77 - Missions, Intelligence (8) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Sun Woo chewed over Mok Riwon's words absentmindedly. He reflected on the meaning of those words and the emotions they brought with them. The more he thought about it, the more Sun Woo felt as though he might cry. "There are people who help." There were people who looked beyond their own world, who looked down to help. There were those who wielded their swords for those who had nothing to give. Sun Woo thought. Perhaps the reason Mok Riwon looked so admirable now was not only because of his appearance but also because of his unwavering will. It was during such a moment that Dang Hwa-Seo appeared. "What are you doing looking all cool by yourself?" Mok Riwon turned his head towards the voice tinged with laughter. Immediately after, his expression brightened. "Lady! Are you coming with us?!" "Would I sleep peacefully knowing I let Sir Mok go alone?" "Lady…!" Mok Riwon's eyes shimmered. As if he was on the verge of tears. "If you cry, I won't come with you. Now, stop!" Mok Riwon nodded vigorously and stood up. Then, holding Dang Hwa-Seo's hand tightly, he said, "Thank you! No matter what happens, I will ensure your safety above all!" "We should work to ensure nothing bad happens at all. You shouldn't say things like that." Such a foolish person, yet someone you couldn't help but grow fonder of. Dang Hwa-Seo consoled him, thinking he was exactly that kind of person. "As for what comes later…" Whether it was success or failure, she would likely be held accountable for her unilateral actions, but she didn't want to think about that now. Dang Hwa-Seo, too, was someone who had been saved by Mok Riwon's defiance. In the midst of the warm atmosphere, it wasn’t just Dang Hwa-Seo who had come out to the yard. "Sir Mok!" "Jegal brother!" Jegal San had appeared. Mok Riwon and Jegal San, holding their breaths with a 'Gulp!', hugged each other warmly. "As expected of Jegal brother! I knew I could count on you!" "How could I leave my brother behind!" This was a true friendship between men! Mok Riwon shivered at the thought, and Jegal San abruptly stepped back with a stern face. "Ahem, anyway! I'm confident in sneaking through unnoticed, so just trust me!" "You never stop bragging." Dang Hwa-Seo chuckled under her breath, while Mok Riwon engaged in light-hearted chatter. "I am indeed fortunate! Even though I said those words, I was really worried about going alone!" "You never considered not going, did you?" "Indeed! Because that's what a warrior does!" Mok Riwon raised his thumb with conviction. As time passed and the moment of departure approached, Il Woon and Hye Woon appeared. No further words were exchanged. Il Woon chanted silently with a smile, and Hye Woon set up her position while mumbling something about having nothing left to do here. This was something Mok Riwon hadn't expected. After all, he knew best that his words were a stretch. So, he had assumed he must undertake this journey alone. "Thank you for being with me." Thus, the situation was even more touching. Mok Riwon bowed to his companions who had indulged his whims. Meanwhile, Hye Woon said, "Not everyone is here yet." Mok Riwon grimaced. That was true. Namgung Jincheon had not arrived yet. Mok Riwon had already concluded that he wouldn't come. "He won’t come. The Sword Dragon is a prideful man. He's also the most rational among us. The Sword Dragon does what he believes is right and rational." Though they had exchanged harsh words to the point of hurting each other's feelings, Mok Riwon didn't resent Namgung Jincheon. He was an obstinate and proud man, but he was someone with a noble cause. Perhaps he was the one with the grandest cause of all. A different kind of warrior. This was a concept Mok Riwon had been taught by his master. He acknowledged that Namgung Jincheon was different from himself. "It can't be helped..." "What can't be helped?" Suddenly a voice echoed. It was a voice filled with anger and a stern tone that had its own imposing grace. Everyone's heads turned towards the direction of the voice. There stood Namgung Jincheon, his face covered in annoyance. "The Sword Dragon...?" "Don't misunderstand. I didn't come to help." Namgung Jincheon's steps were heavy. The energy emanating from him was fierce. He approached Mok Riwon and said, "I'm joining because if something has already happened, my participation will increase the chances of success. I'm doing this because it's the right choice for everyone." Anger was evident in Namgung Jincheon's fierce glare. Mok Riwon, matching his mood, nodded sternly. "Still, thank you for coming with us." "Remember, Mok Riwon." "What is it?" "You are rushing towards disaster. Your defiance is putting you and those around you in danger. That will likely continue." Namgung Jincheon was unusually emotional. It was rare for him to threaten anyone, let alone grab Mok Riwon by the collar. Namgung Jincheon leaned in, his eyes blazing as he stared into Mok Riwon's eyes. "Don't think that everything in the future will go as it has this time. I will continue to stand in your way. For the sake of the faction, for the sake of the martial world. The outcome being in your favor will be limited to this instance alone." With that, Namgung Jincheon pushed Mok Riwon away. Mok Riwon, easily yielding, bowed again and took a traditional martial salute. "I understand the Sword Dragon's intent." Mok Riwon could be stubborn, but he was not a man to impose his convictions on others. As tension rose from their clash, it was Dang Hwa-Seo who finally stepped in to mediate. "Anyway, now that everyone is gathered..." Prompted by Dang Hwa-Seo, the other members responded with a forced cheerfulness. Despite various incidents, they were ultimately united in their purpose. They couldn't help but be uplifted. "Let’s go, then." Twilight was setting in. It was going to be a long night. As the members steeled their nerves and formed ranks, Dang Hwa-Seo spoke. "You said you’re Sun Woo, right?" "Yes, yes!" "Give us a rough layout of the stronghold. And where the inhabitants live." Sun Woo swallowed nervously and looked up at Dang Hwa-Seo and the Yongbong faction. They were plunging into peril, yet none of them seemed to wear fear above their determined faces. At that moment, Sun Woo thought, "Heroes..." Heroes and great warriors. Those who step forth for a righteous path without harboring a hint of fear. If anyone deserved to be described by such terms, it would undoubtedly be these individuals. In that moment, Sun Woo felt his heart beat intensely for some reason. * The plan was straightforward. "Let's just move as they expect us to for now. The safety of the hostages isn’t assured, so we need to make them let their guard down as much as possible." The members nodded at Dang Hwa-Seo's words. Although they were unaware of the enemy's strength, it wasn’t a reason to be frightened. After all, considering the usual composition of groups within the martial world, it was unlikely that the opposing side had more than three peak masters. There were only around twenty inhabitants in the stronghold. Faction-sized. Among them, counting those above the peak master level would include likely just the faction leader and a few deputy leaders. How about their side, in contrast? They were six, yet all of them were above the peak level. Among them, Mok Riwon and Namgung Jincheon were close to transcendent martial artists. They lacked nothing in terms of combat power. Standing before the chief residence of the So family, Namgung Jincheon stepped forward during the tactical briefing. Rising, he drew his sword. "I'll draw their attention. The ones we're facing immediately aren't likely to be highly ranked. While I cause a disturbance, slip in from another direction and secure the hostages." He was offering himself as bait. There was no time for anyone to object. Thud. Namgung Jincheon launched forward with great strides. Soon after, a loud 'Bang!' resounded from beyond the wall. "Wow, talk about being impatient." Jegal San chuckled as he commented. * Leaping over the wall, Namgung Jincheon surveyed his surroundings. "Fifteen." Clearly, they were minions. The reddened whites of their eyes, their harsh breathing, everything indicated they were minions. 'The best among them is first-rate.' Having made this judgment, Namgung Jincheon braced himself. His face was contorted terribly, seething with anger. This was an emotion Namgung Jincheon had never experienced in his life. "Some must act irrationally. Someone has to leap forward for the weakest in front. Only then can more people smile." The words echoing in his head were Mok Riwon's. Despite trying to dismiss them as nonsense, they stubbornly clung on. Namgung Jincheon himself didn't understand why. The more he tried to shake them off, the more those words seemed to tighten around his throat. 'Nonsense. Sophistry.' It was nothing but baseless talk, possible only because Mok Riwon had been strong all along. Those right-sounding words would crumble upon encountering someone stronger. Perhaps that day was today. Perhaps the minions inside were too much for Mok Riwon to handle. If so, it would prove him right. Despite that likelihood, despite the prospect of being able to ridicule Mok Riwon thoroughly, "...It’s infuriating." Namgung Jincheon found it intolerably vexing. The idea of Mok Riwon failing to live up to his own words filled him with an indescribable discomfort. "Attack!" One of the minions yelled with a phlegmy voice. The minions, teeming with fury, charged. To Namgung Jincheon, they moved at a yawningly slow pace. Whoosh! A blue wave of Qi began to press down on the space. The minions rushing in froze mid-movement. Then, Namgung Jincheon's sword swept across in a long, horizontal slash. "Vermin." Sshhk. In a matter of seconds, an astonishing event unfolded. Half of the charging minions... Their torsos were severed, cleaving their bodies in twain. Blood and bodily fragments began to fall to the ground, making a 'thud' sound. The surviving minions readied themselves defensively, but it was a futile gesture. The Sword Dragon, Namgung Jincheon, had been lauded as a ruler of the next generation. Although he had since been dethroned, it wasn't indicative of a decline in his martial prowess. On the contrary, his defeat only granted him greater strength. As Namgung Jincheon raised his arm, his sword was lifted high. The Qi dominating the space constricted the minions' breaths, preventing any escape. "Worthless trash." With those words, Namgung Jincheon refined his Qi. The emotion fueling it was still anger. Whether it was anger towards the minions, towards Mok Riwon, or frustration at his inability to shake off Mok Riwon's words, even Namgung Jincheon couldn't tell. The one thing he knew was that he was recalling the most unpleasant emotions of his life, and fortunately, he had perfect targets to unleash his irritation upon. "Die." Namgung Jincheon swung his sword downward. It was a motion that cleaved through the air, but its significance was minimal. The sword of Namgung is the sword of the heavens. The sword of Namgung is the sword of a sovereign. The very act of pursuing to strike one's opponent was deemed a luxury and a dishonor. Thus, it was named the Sovereign Sword Form. As the most arrogant and weighty sword was swung down, the overpowering Qi cascaded from above their heads and plummeted downwards. Sshhk. With the sound of slicing, all the minions were cut down. Even then, Namgung Jincheon was still gritting his teeth in annoyance. 'Still unpleasant.' His anger had not subsided.