Chapter 68

Chapter 68 As the car stopped in front of the villa, the sky was already dark. In the living room, there were four or five people, all of them around the same age. The music was loud, and there was a bunch of takeout and drinks like beer on the table. Xi Ning followed beside Kong Nianxi. Other than polite greetings, she had no extra words. She found it hard to adapt to the unfamiliar atmosphere and the crowded gathering. But just by looking at the smile on Kong Nianxi's lips, her mood also lightened considerably. She knew nothing about Kong Nianxi's life in the first ten years, but she could understand the significance of friends during the time without family companionship. For dinner, the group ordered hot pot takeout and some other small snacks, which filled the long table in the downstairs dining room. Kong Nianxi pulled Xi Ning to sit down. A smartly dressed boy with rimless glasses went to sit next to her, but before he could say anything, he was kicked out of the chair by a senior sister. "I envy Susu. I wonder if my old man will give me a house when I graduate," said a muscular boy as he took a bite of pizza, grinning. "Susu was admitted to Y University. Her aunt was happy, so she gave it to her. Do you think you can do that?" another person replied. "Haha, exactly, think about whether you can get into a decent university first," someone else added. There was laughter and banter at the table. Kong Nianxi pulled Xi Ning to a quiet corner and gestured for her to pick some food for her. Then, she savored it, creating an awkward and out-of-place atmosphere around them. But with just a glance, an inexplicable sense of being shown off overwhelmed Xi Ning. "Ahem." The senior sister sitting nearby couldn't stand it and knocked on the table, asking, "Nianxi, why haven't you been to the art studio? Weren't you planning to apply to the art academy with me?" After swallowing the beef that Xi Ning had picked for her, Kong Nianxi wiped her mouth leisurely and smiled, "After the art studio became a specialized training center, the atmosphere inside became mechanical and uninteresting, so I stopped going." "I see," the senior sister sighed. "Old Duan told me earlier that you have great talent; what a pity. It's something you are interested in. Shouldn't you consider it more seriously?" Kong Nianxi leaned against Xi Ning, blinking thoughtfully. She probably wasn't someone who liked to plan and project into the future. In the past, this wasn't necessary, and it made her feel empty instead. "I'll think about it," she said with a smile. "But I'm only in the second year of high school. Studying well is the most important thing for now." The senior sister raised an eyebrow, casting an unexpected glance at her, and then suddenly understood when she saw the serious and studious expression on Xi Ning's face behind her. She clicked her tongue and said, "I see now. It's done. Have you already decided to go to the same city as your... little object?" "What? Are Nianxi and I really in a relationship?" The people around the dining table pricked up their ears upon hearing this. "I knew something was off from your recent social media posts. They felt too different." "What have I missed? I haven't checked my social media recently. What did our dear Nianxi post?" "Then let me read what Nianxi sweetie posted yesterday... um, is that okay?" Amidst the teasing, the girl with the phone turned around and, smilingly, asked for Kong Nianxi's permission. Tapping her chopsticks with her fingers a few times, Kong Nianxi smiled nonchalantly and said, "Go ahead, I don't mind." "Okay then, let's start..." With the permission granted, the girl cleared her throat. "Born to love you, unsealed at the first sight of you." "Your restrained and composed eyebrows are the tool to captivate me." "I understand your impatience to speak, and I know you are also trying to understand the veins of my soul." "......" "Wow, darling..." The girl read a few lines and then couldn't continue, retreating to fan her face, "This is way too cheesy. I feel like I'm the one who's going to be socially dead." "Hahaha—" Kong Nianxi sat as if nothing had happened among the crowd, but as the subject of the expression "you" in the sentences, Xi Ning's eyelid twitched. She felt either embarrassed or shy as the warmth from her cheeks spread to her neck and then to her heart. She almost never looked through social media, so how could she know that Kong Nianxi would post such... updates. "This is not just cheesy. Later, I'll play a ** love song for Nianxi to match the occasion." "Haha, you're a genius." The people at the table burst into laughter, and even Kong Nianxi, who didn't care, hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh. She glared at the people who were teasing and threw an unpeeled orange at them, saying, "Shut up." "Speaking of which, Nianxi, do you have a new relationship? How long have you been dating? Who is the person, and do you have any photos?" "Why can't I find any updates on my social media?" "Hmm, maybe she didn't make the updates available to you." Kong Nianxi had only informed her mother and a few very close friends about her relationship, but sometimes she couldn't help showing a little affection within her social circle. The group at the table chattered and teased, and only the bespectacled boy who wanted to sit next to Kong Nianxi was silent with a sullen face. The people around him noticed his expression, and one of them patted his shoulder, teasing, "Oh well, Zheng Hao lost his chance again." The bespectacled boy shrugged off the hand on his shoulder silently, not saying a word. However, his response didn't attract anyone's attention in the noisy room. Xi Ning withdrew her gaze, and a round meatball rolled into her bowl. "Don't talk nonsense, who said 'again?' This is my first love," Kong Nianxi said as she picked some food for Xi Ning before responding leisurely. The emphasis on "first love" was noticeable. The table fell silent for a moment. Even though everyone had been friends with Kong Nianxi for several years and had seen her with many suitors around her, they were all seeing her showing public affection in her social media for the first time. They became even more curious about Kong Nianxi's romantic interest. "I can't resist, I'm so curious about what your partner looks like." "Do you have a photo? How handsome is he?" "I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't see your partner." Among the multiple questions, Kong Nianxi pretended to be calm, enjoying the mischievousness, and kept her lips sealed, secretly emphasizing her suppressed smile. As she reached for a canned drink on the edge of the table, without knowing what it was, her hand was suddenly held back. Xi Ning looked at her and said softly, "You don't drink, do you?" "Ah? Oh, right." Kong Nianxi looked at the beer in her hand, smiled, and put it down, obediently picking up the juice that Xi Ning had poured for her. "As per the usual procedure, we'll be staying up all night tonight. Let's play a game," someone shouted after dinner. "Let's play Penguin Trap! I specifically brought it for tonight," someone else suggested. "Huh? What game is this? Sounds a bit childish." "It's where you tap on ice cubes, and whoever makes the penguin fall loses. You haven't heard of this popular game? You might even lose." As the group chattered, they settled on a number of players. With plenty of time to stay up, there wasn't much to choose from. They all gathered around the sofa. "Whoever makes the baby penguin fall first will have a punishment!" Xi Ning had never played this type of game before, so she was a bit puzzled at first. But when the first person held a small hammer and avoided the penguin placed in the center, knocking off a piece of the ice, she instantly understood. This was a puzzle toy for children under five. However, the first person to lose at this children's game was Kong Nianxi. As she held a small hammer, she watched in bewilderment as the baby penguin fell with the collapsing ice piece. Kong Nianxi sighed, pouted, and leaned back into Xi Ning's arms. "Oh! Punishment time!" The onlookers brought out an empty tissue box, which was prepared beforehand with pieces of paper containing punishments. The loser had to randomly pick one from the box. "I've always had good luck; my picks have never been unlucky. Nianxi, let me pick for you," the bespectacled boy offered, holding the box and gallantly offering his help to Kong Nianxi. He didn't let go of the box and Kong Nianxi casually agreed, saying, "Sure." The bespectacled boy immediately and eagerly reached for the punishment box, picked up a piece of paper, looked at it, crumpled it back into a ball and smiled, "Take a drink." As an underwhelming punishment, everyone around let out a disappointed sigh. But of course, as a punishment, it couldn't possibly be just a glass of Sprite or Coke. "Red wine or white wine?" The muscular boy pushed the beer toward Kong Nianxi and prepared to get up to fetch another drink. Xi Ning furrowed her brow for the first time all evening and took the initiative to speak, "She doesn't drink." The muscular boy was taken aback, smiling, "This new friend may not be familiar yet, but our Nianxi—" "What she said is correct." "Huh?" The muscular boy looked at Nianxi, who was nestled in Xi Ning's arms like a lazy cat and interrupted him seriously, "It's not... you?" Kong Nianxi raised her chin with a serious look and said, "What, do you want to instigate a high school girl to drink?" The muscular boy was startled by her seriousness, "???" “The lot of you who haven’t even graduated are indeed not allowed to drink,” the senior sister said, moving the beer aside and grabbing a case of RIO to replace it, disregarding the group's moans of agony. The game continued, and in the next round, whether by coincidence or actual bad luck at the game, it was Kong Nianxi's turn. As her hammer fell, the massive "ice" collapsed, and the little penguin suffered a second "death" on the spot. Zhong Hao once again offered to help draw the punishment. After he said "Take a drink" for the second time, he sighed with a heartache, "Nianxi, let me take the punishment for you?" After speaking, he put on his tenderest smile, but he was met with the icy stare of the beautiful woman next to Kong Nianxi. He was taken aback and felt the sudden drop in pressure around him, sending a shiver down his spine. Xi Ning glanced at him thoughtfully, then lowered her head to help pick up the fallen little penguin. The third round of the game began and ended faster than the first two rounds, but this time, there was a new loser. Zhong Hao sighed despondently while holding the hammer. He didn't know what happened, but suddenly, it was his turn, and he turned into a "crumbling house" where no matter where he hit, it would collapse. But a loss was a loss, and he was preparing to take the nearby punishment box, only to find it empty. Xi Ning was one step ahead, taking the box and delicately reaching inside with two fingers. She politely said, "My luck has always been good. Let me draw for you." Without giving him a chance to question, Xi Ning drew a piece of paper, and after glancing at it, she smiled and said, "Three hundred push-ups. You may begin."

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