white-haired figure poured much of the jar's liquid into his unconscious—or dead—companion, only for it to cascade back out, accompanied by even more blackened content. A repulsive smell spread through the cave, forcing Qian Wanyu to retreat with a pinched nose, sealing off her sense of smell. Ding Ding noticed a small, white-haired person outside the cave bearing an Anhui face, one with features reminiscent of a familiar pair of black bean eyes, occasionally crossed. Ding Ding tilted its head, discerning the figure before exclaiming in Qian Wanyu's ear, "It's Little Fatty! That's Little Fatty!" Qian Wanyu furrowed her brows, alternating her gaze between the large white-haired one and the smaller one outside, noting the red mark on its abdomen to confirm this little white-haired one was indeed Little Fatty. "Wicked, skin it!" Little Fatty stared at them, dragging forth a broken ceramic jug, mimicking a drinking gesture. "A drink?" "Could it be the antidote?" Its beady eyes sparkled, and it eagerly presented the jug to Qian Wanyu. "Why, you little traitor." Little Fatty snarled at the large white-haired one with an open mouth, fierce in demeanor but lacking sharp teeth, thus evoking little fear. Qian Wanyu instructed, "Ding Ding, carry this jar up and give it to my mother." Without hesitation, Ding Ding snatched the jug and flew off, occasionally glancing back at Little Fatty, "Are you coming back?" Little Fatty, not looking back, stayed beside Qian Wanyu, growling at the giant white-haired individual. Qian Wanyu began to understand that the sections above and below, as well as the left and right of the ravine, each functioned like a mirror. Yet she was baffled by the Anhui's dual existence, half beast in the ravine's exterior and half human here. Drawing out her Water Thunder Whip, charged with purple lightning, she intimidated the large white-haired figure with a display of minimal lightning threat before quickly retracing her steps, Little Fatty in tow, ascending once more. The moment it emerged, Little Fatty reverted to crawling as a normal two-footed Anhui might. Qian Wanyu was at a loss, unable to communicate with the Anhui that merely roared with open jaws. Despite its intelligence, it hadn’t fully evolved. Could Yu Chi Shou’s words hold truth that these Anhui could never achieve full transformation? "Aah, Little Nine, Little Nine." Dongfang Minghui, barely awake, found Ding Ding on her face, weakly attempting to evade its bothersome touch until Ding Ding finally ceased. Qian Wanyu helped her sit up, "This antidote was found by Little Fatty—the least you could do is thank it." Having managed to awaken herself, Dongfang Minghui blinked in confusion, "What antidote?" Qian Wanyu glanced curiously at Ding Ding, who presented the cracked jug to them, "Here, for Little Nine." The overwhelming stench nearly knocked Dongfang Minghui back into unconsciousness. Wrinkling her nose, she pushed the jar away, "Ding Ding, set that aside for now. I'll analyze the concoction’s components later." Qian Wanyu, having sealed her sense of smell, was oblivious to the jug's stench. Seeing Dongfang Minghui awake, she sighed in relief, "You gave me quite a scare." Though aware of external events, Dongfang Minghui had been preoccupied cleansing the potent poison with spiritual energy. The effort had been considerable. "Seventh Sister, do you know who those people were?" Why had they lured Seventh Sister away only to target her? "Anhui." "Hmm?" Anticipating disbelief, Qian Wanyu recounted Little Fatty's transformation into a human-Anhui form, elaborating on her suspicions. Concluding, she inquired of Yu Chi Shou, "Last time, you mentioned this tribe was banished by the Dragon Clan. Why are they split, some exiled beyond the ravine, others hidden here?" Yu Chi Shou didn’t know why the tribe had transformed this way, glancing at Little Fatty curled up nearby, "Ask it. Surely it knows." Little Fatty straightened, visibly recognizing Yu Chi Shou's aura, feeling a wave of dragon clan intimidation, arousing a heightened sense of alertness. "Heh, you're more vigilant than expected. Yes, I’m the guardian of the Dragon Clan's descendants. Tell me about your tribe, and perhaps I’ll consider making you my protégé," Yu Chi Shou challenged with casual arrogance. Lien snorted disdainfully. Dongfang Minghui extended her hand, beckoning Little Fatty, which surprisingly crept over, nudging her hand with its tail, "Little Fatty, don't be afraid. If Yu Chi Shou can understand you, share your story. Let's understand what you want to convey." Little Fatty curled up tightly, retracting its head back into its body, entirely ignoring Yu Chi Shou. "Heh, this little creature dares to ignore me." Yu Chi Shou had expected that flaunting his Dragon Clan heritage would intimidate it, but it paid him no heed. Frustrated, he considered picking it up. "Yu Chi Shou." Qian Wanyu shot him a glare, "Does bullying the small make you proud?" Lien chuckled inappropriately, "That's his style. When I was young and disobedient, he used intimidation to keep me in line," he added, a hint of resentment in his tone. "Ninth, how are you feeling?" Qian Yiling ignored the bickering, dodging around the Anhui to gently wipe Dongfang Minghui’s face and tidy her disheveled hair. "You see, I can't leave you alone for a moment without Yu'er making a mess of things. You really should reconsider if she's the right one for you, darling. You ought to find someone who pampers and cherishes you completely." "Mother." Qian Wanyu was torn between annoyance and amusement at her mother's words, "Every time Ninth Sister isn't feeling well, haven't I taken the utmost care of her? Mother, don't try to steal her from me." Caught between laughter and tears, Dongfang Minghui quickly shook her head, "Mother, this wasn’t Seventh Sister’s fault. I wasn’t cautious enough." Moreover, she hadn't anticipated the group using the 'tiger-leaving-the-mountain' tactic to distract Seventh Sister and Ding Ding, attacking her with hidden weapons when her guard was down. As they say, complacency breeds carelessness. With no danger in sight, she had let her guard down, giving them the opportunity. Qian Wanyu, despite Qian Yiling's objections, carried her further away but remained vigilant of the Anhui's unpredictable movements. "Ninth Sister, is the poison truly purged? I'm still worried." She closed her eyes, channeling a faint stream of spiritual energy into Dongfang Minghui’s body. After exploring, she retracted it, confirming, "No wonder you're so weak." Dongfang Minghui nodded guiltily, "I expelled the poison using spiritual energy; it was very draining." Ding Ding simply played with Little Fatty, sitting atop its snug body, swinging its legs. Little Fatty emerged briefly to glance around, then burrowed in tighter. "Little Fatty, don't sleep; let's fight the bad guys." Only later did Ding Ding remember it hadn't yet dealt with those who troubled Little Nine, beginning to pester Little Fatty. Unresponsive, Little Fatty continually curled inward, burying its head until Ding Ding's incessant talking faded into quietude. --- "I've never heard of any such mirror path," Yu Chi Shou concluded after Qian Wanyu shared her suspicions with everyone. "You've never heard of it because perhaps your ancestors didn't foresee you returning to Dragon Clan territory. Perhaps they chose to leave you in ignorance," she countered. "True enough," Yu Chi Shou conceded swiftly, "Had that little Anhui explained earlier, we wouldn't have wasted so much time." Qian Wanyu glanced at Little Fatty, surprised by its actions. Ninth Sister assured her that despite the jar’s ungodly stench, it neutralized the poison, "No matter, this is the Anhui's issue and shouldn't impede our pursuit of the Dragon Clan's land. Once Ninth Sister recovers, we will continue our journey." Mu Sheng, Zhi Lan, Xiao Miao, and Lien cared little about the Anhui; their encounters had been scarce. Chi Ziyan, however, pulled Qian Wanyu aside with a concern of his own. "If this path indeed leads to the Dragon Clan, Wanyu, I fear it won’t be that straightforward." "Yes, I know." Chi Ziyan's expression shifted, sensing her calm resolve. In a low voice, he asked, "Are you planning to handle this alone?" Indeed, she had considered it. Firstly, Little Fatty’s astonishing actions—had it been disloyal, she wouldn’t have hesitated to eliminate it. Yet, as always, Ninth Sister’s judgment proved impeccable. There were likely reasons for Little Fatty's peculiar behaviors and the presence of its kin. Secondly, she aimed to solve the ravine's mysteries completely. If this persisted, unforeseen troubles awaited along their path. The unseen threats lurking might cost them dearly, making it wiser to address the issue thoroughly. "I always favor decisive actions." "Uncle, don't let Mother know. You’re aware she'd follow me into danger headlong," Qian Wanyu further cautioned, "I want her safe. The Dragon Clan's land isn't for you lot, so guard Toothless well within the Longevity Cauldron. I don't fully trust Yu Chi Shou." Chi Ziyan understood, finding Qian Wanyu was much like Lingling—resolute once a decision was made, nearly impossible to sway from her chosen course. "Take care."