Chapter 23 - I Became the Daughter of the Academy’s Villain

Chapter 23 23 - I'm Perfectly Fine <23 - I'm Perfectly Fine> It was adorable. As the exam candidates watched Oknodie, blushing with shyness, they felt both healed and puzzled. It was understandable for the brute monkey-like beastman, but what about the female adventurer in their group or the man with the notable beard? They didn’t seem particularly strong. If it wasn't for the boost from her companions, how did such a small girl become the top candidate? “I shall grant a privilege to Oknodie, who passed the first barrier as the lead candidate. You will be given the privilege to bypass subsequent barriers and immediately pass the entrance exam.” Envious glances poured in from all directions. “Congratulations.” “You're quite lucky, little mousebell.” “Go ahead and take it. You deserve to pass.” Giselle, Son Ochun, Isabel. Everyone offered their congratulations to her. Even the examiner, Myeongho-seonsa, was waiting for her to make use of her privilege. But to such expectations, Oknodie lightly shattered them. “I don’t want it.” “You mean you do not wish to use your privilege?” “If I use it, I’d be the only one to pass.” “The instant pass is a privilege only given to the lead candidate.” “I don’t abandon my comrades.” Touching light glimmered in the eyes of her companions. “How childlike.” “It’s foolish.” “And that’s what makes it pure.” The other candidates each had their say on her decision. Some criticized, others praised, and yet others envied. But there was one thing everyone agreed upon. This child was pure. That much was undeniable by anyone. It was for this reason that the next statement she made was all the more shocking. "Unless I am the one being abandoned." * * Luck-based graduation from the Academy. In this game, NPCs have an affection functionality. It’s not a feature reserved for extras like those in the straw-hats before, which one could simply dismiss as a gimmick for entertainment value. Every main and supporting character has their own affection parameter. Whether it’s a constant companion or a classmate you’ve teamed up with for assignments, there's affection. 'Affection has to reach a certain point for the comrade system to open up, right?' The problem is with this damned affection. Dungeons are usually long and grueling. Choosing a dungeon beyond the party's abilities, or entering one where disliked monsters appear, or experiencing negative events, or if the companion synergy is off. For various reasons, affection can decrease. And if it reduces beyond a certain point? Even if one had earnestly built up favor and became comrades, entering a dungeon together, they may end up fighting and parting ways as strangers upon leaving. If it goes beyond the point of being strangers and reaches into the negatives, one becomes outright hostile. So even if I want to stick together, sometimes comrades betray me. - You're no longer a friend. - Don't ever call me again. - If you catch my eye one more time, I won’t let it slide. - You're boring. - Your muscles are too big. They're overwhelming. - Because you’re unnecessarily large, you trigger every weight trap! Don’t even dream of going into a dungeon with me! Ah, even thinking about it again hurts my heart. Yet somehow, the way my companions are now seems to reflect the shock I felt back in the days of being a muscle-bound male character. “Miss Oknodie. Why do you think we would abandon you?” “Mousebell... You say some disturbing things. I see why our employer cares so much.” “Why do you sound like you’re used to being abandoned? At such a young age.” Ah. These people don’t know that this is a game world inspired by a game, do they? Explaining the affection functionality would be difficult. “It's just what I’m used to.” Just as enjoying delicious chicken or beneficial stat stones is natural, so is parting with companions. There’s no helping being at a loss for words when asked why. “Hmm…” Examiner Myeongho let out a long sigh. “Do not misunderstand. What this humble monk has given is not a penalty but a reward. If you do not wish to use it, no one will stop you from taking the test with your companions.” [You have passed the first barrier, the Tower Stacking Event, as the lead candidate.] [You did not use the lead privilege <Instant Admission> rewarded to you.] Thus, the examination continued. “How annoying.” “What’s that? Comradery?” “It’s something that a clueless kid can afford to do.” The murmuring of envy, jealousy, and scorn was relentless. A kind face saying it's pitiful, or you’ve got courage, but a little distance away, there's cursing. “Ah- I’m starving. Don’t they feed you during the exam?" “There’s plenty of dried squid if you’d like.” “Give me that, then.” The food-hoarding monkey, scratching his belly without understanding others’ plight, bellowed about wanting food. “Mousebell, want one too?” “Only if it's not picked by Ochun.” [You have consumed the generic dish <Honey Butter Jerky>.] [Consumption Count Increased (2/1000)] I tend to avoid consuming the same dish twice, but maybe I’ll make an exception for today. “You guys seem like a friendly team.” “With this mousebell? Me?” “With this noisy meathead? Me?” “You look enviable, you know? It was the same with the captain and veteran members of the Esonia Adventure Squad.” Isabel had said her captain was dead. I had no intention of getting friendly with this monkey beastman, but if a recently found cook takes comfort in us appearing friendly... “Actually, we are close. Ochun-uncle is strong and tall, so I think of him as reliable.” “Oh. So, you’ve seen me in that light? Quite impressive for a mousebell.” “It’s a lie. Go die.” My quick irritation flared up at his smirk for bending just a bit, and we ended up bickering again. * * He’s a considerate child. Despite his own unfortunate past, he is considerate of her–someone who is several years his senior. Isabel thought to herself. She wanted to stay by his side, not simply because he was a lifesaver, but also for who he was. 'I’ve seen plenty of filth and ugliness. However, truly radiant people don’t succumb to their circumstances.' Even in the muddiest of waters, there can be jewels that shine. Most get trampled by the greed around them, their sparkle fading away, and eventually even their dim light vanishes. If lucky, those who notice such brilliance will pick up the jewel, clean it up, and dedicate their efforts to carving and polishing it, allowing it to shine even brighter. 'For a beastman, he's remarkably considerate.' Son Ochun the beastman. Despite his aloof demeanor, his actions to protect the child's ears from unsavory voices were obvious. The same goes for the man named Giselle. While the child's attention was on the beastman, he kept those who had been making foul remarks at bay with his icy stare, preventing them from even coming close. Good children and good adults. It's not a common sight in the world these days. 'Adults who know gratitude are rare.' Society teaches desire and selfishness. It instills in us through personal experience that without greater greed and harsher self-interest, survival is impossible. But if after such times one doesn’t forget innocence. If one could accept the pure heart of a child who just wants to be with his companions as it is. Then he is a fine adult. Giselle and Son Ochun were more than adequate. "When I have some time, I'll cook for you." "Oh? Really?" "A cook’s food from an adventurer. I'm looking forward to it." "Can I place an order?" "If I have the ingredients." Perhaps that's why Isabel felt a desire herself. The ambition to become a good adult. "You don't dislike vegetarian meals?" "I eat anything well." "That's good to hear." On the path leading to the second barrier, among the expanse of forestland, the only noticeable ingredients were vegetables. * * As before the first barrier, the special scenery on the way to the testing ground hinted at the upcoming exam. This time, it was the forest that caught the eye. Unlike the mountain range recently torn open by an earthquake, it was a perfectly intact forest showing no signs of being affected by the tremors. It wasn't an ordinary forest. All the probable test scenarios that came to mind were dreadful. Survival in the wilderness. Hunting competitions. Escape the forest. If it's survival, we would have to spend days in this dense forest continuously. For hunting competitions, the main and supporting actors, who had recently drawn much aggro, would have to fight for prey. If it’s an escape, the further into the forest we go, the rougher the environment becomes. The common factor in all three. That's the most critical. Weeeeng- Thwack A creature flying erratically beside an outstretched hand. A filthy blood thief. There were mosquitoes. "Mousebell, can you even catch them with hands that slow?" Son Ochun spreads his pot-lid-sized hands wide and snaps!—claps them together. What? He missed too. As I was about to make fun of him for the mosquito escaping his palm, I was taken aback. Crack The mosquito dropped lifelessly onto a nearby bush. "What was that just now?" "If you clap your hands fast enough, mosquitoes faint." "Wow." My feeling of affection for Son Ochun inside me rose. Right now, I could even give him candy that I’ve tasted before. "Do you want some?" "Oh, is that candy? Nice." Carefully, I untied the candy pouch and placed a single candy on his huge palm. The disparity in size made it look rather comical. Crunch, crunch He immediately threw the candy into his mouth and the sound of it being violently crushed filled the air. Seems he enjoys the pleasure of biting and crushing anything with his teeth rather than savoring the taste with his tongue. Our candy-eating styles do not align at all. 'As expected, he’s a hard guy to like.' Candy is meant to be rolled in your mouth, enjoyed. Grumbling inwardly as I fidgeted with the remaining candy, suddenly the monkey guy spat out the candy. Thud Click He spat it out so hard that it hit the tree and split in half. "Ahh, what are you doing?" "What have you been eating?" Son Ochun looked at the candy pouch in disbelief. "Isn't this poison candy?" "But I'm perfectly fine?" The surrounding gazes sharpened once again. A Word from the Author (Author's Note) The cherished poison pouch