Chapter 7 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 007: The Female Lead Detector At this point, it was beyond Nan Yin's anticipation as to what was happening between the late-arriving male lead, Su Xiao Yu, and Su Ling. She had already taken a seat in her van, which was heading home. Of course, the driver was still Jiang Mi. In this world, technology had advanced significantly beyond what Nan Yin had experienced in her previous life, even the plain van she rode in was equipped with a smart system. It wasn’t that Nan Yin didn't want to drive, but the only eligible driver present was Jiang Mi. Had her little superfan ever even gotten a driver's license, Nan Yin wondered, gazing out at the technological cityscape bathed in nighttime hues. Should she have her get one? At this point, Jiang Mi had no idea she was already being considered as Nan Yin's permanent unpaid chauffeur. The simply dressed, red-haired girl was still glowingly commenting on how cool Nan Yin had been earlier while she drove. "Boss, that shot you fired earlier, really cool!” "Did you see their faces, those stunned faces of Yellow Orange and Yan Li Li? Hahaha!" "To be honest, the way you handled that gun was so professional. If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd trained in firearms." Jiang Mi seemed truly happy, continuously chatting non-stop about Nan Yin's exploits during their drive. Although the overall technological level was much higher than her previous world, the basic gun mechanisms in this world were still fairly similar to hers- aim and pull the trigger- the only difference being the addition of a smart assist system. The improvised pistol Nan Yin had seized from Luo Bo wasn't endowed with such technology which fortunately made it easier for her new self to use. If it had been an electronic gun, which was considerably more complex, her aim wouldn't have been nearly as accurate. As Jiang Mi's cheery voice continued, Nan Yin found herself wondering how a girl as depressed and unstable as herself could have made such a friend. But, she was cute, Nan Yin conceded, and with her hair such a vibrant shade of orange... She had apparently forgotten that she was currently a girl as well. She felt a sting of loss. In her past life, she had been single, a military-trained killer unequipped to deal with the intricacies of girls. So much so she died of a heart attack, single and alone without so much as a hand to hold. It looked like she was destined to live out the same pattern in this new world. What about a boyfriend? No, Nan Yin swiftly rejected the idea. She'd rather die, and hopefully, respawn in her old world. "If you really like that gun, you can keep it," Nan Yin suddenly offered. In such a dangerous world of magic and extraordinary abilities, she would eventually need to upgrade her rusty little pistol to something more substantial. If that was to happen, why not let Jiang Mi, her follower, practice with this one? As far as Nan Yin could tell, Jiang Mi, with her carefree attitude, wouldn't reject. But as she began to consider how to train Jiang Mi in firearms, the redhead did something unexpected and declined. "Boss, I'd rather not. I truly want it, but I don't think you've acquired a gun permit for this? I race cars through the city and the police there are much stricter than in our Filo District. Having a gun on me… I don't want to end up in jail." Nan Yin hadn't expected such caution from the usually nonchalant Jiang Mi. Nan Yin dismissed her concerns cruelly, befitting of her status as a deceased person. Right, "Remnant Tone". This was the name she'd given to the girl inside her brain. Since she was a surviving part of the original Nan Yin, the name seemed fitting. She assigned it on her own. So, to surmount it all, Nan Yin's gracious offer got turned down. "By the way, boss... regarding Nan Xi..." as they neared Wang Mi's home, the redhead delicately brought up the topic. Nan Yin was aware she had been corrupted by her sister, a member of Su Xiao Yu's harem. She wasn’t about to let that slide. Her sidekick should only belong to her! With a glance at Jiang Mi’s lovely face, Nan Yin coughed sternly. "Don't worry about Nan Xi. I can handle it." At this, Jiang Mi immediately fell silent, focusing on driving. Her relationship with Nan Xi might've been good, but when compared to her loyalty to her boss. Who was Nan Xi again? I have to focus on driving for my boss. Don't disturb me. After dropping off Nan Yin, Jiang Mi departed. They didn't live together, and the van was actually hers. Having a chauffeur isn't enough. I need a car of my own! Nan Yin thought, watching the van retreat into the horizon, a hand on her smooth chin. “But I don’t have a lot of savings,” the restored Remnant Tone gently reminded her. "If I don't have money, then I'll earn some," Nan Yin sighed. "I remember in this game world there are many rich and amicable main female leads. If nothing else works, I'll just follow them." Speaking of main female leads, Nan Yin thought of Nan Xi, whose relation with her was not ideal. She remembered the random reward she'd claimed after completing her recent task- the "Female Lead Detector". It could detect female leads within a 30-kilometer radius for 30 minutes, but it had only three uses. What was the objective of gifting herself this item? Why would a minor villainous character like herself need to find the female lead? And wasn't it enough to just stick with Su Xiao Yu? Lost in her myriad queries, Nan Yin felt rather dumbfounded. Shaking off these absurd thoughts, she opened the front door. The old familiar living room greeted her bathed in darkness, lit only by the distant lights of the Filo District commercial skyscrapers and holographic advertisements filtering through the windows. The lights were probably turned off by Nan Xi, whose foot-chain allowed her to roam up to the edge of the living room. Entering the living room, Nan Yin immediately spotted a girl sleeping on the couch with the remote in her hand. Was she watching TV just now? Possibly startled by her proximity, the girl quickly woke up and panic replaced the initial alarm on her face when she recognized Nan Yin. Nan Yin tsked. Such a cute girl, yet look at what she’s become.