Chapter 69 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 069: Consolidating Territory "Boom!" The loud noise immediately attracted the attention of the few passersby on the street. When they turned around, they saw that the door of the coffee shop, which had been closed for days, had been smashed. On closer inspection, they discovered that the object that smashed the door wasn’t an object at all—it was a person. Some locals immediately recognized the man who now lay on the ground, life or death uncertain. Wasn't he the leader of the Barov Gang in this neighborhood? His biker jacket was quite conspicuous. Why was he in such a sorry state today? At this time, it was clear that no one cared about what happened to the leader of the Barov Gang. The locals, accustomed to the city’s daily violence, quickly distanced themselves from this place of trouble. As the last passerby was about to turn the corner, he peered back. All he could see was a middle-aged man with white hair, wearing a Zhongshan suit, leisurely walking out of the coffee shop and stepped on the leader of the Barov Gang. "Pah, I thought he was some kind of tough guy. Can't believe it was so easy to take down. So boring.” The middle-aged man glanced at the unconscious leader of the Barov Gang under his feet and sighed disdainfully. White Wolf, you are wrong to belittle him. This guy is at least much stronger than that Golden Fist from the last gang, right? At least… He can take a beating.” The speaker was behind him. He was another man in a Zhongshan suit, but unlike the former, he had black slick-backed hair. The contrast of black and white at the coffee shop door was quite striking. That's right, the person who stepped on the Barov's leader was White Wolf, and the speaker was Fuhu Zhengsi. “What's the use of being resilient? Resilience doesn’t mean invincible. Even the resilient ones have a limit until they are taken down.” White Wolf shrugged nonchalantly. Then, he looked back. Several youths, clearly no good, dressed in old leather jackets, stood dutifully inside the coffee shop. These were members of the Barov Gang. At this point, they were all a little bruised –it was clear the take-over didn’t go as smoothly as Fuhu Zhengsi had suggested. “Alright, you all come over here and take your boss down. There's no need for a doctor. Just get a first-aid kit, he will survive. I didn’t go overboard.” Unenthused, White Wolf finished speaking and beckoned to the slightly beaten-up members of the Barov gang. The two closest to him immediately scampered over, swallowing nervously before bowing to White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi. Then, they took their boss to the back kitchen. “I must say, this Philo neighborhood is just as you described, Nan Yin. So peaceful… We’ve taken down so many local gangs in the last few days, and yet no word from the police department.” Fuhu Zhengsi remarked, looking at the empty streets. His use of the word "peaceful" was, of course, sarcasm. “Heh, probably those local sheriffs can't wait for us to clear out these hooligans.” Being an ex-sheriff himself, White Wolf had a clear understanding. “But we've swept through a fifteenth of Philo neighborhood these past few days, they are probably preparing to take action against us.” As soon as White Wolf finished speaking, a cool and clear feminine voice came from the side: “So what if they’re preparing? If they approach us with force, we blunt it. If they flood us, we dam it, no?" White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi were startled by the voice and hurriedly turned around to pay respects: "Miss!" Indeed, the one who spoke was a beautiful young girl, dressed in a black hoodie and jeans. Her silver hair was a trademark. Who else could it be but Nan Yin? Nan Yin gave a slight nod in acknowledgment, then she looked around and finally her gaze settled on the beaten-up Barov gang members inside the coffee shop. "It seems you guys have worked hard these few days. How's everyone? Any injuries?" Although she sounded somewhat perfunctory, her concern was apparent, prompting White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi to eagerly answer: "No, Miss! Among these street punks and hoodlums in the Philo neighborhood, there is no one capable of hurting me." Said White Wolf. "No injuries, Miss." Fuhu Zhengsi added. "White Wolf, you’ve only just arrived in Tianzhou City. The waters here run deep, especially regarding those with special abilities. This place has many more 'superhumans' compared to Basel City. If you're not careful, your ship may capsize in the gutter.” Nan Yin cautioned. She glanced at the crossroads, now filled with onlookers and then added: "Especially in places like the Philo neighborhood.” "Miss, your advice is well taken. We will be careful." Fuhu Zhengsi quickly responded, "Although White Wolf makes it sound easy, each plan of action is reviewed by him. He takes it very seriously." Nan Yin commended White Wolf's dedication with a glance, then turned her attention to the onlookers still gathered. "It's not appropriate to speak here; let’s go inside." "In the meantime… You should share the gains from the last few days.” ……………… Ten minutes later, they were on the third floor of the coffee shop. White Wolf directed the Barov gang members to tidy up a room that was fairly clean. At this moment, the girl with silver hair stood quietly by the window listening to the debriefing from her two subordinates. "Miss, since you issued the order two weeks ago, we've taken down fifteen local gangs of all sizes. Specifically speaking, we've swept through one fifteenth of the Philo neighborhood.” “We didn’t encounter any serious fights during the raids, we didn't even use many bullets.” When Nan Yin heard this, she simply nodded. She deliberately didn't ask how many people White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi had killed in the operation. Whether accidental or intentional, it was pointless to ask these two desperate men. Besides, their lives didn’t matter to Nan Yin; she had important things to do. Ever since she had given shelter to White Wolf half a month ago, this former sheriff of Basel City had been quick to fit into his role. He and Fuhu Zhengsi set out to seek trouble from the smaller gangs under Nan Yin's orders. At first, they targeted small gangs that only collected protection fees. These groups could hardly be called gangs; they were more like violent groups formed by seven or eight hooligans. Fuhu Zhengsi and White Wolf didn’t even need to intervene, those guys would stand down as long as one of their trusted associates got involved. Fuhu Zhengsi, White Wolf and his two subordinates cleared more than a dozen of these small violent groups, all centered around the abandoned factory. It wasn't until they accidentally stumbled upon a drug trade between two gangs that they began to directly confront the properly armed gangs. But it must be said, on an average level, the combat power Fuhu Zhengsi and White Wolf represented was simply insurmountable by these gangs. Although this world is full of superhumans, top-tier ones are rare. In the operations, the two or three low-level superhumans they encountered were no match for Fuhu Zhengsi alone, and ordinary firearms posed no threat to these experienced desperadoes at all. To this day, based on Nan Yin’s orders, White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi “cleaned” up more than a dozen gangs, large and small, centered around the abandoned factory, including some major armed groups with hundreds of members. As Nan Yin was lost in thought, Fuhu Zhengsi placed a credit card on the table. “Miss, although the money you gave us is nearly spent, we have some gains. This includes our gain of eight hundred thousand credits.” Clearing gangs certainly brings monetary benefits—far more than eight hundred thousand. The guns, ammunition, and the "drugs" they hadn’t had time to sell, were easily worth over two million. But, under Nan Yin's explicit instructions, both Fuhu Zhengsi and White Wolf chose to temporarily ignore these grey incomes. “Very well… Now let's talk about the manpower that you think we can absorb during this process.” Nan Yin turned to look at her two subordinates. “We need to consolidate our territory, and this can't be accomplished by just the four of you.”