Chapter 70 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

Chapter 70: Recruiting Underlings Nan Yin planned to establish her own territory, a fact Bai Lang and Fuhu Zhengsi were well aware of. Carving out a piece of territory was Nan Yin's optimal choice after carefully considering her current situation and environment. Firstly, she was severely short on funds. This wasn't to say she was saddled with debt; after all, the 200,000 originally owed by her birth parents had been fully repaid by her, so the LongQian Group wouldn't be bothering her anymore. Nan Yin needed money for her plan. If she were to implement the plan she had in mind, it would necessitate a substantial amount of money, ensuring that she wouldn't have to worry about her standing in this world if the plan was fully realized. As for the second reason, it stemmed from the environmental factors of the Filo District—Nan Yin had spoken of this before, comparing the Filo District in Tianzhou City in this world to Hell's Kitchen in Queens, New York in her past world, a lawless land. From the moment Nan Yin arrived in this world, it was clear that the Filo District is a trouble spot for the city government and a paradise for lawbreakers. On one street alone, perhaps three different gangs could vie for control. For the children of the Filo District, the path of life carved by their ancestors—selling drugs or firearms, or other illegal trades—provides a career choice not given to children elsewhere. The Tianzhou City government doesn't have an effective solution for this situation. After all, as the world's premiere city gifted with super-humans, while it enjoys the prosperity and policy dividends brought by its large super-human population, the government must also deal with a higher level of crime. Handling these criminals has consumed a significant amount of financial and human resources from the city's officials. To those officials, this already-declining industrial zone seems like a relic of a past era, incapable of comparing to the bustling central city areas. For this reason, the Filo District exists in a state of anarchy, and even the so-called Filo Police Station serves more as a deterrent than active law enforcement. Such a lawless area was exactly what Nan Yin sought—an era of chaos, with the right timing, creation of favorable conditions, and friendly relations, was perfect for her disruptiveness. In this world, unlike Nan Yin's past life, having a weapon isn't enough to intimidate many. With this in mind, she never forgot that she was now in a fantastical world, where magic and superhuman abilities existed. Even with her high-level skills from her past life, she would be easily defeated by a high-level superhuman in this new world. But now, Nan Yin's superhuman genes have been transferred from her adoptive father, Nan Shan, to Nan Xi. So, there's no hope for Nan Yin to enhance her power through her own superhuman abilities. Moreover, the other mysterious forces in this world are not something Nan Yin can just pick up casually. For instance, magic or sorcery - these profound forces demand high blood heritage, and rely on fate, which Nan Yin doesn't believe in. Since she can't improve her personal strength, Nan Yin now plans to use her biggest strength from her previous life—her superior organizational and intelligence capabilities, creating her own power or underground empire amidst the chaos in Filo District, something she is confident about having managed several intelligence hubs in her previous life. Using advanced technology, there are now more and more methods for ordinary people to resist superhumans. Nan Yin strongly believes that with enough determination and resources, she can assemble a well-trained team capable of dealing with average superhumans. As for these boss-level characters that only the male lead, Su Xiaoyu was supposed to deal with... She will leave those to the natives of this world. The first step of her plan was to recruit Fuhu Zhengsi and Bai Lang, since this world's superhuman abilities are relatively reasonable. As long as she acquires enough resources, she can build up top-tier superhumans. At that time, all she has to do is control these followers under her command firmly. As for the so-called resource problems... Nan Yin is confident that as long as her power base is solid enough, she will not lack any resources that can be bought with money in this world with a remaining semblance of order. Concerning how to firmly control Fuhu Zhengsi and White Wolf, who might explode with ambition... Nan Yin hadn't even begun to formulate her related plan when White Wolf's words pulled her back to reality. "Reporting to Miss, about your order to recruit manpower, we have been executing it properly… to some extent." When it came to matters of organization and training, White Wolf, a former sheriff of Basilis, was obviously better qualified. So, it fell on him to reply to Nan Yin. "To some extent?" Nan Yin regained her focus and smiled, picking up a slight nervousness in the towering man's voice: "Don't be nervous, White Wolf, speak freely." "Yes… Miss." White Wolf immediately nodded. Perhaps Nan Yin's words truly steadied his emotions, because he no longer appeared so nervous. "Initially, I planned to select manpower as I would select for a militia. But then you ordered that we should choose the best among them," White Wolf glanced at the young girl before him with snow-like hair, and upon her gentle nod, continued: "So, I canceled the original large-scale recruitment plan, looking for new blood with both superior physical condition and loyalty, and nurtured them into elites.” "Elites?" Nan Yin was momentarily taken aback. Physical fitness is easily measured, but how do you judge loyalty? White Wolf and Fuhu Zhengsi had only conquered these territories recently, and they hadn't yet consolidated them—they were more of hit-and-run conquerors. So, under such circumstances, how to ascertain the loyalty of the minions? This was a big problem. Unable to guess whether White Wolf's method resonated with her thoughts, Nan Yin looked at him keenly. "Actually, we have no perfect solution, especially since we've only just acquired these lands and resources." "In Tianzhou City, unlike our Basilis, we can't win the public's heart through faith, especially in Filo District. These gang members are bottom rung social scum trying desperately to keep from starving. To them, a loaf of bread is much more substantial than any faith," looking at Nan Yin, White Wolf continued, "So, what we've resorted to is inducing by heavy rewards."