Chapter 39

Chapter 39: The Meeting The Dragon's Shrine Maiden—Selene took her seat at the negotiation table. Her presence had a dramatic effect; the chiefs of the elves agreed to travel to Helifarte, not so much to engage in trade but rather out of a desire to meet the Dragon's Shrine Maiden. As representatives, Gee and Sana, along with about twenty envoys from various settlements, formed a delegation. The elves then set off towards the unknown world. Beyond the white forest, a great bear of a man awaited them. Covered in a beard and clothed in bizarre attire the likes of which Gee and the others had never seen, they were momentarily wary. But their unease was quickly assuaged when they noticed the coat of arms featuring a gigantic eagle emblazoned on the carriage that stood behind him. They had seen the same emblem among the gifts brought by Milano. "Oh, I assume you are Chief Gee?" "And you are Milano's envoy?" "Indeed, I am called Kumahachi. Entrusted by the prince to be your guide, elves. Please rest assured." Despite his intimidating appearance, the man named Kumahachi dismounted from a long-faced, brown-furred animal with genteel behavior and greeted the elves. "Well then, we are in your care. By the way, what creature is that which you've dismounted from?" "This is an animal called a horse. Consider it the human version of the Skink that you ride, Lord Gee." "A horse, eh? This is my first time seeing such a peculiar creature." "That sentiment is mutual. Now, allow us to lead the way." As Kumahachi, mounted on his horse, led the cart forward, several elves climbed aboard. Sana, intending to lead the Skinks, steered the alpha of their pack, guiding the group across the plains. Elves, whose world had consisted of nothing but the white forest, remained vigilant yet captivated by the colorful vistas outside—expanses of green meadows and fields of white lilies blooming up to the horizon. "Hey, what are human cities like? Milano lives someplace called Okyu, right?" "Indeed, Prince Milano is presently preparing in the royal capital to welcome you, Lord Gee." "And Selene is in this Okyu place?" Gee leaned out of the carriage and whispered to Kumahachi, so only he could hear. "Listen, aside from me and Sana, the others don't have fond feelings for humans. Most are here because they want to meet the Dragon's Shrine Maiden—not for the trade meeting. You have made preparations for that, haven't you?" Gee felt compelled to ask. He didn't expect Selene to do anything extraordinary, but the first impression mattered greatly. Merely having a human girl sit with them wouldn't have much impact. They couldn't summon a dragon to the meeting, yet somehow, her appearance had to express a certain distinction from other humans. In response to Gee's worries, Kumahachi simply smiled. "It will be a sight to behold. Lord Gee, you might find yourself in awe." "Can I trust you? No matter how noble the background, they won't be surprised by mere clothing will they?" "We shall see once we arrive." With that, Kumahachi hastened his step. Gee seemed tentatively placated and retreated into the carriage. If Milano was making the arrangements, there likely wouldn't be a problem. However, if the other village elves were to view the meeting as just "that child is merely a human," it would be a complete loss of face for Gee. "Ah well, no use worrying now. But I wonder, what sort of tree is this 'Okyu'? Even the largest tree in our village can only hold at most twenty people. I wonder if we can all fit, including Milano and his people." "Don't be silly. It's not like the white forest where huge trees grow abundantly." Elves usually lived in settlements where trees that could accommodate a large number of people were rare. Sana corrected Gee's concern with a hint of exasperation. "Surely there must be many moderately-sized trees where humans live. And they probably hold meetings in groups of about five due to the inconvenience." "So that's it! Humans live in places with fewer trees after all. They have no choice but to do so. Poor things, having no place to live…" "…You shall see once we arrive." Kumahachi said nothing more and continued on the path to Helifarte. Five days later, the elves arrived in Helifarte, and needless to say, they were utterly astounded by the stonework of the royal city, to the point of being dumbfounded. "Lord Gee, I am honored by your visit to our nation." "Yeah, I'm here. Be grateful." Gee spoke lightly, and Milano, with a smile, extended his hand, and they exchanged a firm handshake. Both skilled warriors and now traversing beyond their races, Gee and Milano were starting to recognize each other as friends. "Building houses out of stacked stones, huh? Impressive... but seems like a lot of trouble. Humans surely have it tough." "In our country, there is no giant tree that can be used as a house like White Forest." "Hmm... humans have their own hardships, I suppose." While the other elven leaders remained amazed by the sturdy construction of the Helifarte palace, Sana seemed particularly interested in the decor and furnishings, trying to touch every sculpture they passed, only to be constantly stopped by the palace guards. "I would like to introduce my father and mother and my sister to you later, but before that, I want to ease the other leaders' wariness." "Sure, we can do the sightseeing bit later. What about the preparations for Selene?" "No problem." The atmosphere of welcome in Helifarte was certainly lessening the elves' wariness, but they were still far from completely at ease. The air felt tense, as if to say, "This is still enemy territory; do not let your guard down." "I would like to allow you all to rest today and postpone the meeting until tomorrow or later, but it seems we should probably move it up." "Fine by us." Milano and Gee agreed it would be better to hold a meeting sooner rather than later, after a brief respite. The elven guests, invited into a grand hall prepared for receiving them, looked around with curiosity, yet with stiff expressions, betraying their unease. "Let's begin the meeting soon. Esteemed leaders of the elves, please allow us to move to the appointed room." At Milano's urging, Gee and the others were led to a large chamber deep within the palace. The room, used only for the most distinguished guests, had a calm overall hue with luxurious crimson carpets and decorative tableware predominately in white. Approximately twenty elves had come for the negotiation, and Milano had selected a few competent merchants and scholars to join them. Yet, even with about thirty participants, the room—designed to accommodate a hundred people—felt quite spacious. Normally, a smaller room would suffice, but the elves were being offered unusually generous treatment. The day was already inclining towards evening, but the lighting in the room was arranged so that it would not feel dark, even at twilight. Torches burned red throughout, and in the center stood an elongated table capable of seating dozens. "As everyone is aware, as a symbol of harmony between our races, we have the Dragon's Shrine Maiden, Selene, joining us in our conference. In the name of the Dragon's Shrine Maiden, I declare that we are here to spend a meaningful time for the prosperity of both our peoples," Milano stated, his words grandiose in introducing Selene. His deliberate choice of words was meant to convey that what was to follow was not mere trade discussions, but a sacred act under the auspices of the Dragon's Shrine Maiden—a public declaration of intent to forswear deceit and violence under the oath of the dragon, the embodiment of the elves' deity. "Now, may the Dragon's Shrine Maiden, Selene, please enter." At Milano's signal, the double doors that had been shut were opened by two attendants. "...Wow." "She's... beautiful..." For a moment, Gee and Sana were at a loss for words, sighing softly at Selene's appearance. The reactions of the other elves were even more pronounced—they leaned forward over the table, straining to catch sight of Selene as she entered. "Hel...lo." Selene's greeting was hesitant, and rather than her usual worn white dress, she was adorned in a majestic costume. She wore a multilayered dress of pale peach, and her entire body was draped in lace so fine it could be mistaken for the garb of a celestial maiden. Selene usually did not wear hair ornaments, but for this occasion, she donned a golden tiara inlaid with jade. Her sparkling gold and the deep green jewels further accentuated her porcelain skin and ruby-red eyes, making her even more vibrant. "So that is the Dragon's Shrine Maiden..." A murmur came from one of the elven leaders, followed by silence, as if none could find further words to speak. Any previous wariness towards humans seemed forgotten. All were spellbound by the adorned Selene. The beautiful girl before them commanded dragons, their deity, and was now overseeing the proceedings. The reassurance this provided to the elves was greater than Milano had anticipated. Gee gave Milano a thumbs up, and Milano nodded back with a smile. It seemed their strategy had been splendidly successful. Selene, a human who shared a striking resemblance to the elves in physique, indeed, was the perfect bridge between humans and elves. After her greeting, Selene began walking toward the end of the table, towards what could be called the 'seat of honor'. There was a specially made chair for her, with a small platform attached so that even someone as petite as Selene could ascend. She sat down with measured grace, despite the unfamiliar attire that slowed her movements. But to everyone else, her composure seemed undisturbed and her serene demeanor was warmly watched by all present. The meeting was ready to commence. The humans sat on one side of the long table, with the elves arrayed on the other, and Selene sat in between the two races. At first glance, Selene seemed to sit in the most esteemed position, yet her task was nearly complete after the initial "hello." It was a comfortable role. "Let us now begin discussions concerning our future arrangements. I understand our elven friends must be weary from the long journey, so let's keep things light for today," Milano initiated the meeting. With Selene's presence having already greatly eased the atmosphere, and Milano's considerate approach, which starkly contrasted with how adventurers typically behaved, the elves' posture gradually softened—an assurance no doubt bolstered by the presence of the Dragon's Shrine Maiden overlooking the meeting. "We would like not only magical materials but also to inquire about acquiring Skinks." "Skinks? Don't you have horses?" "Is that creature quite sturdy? While horses are faster on flatlands, Skinks may be more suitable for arid territories or mountains. This request comes not from me, but from our merchants." "I see. So, what will you give us in return? We can't keep horses in the white forest; they lack magical power." "What about spices that can only be obtained in human lands? We're preparing a meal after this meeting. If you find the human cuisine to your liking, we can provide goods that keep well. Even plants—if you start from seeds, it's possible some could grow in the white forest." "Oh, that sounds good! And we'd appreciate it if you could also show us how to prepare the dishes!" "If the food is good, we could consider giving a few pairs of Skinks," Gee conceded, with Sana adding her enthusiasm. As was customary, Milano continued the negotiation with Gee and Sana taking the lead. Before long, the other elven delegates, initially cautious, began to weigh in, saying, "We have even better goods to offer." "(It appears things are going well,)" Milano mentally noted, glancing at Gee, who allowed himself a slight smile. Just listening to conversation and actually being present at the place of trade were worlds apart. For the elves from other settlements too, the humans' goods were tantalizingly desirable. Once their wariness had been allayed, they were eager to jump into negotiations. Milano's gaze briefly turned to Selene, the lynchpin of this gathering. She sat quietly in her chair, observing their negotiations with an almost meditative stillness. At only eight years old, she was far too young for the company of adults' deliberations, yet she did not fuss or fidget, diligently watching them. "(Perhaps she understands what is being discussed here.)" Selene was a perceptive child, or so Milano believed. Although impassive, she did not seem merely a silent figurehead. Whereas it was generally easy to conjecture what his sister Marie might be thinking, Selene's thoughts remained elusive to Milano. "(A... apple... Ape... E... eel... L... lizard... D...)" Meanwhile, Selene was entertaining herself with a game of word chain in her mind to pass the time. She had been told to just sit, and so she really was just sitting, without any particular desire to absorb new knowledge. However, just as the wariness of the other village elves was abating, a problem arose. As more delegates began to participate in the discussion, each pursued their own community's interests more assertively. Traders from the human side likewise began to interject. The previously tranquil air started to turn tense for an entirely different reason. "Let's pause here for today..." Milano, sensing the need for everyone to cool off, was about to call for a recess when the sound of Selene's bell, tinkling with a rin-rin, resonated through the chamber. Elves and humans alike, who were leaning over the table deep in debate, turned towards the source of the sound. "Enough," she said. The source of the sound was Selene. Without any sense of pressure or pretense, she simply stated so. The coolness of her voice, along with the sound of the bell, quenched the heated debate between humans and elves like cold water, and apologies were exchanged, thus bringing the day's meeting to a close. "Selene, thank you." "Eh?" "Not only for easing their wariness but also for stopping them." "Dangerous." "Yes, continuing to argue in that manner would have had lingering repercussions." While Selene's interjection was calm, to Milano, her actions required a great deal of courage. Merely standing among adults in a setting of trade was a significant strain, to say nothing of interjecting amidst a heated debate. But Selene simply lacked awareness of the atmosphere and wanted to finish promptly at the end of the day. With thirteen hours a day being her desired amount of sleep and the recent welcome of the elves, naps had taken a backseat, and she had endured several maids dressing her in various outfits for hours. If the debate had dragged on, she might have fallen asleep right there in her chair. It was a close call. "Selene, brother, well done today!" "Oh, it's Marie." As Selene trudged along the corridor with her dress trailing behind her, Marie emerged from behind a pillar. It seemed she had been waiting nearby for the meeting to end. "How did it go? Was it successful?" "Uh, yeah, sort of." There wasn't much Selene could say, as she had simply sat in her chair doing mental word chain all by herself. Not really awaiting a response, Marie rapidly fired her next question. "Hey, hey, can I come along tomorrow too? Can I join you?" "No, absolutely not." Before Selene could answer, Milano, standing behind her, swiftly rejected the proposal. Marie puffed her cheeks, glaring at Milano with dissatisfaction. "Ehh! But if you and Selene are there and I'm the only one left out, that's unfair!" "This isn't a game. Besides, you wouldn't enjoy it. We've already asked too much of Selene." "I know, but..." Although Marie understood, she still struggled to accept the reality. For the elves, only Selene was important; there was no merit in bringing Marie along. Besides, bringing such a noisy little sister to the meeting would be counterproductive. If forced to sit through it, Marie would surely want to leave halfway, but such an exit would leave a bad impression. It was exceptional for an eight-year-old like Selene to sit quietly through the proceedings. "But still! To think that such esteemed elves are here and only Selene and you become acquainted with them and I'm left out, it's just boring!" "I can't allow you to attend the meeting. Show your face at the meal afterward; that should be enough." "I don't want to be treated like an afterthought! Fine then! I've got my own plans!" With that, Marie strode off down the corridor and disappeared. "Selene, you should rest now. We'll have your meal brought to your room later." "Okay." Selene nonchalantly acknowledged Milano's suggestion and retired to her quarters. With the help of several maids, she shed the cumbersome dress and changed into a thin garment used for sleeping. Peering out the window, she saw the sky had turned a deep navy, and the full moon was clearly visible. It was the time when Selene would normally feel her most energized, but the lack of a daytime nap had left her particularly sleepy. "Time to sleep..." Selene flopped onto her bed. Milano continued his practice, squeezing it in between other duties, which meant she had to prepare his poison-laced lunchbox. For now, her routine would involve waking up just before noon to fix the lunch, grabbing a quick nap, and then sitting through the evening meetings. "This is tough." The thought of the labor to come made Selene sigh. She wondered if she could file a complaint with the labor standards inspection office for being overworked, but of course, such an entity did not exist in this world. Besides, she was hardly doing any work at all. If the meetings doubled in length, Selene would probably die with blood spurting from every pore in her body. "Seleneee!" As Selene grumbled about her sit-and-do-nothing job, Marie suddenly barged into her room. The nearby maids had made a token effort to stop her, but Marie was not easily deterred. She approached Selene's bed, hiding something behind her back. "What is it?" "I'm sorry to bother you when you're tired, but I need your help for something." "Sure." Sitting up in bed, Selene awaited Marie's request. She would have feigned sleep if it were the prince asking, but she couldn't ignore a request from the fair-haired loli Marie. "Ta-da! I made this! Isn't it beautiful?" "Wow." Presenting her creation, Marie waved a flower necklace in front of Selene. It was similar to a Hawaiian lei, but true to Marie's fondness for flamboyance, it was made with bright reds and yellows. Like the time she made a ring from Selene's hair, Marie seemed to have a talent for intricate crafts. "These are the precious flowers from my garden." "And then?" "Please give out these to all the elves. Tell them this, 'From the noble Princess Mariabelle of Helifarte, as a token of welcome.' Okay?" "Got it." Marie hoped to make a lasting impression on the memories of the distinguished elf chiefs. She was one for the spotlight, after all. "There were about twenty who came yesterday, right? This is just a prototype, so I need to work hard to make a lot more by tomorrow evening!" "Need help?" "...I'll take your offer in spirit." Knowing full well that Selene had no talent for the arts, Marie gently refused the offer. Selene then settled back down to sleep, and the next morning she awoke around noon. After finishing her daily routine of feeding the prince his lunchbox, she took another nap until evening. "Today, we wish to continue our discussion, but before that, there appears to be something to distribute to everyone." "Here, a gift." Dressed up as she was the day before, Selene was holding a large number of bouquets. Upon closer inspection, they were not bouquets but bundles of flower necklaces. Selene began placing the necklaces around the necks of the elf leaders, with Sana in particular showing great joy and bombarding Selene with questions. "Wow! Such beautiful flowers! To receive such a gift from the Dragon's Shrine Maiden is an honor indeed!" "Actually, the 'Marie' flowers." Selene tried to communicate it was a gift from Mariabelle, just as she had been instructed. "Oh, 'Marie' flowers..." The elves contentedly admired the beautiful garlands around their necks. The atmosphere of the previous day's meeting had been far from cordial. This girl, who had played the role of mediator between the two parties, must feel responsible for lightening the mood by gathering these "Marie" flowers. Despite her small stature, the fact that the young girl herself was the one taking such consideration shamed both the elves and humans. They were embarrassed by their own behavior, which had been preoccupied solely with arguing for their respective rights. The realization that there were things beyond mere profit, such as showing concern for the other party, allowed the meeting to proceed in a consistently peaceful atmosphere that day. As for Selene, she sat in her chair, counting prime numbers to pass the time. After the meeting concluded, Selene once again trailed her gown along the corridor, and she could see Marie rushing towards her. "How were my flower necklaces received!?" "They liked them." "Really, oh, that's good..." Marie sighed in relief. Although she believed she had created the highest quality flower necklaces, she hadn't been able to see the reaction at the scene herself and had waited anxiously. "Did you make sure to give them out saying 'From Mariabelle'?" "Said it." "Good, as long as you did. Now my name will spread among the elves! I'll have to keep making more from tomorrow!" Convinced that she was on her way to becoming a figure of some standing among the elves, Marie went skipping back to her work. This "Marie flower," would later be cultivated in the villages of the elves. It would be quite some time before it was discovered that the origin of this "Marie" flower actually referred to Princess Mariabelle. But that, of course, is another story.

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