Chapter 211

Upon seeing He Yunxiao's pitiful pleading look, Chu Chu couldn't help but curl her lips and "hmph" in satisfaction. "If you don't care about me, then be prepared to suffer." Chu Chu picked up her chopsticks and picked up a piece of pork knuckle to taste. It was quite delicious. However, when she saw He Yunxiao once again absentmindedly staring at the dishes on the table, Chu Chu became inexplicably angry. "It's too greasy. I don't want to eat it," Chu Chu said. "What? But it tastes really good to me. It's sweet and not greasy, and it melts in the mouth," He Yunxiao replied. "I said I don't want to eat," Chu Chu repeated. "Alright, alright. I won't force you," He Yunxiao put the plate down and hesitated, "Do you want to try another bite? It's really delicious." "I don't want to eat." "Come on." To prove his expertise in gourmet cuisine, He Yunxiao used a spoon to pick up a piece of pork knuckle and brought it to Chu Chu's mouth. "Have another bite," he coaxed. Chu Chu replied, "I don't want to." Unable to find another way, He Yunxiao repeated the gesture, reaching for Chu Chu's hand on her lap, gently massaging it, and continued, "Chu Chu, take a bite, or the meat will get cold." As expected, Chu Chu, whose hand was being held, was actually more obedient. She opened her mouth slightly, giving He Yunxiao the opportunity to feed her. Of course, He Yunxiao wouldn't miss the chance to save face given by Chu Chu. If he didn't feed her, she might throw another tantrum. He used the spoon to feed Chu Chu the meat, then carefully produced a handkerchief, choosing the most beautiful one to wipe Chu Chu's mouth. He neatly folded Chu Chu's special handkerchief and solemnly put it away. Ahem, it's just for commemoration, just for commemoration. After Chu Chu finished the meat, He Yunxiao asked, "How was it? Was it delicious?" Chu Chu replied expressionlessly, "It was okay." He Yunxiao understood. In Chu Chu's language, "okay" meant "I want to eat, but you have to ask me." When it came to pleading with Chu Chu, He Yunxiao was definitely a grandmaster. He effortlessly came up with various pleas, without any psychological pressure, straightforwardly begging—no ambiguity. He held Chu Chu's hand and said, "Have another bite." He then brought the meat to Chu Chu's mouth and waited for her to open up to feed her according to his intentions. Contrary to Nanzhu's elegant feeding style, Chu Chu had to be coaxed and fed in a certain way to eat according to He Yunxiao's wishes. But equally adorable, her big eyes blinked, and her small mouth moved. When Chu Chu was eating, at least when she was being fed by He Yunxiao, there was no trace of "Chu Tianzun." She looked harmless and without any imposing or murderous aura. It seemed like anyone could bully her. "Come, have another bite." "I don't want to," Chu Chu refused. After feeding Chu Chu two or three more pieces, He Yunxiao figured that she probably wouldn't eat anymore, so he didn't insist. He then finished the remaining pork from Chu Chu's plate, including the disobedient pieces, using the same spoon he used to feed Chu Chu earlier. Not a single piece of meat or soup was left; the spoon was completely clean. Next, He Yunxiao cut a few slices of roasted chicken and duck, cut them into small pieces, and offered them to Chu Chu to pick and eat with chopsticks. Coaxed by He Yunxiao, Chu Chu ate two more bites before firmly refusing to eat anymore. He Yunxiao knew she was truly full this time. Now he could act for real. First, He Yunxiao finished all the leftover chicken and duck from Chu Chu's plate, unwilling to waste anything. Then he began clearing the table of the large fish and meat. ... Normally, the bigwigs arrived later at a meeting. This was no exception in the Kingdom of Qi. When the seats of the main hall of Zuixianju, designated as Seats A, B, and C, were all filled, it was time for the front-row leaders to make their entrance. There were six empty seats, corresponding to the six influential forces in the capital and its surrounding regions under the royal authority. The city surrounding the capital, Yinjing, was located within the sphere of influence of imperial power, and in that sphere, the influence of martial forces was indeed weak. In a region as wealthy and populous as this, there were very few martial arts sects. Among those that could be considered were the three families of Yinjing and several other forces in the capital region. These few were a dominant force within the city but were not considered strong compared to other martial powers. The three families of Yinjing naturally consisted of the Iron Eagle Gang, the Snake Tiger Gang, and the Short Knife Gang, while the forces of the capital included the Liu family, the Crazy Shark Sect, and the Wushan School. Among these six, there was at least one ninth-grade martial artist present in each. The likes of the Liu family even had three, with its prodigy Liu Feizhan faintly showing signs of breaking through to the Master level. If Liu Feizhan really managed to break through to the Master level, then the Liu family would undoubtedly be the top martial force in the capital region. Using Yinjing as its base, the Liu family expanded its influence outward, and with the future potential of Liu Feizhan establishing himself as a Master, they might even compete for the position of Martial Alliance Leader in the Central Plains. The Martial Alliance Leader was a position agreed upon by many sects in the martial world. Originally, the role was to maintain basic order in the chaotic times. After the powerful court established order, the role of the Martial Alliance Leader became more symbolic. His main tasks were to mediate disputes between various sects, act as a guarantor and intermediary, and maintain peace while gaining wealth, fame, and fortune in one go. For those devoted to martial arts, the significance of being the Martial Alliance Leader went beyond money and prestige. The most outstanding young talents in the martial world would gather near the South Sky Lake at the foot of the South Heaven Mountain to compete and then be selected by representatives of various sects based on their martial arts, knowledge, and character to serve as the Martial Alliance Leader. After obtaining this position, the most important thing for a martial seeker was the opportunity to cultivate in the Tai Xu Gate the following month. Obtaining the position of Martial Alliance Leader was the only way, besides fate, to enter the Tai Xu Gate. In the legends of the martial world, the martial arts of the Tai Xu Gate were considered genuine martial arts. ... The leaders of the Iron Eagle Gang, Tie Pengjun, and the Snake Tiger Gang, Liu Dadao, arrived at the entrance of Zuixianju at the same time. One was seated in a sedan chair, and the other was in a horse-drawn carriage, and neither was willing to get off first. "Liu Dadao, how have you been?" Tie Pengjun smiled and greeted his old rival. Liu Dadao chuckled and patted his broken leg, kicked by Chu Chu. "I've heard lately that there's been quite a bit of internal trouble in your Iron Eagle Gang, battling both internally and with the Short Knife Gang. It's gotten my brother all worried, and he can only eat three bowls of rice, five white steamed buns, and a roasted lamb leg." Tie Pengjun's smile stiffened. He hadn't expected Liu Dadao to be so well-informed. It had indeed been a bit chaotic recently, with the injured Short Knife Gang's leader, Pang, still not fully recovered. Wai Qi led the men into several battles with the Short Knife Gang, with neither side gaining a clear advantage, but the Short Knife Gang was becoming weaker and weaker. If things continued like this, there would be only two of the three families of Yinjing left. With the support of Chu Tianzun, my Iron Eagle Gang could sweep through the entire martial underworld in the capital region. Tie Pengjun regained his smile and teased Liu Dadao, "Old Dadao, is your bed still comfortable to sleep in?" This time, Liu Dadao's expression stiffened. The leg fixed with a wooden rod had started to ache faintly. Tl.