248 - Mistress, I Was Wrong

## Chapter 248: Soul Separation (1) After Dongfang Minghui discovered this fact, she exclaimed in surprise. Her sudden outcry startled the white-haired Little Hui awake. As it sat up, it realized there was ointment applied to its body. The medicine felt cool and soothing on its wounds. Instinctively, it took the smaller Little Hui and wrapped it in its embrace, coiling around it in a natural and skilled manner, fitting perfectly. Qian Wanyu helped her up, speaking in a low voice to comfort her, "Don't be surprised. There's something I didn't get a chance to tell you while you were asleep." "Huh?" "Little Nine sleeps all the time," Ding Ding complained from the side, then let out a yawn and dozed off resting on Dongfang Minghui's shoulder. Little Color took the cue and carefully put Ding Ding on its vines, fashioning a little bed to ensure the small ancestor wouldn't roll off while napping. It was playing the role of nanny quite well. "The white-haired Hui-people we encounter are related to Little Hui's tribe. They are born with their souls split in two. One half lives outside the canyon in beast form, the other half stays here in human form. They can't merge." Dongfang Minghui blinked, finding what Seventh Sister said a bit fantastical. Yet, the more she thought about it, the less strange it seemed. Like separated twins who can affect one another through telepathy. Her mental preparedness led her to calmly accept that Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui might very well be two parts of the same individual. "So, the wounds on Little Hui's body also appear on the white-haired Little Hui?" "Yes." "Does that mean if one dies, the other one does too?" "Yes." Dongfang Minghui pondered, "But if the Hui tribe is really isolated outside, how come Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui can meet, while the other Hui-people can't?" Everyone turned their gaze to the two Little Hui that appeared quite friendly with each other. The white-haired Little Hui cozily entwined around Little Hui, sleeping with their heads touching. A short distance away, the one-armed white-haired large Hui cast a shadowed glance over Little Hui, a flicker of something sinister crossing its eyes, caught by Qian Wanyu. "What's the big deal? Just ask it directly," Yu Chi Shou said, clearly unfriendly towards the white-haired large Hui. Seeing it cower only fueled his anger. He lifted his foot, ready to give it a nudge. The one-armed white-haired large Hui suddenly crouched down, clutching its head and wailing hoarsely, evoking the instinctual dread of a long-abused creature. Its reaction drew curious stares from Dongfang Minghui toward Yu Chi Shou. Her look seemed to ask, "What terrible thing did you do?" "You, don't think just because you're like that that I won't be able to deal with you. Are you going to fess up, or would you prefer experiencing my lightning-like methods?" "Seventh Sister," Dongfang Minghui tugged at Qian Wanyu's sleeve, unable to bear watching. Qian Wanyu looked down, seeing the fatigue on her face, likely from treating Little Hui. She pulled her aside, carrying her to a secluded shaded spot. Using her height to block others' views, she gently placed her down near the tree, gazing deeply into her eyes, whispering softly, "Ninth Sister." Dongfang Minghui had thought Seventh Sister had something serious to say, but the posture, the movement, the voice… Her face reddened, adding a touch of liveliness to her pallor. Her lips moved slightly, "Seventh Sister." Qian Wanyu found it amusing, feeling a playful urge well up. Their bodies moved closer until they were nearly touching, feeling each other's powerful heartbeats. She inclined her head slightly, her eyelashes grazing the other's face. Dongfang Minghui blinked nervously, seeing Seventh Sister's delicate skin so close, instinctively wanting to touch it. Qian Wanyu initially intended to tease but seeing the blush on the other's cheeks, much improved from earlier, reinforced her thoughts. The inviting ruby lips seemed to be calling her. She clasped the other's restless hand, interlocking their fingers, as their energies seamlessly merged. She gently kissed her. Seeing the dazed, adorable look on the other's face, she deepened the kiss, guiding her in a tender dance. Dongfang Minghui's mind went blank. When the tide of feelings finally subsided, she suddenly asked, "Seventh Sister, what did you mean to say earlier?" Qian Wanyu let out a mischievous chuckle, "Didn't Ninth Sister just experience it firsthand?" … Seventh Sister turned into a mischievous rabbit. Little Color noticed the couple return with bits of leaves adorning them, chuckling knowingly at its small companions. Dongfang Minghui rolled her eyes. They had merely engaged in some dual cultivation. Perhaps, amidst the comfort, she had let out some noises unconsciously, prompting Little Color’s teasing look. What a mischief-maker. In the soul sea, the Pig Immortal Grass laid back, stating, "The Soul Yin Fruit and Qing Mo have bonded. Given time, his soul will stabilize better. Then, you must think of a way..." Dongfang Minghui quietly listened, occasionally discussing with the Pig Immortal Grass, a troubled look on her face. She had thought the Soul Yin Fruit would resolve Qing Mo's issue but realized she underestimated. This was only the beginning. "I'll find a way." The Pig Immortal Grass needed no further convincing, its eyes still stinging from the earlier scene. Qian Wanyu attentively watched Dongfang Minghui's every expression. Noticing her troubled look, curiosity bubbled in Qian Wanyu’s heart, wondering what she was pondering. Her main concern, however, was when Minghui might show signs of fatigue. Possibly due to dual cultivation, Dongfang Minghui managed to stay awake for two full hours before suddenly collapsing. "Ninth Sister." Qian Wanyu checked her pulse and observed her state, only relaxing once assured she was merely asleep. Even Yu Chi Shou, who ordinarily stayed out of Dongfang Minghui’s affairs, sensed something was off, curiously asking, “What happened to her?” “Nothing, she’s just sleeping.” "Oh." “Did you find out the reason?” Qian Wanyu nodded toward the drooping white-haired Hui. "Said it didn't know." Yu Chi Shou mumbled, "Wouldn't it make more sense to ask the actual parties involved? You really seem to have befriended those two critters. Are you planning to bring them to the Dragon Clan's territory too?" "If they prove capable, why not?" Though if they met an untimely end halfway, it’d be destiny’s decision. Qian Wanyu nonchalantly added, "Rest briefly, then we continue our journey." Yu Chi Shou gave a thoughtful glance but asked no further. Throughout the journey, he diligently kept an eye on the white-haired Hui pair, occasionally bullying the larger one while Little Hui managed to evade him, protected by the white-haired little Hui. Every time Little Hui was bullied, it would find ways to retaliate. Qian Wanyu and Little Color observed the gradual change in Little Hui. From initially charging head-first to using strategic maneuvers against Yu Chi Shou, eventually changing its tactics to stealth. As they walked, Little Hui unexpectedly attacked Yu Chi Shou, catching him off guard. Its unpredictability allowed it nearly to strike him once. Witnessing Little Hui's progress was astonishing. No one had taught it these tactics. Qian Wanyu confidently concluded that this Little Hui was far wiser than those hiding in caves or lying in ambush. It was aware of its actions. After Ding Ding awoke, it joined Little Hui in playfully teasing Yu Chi Shou. Both coordinated seamlessly, with one attacking from below and the other from above, pushing Yu Chi Shou to a corner. "You two little things, don't think you can mess with me just because I'm going easy on you." Once Yu Chi Shou got serious, he unleashed his fire element spirit power. Ding Ding was unfazed, but Little Hui had to retreat into the shadows, inadvertently exposing a huge opening. Little Hui was once again caught by Yu Chi Shou, but the white-haired Little Hui, previously inactive, suddenly lunged at him, catching him off guard. During his brief distraction, Little Hui managed to slip free from his clutches. Ding Ding fluttered its wings, playfully chasing Yu Chi Shou all around. Dongfang Minghui was waking up more frequently during the journey, sleeping less and less. But she repeatedly fretted over the dwindling spirit liquid and teething sticks, which wearied everyone's ears. Despite this, her quest to seek out spirit medicines remained unresolved. Qian Wanyu took advantage of these opportunities to engage in dual cultivation whenever she caught her, resulting in the two flirting and cultivating together throughout the journey. Though they always sought places away from the group, particularly avoiding the curious Ding Ding's endless questions, everyone there was perceptive, and sometimes, they'd unintentionally let slip some sounds... It was somewhat embarrassing. After ten days of sleepless travel, the one-armed white-haired Hui-person became increasingly silent, not even whimpering when bullied by Yu Chi Shou. Meanwhile, Little Hui grew notably agile and even more cunning in its attacks. "Seventh Sister, look, is that the place?" "Yes." Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief, feeling a sense of accomplishment akin to ascending a mountain peak from its base. Dongfang Minghui, among them, appeared the most energetic. She'd spent most of her time either sleeping or cultivating, sparing her the strain others experienced from walking. Qian Wanyu washed her face, and everyone mimicked her, refreshing themselves and feeling much more comfortable. Little Color went as far as to dive into the water for a soak. Suddenly, its eyes sparkled. It squinted slightly, "Qian Wanyu, look over there." This was a mountain range with an irregularly shaped summit. There was an iron archway where Little Color saw a flash of light reflecting. The intermittent glints suggested the presence of something. Ding Ding suggested Little Hui join it in the water, but Little Hui, for once, declined, eyes fixed on the highest point, a look of eager anticipation in its beady eyes, as if something awaited it there. "Where?" "You have to stand here to see it." Qian Wanyu leaped onto a stone pillar built from mountain rocks, standing taller than Little Color, who was soaking in the water. She had an excellent view, but the archway seemed shrouded in a chilling fog, preventing her from seeing what was causing the glint, "Indeed, there's something there." "Seventh Sister, I want to see too." They all instinctively stood on the stone pillar, except for one silhouette quietly slipping back, planning to retrace their steps. Little Color keenly shouted, "The one-armed is trying to run!" "Oh no." Ding Ding, who hated escapees, darted forth, grabbing the white-haired one-armed Hui-person like a chick and lifting it back. There was quite the struggle, accompanied by its gut-wrenching screams. "What is it saying?" Dongfang Minghui asked, noting its terrified and resistant demeanor, her curiosity piqued. "This creepy crawler keeps babbling about curses and divine punishments for coming here," Yu Chi Shou observed the white-haired Hui-person with interest, "Should we let it go or just kill it?" Qian Wanyu pondered for a moment, glancing at Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui. She noticed a sort of wild longing in their eyes as they gazed at the mountain, as if overwhelmed with silent desires, "Let it go." "Huh?" Yu Chi Shou couldn't believe his ears, "Let it go? Did I hear that right?" Little Color impatiently reiterated, "You heard right." Yu Chi Shou shrugged nonchalantly. Once released, the one-armed Hui-person scrambled at breakneck speed, rolling and tumbling down the path without uttering a word. Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui glanced once at its retreating figure. "Seventh Sister, are you sure it's fine to just let it go like that?" Dongfang Minghui felt some pity for the one-armed white-haired Hui-person but worried that resentment might drive it to do something reckless, leaving her conflicted. Qian Wanyu, with a soft smile, looked at her, "Ninth Sister, what are you worrying about?" Yu Chi Shou snorted dismissively, "What's there to worry about? It's gone now. Even if a hundred of these creepers come, I'll slay them just the same." "Alright, let's move on." The path grew narrower, narrowing until it could only accommodate a single person's steps. They had to press against the uneven cliff behind them to inch forward. More alarmingly, a constant stream of water ran down, making the path both slippery and wet. Every step had to be taken with utmost caution. Qian Wanyu led the way, followed by Dongfang Minghui, with Ding Ding flitting overhead unaffected. Little Color followed, Yu Chi Shou brought up the rear, while Little Hui was entwined around the white-haired Little Hui's neck. Everyone was most concerned about these two. But the white-haired Little Hui walked with exceptional steadiness, showing no sign of fear. "You two have some nerve, unlike those bugs in the water," Yu Chi Shou remarked with interest as he struggled to hold his tongue when bored, "Though you probably don't realize how high this is. If you fall, you'll be nothing but pulp." Little Color chuckled, but Dongfang Minghui couldn't help recall her own similar experience, shuddering slightly. A small stone near her foot tumbled down. Gazing below, she saw the dizzying height and endless depth, as the stone vanished silently. "Minghui, don't look. Just keep moving forward," Little Color's vine wrapped around her wrist reassuringly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." "Okay." Dongfang Minghui kept her eyes level, neither up nor down, moving carefully along the cliff, while Yu Chi Shou's out-of-tune jokes buzzed around her ears. Finally, they reached the archway. Water poured continuously from the archway, following the path they had just trekked downwards. Qian Wanyu surveyed their surroundings, seemingly uninterested in the archway. Dongfang Minghui's legs felt weak after the tense journey, having been cautious with every step. Now at rest, they trembled slightly, so she leaned against the archway to take a break, "Seventh Sister, what are you looking for?" "Strange, the source of that glint isn't here." Little Color also found nothing, musing, "Maybe it's on the other side of the mountain, or perhaps we saw it wrong?" The water cascading from the archway carried a chill, shrouding them in mist. Sitting with her back against the archway, Dongfang Minghui soon found her clothes wet. She shivered and tried to get up, inadvertently touching a hollow spot. "Huh, what's this?" The entire archway resembled a bridge, with irregular hollow shapes in the middle, small and precise, as if part of its original design. Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui stared intently at the archway, like facing a massive treasure. The white-haired Little Hui even tried to push it, but upon touching it, a force repelled it, ejecting it into the cramped space beside the archway. Their collision tangled with Little Color, Yu Chi Shou, and Seventh Sister. "Seventh Sister." Ding Ding reacted swiftly, grabbing Qian Wanyu's arm with one hand and Little Hui's head with the other. Little Hui's long tail was still wrapped around the white-haired Little Hui. In one sweep, Ding Ding dragged all three back to the archway. Once safely back, Ding Ding quipped, "Exhausting Ding Ding!" Dongfang Minghui couldn't help but burst into laughter. Little Color climbed back up using its vines, exasperated, "What did you two touch just now?" Qian Wanyu, however, was uncharacteristically eager, catching hold of Ding Ding, "Ding Ding, fly me again. I think I saw it." Yu Chi Shou transformed into a fire dragon, soaring through the air, calling back, "There's more to this mountain than meets the eye; there's something over here." "Is it the glowing object?" Qian Wanyu asked. "It does cast a glow, but it seems to be just a mirror." "A mirror?" Dongfang Minghui looked puzzled. Nearby, both Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui stretched their necks eagerly. If only they could cross to retrieve it, they'd probably act without hesitation. Dongfang Minghui had never seen them so atypical. "Yes, a mirror, flashing reflected light," recalled Qian Wanyu, certain it was a mirror when she was momentarily caught in the light during her fall. Perhaps it was the legendary mirror mentioned by the Hui tribe, the one that split their souls into parts. Upon this realization, Qian Wanyu's face lit up with joy. "Yu Chi Shou, see if you can retrieve that mirror in one piece." Dongfang Minghui stood and shook herself, trying to use her spirit power to dry the dampness at the back of her clothes, while Ding Ding lounged on her shoulder, kicking its feet idly. "Little Nine, this place isn't fun; let's go back." Yu Chi Shou wanted to retrieve it, but for some reason, the mirror was embedded in the mountain wall, with only a small portion visible. Despite several attempts, he couldn't budge it. The mountain trembled slightly as stones cascaded downwards, smoothing the ground beneath them with the water's force, nearly causing them to tumble off the cliff. "Yu Chi Shou?" Qian Wanyu waited for a moment then turned to Ding Ding, "Ding Ding, would you accompany me to get the mirror and then come back?" Ding Ding hesitated a bit on Dongfang Minghui's shoulder, seemingly considering something. "Ding Ding, what's wrong?" Dongfang Minghui knew the little one well. If there was something to play with, it would normally be thrilled, so why the hesitance now? "Ding Ding, help Seventh Sister this once; the mirror is important to us all." Ding Ding tilted its head, gazing at her. After a long pause, it reluctantly agreed, "Alright." Ding Ding grabbed Qian Wanyu's arm and flew over to the other side of the mountain. Very quickly, they found the shining mirror, or rather a shard of a mirror, embedded very skillfully in the mountain wall. Qian Wanyu's other hand reached for her water thunder whip, contemplating the best approach to extract the mirror. However, Ding Ding stalled mid-air, refusing to proceed. "Ding Ding?" Ding Ding muttered, "We can't go any further." "Ding Ding, what's the matter?" "We can't move forward," Ding Ding reiterated while flapping its wings, pulling Qian Wanyu back, apparently with the intention to retreat. "Ding Ding!" With the mirror so close yet her goal unreached, Qian Wanyu couldn't tolerate Ding Ding pulling back without any progress. She released a powerful surge of gold spirit power to stabilize Ding Ding. Unexpectedly, Ding Ding paused, then plummeted downwards, taking Qian Wanyu along in its descent. Standing at the archway, Dongfang Minghui only heard Seventh Sister repeatedly calling out Ding Ding's name; they formed a triangle with the other side, leaving Ding Ding and Qian Wanyu out of sight. Yu Chi Shou heard Qian Wanyu's final, panicked shout and sensed something amiss. He quickly transformed into a fire dragon and flew out. Upon arrival, he saw a silhouette rapidly plummeting into a mere speck, indicating the speed of the fall. Qian Wanyu felt a hint of frustration; Ding Ding, usually so reliable, faltered at a critical moment. More importantly, she realized she shouldn't have hurriedly asked Ding Ding but rather asked for Yu Chi Shou or Little Color's help. Currently, she found herself powerless to find a foothold or halt her descent. Qian Wanyu attempted to unleash her quintuple-element spirit energy, shouting, "Yu Chi Shou." No sooner had she called, a fiery figure appeared rapidly, just managing to catch the descending Qian Wanyu and the unconscious Ding Ding. Yu Chi Shou flew low, slightly sinking under the weight, before ascending back towards the archway. "Damn, why is it so heavy?" "It's Ding Ding." Qian Wanyu broke out in cold sweat, realizing how close she was to disaster, "Thank you for saving me." Yu Chi Shou, feeling as if his back nearly snapped under the weight of the Longevity Cauldron, was too spent to banter with Qian Wanyu. Waving his hand dismissively, he replied, "I wasn't saving you. I was saving the young master." If the Longevity Cauldron was lost, he'd have to answer for it with his life. "Seventh Sister, are you alright?" "I'm fine; check on Ding Ding." Qian Wanyu acknowledged her earlier rashness. Ding Ding's reluctance probably stemmed from some misgivings that hadn't been properly heeded. Dongfang Minghui tried to pick up Ding Ding, finding it impossibly heavy, as if it weighed a ton. "Seventh Sister, why is Ding Ding so heavy?" Qian Wanyu caught her breath, reflecting that the sheer weight had accelerated their descent. Without Yu Chi Shou's intervention, she might have perished, if not crushed by the Longevity Cauldron into pulp. "It's the weight of the Longevity Cauldron..." At least a thousand catties. "Ding Ding's sudden fainting must be related to its recent frequent drowsiness. Can you tell if it's alright?" "Seventh Sister, I can't examine Ding Ding's condition." Dongfang Minghui was anxious enough to cry. She was adept at healing people and beasts, but spirit beings born from metal artifacts? How could she possibly heal a spirit entity? "You could try using gold spirit energy to awaken it," Little Color advised Qian Wanyu. "Okay, let me try." Qian Wanyu released a thread of golden spirit energy that gradually enveloped Ding Ding in its light. Yu Chi Shou was in a disheveled state, wholly unprepared for Ding Ding's deceptively lightweight appearance to hold such deadly weight. Seeing Seventh Sister focused on spreading gold spirit energy, Dongfang Minghui stepped aside, noticing Yu Chi Shou half-kneeling on the ground, unmoving, for an extended time. Initially dismissive, she reconsidered, given his recent effort in saving them. Struggling internally, she asked, "Yu Chi Shou, are you alright?" "Fine," Yu Chi Shou gritted his teeth, arduously supporting himself to stand. A slip of the foot sent him plummeting, aggravating his pain. Dongfang Minghui hastily grabbed him, but the area was indeed slippery, and since he outweighed her, he dragged her down as well. Little Color's vines shot out, one pulling the other. Nearby, Little Hui extended its long tail, pulling them up, one after another. Seeing them unharmed, Qian Wanyu refocused on concentrating her gold spirit energy into Ding Ding. "The stones here are too slick. Be extra careful when walking," Little Color advised, helping Dongfang Minghui to her feet and indicating her wet clothes, "Dry yourself." Dongfang Minghui, still shaken, lightly patted her chest, using spirit energy to dry her clothes before touching Little Hui. "Little Hui, thank you for helping us just now." Little Color grunted in dissatisfaction, huffing proudly. If not for Little Color and Little Hui, they probably would have tumbled down like a string of gourds. Dongfang Minghui took the opportunity to thank Little Color, finally extending her hand to Yu Chi Shou, "Thank you for saving Seventh Sister earlier." Yu Chi Shou looked at her in surprise, "I did it for the young master." "Regardless of whether it was for Toothless or anyone else, I owe you my gratitude." Dongfang Minghui was firm. She couldn't fathom the scenario if Seventh Sister and Ding Ding had truly fallen. Seeing Yu Chi Shou in a somewhat new, endearing light. "Fine, if you insist on counting it that way, then you, along with them, have saved me too. Let's call it even," Yu Chi Shou slightly furrowed his brow, "How's Ding Ding? It can't be in trouble; the young masters are all inside the Longevity Cauldron." Dongfang Minghui found it curious as well, "How could Ding Ding, a spirit entity, suddenly faint without cause?" Little Color speculated boldly, "I think it's probably just asleep. Lately, as you sleep, so does it. Did you two make an agreement?” "Huh?" Dongfang Minghui was clueless about Ding Ding's sleep pattern, primarily assuming it didn't need to sleep, "Um, I remember Seventh Sister mentioning that Ding Ding only feels drowsy when it spends too much energy, but on this journey, Ding Ding hasn't really done anything energy-consuming, right?" Little Color shook its head, indicating the trip had been peaceful. "Did you offend it?" "Who's bold enough to do that?" The two debated for quite some time without uncovering the true cause of Ding Ding's fainting. Qian Wanyu continued channeling spirit energy for two hours. When she stopped, the little creature remained as if it were asleep, its small chest rising and falling steadily. "Seventh Sister." "Ding Ding didn't faint from over-exertion. I think it's just asleep." "Asleep?" Dongfang Minghui raised her voice suddenly, "How could it be sleeping just like that? That's not normal." Everyone present shot her a glance before diverting their gaze in unspoken agreement. Bewildered, Dongfang Minghui asked, "What are you all looking at me for?" Little Color silently tilted her gaze upward. Qian Wanyu gingerly shifted to a relatively dry spot, sat cross-legged, pondering deeply. Throughout the journey, both Ninth Sister and Ding Ding had fallen into this drowsy state, with Ding Ding's refusal to approach the mirror possibly triggering the fainting. She murmured, "Could it be related to that mirror?" Yu Chi Shou furrowed his brow, "I saw that mirror. It's quite ordinary, and even cracked. Why insist on retrieving it?" Though he only saw a part of it, the mirror's cracks were evident, making it seem like a discarded mirror. Qian Wanyu propped her head on one hand while rhythmically tapping her knees with the other. Her gaze subtly shifted towards the silent Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui throughout the journey. “Now that we've reached this point, shouldn’t you tell us what you know? Otherwise, there’s no one to help you retrieve that mirror,” Qian Wanyu said somewhat regretfully. “Your Hui tribe once said you ended up like this because, one day, a mirror appeared in the mountains.” Yu Chi Shou couldn’t believe it. “That broken mirror? It can split the whole tribe into two?” Little Color remained silent. “A mirror that splits souls...” It did sound familiar. Little Hui opened its mouth, hissing something, while the white-haired Little Hui gently stroked it. The synchronization between them was apparent in even the simplest actions. “What is Little Hui saying?” “It claims that this mirror caused the Hui tribe to split into two parts: one outside the canyon and one inside. Because of the mirror’s range, they’ve been trapped in that area. It wishes to break the mirror and resolve the long-standing plight of the Hui tribe,” Yu Chi Shou explained, wide-eyed. “So it’s really that mirror.” “It also mentioned that it could enter the canyon only by chance, having discovered a pill left by its ancestors that conceals its aura. That pill helped it escape confinement, or perhaps switching places with something inside the canyon allowed it free passage. However, it warned that such power is eerie; previous Hui tried to destroy it and return to their former lives but never returned. Thus, this place became forbidden for the Hui tribe; no one dares approach.” The white-haired Little Hui continuously encouraged Little Hui with gentle strokes, egging it to share more. Yu Chi Shou found his composure. “It hopes we can help break the mirror, restoring their lives. In return, we’ll be honored guests of their tribe forever.” Dongfang Minghui rolled her eyes, realizing Little Hui, despite its size, seemed smarter than the large white-haired Hui. Clever enough to offer grand promises that she doubted would be of any use to them. Qian Wanyu listened quietly, only speaking once Little Hui concluded its story. “Qing Mo once told me that there are three types of mirrors. Each brings chaos when it appears. One is the Reincarnation Mirror, showing life on one side and death on the other. Another is the Three Lives Mirror, reflecting past, present, and future. Then there’s another... due to its long history, now broken and forgotten by many, called the Soul Separation Mirror.” “The Soul Separation Mirror,” Little Color finally understood why it felt familiar. However, it recalled the mirror’s purpose as neither dividing souls nor being primarily a tool for division. The mirror’s main feature was to either split or gather souls, with most people wanting to gather rather than divide. “So, you think the mirror embedded in the wall is a Soul Separation Mirror?” Yu Chi Shou didn’t know how to express his inner shock. “We couldn’t be sure before,” Qian Wanyu admitted. As they entered the mirror’s vicinity, she suspected something strange was affecting the aura. Learning from the Hui bout a mirror-like thing confirmed her suspicions. The sight of Little Hui and the white-haired Little Hui solidified them. “Now, I’m almost certain it’s the Soul Separation Mirror.” Dongfang Minghui pursed her lips, feeling a headache creep in. Remembering her entanglement with the Three Lives Mirror, she blurted, “Seventh Sister, do you know what the Soul Separation Mirror does?” Qian Wanyu didn’t know much, and Qing Mo hadn’t explained during his brief mention. She remembered the Reincarnation and Three Lives Mirrors well, but Qing Mo hadn’t elaborated on the Soul Separation Mirror. Probably, Qing Mo thought the odds of encountering the mirror were very low. Yet, they had already encountered two of the three mirrors, with one still unknown. “The Soul Separation Mirror has two facets; one gathers souls while the other separates them, hence its name,” Little Color explained succinctly. “This mirror is embedded in the cliff, making it tricky to extract.” “As for shattering it—” Little Color chuckled sinisterly at the Hui, “That’s wishful thinking.” “Little Color, how much do you know about the Soul Separation Mirror?” Qian Wanyu questioned further, surprised by Little Color’s knowledge. “Share with us.” “I don’t know much, but heard bits from various people back when I was just a demon plant, my favorite pastime was listening to gossip,” Little Color admitted. “Supposedly, those who’ve seen the mirror either died or went insane, never mentioning the Soul Separation Mirror again. I believe it relates to the mirror's surface, so you need to be certain before removing it.” Everyone fell into deep thought. Dongfang Minghui didn’t want to remove it. She preferred a quiet life over tumultuous adventures. But she knew Seventh Sister wasn’t one to shy from challenges. If Seventh Sister had come across it, she’d likely want it retrieved. “With Ding Ding still asleep, Seventh Sister, should we wait until it wakes to decide about the mirror?” Dongfang Minghui suggested delaying to give everyone time to reconsider. Moreover, with Yu Chi Shou possibly injured and Ding Ding unavailable, any unforeseen issues might leave her and Little Color struggling. “The mention of Ding Ding,” Qian Wanyu mused, recalling Ding Ding’s odd behavior near the mirror and nodding slightly. Perhaps the mirror wasn’t easily taken.