Chapter 54 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 054: Benefactor After consoling a somewhat dejected Can Yin, Nan Yin finally began to inquire about some important matters. For instance, would Can Yin's presence bring her any convenience? However, Can Yin's response was somewhat disappointing to Nan Yin. After she agreed to stay, Tian Shu indeed gave her some "conveniences" in terms of duties, but they were only limited to helping Nan Yin understand her so-called golden finger. It couldn’t provide any benefits to Nan Yin. Seeing Can Yin starting to cry because she couldn’t be of help, Nan Yin quickly patted her head and calmed her with soothing words. Only then did Can Yin slowly calm down, yet her sparkling eyes were still laced with tears. Seeing Can Yin still feeling uncomfortable from the amount of energy wasted on her previous long-winded explanations, Nan Yin had no choice but to promise to find more things for her to sell in the future. Seeing Can Yin calm down at her words, Nan Yin then sent the pacified little one back to the system space. Looking at the still deserted streets, Nan Yin sighed deeply. Initially, she thought that Can Yin's transformation would bring her many conveniences, but it turned out not only did she gain nothing helpful, but she had to take on an additional burden... Well, after all, this body was Can Yin’s, it was a bit embarrassing to refer to her as a burden… Fuhu Zhengsi’s urgent message came from the terminal again. Nan Yin shook her head to drive away the random thoughts in her mind. She immediately signaled for a shuttle and headed towards the abandoned factory. ……………………… When Nan Yin arrived, the outside area had barely changed since the day she left. However, Nan Yin didn't feel anything wrong, as Fuhu Zhengsi had already briefed her about it. Although Nan Yin had told Fuhu Zhengsi that the Basil slaves could be settled nearby in the abandoned factories, after a few rounds of disruptions from unknown forces, Fuhu Zhengsi prudently moved everyone into the underground hall. Therefore, the outside environment had been barely changed, giving a feeling that there had never been anyone around. Nan Yin had copied the iridium impression of the nanodoor access and stored it in her terminal. Fuhu Zhengsi, who had the terminal code, could freely enter and exit the area, while the Basil slaves had no chance of escaping—this was another factor they considered. Using her terminal to open the nanodoor, Fuhu Zhengsi, who had already been notified, was waiting for Nan Yin. "Miss." As soon as Fuhu Zhengsi saw Nan Yin, he greeted her respectfully. Since Nan Yin corrected him, not only her, even Fuhu Zhengsi himself began to enjoy this title. Perhaps this pure-hearted killer also thought calling his boss "miss" was more humanizing than calling her "boss". "Um, I've brought enough supplies for a month. However, it's all compressed food, so the taste isn't that great." Nan Yin joked. After all, Fuhu Zhengsi ate and drank with these slaves, and Nan Yin's current financial situation couldn't afford exotic delicacies for her followers. Even the compressed food that Nan Yin brought this time was specially collected from near-expired goods. Since it was enough for a month, the shelf life was only a month as well. They were all contemptible slaves. Until they officially became Nan Yin’s followers, her attitude towards them wouldn't change fundamentally. "The taste doesn’t really matter. I have no idea how those slavers treated these Basil's slaves, they would get extremely excited seeing a plain bun. To them, flavored compressed food is a delicacy," Fuhu Zhengsi reported in a straightforward manner, not bothered by Nan Yin's teasing tone. Nan Yin nodded indifferently, then shifted her gaze towards the corridor behind Fuhu Zhengsi and changed the topic. "Last time, I told you to select some slaves according to the training manual's requirements. How is that progressing?" Fuhu Zhengsi immediately reported, "Reporting to miss, according to your requirements, I have selected three good hands among these thirty-some slaves. They all have excellent physical conditions." Upon hearing this, Nan Yin furrowed her brows but didn't say anything. Although three was indeed few, it was still within her expectations. She then motioned for Fuhu Zhengsi to take her to see the selected slaves. They walked through the corridor and came up to a high platform. Under the platform was a moderately-sized underground square where those thugs had kept the slaves. At this moment, the thirty-some slaves were grouped up chatting quietly, some were simply sprawled out sleeping. But they all had one common feature: a metallic collar around their necks. These collars were the means by which the thugs controlled the slaves. As long as they detected something was wrong, they could lightly press a button on their terminal, and these seemingly ordinary collars would explode— a small portion of the collar was fitted with a minor amount of explosive. Although it wasn't much, a close-range explosion could precisely shatter the slaves’ skulls. After all, they were not from her homeland, so Nan Yin had no sympathy for the tragic fate of these slaves. At the moment, she only cared about the people who could be useful to her. "Call those three over.” Nan Yin nodded towards Fuhu Zhengsi. With a few operations from Fuhu Zhengsi on his terminal, Nan Yin saw three slaves in the square raise their heads towards the platform, they then got up to walk over. During their approach, other slaves noticed Nan Yin and Fuhu Zhengsi but their faces had a similar lack of emotional response. Only a few of them harbored expressions of repressed resentment or anger. Although faint, Nan Yin still noticed them. Before Nan Yin could take note of these slaves who reacted abnormally, the three slaves had already approached her. "Stand properly. If the miss takes a liking to you, it'll be your day of salvation from your suffering." This was Fuhu Zhengsi’s voice. Nan Yin looked back at the three slaves who might become her subordinates. She noticed that their faces showed a bit of excitement and hesitation after hearing Fuhu Zhengsi’s words. What surprised Nan Yin was that all three slaves seemed to be wearing the same dark blue uniform. It wasn't among the old clothes she left behind. Sensing Nan Yin's probing gaze, Fuhu Zhengsi promptly responded, "The three of them belonged to the same organization before becoming slaves, which is why they refuse to change their clothes." Nan Yin furrowed her brows but didn't comment. If they were from the same organization, given their physical condition, they were likely soldiers, mercenaries or perhaps even police. In any case, some sort of law enforcer. "Can you all speak Mandarin." Nan Yin asked casually. The leading nation in the East of this world was the Divine Empire, a behemoth that had unified Asia. Therefore, Mandarin had more traction than English in this world, which was why Nan Yin asked the question. Nan Yin wasn't disappointed as the one who seemed to be the leader of the slaves, promptly responded in fluent Mandarin. "Beautiful miss, are you a member of Tan Lang as well?” "I have no idea what kind of organization Tan Lang is. I only work for myself." Nan Yin answered nonchalantly. Before the slave could respond, she continued, "It's good that you all can speak Mandarin. Can the rest of these... people, speak Mandarin as well?" The slave who had spoken earlier shared a glance with a slave next to him before turning back to reply to Nan Yin, "Miss, we all can speak Mandarin." "Why do you refuse to change your clothes? Do all three of you belong to one organization?" Nan Yin continued with her questions. Unexpectedly, as soon as they heard her question, the slaves expressed an unmistakable resentment. "We were all law enforcement officers of Andas! Attacked by those despicable thugs…" The slave trailed off, unable to continue. What happened next was obvious—they became slaves. Law enforcement officers, likely akin to police. No wonder they seemed disciplined. Nan Yin nodded to herself in understanding. "If I may be so bold, miss... What exactly do you intend to do with us?" Seeing Nan Yin lost in thought, the slave who had been negotiating with her probed carefully. After all, they were indeed rescued from thugs by the young girl before them. However, their rescuer gave them neither freedom nor abuse, and they weren't being auctioned off; they were just living under virtual house arrest… Being provided with food and drink but deprived of freedom was nothing but house arrest, right? Nan Yin looked up at the cautious slave, "What is your name?" "If you're referring to the period before I became a slave for those bastards... Miss, I go by the name White Wolf," answered the silver-haired man with an eye-patch, taken aback by Nan Yin's unexpected question. "So, White Wolf, I saved you. Now, I need you to serve me. That's not too much to ask, right?" Nan Yin got straight to the point. White Wolf hesitated, "Do you want us to be your slaves?" "No, not slaves, subordinates," Nan Yin corrected. "As far as I know, you've been slaves for five years. Before being sent to Tianzhou City, you were forced to mine for magic crystals in Basil for three years," Nan Yin's voice was light but icy. "At the same time, those who mined with you also included your families, who were, like you, slaves…" As she spoke, Nan Yin looked over at a woman in old work clothes on the square. "Don't involve my family... If there's anything, you can come at me!" White Wolf was immediately anxious. "It's said that Basil people always repay their benefactors. I wonder if the favor of saving your life is enough for you to serve me? Or… could we add a stable job and residence for your wife?" Nan Yin casually surveyed the entire square. "There are many people here, Fuhu, but I only need useful ones." "So, what should we do with the remaining people?"