Chapter 209

The seats at the C-grade table were the most abundant, located at the far end of the hall, the farthest away from the main seat where the leaders of the various factions presided over the sword-fighting tournament. Although each seat was a single-person table, the single tables at the main seat and A-grade seat were large enough to accommodate three people sitting together. When it came to the single table at the C-grade seat, it was truly a solo table, uncompromising and genuine. Many of the martial artists who came to participate brought their attendants. Bringing attendants was also a way to display their status. Some brought young attendants, some brought maids, and there were also those who brought burly men, and the list went on. However, the common point among the attendants was that they could not sit with their masters. Therefore, when the banquet was comprised of single tables, the attendants could only stand behind their respective masters and watch. However, He Yunxiao and Chuchu did not belong to this situation. Strictly speaking, the two of them were in an employer-employee relationship, and to some extent, Chuchu and Xiaoxiao owed He Yunxiao a favor. Besides, He Yunxiao hadn't eaten dinner yet, how could he just sit and watch Chuchu eat alone? He Yunxiao also chose not to trouble Liu Feiyun, after all, he still had hopes for him to promote the use of the silver and gold certificates. He first helped Chuchu to her seat and then independently fetched a chair to sit next to her. Chuchu didn't mind at all. Compared to studying with He Yunxiao in the Fan Mansion's study, it was much more crowded then. So, when He Yunxiao moved a stool to sit next to Chuchu, the only double seat in the entire hall was created. This couldn't be said to be very conspicuous, just unique, after all, everyone else was sitting in single seats in neat rows and columns. It was impossible not to attract attention with an extra person suddenly appearing next to He Yunxiao. Liu Feiyun was at the door entertaining guests, he was doing well until He Yunxiao arrived, and then he began to feel restless. When it came to causing trouble, He Yunxiao's abilities were well known throughout Yinjing. The Liu family had put in a lot of effort to host the sword-fighting tournament and could not afford any mistakes. Liu Feiyun entertained the guests and occasionally turned to check on He Yunxiao in the hall, fearing that he might make a mistake. Initially, He Yunxiao was the same as anyone else, so Liu Feiyun felt a little relieved, until he turned around again and saw He Yunxiao moving a chair, and his scalp went numb. He couldn't just stand there any longer, he quickly went to attend to the master of the He family. Most of the seats in the hall had been filled, and it was well known that the more important individuals tended to arrive later, so there were more vacant seats closer to the front. As for the C-grade at the end, it was almost fully occupied. Seeing that everyone was soon to arrive, He Yunxiao unceremoniously started eating. Naturally, there were two sets of tableware on the table, and the extra set of tableware was taken from the adjacent empty seat by He Yunxiao when he moved the chair. Although it was the C-grade table, one could tell how much effort and resources the Liu family had put into the dishes. There were five cold dishes and three hot dishes. They were the common braised duck, soy sauce beef, and pig’s ears. Even at a commoner's celebration, it would be rare to have three meat dishes. The Liu family had gone to great lengths to expand their influence. He Yunxiao could see from these dishes something else. The fact that they served such a meal only meant that the Liu family was wealthy. Good for the silver and gold certificates! Hosting the sword-fighting tournament meant the Liu family was wealthy. Good for the silver and gold certificates! Being able to invite many people meant the Liu family was powerful and wealthy. Good for the silver and gold certificates! In short, it was all good for the silver and gold certificates. During the meal, He Yunxiao couldn't hold Chuchu's hand, but he wasn’t idle either. Before he began eating, he made sure to leave enough of each dish for Chuchu and even considerately helped her to add some to her bowl. "Chuchu, have some meat." Then he casually glanced at Chuchu's bosom. Hmm, she needs nutrition; her future is promising. To be fair, based on Chuchu's current level of ability, even if she were to stop growing, she certainly wouldn't be considered mediocre, at least an upper-middle level. Considering her slender figure, slim waist, and proportions, her level was quite impressive. She usually liked to wear chest-hugging clothes, so her abilities were not immediately apparent. But He Yunxiao had the privilege of interacting with her a few times, and he knew. Moreover, Chuchu was only sixteen years old now, and there was still a lot of room for growth in the future. Her body's development couldn't be hindered by malnutrition. "Chuchu, have some meat." Chuchu turned to look at He Yunxiao, her eyes full of resentment. "What, are you asking me to eat through the veil?" He Yunxiao:... Indeed, how can she eat with a veil on? You can't ask her to take it off, can you? No, that’s not possible! There are plenty of people watching. Damn it, Liu Kaixiong, an old acquaintance from the Chunfeng Tower. He could only say, "Chuchu, lift your veil slightly before eating and then quickly put it back down after." Chuchu fell silent. He thought she found it troublesome. Considering Chuchu's personality, if she could be straightforward, she wouldn’t go roundabout. It wasn't easy for her to wear this uncomfortable veil in the first place. It wouldn’t be good to trouble her with having to eat while wearing it. But she couldn't take it off either. He was in a dilemma. If only he could cut the food into smaller pieces, but unfortunately, he didn't bring a small knife. At that moment, Liu Feiyun came over. "He Xiong, please listen to me..." When He Yunxiao saw Liu Feiyun, he instructed him, "You’ve come at the right time. Help me find two knives and a plate; one big and one small, the small one should be similar in size to my index finger." Liu Feiyun: “He Xiong, but you…” He Yunxiao dismissed him, “Hurry and find them, I need them urgently.” In the past, Liu Feiyun wouldn’t dare to offend He Yunxiao, and now, it was even more unimaginable. This guy, with the identity of a young master from the Hou Mansion, if he didn't want to make a scene, not only could he ruin the sword-fighting tournament, he could also make it difficult for all the people in the martial world to deal with him. If it really came to that, the Liu family wouldn't be able to expand its influence and would become a joke among the people in the martial world. Liu Feiyun paid a hundred percent attention to He Yunxiao's instructions. As long as he sat quietly and inconspicuously at the C-grade table, he could do anything he wanted. After a while, Liu Feiyun brought over what He Yunxiao needed. He thanked Liu Feiyun and then used the knives and the plate to cut the meat for Chuchu. The small knife, with its blade the size of his index finger, was for Chuchu to use as a fork to eat the meat. He cut the meat carefully, each piece was not too big or too small, just the right size for Chuchu to eat in a single bite. After cutting some pieces, he wanted Chuchu to try, so he used the small knife to pick up a piece of meat and handed it to her. Chuchu looked at the plate of pre-cut meat, feeling that the veil was still troublesome, but she didn't want to eat, she still accepted the small knife that He Yunxiao handed her. She lowered her head, used the small knife to pick up the small piece of meat, and took it to her mouth. She bit down on the meat with her teeth, then pulled her hand downwards to remove the small knife from the meat. Then, pressing the meat piece with her tongue and lips, she smoothly placed it into her mouth. The size of the meat was just right, she could effortlessly place it into her mouth. She felt that even though it was just an ordinary dish, it tasted extremely delicious. She returned the small knife to He Yunxiao, settled down, and waited for him to bring more food. Although Chuchu didn't say it, He Yunxiao, who knew Chuchu extremely well, could already read her thoughts from her eyes. She was in a good mood, which meant she would use more force with the cutting knife! Liu Feiyun, the young master of the Liu family, was now standing behind He Yunxiao and Chuchu, watching his "master" and "mistress" behaving affectionately, sweetly, and lovingly. Before, Liu Feiyun had looked down on He Yunxiao, thinking that he was just arrogant and overbearing. Now, Liu Feiyun's attitude has completely changed. It was not even up for dispute that this guy knew how to woo women. Chapter 210: Time to Eat Tl.