Chapter 9 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 009: The Main Storyline Begins "Latest news: the violent case that occurred in the Philo Block has been taken over by our city’s Precinct Special Force Superintendent, Chen Yi. Please, citizens, remain calm. The criminal will surely be brought to justice…” A murder has taken place in the Philo Block. The report came in at 8:32 in the morning. The first to arrive were the auxiliary police patrolling nearby. Swiftly securing the scene, they found the victim with the entire face skinned off, making it impossible to identify the deceased. Finally, based on the cloud-patterned robe on the victim - now stained red with fresh blood, it seemed like the victim was a student from the Canales College's Special Force Department. The auxiliary police, recently appointed, stood solemn outside the cordoned-off area, awaiting the assistance of Special Force officers. Pedestrians seemed oblivious to the incident, swarming out of their homes like ants filing out of an anthill. They began their day without purpose, something they had become uncomfortably accustomed to due to the city's increasing daily death toll for various reasons. "Emergency notice: Area 00421, Philo Block, due to environmental adjustments, the weather is being set to light rain…” A broadcast from the Meteorological Bureau flashed onto the light curtain above people's heads. Those who had not brought umbrellas cursed under their breath and hastily moved towards the doorsteps of nearby shops while others simply opened their umbrellas. As artificial raindrops began to fall, black umbrellas bloomed like dark flowers, covering the "ants" below. The citizens of Tianzhou City seemed to harbor a fascination for black. A procession of black umbrellas threaded through the crowd, with the occasional appearance of vividly-colored ones that would, before long, be submerged in the sea of black. "Damn! Umbrella! Give me the umbrella!" An auxiliary officer felt raindrops on his nose and immediately shouted for a partner to fetch an umbrella. However, before the officer could shield the victim's body with the umbrella, the rain suddenly intensified. The dried, crusted blood on the body began to wash away. Raindrops fell on the victim’s skinned head, causing the exposed bloody flesh to wriggle and pulsate. "Damn!” Although the umbrella had been quickly brought forth, the crime scene had already been tainted. Suddenly, sirens sounded from the end of the street. Several black and white striped police cars parked at the mouth of the alleyway. As pedestrians gave way and continued on their routes, the three auxiliary officers saluted in the pouring rain. The first to get out was a superintendent dressed in a black uniform and cloaked in a gray mantle, followed by four similarly-dressed Special Force officers. Chen Yi, head of the Special Forces Department, was in charge. Swallowing nervously, the auxiliary officer at the front glanced at the badge on his chest. "You three go report this.” Seeing the corrupted crime scene, Chen Yi, without wasting time inquiring the auxiliary officers about the situation, sent one of his officers to dismiss them for updates. ........................ Releasing his telekinesis, Chen Yi didn’t need an umbrella. Squatting down, he gently stroked his chin. A flash of white light passed through his right hand, and Chen Yi stood up. "Record." "Yes!” An officer quickly came forward with a recorder. "Time of death, today at three forty-five and thirty-seven seconds." "The identity of the victim is unknown... Wait a minute" Chen Yi suddenly noticed a jade pendant on the deceased's clothes. "The victim belonged to the Tang family. Had third-level fire abilities and was... beaten to death." "The victim had a fight with the killer, but he didn’t even have enough time to activate his abilities. The fight commenced and ended within thirteen seconds.” "Did you get all that?" Chen Yi scrutinized the body as he squatted down. "Recorded, Sir!" The officer saluted. "Notify the guys at Smith College. This is the seventh case this month. We might be able to get some leads from them." "Sir Chen, there’s a trace of a demon-possessed evil spirit. Should we notify the Demon Slayer Association?" An officer monitoring the situation suddenly asked. "Write a report and hand it over to those old guys in the Demon Slayer Association. They might uncover some leads." With that, Chen Yi adjusted his wide-brimmed hat. The rain was getting heavier. ……………… Nan Yin opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. The silver-haired girl sat up against the bed, gazing blankly at the window. It was just getting light outside, and the brightness from the neon lights filtered into the room offering some illumination. An unfamiliar ceiling... Today would be her first day in this otherworld. The air was unpleasant; the mattress was uncomfortable, and old habits were hard to break. "Headache...” Nan Yin rubbed her silver hair. The original body's bed was too soft, causing her body to ache throughout the night. "Ding... Ding... Ding..." At this moment, the electronic alarm clock at her bedside started ringing. The alarm had been set by the original body’s owner. Nan Yin brought the clock to her face and was slightly stunned to see the time: 6:30 in the morning. This seemed to be an aftermath of her life in the military where they woke up at seven for morning drills and six for assembly. The early riser habit had been etched into her soul. Even a year after her discharge, she hadn't gotten rid of it; now she had transferred this habit to her new body. After casual grooming, Nan Yin realized she had two hours left before she needed to drop Nan Xi off at school. Since she had promised to take the troublesome girl to school the day before, Nan Yin did not want to go back on her word. Even though it was just past six in the morning, Nan Xi was nowhere to be found in the living room. However, Nan Yin wasn’t overly concerned. Nan Xi would have to return home if she wanted to go to school as her school bag was still there. And... From her perspective, Philo Block seemed even worse than Hell's Kitchen in New York from her past life. Nan Yin doubted Nan Xi could even run two blocks by herself. So, without worrying too much, Nan Yin cooked herself a small meal. While eating, she switched on the holographic television in the living room to keep up with the world news of this unfamiliar world. Its worldview closely mirrored that depicted in the game Cyberpunk 2077, and to survive, Nan Yin needed as much information as possible. "Latest news: the violent case that occurred in the Philo Block has been taken over by our city’s Precinct Special Force Superintendent, Chen Yi. Please, citizens, remain calm. The criminal will surely be brought to justice…" Hmm? Upon hearing this news, Nan Yin momentarily paused, bread in hand. It seemed... the main storyline was about to begin. The major storyline of "Tianzhou Epic — Chronicles of a Thousand Spirits" would begin tonight. A serial killing spree with special abilities would strike the Philo Block. All police forces have been redirected there.