76 - Missions, Intelligence (7) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

"Let's ask the alliance for help." It was Jegal San's suggestion. The first opinion to emerge as soon as Dang Hwa-Seo confirmed Sun Woo’s deception. Dang Hwa-Seo nodded in approval, and Namgung Jincheon expressed his agreement. Yet, that did not conclude all decisions. "What about Sun Woo’s mother then?" It was Mok Riwon who spoke, and Namgung Jincheon who responded. "There's a possibility that even that is a lie." "The likelihood of it being true is higher. From what I've continuously observed, the boy wasn’t under any other sorcery. Having cycled my own energy through his body, I found no traces of isolation, either. If so, it would mean he is being threatened, and the most plausible content of such a threat would involve his mother's life, wouldn’t it?" This discussion differed from the ones before. This time, Mok Riwon presented enough evidence to support Sun Woo, and this evidence was convincing enough for the other members. Of course, it was about causal understanding. Mok Riwon's argument, however, remained unconvincing. Namgung Jincheon pointed this out again. "We still do not know the enemy’s strength." "But if Sun Woo’s mother is in danger, ignoring it would be wrong!" "It's perilous and illogical." "Are we to discuss logic when civilian lives are at stake?" "And you want to risk the lives of everyone here for the sake of one civilian?" At Namgung Jincheon's words, Mok Riwon froze. Hesitation was written all over his face. "That’s…" "Consultation, fine. But that doesn’t mean rushing into danger like moths to a flame." Namgung Jincheon frowned as he continued. "Remember our position. Remember how we appear to others. We cannot fail. The Yongbong Brigade is the face the white-clad martial factions of the world have presented in this war, and as such, must always be seen succeeding. It's not just a matter of honor, but of morale as well." Namgung Jincheon felt frustrated. Truthfully, that was the case. He still believed that this boy named Sun Woo should have been restrained. Namgung Jincheon's obsession with control was triggered. Born with imperial dignity, he was a person who could not rest easy unless everything was under his control, hence his strong aversion to uncertainties. "Mok Riwon, we did not encounter this child during a leisure trip. It was in the course of a mission that we captured him. Understand the difference. A mission isn’t something where you can simply act as you please." Namgung Jincheon was not ignorant of consultation. He knew why the white-clad martial world was called such. But if solely relying on consultation yielded hopeful results, then who would commit evils? Why would the virtuous suffer? That's why logic was necessary. Namgung Jincheon was someone who valued the bigger picture over immediate concerns. He believed that logic must come before rationale to uphold justice. Mok Riwon looked into Namgung Jincheon's eyes, acknowledging the truth in his words. However, he did not follow them. "Then I'll go alone." "...What?" "Your words are valid. To rush there to save Sun Woo’s mother now is indeed my own desire. To drag the members into this would be troublesome." Mok Riwon clenched his fist. "...So, I'll go alone. I beg of you. I simply cannot overlook this matter." His request was made with a bowed head. Following this, Namgung Jincheon widened his eyes in disapproval. "That's not possible. Have you not considered that the demonic cults might notice the alliance’s movement if you go and get caught?" "Then I’ll ensure they cannot escape until the very end. Even if my body is pierced by swords, I will stand my ground." "That’s what I call illogical." Namgung Jincheon's expression grew even more severe. As if he might draw his sword at any moment. "Stop throwing a tantrum. If you die, more than thirty percent of our force’s strength will be lost. It’s not just a simple loss of strength but a symbolic meaning being eroded away. What on earth warrants such actions?" Mok Riwon stood his ground in response. "Somebody must follow this illogical path." Namgung Jincheon stopped in his tracks. Mok Riwon forcefully added, "Your words are correct. I understand them. You are truly someone who can see far ahead and understands the greater cause. But tell me, if everyone were to only look at the greater cause and ignore the issues in front of them, who would save them?" In Mok Riwon’s view, that was the case. Logic and rationale were different yet not incorrect concepts. Therefore, one should not be solely tethered to one side. Namgung Jincheon was logical. His argument was also logical. However, justice was not completed by logic alone. Namgung Jincheon’s rationale could not save the oppressed and the weak. Mok Riwon disliked this. If everyone only pursued rationale, he wouldn’t have even made it into this world. "Somebody must be illogical. Someone must dive into help the vulnerable in front of them. Only then can more people smile." Mok Riwon was alive thanks to the foolish bravery of a rogue who turned away from the many negative possibilities of the future and solely focused on saving a child. How then, after having been saved in such a manner, could I possibly talk about logic? How could I ignore others just to save my own life? "Therefore, I must follow the path of illogic. Perhaps only someone as foolish as me can play such a role." Mok Riwon laughed bitterly at that. Namgung Jincheon could only clench his fists in response. It was then that Dang Hwa-Seo stepped in. "Enough." Her voice was as cold as frost, her expression laden with icy anger. "If you're just going to argue, then stop." She wasn't truly angry. Rather, as the leader, she was simply stating that she wouldn't tolerate any more of this. Even Mok Riwon and Namgung Jincheon, as clueless as they might be, understood that much and backed down. Dang Hwa-Seo pressed her temples, weary. 'I knew it would come to this…' Mok Riwon and Namgung Jincheon were polar opposites in every way. Such disputes were expected, but she hadn't anticipated it over this particular issue. Burdened by the weight of leadership, it was regrettable that the final decision in this mission-bound situation rested with her. "I’ve heard both of your arguments." The members turned their attention to Dang Hwa-Seo. She continued, still pondering her next words. "Honestly, I don't think any of you would listen just because I'm the leader. If that were the case, you would have heeded my words long ago." The two men who had just been arguing were taken aback by her statement, though the rest weren't in a position to be overly proud either. "First, we'll wake the kid up. Then we'll ask him. Whether his mother really is being held captive. And what the conditions proposed by their side are." The leader must be the most rational. Dang Hwa-Seo had not forgotten that. However, this didn't mean she was siding with Namgung Jincheon. "After uncovering all the facts, I'll leave it to each of your discretion." She intended to respect the choices of her members. "I'll take responsibility." After all, responsibility was enough of a virtue for a leader. --- The story told by Sun Woo upon waking could be summed up in a single line. - "Bring the members to the back gate of the estate, and his mother would be spared." This was definitely a believable claim. Jegal San had directly measured Sun Woo's pulse to ascertain the facts. What followed was the members' choice. They faced two options. One was to rush to save Sun Woo's mother, whose life might be in danger. The other was to hold their ground until reinforcements from the alliance arrived. "I've sent a message to the alliance. The estimated time for their arrival is around three days at most. Those who think we should go right away, please gather in the courtyard in one hour." With those words, the members dispersed. Without a moment's hesitation, Mok Riwon was the first to arrive at the courtyard, even before the hour was up. 'I know it's selfish.' But he couldn’t give up. Mok Riwon had lines he couldn't cross to continue living as a knight-errant. Lines he couldn't abandon even if it meant losing his life, regardless of whether the rest of the members followed him or not. Mok Riwon closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the time to pass. It was during this moment that Sun Woo approached him. "…Great Hero." Sun Woo had started calling Mok Riwon a great hero. It was partly out of guilt, and partly out of gratitude for consistently believing in him from the beginning to the end. Upon hearing Sun Woo’s voice, Mok Riwon relaxed his expression and said, "Ah, why aren’t you resting some more?" His smile was free of worries, as if reassuring that there was nothing to fret about. But how could he do so? Sun Woo had heard everything that passed between the members. He knew that this man might be walking into a death trap because of him. Sun Woo felt his heart pounding, reacting first out of guilt and anxiety. '...It can't be.' He clenently shut his eyes. "You don’t have to go." "Hm?" "You don’t have to walk into death because of me. It might hinder catching those villains." Surprise widened Mok Riwon’s eyes. Sun Woo didn't see it, as his head was bowed down. "You, Great Hero, might become the unparalleled under heaven. I've heard too! How you vanquished the Dragon Knight at the Yongbong Assembly and became the champion. They said you were so overwhelmingly strong that perhaps no one in this generation could defeat you." Rumors about Mok Riwon, the Dark Dragon, were widespread. During this war, how many more could he save? Sun Woo understood. Such a person needed to look further ahead. To be cautious for the sake of saving more people. "I'm sorry... for causing you trouble." No response came back, making Sun Woo’s heart pound even heavier. Mok Riwon's response came long after Sun Woo's heart began to race. Before he knew it, Mok Riwon was standing in front of him. "Why do you say such things?" With a gentle voice, Sun Woo lifted his head. Mok Riwon was smiling. "Why do you assume I will lose?" It was a statement that could be taken as confidence or perhaps even bravado. Sun Woo hesitated for a moment before responding. "...The, the demon seemed very strong." "Do I appear weak to you?" Sun Woo shook his head. "No, it's not that but…" "Then there's no need to worry." Sun Woo was at a loss for words. Mok Riwon was indeed posing a difficult question for him. Mok Riwon knew this too and thus did not delay further. "Don't worry about it. My decision to head there is solely my own stubbornness." Mok Riwon's hand landed gently on Sun Woo's shoulder, careful not to cause pain to the injured boy. "I am someone who can only wield my sword to help others, so I am simply seeking out the place where my sword is needed." It was a statement meant for Sun Woo, but at the same time, it was a reminder to Mok Riwon himself. He mulled over the words in his mouth as if reaffirming what his sword was for, then smiled and said, "Do you know?" "What…?" "About my sword." Mok Riwon met Sun Woo's gaze. To Sun Woo, who looked bewildered and dazed, he said, "My sword, from the moment I first grasped it, was meant for you all." Thus, he reaffirmed the reason why he had learned to wield his sword. There was no hesitation in it.