Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Investment 『Your Highness, I have confirmed the reward.』 "How much?" One month has passed since Selene began her work involving dandelions and elves, and as promised, a portion of the profits from the trade was due for payment. Milano had handed over the detailed documents thinking that Selene would understand, but unfortunately, the content was beyond her comprehension, so she threw the matter to Butler without a second thought. 『My, my... this is astonishing indeed!』 "What is?" Selene watched Butler with curiosity as he was unusually excited. She thought that since the job only involved sitting, the sum couldn't be that grand. However, Butler sprang onto the bed and started to explain with grand gestures. 『It's an amount that might take a first-class merchant five years to earn!』 "No way!?" Surprised by the unexpected answer, Selene's eyes widened in astonishment. However, it was to be expected, really. Products infused with magical power are considered luxury goods to humans. Even the white dress of Arcquill that Selene wore as casually as one might wear department store clothing could buy two or three single-story houses. Moreover, dealing in commodities of such high value, Milano, concerned about placing a burden on Selene, had paid her with a bit of a bonus. "That's amazing!" 『Of course, this is a job that no one but the Princess could do, and it brings considerable profits to both species. To call this payment modest would be an understatement.』 Butler answered confidently, puffing out his chest. He served the very person who was becoming indispensable to both humans and elves—a most prestigious duty for a head butler indeed. ‘What should I do with the money?’ Brushing aside the emotionally shaken Butler, Selene immediately pondered how to spend her newfound wealth. After mulling it over, she decided to blow through the large sum swiftly. Selene's saving prowess was akin to a squirrel that buried acorns to survive the winter only to forget them by spring. Even in her previous life, she habitually spent almost her entire paycheck soon after receiving it. Naturally, she intended to spend it all this time too. The first thing that came to mind was alcohol. With a vast sum of money acquired, why not indulge in the finest drinks? And then there was grilled meat. Eat loads of it. Not to mention a visit to a boob pub with cute girls... "......aaaaah!?" She reached that thought and screamed, standing on the bed with her hands clutching her head. Butler flinched and froze as if struck by lightning, looking up at Selene. 『P-Princess!? What is it!?』 "A map, Butler, give me map!" 『A map, you say?』 "A map, tell about Helifarthe!" 『Do you mean a map of Helifarthe's castle town?』 Selene nodded vigorously in response to Butler's words. 『...While I'm not quite sure what you intend, as you command...』 Without understanding his master's intent, Butler hopped down from the bed onto the carpet and traced it with his tail, skillfully sketching a layout of Helifarthe in its entirety. Thanks to a network of informants among mice, Butler had a comprehensive understanding of Helifarthe's royal capital, even knowing secrets not privy to Milano or even King Shubarn itself. On this continent, likely no one knew more about Helifarthe than Butler. 『The town spreads out in a fan shape from the royal palace. This here is the main boulevard where markets are held and which is always brimming with activity. Moving on, there are areas with workshops, and farther out, the proportion of agricultural districts increases...』 "Wait!" Selene interrupted Butler as he explained the makeshift map drawn on the carpet. She crouched down and pointed to a specific part of the map. "There's no drawing here, why?" 『That area... well, it hosts establishments for adults. It's not particularly relevant to you, Highness, so I omitted it.』 "Adult establishments?!" She was eager to hear more, but Butler fell silent in thought. 『(Hmm... Perhaps the Princess wishes to stretch beyond her years, but this cannot be disclosed...)』 Stuck on how to reply to his master, who was very interested in adult-oriented words, Butler debated what to say. Being open about almost everything, Butler would usually not withhold information, but this was an exception; a matter he could not discuss. The place Selene pointed to was rife with gambling houses, taverns, and even brothels. 『King Shubarn is a wise ruler. Rather than dismissing entertainment as frivolous, he seems to think that places to unwind are necessary... This area is concentrated with such facilities.』 "Tell me more!" 『These amusements are mainly favored by adult males. There's no need for a lady such as yourself to be acquainted with them.』 "......I understand." 『Helifarthe is a beautiful city with plenty of delightful places to explore. Let us end this topic here.』 But as Butler went into detail about the charming locales of Helifarthe, Selene was no longer listening. The more evasive Butler's answers became, the more certain Selene felt. She was convinced that this unmarked area had to contain something dubious. While Butler wanted to shield his innocent and noble Princess from such corruption, Selene was neither innocent nor pure; what she desired was, in fact, to be found there. As he finished his explanation, Selene stroked Butler's throat and placed him back in the high-quality woven basket beside her bed. Since his return from Whitewood, Butler was officially recognized as Selene's pet mouse and had his own basket prepared next to her pillow. "What a predicament." Selene flopped down on the bed, grinding her teeth in frustration. She belatedly realized there was a critical flaw to her situation. With a little girl's body, there was simply nowhere to spend the money. Ever since the carriage chase with Marie and the great turmoil at Helifarthe Academy, Selene had been forbidden from going outside the royal palace's grounds alone. If Selene wished to venture into the town below the castle, she was obliged to inform someone and bring several guards with her. Selene was a natural recluse, only ever going outside to meet Alue. However, this occasion was different. Having received a substantial amount of money, she now wanted to throw big bets at gambling or walk into a tavern and demand, "Bring me the most expensive food in this establishment, in order." There was no chance she could head to the pleasure district while accompanied by guards, and even if she managed to sneak away on her own, the idea of a little girl plunging into a pub to drink heavily or visiting a boob pub, though uncertain if it even existed, was preposterous. If someone had proposed opening a brothel specifically for women's admission (※Available for those 8 years old and above), Selene would have instantly invested everything she had. But no such absurd business proposition existed. Nor could she bring herself to propose, "Let's create a pleasure district by women, for women!" There must be plenty of better ways to spend money, but Selene could only think of investing it in pleasures. It was just how Selene was. "No, that won’t work..." The next idea that struck her was to lavish Alue with money. However, bestowing a large sum directly to her would be risky. In the end, this money originated from Milano. If she casually transferred all of it to Alue, she'd owe a great debt to that prince. She was already at a disadvantage; there was no way she'd put him in a better position. "That's it!" 『Princess, what has been puzzling you? If I may be of assistance, please consult with me.』 "Let's go out, Butler." As Selene abruptly rose from the bed to prepare for leaving, Butler reflexively jumped onto her shoulder. 『Where might we be heading?』 "Going to consult king." 『You're going to consult King Shubarn? What exactly do you wish to speak with him about, Princess?』 "A good thing." All Selene did was smile, offering no further explanation. Butler's mind raced, trying to guess her intention from every possible angle, but however much he thought, he couldn't fathom what Selene was up to. 『'The sparrows cannot comprehend the ambition of the swan,' hmm...』 Small minds fail to understand the thoughts of the great, was the sentiment Butler recalled. With Butler still perched on her shoulder, Selene left the room, toddling along the hallways until she reached the chamber of King Shubarn. Arriving there, she requested an audience with the king from the guard soldiers. Ordinarily, special permission would be needed, but Selene's current status in Helifarthe was essentially that of a VIP. Moreover, King Shubarn had come to treather just as dearly as he treated Marie, so Selene's request for an audience was promptly granted. "Selene? What brings you here? Do you need something from me?" "King, I have, a proposal." "A proposal... what might that be?" While smiling fondly at Selene's clumsy formalities, Shubarn decided to hear what her proposal was. It was rare for this child to seek something on her own. Shubarn thought he would do whatever he could to fulfill Selene's wishes. However, the proposal Selene brought forward was something that astonished King Shubarn, as well as Butler sitting on her shoulder. ◆◇◆◇◆ "Miss Alue, do you have a moment?" Having finished her morning lectures at Helifarthe Academy, Alue was on her way to the next class when one of the professors called out to her from behind. "Yes, I'd be glad to assist with anything." "No, that's not it. The dean has requested to see you..." "The dean wishes to see me? For what reason?" Alue tilted her head but regardless of the cause, if summoned by the dean she had no choice but to go. "Did I make some mistake..." Walking along the neatly swept wooden corridors with a slight sense of unease, Alue made her way to the dean's office. Initially dismissed as a country bumpkin at her transfer, Alue had since become one of the top students. Lately, she had been receiving more praise and hadn't caused any problems that she was aware of. Alue, innately talented and now given the best environment, was flourishing remarkably. There was no one left to scorn her. However, she had achieved this status through indirectly with Selene. "This is all thanks to Selene..." The beloved younger sister had recently been entrusted with a very important role in national affairs. She, too, must strive to meet the expectations. As much as she pondered, Alue could not recall doing anything to incur the dean's wrath, yet there was always the possibility something had slipped her notice. For Selene's sake, she must correct any mistakes. "Excuse me. Alue Aquila is here." "Ah, please come in." When she knocked on the solid door, a male voice promptly bid her enter. Alue opened the door with a nervous expression to find a good-natured, portly man — the dean — who was sitting with his hands clasped in his chair. Beside him sat Selene, so Alue wondered if she was seeing an illusion. Selene was tucked into a large chair beside the dean, sharing a cookie with a black and white mouse on her lap, sipping what must have been a fine herbal tea provided by the dean. "Sister, I've wait you." "Eh!? Se-Selene!?" Completely surprised, Alue rushed towards Selene even in the presence of the dean. Previously, Selene had trespassed the university grounds chasing after the prince she admired without permission. Could it be she's gotten into trouble again? That might be why Alue, a relative, had been called in. "Selene, did you do something bad again?" "I didn't, see?" Selene looked up at Alue with an innocent expression. It didn't seem like Selene had actually done anything wrong, and the dean appeared quite at ease. "Miss Selene has properly obtained permission to enter today. Rest assured." "But... why is Selene at the academy?" Question marks multiplied in Alue's mind, but the dean, as if reading her thoughts, began to speak. "The benefactor insisted on meeting with you, Alue. That's why I called you here for an introduction." "Benefactor? Who would that be?" Alue looked around the room, but besides the dean, Selene, and Selene's pet mouse, there was no one else. Perhaps finding her behavior amusing, the dean stifled a chuckle. "Why, she's right in front of you, a charming investor." "Eh... surely not..." "I put, money, into academy." Selene spoke in her usual halting manner, and Alue ruminated on her words. She understood them, but her mind struggled to grasp the situation. "Eh, eh? Eeeeh!?" After a significant pause, even the normally composed Alue reacted with a childlike astonishment. It was no surprise given that her sister had become a benefactor to Helifarthe Academy, the leading institution of the continent. "That can't be... are you serious?" "It's true, king approved." Selene beamed at Alue with a smile. Alue was at a loss for words, blinking in bewilderment. "Sister." "What is it?" "I'll visit, lots." With those words, Selene flapped out of the room. She would have liked to stay over in Alue's room, but she had another engagement that evening, bound to another tiresome task. Selene waved back several times as she left, her pet mouse bowing as though human, leaving the dean and Alue alone in the office. "Um... Dean, was that conversation true?" "It's true. I was frankly astonished myself. Out of the blue, that girl came accompanied by her servant, bearing a letter of thanks written by the king himself. Thinking it was some urgent matter, I read through only to find it stated: 'All profits Selene has gained from the trade with the elves shall henceforth be donated to Helifarthe National University.' I thought it was some kind of joke at first." "Ah..." Like a fox spirit had bewitched her, Alue remained staring at the door her sister had departed through, utterly perplexed. Selene had always been an unusual child, but such a move was completely unexpected. "I'll have to confirm this with Prince Milano next time..." Alue, utterly at a loss as to why her sister could do such a thing, could do nothing more than puzzle over it. ◆◇◆◇◆ "Father, is that really true!?" "Yes, Selene came to negotiate directly. 'I desire all the money I’ve earned to be invested in Helifarthe Academ,' she said." "Such a thing..." At the same time Selene was meeting Alue, Milano was interrogating Shubarn in the royal quarters. Milano had handed over a considerable sum of money for Selene's future and planned to continue doing so. Yet, Selene herself had willingly relinquished it all in one swift stroke and donated it to the university of Helifarthe. "I intended to keep it as a savings for Selene's future." "Perhaps, Selene is giving greater priority to the welfare of the state than to her own interests." "The state’s welfare? What do you mean?" "She has been confined since childhood, without the opportunity to learn as royalty. Perhaps she understands the importance of education precisely because of that upbringing." Most of the funding for Helifarthe National University was covered by investments from King Shubarn. He emphasized education and the development of talented individuals, believing it pivotal for the prosperity of the nation. Although more investors would be helpful, currently there weren't many. "Merchants see little immediate return on investments in education. They are naturally reluctant to get involved in what seems like speculating on futures that run at a loss." The benefits of education are not immediate. Merely having knowledge often fails to translate into practical application in work settings. However, there’s an inherent limitation to relying solely on hands-on experience. It’s crucial to combine knowledge with experience. But most people in Helifarthe tend to prioritize the latter. With hands-on experience alone, one could manage most situations. Even though that might maintain the status quo, it makes it difficult to build a nation that can grow and develop into the future. "Selene, concerned about the destiny of the country, chooses to commit to education. That makes sense if you think about it." "It's hard to believe she has thought that far... Isn't she just a small girl?" "Then what other reason could there be? If Selene had even the slightest concern for her own benefit, she would pour money into things she likes. That's the only explanation I can come up with for why she would invest in the academy." Both Shubarn and Milano felt humbled by Selene's foresight. They knew she was an exceptional girl, but they had never imagined she would share their perspective on the future of the country and decide to make such an investment. Just how much talent did that girl hold? "Milano." "Yes." "That child may become a unique entity, not only for our nation... but also for both humans and elves. Despite her tragic circumstances, had she remained in the remote Aquila, she might've never been able to utilize her full potential. Perhaps this too is some sort of destiny." "Destiny..." Selene was more than just a beautiful girl. Initially aided out of compassion, the current Selene was an ambassador for peace between elves and humans, bringing great benefits to both Helifarthe and the elves—as well as to himself. "Meeting her was destined..." Milano etched his father's words deep into his heart. If it was indeed destiny, could he become a person worthy of her? No, he had to become such a person. That resolution flickered in Milano's heart. ◆◇◆◇◆ "Got free pass." Rocking slightly in the carriage on her way home, Selene was pleased with herself for coming up with such a brilliant idea. Since she couldn't satisfy her own desires, her second-best option was to lavish attention on Alue. However, she didn't want to be indebted to the prince. Then, why not put all the funds into the academy where Alue belonged? She thought. If it were a public investment, it wouldn't be regarded as an investment in Alue personally, and becoming a university benefactor would allow her to enter Helifarthe Academy under the guise of "inspection." It was a mind-set akin to thinking becoming a producer might let someone get cheeky with an idol, or becoming a director would allow one to get cozy with anime voice actors—extremely simple and direct logic. "Ufufu, ufufu..." Selene chuckled to herself with a chilling smile, impressed with her own cleverness. Truly well done, she congratulated herself, basking in self-praise. Thus, with her name registered as a leading benefactor of Helifarthe National Academy, Selene acquired the right to visit the academy whenever she could under the pretense of "inspection." She was indifferent to the institution's facilities or management. After being pampered and held tight by Alue, Selene returned to the palace feeling utterly satisfied and attended evening meetings with content beyond her grasp. Naturally, she also continued her attempts at creating a poison-laced boxed lunch to dispatch the prince, leading her to live what she considered a busy life (by Selene's standards, that is). Months passed, and the mysterious beautiful girl who appeared frequently became well-known within the academy. Selene, noticeable for her appearance, naturally became the topic of student chatter. The angelic pure white girl, recently spotted frequently, was the initiator of the influx of elves in Helifarthe and apparently the institution's benefactor, yet her true identity was shrouded in mystery. It was understood that she enjoyed the favor of the Prince Milano. Often seen affectionately calling Alue Aquila, who hailed from Aquila and had recently risen to prominence, "Sister," some assumed she too originated from Aquia. However, even when they asked Alue directly, a clear answer was never forthcoming. But what was most astonishing was the rumor that the girl called Selene was playing a central role in the royal palace's trade negotiations with elves—trades that had become critical for the nation, with many intellectuals involved. If she was at the center, she must possess outstanding knowledge. Moreover, it seemed that Selene had donated all her significant profits from the elf trade to the university. Her frequent visits for "inspection" suggested a deep commitment to education. Shooting into prominence like a comet, Selene's beauty, enigmatic aura, and most of all, her unprecedented achievement of brokering peace between humans and elves, quickly made her a distinguished figure in Helifarthe. Of course, it wouldn't end there. No one can seal the lips of the populace. Gradually, rumors about Selene began to spread to other countries as well. "Boobies, boobies♪" Oblivious to such matters, Selene was once again swaying in the carriage, humming to herself as she headed to the academy for another "inspection," where Alue awaited her. Regardless of the surrounding gossip, Selene was, and always would be, quintessentially Selene.

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