Chapter 22 - I Became the Daughter of the Academy’s Villain

22 - This is Unfair <22 - This is Unfair> The girl and her companions were overwhelmed with emotion. They were being tracked with the intent of disqualification, ridiculed - yet here they were, saved from an avalanche and earthquake. "Your hand... even in that condition, you held onto the rope?" Isabel, the young commander leading the fresh blood of the Esonia adventure group. She felt gratitude towards the child, who was not even as tall as her chest, but at the same time, she felt ashamed. "I've only said harsh words to you. I wanted you to be disqualified because I couldn't stand the sight of you. Why would you even do this?" "Just because. I did it because I could." It was an act of pure goodwill, devoid of any expectation of reciprocity. Does one need a reason to help another human being? Such genuine selflessness! It was a strength of heart that the children who had become adults too early could not possess. In a world where 'children' are put to work as soon as they turn seven and there are no 'small adults', this clarity was beyond the privilege of young children. "Is this what the spirits of the legends were like?" Spirits, pure and cheerful, who grew up in the bountiful forests. Humans, selfish and hardened, raised in the desolate human society. All adventurers hear tales of spirits and humans at least once. And they dream. They wish to live the life of a spirit, not a human. To leave behind the insular life of their village or community and to grasp the untethered purity of a spirit wandering the vast unknown world. 'The captain was once like this child.' Isabel saw an overlay of the late captain's image on the child. A captain who wore a purely innocent smile, unbecoming of an adult. He had once accepted these ignorant younglings into the adventure group, teaching them how to pursue purity together. "We've lost." "Defeated as candidates, as adults, and as adventurers." "Do we have to be at this level to enter the greatest academy in the world?" As the malice faded from Isabel's eyes, her followers sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, Ms. Isabel. We're giving up." "Is that so? You too... " The competitors announcing their intention to quit illuminated their ticket clocks in red. Above their clocks, the word 'Retire,' signifying their withdrawal, appeared one after another. <Gold Ticket Holder> <Status - WithdrawnRetire> <Reason - Voluntary Withdrawal> How can one remain alone with honor? Her companions, who had already quit, stopped her from doing the same. "Wait. You can't." "Why? Everyone's quitting. What should I do alone? Have you forgotten the spirit of our adventure group?" "Ms. Isabel. We came because we were worried about you. We never really intended to get into the academy. We knew we lacked the skills." "So was I the only one truly dedicated to the adventure group?!" "That's not what we mean. We were always just auxiliary members in the adventure group, newbies who barely escaped death by hanging onto a rope. That’s different from you, who've followed the captain for so long." "And we almost died because that rope slipped, remember?" Only then did Isabel notice the state of her companions. They were so exhausted they could barely stand. Passing the next stage in such a state, fraught with fatigue, was impossible. "We appreciate that you saved our tickets too, but it seems this is as far as we go." "I'm sorry, Isabel." "It's cowardly. Telling me to stay by myself when you're all leaving. Isn't our adventure group supposed to stick together?” Isabel's tears flowed as she complained. Her companions did not answer her plea and instead bowed their heads to Oknodie and Giselle, the enigmatic warrior So-seung. "We regret the trouble we've caused. Please, accept our sincere apologies." "We won’t ask for forgiveness given the situation. But, could you perhaps forgive our leader? She is skilled, unlike us." "Right. Without Ms. Isabel, we wouldn't have gotten the golden tickets. If you take her in, I'm sure she will be of help." Giselle looked to Oknodie with questioning eyes. It was Oknodie who sensed the earthquake. It was Oknodie who saved them. Now, they were begging for forgiveness, and the decision to grant or deny it was up to Oknodie alone. The girl asked. "Do you know how to cook?" The question took everyone aback. What did knowing how to cook have to do with the academy entrance exam? "For an adventure group, local resupply is critical. One must know how to distinguish edible ingredients and be adept at cooking on the spot, or else you could die from poison or illness." "Then you pass." Playfully answering, Oknodie extended her hand. Isabel hesitated as she reached out with her wounded hand, but Oknodie's small hand eagerly grasped hers. The adventurers thought. She had intended to forgive us after all. The child only needed an excuse. "It's really moving." "Our adventure wasn't in vain after all." "If that purity isn't the mark of a spirit, what is?" "Exactly. This child is a spirit." "Having met a spirit, we have no regrets." Praises for their encounter with a pure heart poured onto Oknodie. Isabel, who grasped a small yet strong hand, recalled a pure smile she had forgotten since her captain’s death. "Spirits truly have an affinity for each other." The adventurers smiled knowingly. Perhaps Isabel didn't realize, but to them, she was their own little spirit. Not a few had joined her, longing to see the pure smile that she used to wear, following the captain. How sad it had been to see Isabel lose that smile. And now, she had found it again. It was joyful news for the aged adventurers who were too old to attempt the academy exam. "I'm glad we came for the exam." "Indeed." The young adventurers of the Esonia group, who retained their small epiphany, headed back. And from a distance, the first stage examiner, Myunghos, watched them with a kindly smile. "The noble find enlightenment even in defeat. The future of the Esonia adventure group is bright indeed." Thirty minutes later, a clear bell tolled across the rubble-strewn mountain, signaling the end of the first stage evaluation period of the entrance exam. * * [You have passed the landslide event.] [You have wisely handled the approaching disaster.] [As a reward, the intuition function has been unlocked.] [Observational experience points +5] [Intuition experience points +1] The warning of intuition is critical. Dangers that are not consciously detected are instinctively recognized by the subconscious. Just by paying close attention to these unconscious warnings, one can easily overcome hazards like a landslide. 'I was also fortunate. To recruit a cook in such a manner.' Not a professional chef, but what does it matter? After all, as long as someone can cook, that's good enough. Capable of securing ingredients and proficient in cooking, this makes them a first-tier support companion. "Out of the 500 participants of this first stage, there have been 315 casualties and withdrawals. Therefore, only 185 remain to challenge the second stage." Those overconfident in their numbers or those with mediocre skills who neglected their vigilance were eliminated in droves. Of course, the named NPCs, although dirtied with muddy faces and torn clothes, indicating they were indeed caught in the landslide, had all somehow survived and passed the test. "I would like to say this to you all." Lord Myunghos delivered a stern message to the complacency of the participants with a kind face. "Merely praying for salvation does not suit those who aspire to be the world's best. It is the path of the commoner." "You must not become a closed loop, dedicating your life and wishes to the minor deities and spirits of small villages or mountains." "So-seung left the Eastern Empire to step into the heart of Western education institutions for that reason." Lord Myunghos's test. It was not an exam of stacking wish stones. What he desired was not reliance, but independence. His exam was a trial of autonomy. The talents sought by the Gift Academy, the foremost educational institution in the world, are born of such autonomy. "The first step to refining the raw gems of brilliant talents begins with embracing autonomy. Most of you have failed to prove this, yet you did not fall amidst the trials." "Not dying translates to opportunity. The opportunity to transform today's failure into tomorrow's success. Therefore, you all must prove it in the next gate. That you are worthy to enter the world's best Gift Academy." Despite the sentiment, the generous Lord Myunghos granted another chance, even if it seemed like he could have disqualified the group. He had shown mercy to the participants who were focused on surviving the harsh unexpected variables of landslides and earthquakes. "Of course, there are exceptions." This was where my knowledge of the exam evaluation ended. As I readied myself to move to the next stage, strange lights flew towards me. The examiner's entourage started pointing a massive light generator, affixed with illuminating magic, at me. "This child, even being the youngest participant of this test, astutely discerned the signs of a landslide and prudently avoided the slopes, securing a place on the safe plains beyond the mountain's peak." "Eh? Me?" "This child's name is Oknodie! The examinee who passed the first gate with the highest distinction." Incredulous looks poured in from all sides. All I had done was to prepare for the landslide, lowering the high odds of disqualification (60%) or serious injury (30%). In the game, the outcome would have simply been [You avoided serious injury (9.9%)] or [All group members avoided serious injury (0.1%)]. But this event provided an unexpected windfall. "A talent receiving high praise from an examiner. How intriguing." "My, what a cute child." Characters with a good alignment. "That little brat outdid me as the top scorer?" "More than just some low-rank noble family spawn, eh? Annoying." Characters with a neutral alignment. "Looks like she would break if you tapped her." "Ha-ha. It is indeed time to replace my pet." Even characters with a malevolent alignment took notice. All the supporting characters were now focused solely on me. Was this how a loner felt when going to a play, accidentally making eye contact with the actors, and then being forcibly dragged onto the stage? In the game, I would have said "What are you looking at, brat," flaunting my huge frame and muscles to intimidate them, but in a small body barely over 130cm tall and as a girl, it was impossible. Above all, this wasn't a game; this was reality. Such boldness was too much to ask of a loner. "Do, don't look..." I hid behind Giselle's legs to escape their gaze. Exclamations came from all around. Was it because of shyness? The feeling of being observed turned even warmer. A Word from the Author (Author's Note) Thank you to Trainer-nim for the 20-coin support! Shy Oknodie-chan