Chapter 41

Chapter 41: The Disenchantment Summer had arrived. Several months had already passed since Selene became a patron of the Helifarte National Academy. As spring turned into summer and the sunlight grew stronger, Selene's name had spread not only throughout Helifarte but also to foreign lands. As for Selene herself, she found the strong sunlight of summer unbearable, spending her days sleeping in her room, effectively secluded from the world. Incidentally, she would sleep through the dawn in spring, find autumn's cool climate ideally conducive to sleeping, and wrap herself in blankets to evade the winter's cold. Essentially, she slept year-round without any signs of growth. 『Princess! I bring a report!』 “Hmm?” With Butler’s voice beside her pillow, Selene rubbed her eyes and awoke. She glanced at the window and surmised from the height of the sun that it was perhaps still around noon. Too early to get up. Feeling irritable, Selene sensed something unusual in Butler's panting excitement as he rushed towards her, prompting her to sit up halfway in her bed. “What is it?” 『Just now, Prince Milano and King Shubarn’s dialogue has concluded, so this Butler has rushed here at full speed to report!』 Selene braced herself for some significant news. Milano had mentioned he had affairs to attend to from morning today, which meant their training would be canceled. Naturally, there was no need for Selene to prepare a murderous lunch, and she had decided to indulge in sleep to her heart’s content today. Whether the prince held discussions or ghost stories, Selene couldn’t have cared less, but Butler, with his tail and ears perked up, seemed to be in quite a good mood. 『Actually, the participant in today's meeting was an envoy from Aquila.』 “Oh really?” Selene was mildly intrigued. Though she had no particular attachment, it was still, technically, her homeland, and she was curious about their intentions. 『To put it bluntly, they offered to add some value to the gold they had previously given and requested Selene’s return to their country. They likely want to introduce trade with the Elves to Aquila.』 “What?!” Having not expected to return to such a proposal, Selene was taken aback. Butler, in a slightly teasing manner, continued to spin his tale. 『Ha ha, it seems you are quite surprised. However, the masterpiece follows. Can you guess how King Shubarn replied to the envoy, princess?』 “What did he say?” Selene inquired, and Butler stood on two feet, clearing his throat, apparently imitating King Shubarn. 『I sold off some junk, hoping to clear inventory, but it turns out it was a top-grade national treasure. They come back nearly half a year later asking for it back because they're willing to return the gold. If there is indeed such a customer, I would very much like to see them for myself.』 King Shubarn’s implied anger resonated as he spoke, and by his side, Milano seemed to have brandished the notorious contract. It stated that Selene was given for the prosperity of Helifarte. In other words, a non-refundable deal. Butler, who had secretly infiltrated the meeting, had a hard time suppressing the impulse to jump out and applause. 『It's a regret I could not show that scene to you, princess! The Lion King and the Young Lion glared down the fools, and they scuttled away trembling like newborn fawns.』 “Is that all?” 『...Well, if you put it that way, that’s all there was to it.』 “I see.” Having heard all of Butler's report, Selene covered herself with a thin summer blanket over her head and lay back down, closing her eyes, ready to slip back into sleep. 『Pr-Princess, is that all there is to it!?』 “It’s fine, you did well.” Selene, whose ability to fall asleep was unusually good, soon traveled off into the world of dreams with those words. Left alone, Butler felt as if he had been let down. 『Hmm, to think it could be settled with 'it’s fine’...』 For Butler, Selene's response was unexpected. Those who once tormented her were now thoroughly put in their place, and she needn’t return to that oppressive country. He thought she would be more exuberant, or spitefully revel in their downfall. But Selene could not have been less concerned. Rather, she was almost saying, ‘Don’t wake me up for such trivial matters,’ and went right back to sleeping. Butler, sitting before Selene’s peacefully sleeping face, eventually came to a conclusion. 『Ah! How could I not have realized such a thing!』 It was an experience he himself had been through. Butler, too, in his youth, had been sorely mistreated by other mice. Yet now, he served the princess of the continent and had a residence provided by the highest-ranking royalty. No mouse on this continent lived as elegantly as Butler. At one time, he thought that if he gained power, he would tear apart those who mocked him. But now, he harbored no such thoughts. He had become the butler to the mouse of the continent. What would he gain by trampling over lowly creatures? Certainly, Selene must feel the same way. The minor figures of Aquila were of no further interest to her. That’s why she could remain so composed. 『Yet, the more I learn about the princess, the more I feel the difference in our caliber...』 It had taken Butler some considerable time to transform his hate into pride. Selene was just eight years old. A child young enough to be called a little girl, and yet she had already ascended to the maturity of an adult. 『Indeed, how far will Princess Selene soar?』 Exactly, Selene was yet to grow. Even now a beauty capable of toppling nations, possessing unparalleled talents, she would blossom from this young princess into a charming girl and flourish into a maiden. 『Ha ha, those fools from Aquila, probably stamping their feet in frustration. They couldn’t tell a duck from a swan, blind fools that they are, to think they could take the princess back, how ludicrous!』 While watching over Selene with affection, Butler imagined the regret of Aquila's people, feeling utterly satisfied. The little bird they had oppressed as an ugly duckling was, in fact, a beautiful swan. Now that they were frantic to claim her in their haste, the swan that had grown was protected by lions and had already flown high into the sky. Butler couldn't wait to see how high this princess would soar. 『Things are certainly different than before. Ha ha, this is indeed delightful.』 Indeed, things were different from before. The Selene of the past might have leaped out of bed and, still in her nightgown, chased down the envoy from Aquila and begged to throw them in jail. But now, she had found a much more wonderful place to move to in the Elf village, so she didn't really need to go back. Hours later, after handling the envoy from Aquila, Milano once again took his seat in the negotiations with the Elves. Although it had become a routine event, today Selene's presence was nowhere to be seen. "Hey prince, isn't the Moonlight Princess coming today?" "Moonlight Princess?" Milano, who had arrived at the seat first, was puzzled by Gee’s casual yet cryptic words, tilting his head slightly. It took him a moment to realize that “Moonlight Princess” referred to Selene. "She seems to have fallen ill and asked to rest for today. I apologize to the Elves, but she's still a child. Please forgive her." "There's no problem in letting her rest, right?" Gee glanced at the Elves seated with him, receiving nods of agreement. Months had passed since their dealings began, and the Elves' wariness toward humans had considerably faded. With or without Selene’s attendance, there wasn't really an issue. "By the way, what's this about Moonlight Princess?" "Ah, that's what the Elves call Selene. Fits her, doesn't it?" According to Gee, the name took root when an Elf, who worshiped Selene, started calling her that after observing how she appeared simultaneously with the moon when the sky turned purple at twilight. "Moonlight Princess, eh…” Milano thought the name suited the ethereal girl perfectly. When he first saw Selene, praying under the moonlight, she had made him think of a moon spirit. While names like Fiery Princess or Instant Boiling Princess might seem more apt for her temperament, Selene had been endowed with an undeservingly grand title. "Setting aside Selene, we need to finalize the matter of the Elf exchange students. Is that okay?" "Yes, about that." As the topic of Selene was concluded, Gee initiated the negotiations. An idea had been floated: not just to trade goods but to share knowledge between Elves and humans. "We'll provide our knowledge and technologies, while the Elves will teach us how to use magical power, correct?" "Yeah. Ever since dueling with you, I've thought humans are terrible with magic. From what we've seen, with proper training, a good number of humans should be able to wield magic." According to Gee, potentially a significant number of humans possess latent magical abilities. However, they leave that hidden power dormant rather than awaken it. Elves, often more delicate than humans, are adept at wielding magic, enabling them to compensate for physical weaknesses. Access to such techniques would be immeasurable for humans. Of course, humans would also provide Elves with environments where they can learn and assimilate various knowledge and goods, including ironworking. "If more of our citizens could wield magic, nothing could be more joyous for this country." "Is that all right? Those who can use magic among humans are special, aren't they? Wouldn't it be a disadvantage to the royals and nobility?" "Wealth should be received by everyone, and the role of nobility is to ensure the happiness of the people. That way, everyone ends up happy. Both my father and mother have fully agreed." "That so... Well, if it makes us all happier, nothing could be better." With that, Milano and Gee shared a laugh. The atmosphere among the Elves and humans present suggested a mutual agreement. "As the first group of Elf exchange students, we're starting with a few youngsters led by Lord Sana, right? We should be able to make arrangements by autumn, is that okay?" "No, autumn will soon turn to winter, won't it? Skink hibernate when it gets cold, and moving them becomes a hassle. Plus, the Elf village needs to prepare for winter. So, I'd like it to be next spring." "Next spring, then. Understood." With the agreement on the exchange program finalized, the topic moved on to the usual trade of goods, and the day's meeting concluded smoothly. Done with the meeting, Milano couldn't suppress his smile as he saw off the Elves. He truly wanted to welcome the Elves immediately, but good things could wait. Other new ventures were also in progress. With everything moving forward, arranging the Elf students’ arrival for next spring was perhaps just right. "I'm looking forward to next spring." One new endeavor after another was taking shape, each filled with vast possibilities for the future. It all owed to Selene, and thinking of her, Milano felt deepened affection. Fired up, he hurried to his room to compile a report of today’s discussions.   ◆◇◆◇◆ "I'm hungry." 『It’s good to hear your appetite has returned. Hopefully, we'll find something in the dining hall.』 Around the time Milano’s meeting concluded, Selene walked down a corridor lit with an evening glow, with Butler resting on her shoulder. Waking up at an odd hour during the day had made her too sluggish to rise from her second nap, so Selene had feigned illness to skip the meeting. Dinner time had long passed, but after satisfying her sleep, hunger was the next order of business. Now, she planned to sneak into the dining hall to scavenge whatever leftovers she could find. As she continued down the corridor, a young girl came into view. It was Marie, dressed in a vivid red gown, standing out even from a distance, likely having walked in the palace gardens. Noticing Selene, she approached with a quick pace. "I heard you were unwell. Are you all right now?" "I'm fine, just hungry." "We couldn't eat together today. I'd love to accompany you to the dining hall, but I need to return Mear to his pen..." Marie looked at Selene with concern; in her arms was a white-skinned lizard called Mear, about the size of a cat and one of the skinclads born this summer. As promised not to repeat previous mistakes with kittens, Marie had been allowed to keep one of the babies from the pair of Skink the Elves had gifted, which had recently hatched. Skink and horses differed mainly in that skink are oviparous and prolific. Where a horse might birth only one foal a year, skink lay four or five eggs at a time, making them more suitable for mass production. The gentle, hardy, and not picky about food, skink, could greatly aid farmers who couldn't afford expensive horses if one overlooked their hibernation. This also was one of the ventures Milano had initiated. "Mear was worried too. Right, Mear?" Marie spoke tenderly to the skink in her arms, and it turned to look at her as if they could understand each other. “You know, you might not believe me, but I think I can kind of tell what Mear is thinking.” "Really?" "Yep. Like when he's hungry or in a slightly bad mood... I just kind of know." "I understand." "You believe me?" "Yeah." Selene affirmed without hesitation, reasoning that since she kept company with Butler, a talking mouse, it wasn’t so strange to understand the emotions of a lizard. Marie seemed taken aback by Selene's agreement, her face lighting up with surprise. "Selene, you really have a flexible way of thinking! Everyone I talk to, nobody else believes me. By the way, your mouse Butler is pretty clever too. Maybe pets really do resemble their owners? I hope Mear turns out the same way." 『Lady Maribel, it is an honor to receive your kind words,"』 Butler, upon being mentioned, respectfully bowed his head from atop Selene's shoulder. Marie found his human-like gesture amusing and let out an involuntary laugh. "Well then, I must take Mear back to his pen. See you tomorrow, Selene." "Bye bye." With Mear in one hand, Marie went back towards the skink’s pen in the garden. Naturally, a princess couldn't be expected to spend her nights with a skink, so she returned him to his pen every evening. Butler watched her go with a serious look. "What’s wrong, Butler?" 『I was just thinking, perhaps Mear may become like us eventually."』 "What do you mean?" 『Lady Maribel possesses high-quality magical power. I was just a normal mouse, but having spent much time with the princess, I've become what I am today. The relationship between Lady Maribel and Mear seems similar to ours."』 "I see." 『Of course, judging by the current situation, that will be far off in the future. After all, he is still a newborn baby. If Mear does become a creature of wisdom, it will be my duty to educate him. He will serve a friend of the princess and a personage of considerable standing, so he must be trained as an apprentice butler."』 Butler said this, his thoughts turning towards the future. Skink reached maturity in about two years, and by next spring, Mear would be a ‘youngster’ in human terms. Then, Butler intended to impart his own knowledge to Mear. 『Do you remember what I said on our last night in Aquila, princess?"』 "What was it?" 『I told you, becoming happy is the best revenge against those who have oppressed us."』 "Sounds familiar." Selene's memories weren't very clear as she had no notable grievances about her treatment in Aquila. However, Butler continued with a tearful voice, as if overcome with emotion. 『Truly, truly... I am so delighted. I always knew you were no ordinary child, but to see you bloom so magnificently, that was beyond my expectations."』 "More importantly, I'm hungry." 『Ha ha! The princess stays calm and unruffled, which is best. Fear not, with this Butler by your side, relax as if you’re on a grand ship, no matter what may come."』 Selene maintained her usual composure even after achieving a great feat for humankind. This unpretentious aspect of her was something that Butler deeply appreciated. More immediately, Selene was profoundly hungry, desiring bread over honors. While wiping a tear from the corner of his eye with his front paw, Butler thought about the great future of Selene of Aquila. With Aquila demanding her return, they were forced to acknowledge her worth. The curse that had been cast upon Selene was certainly lifting. While not quite there yet, Selene's true status would eventually be revealed. Many people, in Helifarte and beyond, were eager to uncover the mysteries of Selene's origins. Sometimes human curiosity and enthusiasm can triumph over cold, hard order. Next spring, the Elves would come too. Mear's education would need attention. Many golden opportunities lay ahead, each filled with promise. Butler felt an immense satisfaction as he rode on Selene's shoulder, set on walking a straight path to glory beside his illustrious charge. ― Hence, Butler failed to notice a small black shadow beside that path of glory, a crow perched on a branch outside the corridor where Selene walked. With an eerie caw that pierced the night, the crow flapped its wings effortlessly and vanished into the dark sky as if it had melted into the night.

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