Chapter 69

Chapter 69 "Three hundred punishments? That's too many! Whoever came up with this must have no fear of being caught themselves!" The grumbling voices reached her ears as Xi Ning calmly crumpled the piece of paper with "drink bitter gourd juice" written on it and stuffed it back into the box. Amidst the laughter of the others, the wails were drowned out. After all, it wasn't she who lost, and the more severe the punishment, the more stimulating it became. Completing three hundred push-ups would definitely take some time. Reluctantly, the group was driven out, their faces grim as they propped themselves up with their hands on the ground. The game continued on. This puzzle game, advertised as suitable for three and a half year old children, seemed to require no intellectual ability. Xi Ning's gaze fell on the blue and white "ice blocks." After a few rounds, she was the only one who hadn't been punished yet. Apparently, she was the only one taking the game seriously using her intellect. Sitting cross-legged on the carpet, the group of people were not really playing the game. Instead, they were chatting and making noise. The music from the speakers vibrated their eardrums, and a few guys had opened some beers, mixing the smell of alcohol with the smoke in the air. Xi Ning, who was sensitive to smells, felt a bit nauseous. It was already 11:30 at night, but judging from the group's demeanor, it seemed they were far from reaching the peak of their midnight revelry. After kneeling for a long time, Xi Ning stretched her back, her adjacent position empty. A girl drew the penalty of singing, and Kong Nianxi was pulled along. Xi Ning remembered her previous performance on the dance machine and didn't expect that not only was she good at dancing, but she also had a good sense of rhythm. The lazy female voice surrounded the room, with a hint of sweetness unique to young girls, catchy and alluring. However... It was a duet love song they were singing. "I haven't seen you before. Did you just meet our Nianxi, darling?" The atmosphere at the table was lively, and someone leaned on Xi Ning's shoulder, striking up a conversation with the new friend who had not spoken. Unaccustomed to the touch of strangers, Xi Ning subtly moved away, and with a somewhat heavy tone, she said, "We are classmates." "I see," the girl said casually, leaning in, "Have you seen Nianxi's partner? Can you give us a hint? I don't understand why she's so secretive. Could it be a girl?" "...," Xi Ning was at a loss for words. "Haha, you really know how to speak your mind. Hey, beautiful lady, can I have your WeChat?" a guy holding a cigarette chuckled as he handed her his phone. "...," As the song ended, Kong Nianxi returned to Xi Ning's side, leaning against her shoulder with a coquettish gesture. After a while, seeing Xi Ning silent and not responding, Kong Nianxi gently held her face, turned it towards her, and blinked, asking softly, "What's wrong? Are you tired? Let's go back then." Someone nearby shouted, "Hey, it's not even late yet, darling, you can’t leave. We've agreed to a night of fun." Kong Nianxi kept her eyes fixed on Xi Ning, playfully pinching her face with her fingertips, waiting for a response. Unable to spoil the mood in front of everyone, Xi Ning smiled and said, "It's fine." After a few more rounds, the game, although simple in its rules, eventually ran out of "ice blocks," and towards the end, it all came down to luck. As expected, someone would become the end of the game, causing all the ice blocks to collapse. Xi Ning looked at the "riddled with holes" ice surface and the penguins standing precariously on the ice. Without much hesitation, she smashed the ice blocks with a hammer, causing them to collapse. Amid the cheers of the crowd, she drew a penalty. "It’s boring, what's the point of just having a drink?" "Of all of us, you're the only one who hasn't been punished. It can't just be a simple drink, right?" "Make it a game of truth or dare." Kong Nianxi slapped the table with a "snap," and then casually leaned on Xi Ning, saying, "Boring, I'm done playing." "Tsk, you can't be this biased and refuse to play!" "At least finish the punishment, right?" Kong Nianxi was about to speak up, but Xi Ning grabbed her sleeve, warmly saying, "It's okay." Though the alcohol content was low, and perhaps due to her constitution, Xi Ning had never before drunk a beverage containing alcohol. After downing the can, she blushed slightly, feeling a bit dazed. "Xi Xi?" Kong Nianxi noticed something was wrong and leaned over, asking gently, "Are you okay?" Xi Ning raised her head slightly, her cheeks flushing, and looked at Kong Nianxi with dazed eyes. She then lowered her head and leaned against her shoulder, closing her eyes halfway. It was the first time she had seen her like this, and it tugged at Kong Nianxi's heartstrings. "It's still the same room you stayed in last time, and there's still the pajamas you left in the closet." After greeting her senior sister, Kong Nianxi helped Xi Ning upstairs to rest, despite the discontent from the people at the table. Xi Ning's slender figure was unable to move much under Kong Nianxi’s guidance. Once she was gently placed on the bed, Kong Nianxi knelt beside it, feeling slightly out of breath. Even when drunk, Xi Ning was still quiet, lying peacefully on the bed without causing a ruckus. Her breathing was even, and it seemed like she had fallen asleep. Kong Nianxi stared at her for a while before absentmindedly reaching out to touch her lips. After a while, she leaned over and hooked Xi Ning's chin, planting a fierce kiss on her lips. "I'm not taking advantage of you. I'll let you off for now," she murmured, humming lightly before getting up to freshen up. However, her eyes inadvertently landed on the fair skin on Xi Ning's neck, and she hesitated. "Pucker up~" As if being bitten by ants, the sensation of kisses on her neck sent shivers through her body. The sound of flowing water echoed as Kong Nianxi contentedly went to the bathroom. After a while, Xi Ning finally let go of the tightly clenched bedsheets. The dim floor lamp was still on. When Xi Ning heard the even breathing beside her ear, she quietly moved her waist away from Kong Nianxi’s embrace, opening her eyes and carefully getting out of bed. Arriving in the bathroom to freshen up, she felt the dark kiss mark on her neck and her face turned red instantly. She lowered her head and washed her face with water. Standing up, her clean and delicate face, wet from the water, appeared in the mirror. The water droplets rolled down her clean facial lines, and her slender phoenix eyes were clear and awake.

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