Chapter 8 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 008: Rush to the Male Lead's Side Nan Xi's eyes snapped open when she sensed someone approaching. Although she knew those who could enter the room were either Nan Yin or Jiang Mi, a flutter of panic and revulsion flashed across her eyes upon seeing Nan Yin. Of course, Nan Yin noticed the fleeting emotion Nan Xi tried to mask as she woke. This elicited a frown from her. What on earth had the original characters done? Was there some grave-hidden hostility between these sisters that even led Nan Xi to dislike her older sister? Nan Yin, despite the whirlwind of thoughts in her heart, managed to keep her face emotionless. She gave a faint smile to the alarmed Nan Xi and gently asked, "What's wrong? Are you disappointed not to see your dear sister Jiang Mi?" "..." There's no way Nan Xi would admit it, even though it was exactly what she was thinking. "Why are you back?" Nan Xi asked coldly, answering a question with another. "Heh, as I've said, this is my home. I can return whenever I want." Nan Yin's voice cooled, disliking those who inexplicably reject goodwill. Her tone had been friendly enough, right? Unlike the acerbity in Nan Xi's voice. "This is your home? What about me? You used my money to buy this house!" Nan Xi scoffed at Nan Yin's words as if they were some kind of joke. "Did I?" Nan Yin was momentarily taken aback; she couldn't recall any such thing in her memories. Clearly, she remembered... ugh, the original character's memories were a chaotic mess. "The money was indeed yours but rightfully mine," the fading echo in her mind teased. So Nan Yin defaulted to denying, "I can't remember, so it doesn't matter." "Heh!" Nan Xi believed Nan Yin was mocking her and let out a derisive snort. "So what are you implying? Are you accusing me of locking you up and denying your right to live in this house?" asked Nan Yin, raising an eyebrow. With that, she settled herself in a corner of the sofa as far from Nan Xi as possible. If the girl wants to be hostile towards her sister, she isn't obliged to endure it. "Ha, good that you know," Nan Xi retorted as caustically as ever. Facing a defiant Nan Xi, talking seemed futile to Nan Yin - a Special Forces enlistee with a volatile temper, maintaining her calm was hard enough. Recognizing that Nan Yin was on the verge of losing her patience, Nan Xi ceased her provocations, her tone became decidedly more placid. "Nan Yin, you've had me locked up for three days." "Three days? I don't remember it being that long. And what exactly am I to you? What should you be calling me?" Nan Yin's tone was now icy. There weren't any tasks about dealing with this rebellious sister at the moment, and she was too lazy to engage. Nan Yin felt that the echo, too, wouldn't submit her to such a task. "Heh, what does she have to be afraid of?" returned the echo, answering Nan Yin's unspoken question with a taunt. Hearing Nan Yin's words, Nan Xi bristled, "Call you sister? I'd rather starve to death!" The ferocity of Nan Xi's words forced Nan Yin to reassess her plans, the conflict between the sisters had escalated far beyond her predictions. The atmosphere in the living room grew tense. After a moment of silence, Nan Yin took the initiative, "Anyway, I am not your biological sister, you can call me whatever you please." "But, indeed, I've detained you for three days. Do you understand your mistake now?" During the tense standoff, Nan Yin managed to gather information on why she had locked Nan Xi away. It was a trivial matter. The original character had intended to trade Nan Xi to a human trafficker, Luo Bo. Of course, she had to clean and hid away Nan Xi to fetch a good price - and then, Nan Xi retorted with a biting remark. A scathing comment was the last straw for the sisters' strained relationship - an argument ensued, and in a moment of exasperation, Nan Yin chained Nan Xi within their house. This wasn't the first time such disciplinary measures were administered. Over the past five years, any slight displeasure from Nan Xi was responded with confinement. It was indeed a little long this time around, having lasted three days. "Ha... What was my mistake? Where did I go wrong?" Nan Xi retorted frostily. Nan Yin was taken aback. She remembered that in the original plot, Nan Xi was a gentle and submissive character. Why did she become a rose with thorns? Could it be rebellion? Heh, when she gets a chance, she is going to send Nan Xi to the male lead, she's too lazy to deal with her. Nan Yin's plan received echoes of support. After all, romantic relationships are often tormenting - especially with a passionate guy like Su Xiao Yu in the mix. Might as well allow their little sister to experience a bit of that torment. "Considering the great lengths I went to earn money for your meals and new clothes - your sarcastic jab wasn't exactly gratitude." Nan Yin responded flatly, as that was how the situation appeared to be. "Is that so? Am I supposed to be grateful now, dear sister?" Nan Xi laughed sarcastically. Nan Yin: "Nan Xi, I warn you. It was your idea to discuss this tonight. If you're not going to take this seriously, there's no point talking at all." Nan Yin felt she was losing control of her emotions, as frustration started bubbling within her. Seeing things spiraling, Nan Xi finally stopped contesting Nan Yin. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture, "I just wanted to tell you... I've been locked up for three days. The school must be worried by now. I want to go to school!" She knew that if Nan Yin wanted to confine her, she would probably have requested a leave of absence. Right now, all she wanted was to leave this place - any excuse would do. Hearing her, Nan Yin furrowed her eyebrows - Nan Xi was still attending school, a fact she had forgotten. Right, the original character was also a student, a senior high school student. Even though Nan Xi was a year younger than Nan Yin, they were both in the same academic year, courtesy of a plot device. Should she let Nan Xi go? As Nan Yin was mulling over, lightly touching her own smooth chin, she wanted to free Nan Xi, keeping her locked up wasn't sustainable. But doing so wouldn't exactly reflect her in-character self. Finally, upon seeing the stoic Nan Xi, whose eyes brimmed with disdain, Nan Yin made up her mind. "Tomorrow, I'll drop you off at school. And don't think about escaping." Nan Yin fished out the key and nonchalantly threw it towards the young woman on the sofa before heading off to her bedroom without looking back. Caught off guard, Nan Xi sat still for a moment. She had been prepared to argue for a long time. Could her first attempt have succeeded? Was this the domineering, despotic sister she had come to know? Nan Yin's reason to let her go was simple... If Nan Xi didn't go to school, she might not meet the male lead. And without meeting the male lead, how would they get rid of this nuisance? Nan Yin wouldn't stand having a loathed sister, non-blood-related at that, who might backstab her at any moment at home. Girl, hurry up and go to the male lead's side! Fast.