Chapter 210

He Yunxiao primarily waited on Chu Chu to eat before satisfying his own hunger opportunistically. Using a small knife and fork, he picked up a piece of meat and handed it to Chu Chu. As soon as Chu Chu took it, he swiftly switched to the chopsticks, hungrily picked up a chunk of meat, and shoved it into her mouth without a care for chewing. He ferociously savored the meat in his mouth while elegantly spearing a new piece for Chu Chu and handing it to her. Liu Feiyun wasn’t hungry originally, but seeing He Yunxiao’s gusto, he subconsciously swallowed. "He Yunxiao, there’s an empty table over there, why don’t you..." He Yunxiao, mouth full of meat, "It’s fine, I...," chew, chew, chew, "I can just squeeze in with my cousin." He then picked up another large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth. Liu Feiyun stood by the table, while He Yunxiao rested his arm on it, turning to him and chewing fiercely. The message was pretty clear: Don’t stand there unless necessary. Liu Feiyun didn’t want to leave; the problem wasn’t resolved yet. "He Yunxiao, why don’t you sit at the table next to the young lady?" He Yunxiao wasn’t thrilled about it. While it was indeed spacious, how would he pass on his skills? If he couldn’t pass on his skills, how could he progress? Hard work was what He Yunxiao liked the most! He didn’t want to move, but considering he was indebted to Liu Feiyun, he couldn’t reject him outright. He Yunxiao stood up and said, "Liu Xiong, I have a perfect plan." Liu Feiyun didn’t care how He Yunxiao planned to handle the situation. As long as he complied, just sitting unobtrusively like an ordinary person would be for the best. "What plan?" He Yunxiao stood up, walked to the adjacent empty table, lifted it, and placed it next to Chu Chu’s table, merging the two into one. "Is this okay? Now I’m sitting at the neighboring table." Satisfied with Liu Feiyun's request, He Yunxiao sat down firmly. Originally, the visibility of He Yunxiao and Chu Chu sitting together was like a black stone in a bowl of rice—visible, but not too prominent. But now, after He Yunxiao combined the tables, his visibility had shifted from a stone in the rice to a broken window paper at night; it could conceal, but not entirely. Several martial artists in the vicinity had turned their attention this way. Some had even recognized He Yunxiao. "Isn't he that surnamed He, the wastrel? What’s he doing here?" "Ah, I heard he's the eldest son of some marquis." "Really?" "I heard it with my own ears. How could that be false?" "Which marquis is it?" "It’s something, something Wu. Anyway, he’s influential, or else, would he dare be so insolent?" "He’s someone of the court, how did he manage to infiltrate our swordsmanship competition?" "Allowing court dogs in here? Is the Liu Family still looking to get ahead?" "I heard the Short Blade Gang ran into trouble recently; it’s probably the court’s doing. Could the Liu Family be involved with the court?" He Yunxiao didn’t care about his reputation, but it mattered to Liu Feiyun, especially concerning the Liu Family Swordsmanship Competition. Rumor has it that when three people say something, even if it’s false, it becomes as solid as gold. Vigilance was unavoidable. "He Yunxiao... would you... let me find another place for you to eat?" He Yunxiao was still hungry. Since taking the Soul-Biting Pill, his appetite had significantly increased. He could now eat as much as three to four people. Business was more important than eating. "Liu Xiong, the matter with the gold and silver certificates, isn’t it a bit difficult?" Since Liu Feiyun wanted him to concede, He Yunxiao had to take advantage of the situation. It was only fair. Gritting his teeth, Liu Feiyun said, "It’s not difficult. It’s not. I promise to handle it properly for He Xiong." Receiving his promise, He Yunxiao reckoned the matter was almost settled and was happy to give Liu Feiyun some face. It was just a matter of finding another place to eat. "Cousin, let’s go somewhere else to eat." Chu Chu glared at He Yunxiao, seemingly vexed by his nonchalant demeanor. Supporting the gold and silver certificates at the Zui Xian Residence was not "nonchalant" but a great advantage. However, He Yunxiao had no plans to explain this to Chu Chu—she wouldn’t understand. "Come on, I’ll hold the knife and plate for you." Chu Chu was reluctant to move, so He Yunxiao went to grab her hand. Once he had a hold of her, she became a bit more compliant, allowing him to pull her up, following behind him. "Liu Xiong, where should we go to eat?" Leading him out of the main hall, and circling around before returning, they entered a side hall through the back door. This side hall was interesting—small, with only a folding screen separating it from the main hall. Positioned up front, He Yunxiao could even see the martial arts bigwigs in the main hall behind the screen. As there were no seats in the hall, Liu Feiyun arranged for a chair for He Yunxiao. "He Xiong, please bear with it here. I'll have someone serve your dishes right away." Waving it off, He Yunxiao said, "Just bring the food." Liu Feiyun left to tend to the guests, and as promised, the dishes for He Yunxiao were promptly served. The Liu Family had really gone all out. Pork belly, roast chicken, roast duck, stewed fish, and braised elbow... All were fancy dishes. Even a fancy restaurant wouldn’t serve such a spread. However, for martial artists, meat was indeed the best choice for energy replenishment. He Yunxiao tore off a large piece of pork, stuffing his mouth. As there were no other guests, Chu Chu removed her veil to eat. Nevertheless, although she took off her veil, her reluctance to eat hadn’t changed—one entire table of delicious dishes was left untouched. Seeing Chu Chu not eating, after swallowing a mouthful, He Yunxiao asked, "Chu Chu, are you full?" "Not in the mood," Chu Chu replied coldly. Understanding immediately with his Superior Chu Skill, "Not in the mood" meant not full, yet wanting to eat, and leaving it up to you. Having eaten quite a lot just now, He Yunxiao wasn’t as hungry now. He could focus on serving his cousin diligently. Without the need to fork-feed her with the veil off, He Yunxiao first transferred a portion of elbow meat to a plate, then cut it into smaller pieces with a knife, and finally delivered it to Chu Chu's mouth with the plate. He handed her a spoon and chopsticks, leaving the choice to her. At her mouth, Chu Chu remained motionless and still looked displeased. According to the norm, it was time to give Chu Chu an out; otherwise, she valued her dignity and wouldn't yield easily. If you gave her a way out, she would descend from her high horse on her own. Whether she descended into a straw bag or a bridal sedan, at that point, it was all up to you. The best time to trick her was when she descended the steps, and success rates were extremely high. Every time he requested a skill transmission from her, it was the same. It appeared to be a plea to her, but in reality, he was reaping all the benefits. "Lady Chu, if you don't start eating soon, little He won't be able to hold the plate." After exchanging a glance with He Yunxiao, Chu Chu remained immobile. "Lady Chu, have some food." "Are you begging this deity..." "Fine, fine. I beg you, I beg you. Please eat quickly." Tl.