91 - Betting, Competition (6) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

It was desperate. Everyone who looked at Gyeon Dong from their seats thought the same. Strictly speaking, it was merely a martial contest. Though an elixir was at stake, the competition should not have warranted tears and snot to this extent. Yet, Gyeon Dong’s figure, relentlessly standing up time and again as if he absolutely must win this match, could only evoke the sentiment of ‘desperation’. “Grraaah...!” Gyeon Dong charged once more. Mok Riwon swung his sword widely, knocking Gyeon Dong down, then faced Byuk Urim. His sword moved as if swatting a fly. Though not Mok Riwon's intention, to the onlookers, it appeared so due to the overwhelming difference in skill. Lying on the ground, Gyeon Dong gasped for breath yet glowered at Mok Riwon and Byuk Urim, and he reached for the ground, attempting to stand once again. Mok Riwon, gradually paying more attention to Gyeon Dong's persistence, wondered, ‘Why would he go to such lengths?’ Mok Riwon did not know Gyeon Dong. Besides knowing he was the clan leader, he was unaware of his personality, his backstory, or what drove him to this competition. He didn’t even know why this contest was arranged. Therefore, Mok Riwon was able to see the person that Gyeon Dong truly was. ‘A warrior.’ A splendid warrior indeed. A slight smile appeared on Mok Riwon's lips. ‘Unyielding willpower is invaluable.’ It was one of his master's teachings. No matter how formidable one’s power or martial arts might be, without will, they are but an empty shell. The essence of a warrior sprouts from sturdy willpower. ‘The clan leader is indeed different!’ Yet, it was a misunderstanding. Gyeon Dong was a coward, not truly earnest about competition. His reasons to stand were merely out of frustration and desperation. But that was of little importance now. Chaeng―! Mok Riwon took a liking to Gyeon Dong. He liked his unyielding spirit to stand up again. The fact that Gyeon Dong was a top-tier warrior, with martial understanding barely reaching that of mediocre ones, did not matter. Mok Riwon wanted to face Gyeon Dong in combat. “...It seems we’re done here.” Byuk Urim’s eyes widened at these words. The meaning was plain enough without much effort to understand. Mok Riwon’s gaze was firmly set on Gyeon Dong alone. It was an insult. For a warrior of equal standing to show interest in a lesser one over him, denigrating his worth with ‘we’re done here’, was a clear affront. Byuk Urim clenched his sword so tight it nearly cracked, charging at Mok Riwon. “How dare―!” In an instant, Mok Riwon’s gaze darkened. “Pushing an already exhausted ally for victory is not right.” With that, Mok Riwon swung his sword. There was no technique. His leisurely extended sword wrapped around Byuk Urim’s sword, and with a ‘clang’, it snapped in two. And then. Paak―! Byuk Urim’s solar plexus received Mok Riwon’s kick. “Gah…!” It was a kick powered with internal energy, a wound requiring considerable recovery. By then, Mok Riwon had absorbed all of Byuk Urim’s sword strikes. “So…” After confirming Byuk Urim’s fall, Mok Riwon turned to Gyeon Dong. He was panting heavily, clenching his sword with bloodshot eyes, the tip trembling. “Only the clan leader remains.” Mok Riwon’s smile was refreshing, and not a single sign of injury was on his body, a stark contrast to the disheveled Gyeon Dong. Mok Riwon asked, “Why do you keep standing?” “Huh…” “You’ve shown enough will. You’ve demonstrated not to retreat from the contest. So why do you stand again?” “Kk…” Struggling, Gyeon Dong managed to stand while listening to Mok Riwon's words, though not effectively as his ears rang, muffling the sounds. The only question Gyeon Dong grasped was ‘why’. ‘Why…’ He was asked for a reason. And Gyeon Dong didn’t think long. “Just, one hit…” “Hmm?” “One hit… Huh… Just to land one hit…” Thud! Gyeon Dong staggered forward. “If not, it’ll… feel unjust…!” Mok Riwon’s eyes slightly widened, then softly narrowed. “Is that so?” Pleasure shone on Mok Riwon’s face. “Then give it a try.” Mok Riwon placed his left arm behind his back. His stance was straight, feet firmly on the ground, the body erect. “I won’t move from here. I won’t use footwork or sway my body.” The sword tip precisely targeted Gyeon Dong. “Just come at me, clan leader.” It could have seemed like mockery. Had there been no respect in Mok Riwon's voice when he spoke, had his smile been even slightly twisted, it would indeed have been mockery. On the contrary, despite his actions, Mok Riwon showed profound respect towards Gyeon Dong. Gritting his teeth, Gyeon Dong took another step forward. About 15 paces apart. Due to being flung quite a distance just moments ago, there was a long stretch for Gyeon Dong to cover. This meant he had enough space for a running start. Gyeon Dong summoned all his strength, even that of his nursing days, to add power to his strides. His limping steps transformed into proper ones, which then turned into running. He surged forward. And indeed, it was desperate. "Uaaaah―!" Thunk! Gyeon Dong leaped. Without even assuming a proper stance in mid-air, he began to slash down his sword at Mok Riwon. As he said, a sword driven by resentment, injustice, and anger was unleashed. And was deflected. "Excellent move." Chaeng―! The sword, knocked from his hand, floated in mid-air, followed by Mok Riwon striking Gyeon Dong's left side with the flat of his blade. Thump! With a dull sound, Gyeon Dong's eyes rolled back. He had passed out. "Mok Riwon! Wins!" * Woaaaaah―! The arena almost burst with cheers. The noise snapped Gyeon Dong back from the edge of unconsciousness. Rubbing his eyes groggily, Gyeon Dong saw the referee, Gi Tae-woon, raising his hand towards the Yongbong clan, and Mok Riwon approaching him. His head felt a bit clearer now. And only then did Gyeon Dong let out a sigh. 'I lost….' It was all over. He had been thoroughly beaten without landing a single blow on that damned talent. He ended up like a third-rate ruffian, raising his voice unaware of the sky's limits, only to dig his own grave. Gyeon Dong blankly stared up at the sky. Ironically, there was not a cloud in sight, only clear blue. 'Even the sky seems to be celebrating Mok Riwon's victory, not my loss!' Gyeon Dong thought, overwhelmed by his miserable state. It was at that moment Mok Riwon spoke. "It was a good match. I have learned from it." Lying on his back, Gyeon Dong looked up at Mok Riwon, a hollow laugh on his lips. Was he mocking him now, after having beaten him so severely and then talking of a 'good match'? "What was good about it? It was a complete defeat." He had nothing left. He would be disowned by his only remaining family, his grandfather, and left to the streets. No one would remember him. Perhaps his name would surface in conversations as a reminiscence, 'Oh, that guy existed, didn't he?'. As Gyeon Dong laughed emptily at this thought, Mok Riwon tilted his head, saying, "It wasn't a disgrace." "What do you mean?" "It was admirable." Gyeon Dong's face contorted weirdly while Mok Riwon smiled broadly in response. "You didn’t give up until the end." Mok Riwon extended his hand and helped Gyeon Dong to sit up. "I was merely superior in martial skills. But you've beaten me in will. To that extent, clan leader, you've set an excellent example." Gyeon Dong was stunned. Mok Riwon’s words were too abrupt to comprehend fully. Just as he was about to ask more, applause began to echo around them. There were no cheers, just the sound of clapping. And satisfied smiles could be seen. Gyeon Dong understood these reactions only after Gi Tae-woon, who had approached, spoke. "You've got guts." After uttering those words, Gi Tae-woon patted Gyeon Dong on the shoulder and walked off. Turning his head, Gyeon Dong saw White Sword Kwon Pyowol and Cumulus Belt Kang Chan. Kang Chan yelled, "Improve your skills! Being a clan leader, shouldn't you manage to land at least one hit next time!" Laughs broke out everywhere at these words, and Kang Chan was shortly dragged away by Kwon Pyowol. Gyeon Dong was still bewildered. The word 'next time' kept circling in his head. 'Next time…' Would there be a next time? If his grandfather disowned him, wouldn’t that be the end? As Gyeon Dong pondered this, he suddenly thought, '…Is it really the end if Grandfather disowns me?' Grandfather Gyeon Gweol is a cabinet head. Falling out of favor with him would indeed narrow his position within the faction. But, when looked at it closely, that was all there was to it. The decision to appoint someone to the position of clan or faction leader ultimately lies with the faction leader. The power to make someone resign is also in the hands of the faction leader. '…There's a next time.' Gyeon Dong finally realized. 'I've been seeking only Grandfather's approval.' He had been running towards that goal, blind to everything else until he reached this pitiful state. It was foolish and narrow-sighted. Gyeon Dong looked around. There were warriors still smiling at him, members clapping, and Mok Riwon in front. "Clan leader?" Upon hearing Mok Riwon's query, Gyeon Dong felt tears well up. 'If that wasn't the end.' If not being recognized by his grandfather doesn't mean the world is collapsing, why had he been so fixated on that one thing? Why had he not seen anything else? 'No.' In reality, even without his grandfather's approval, he could have lived. He knew that. He had just been ignoring it, afraid to stand on his own. Tears streamed down Gyeon Dong’s cheeks as Mok Riwon looked on in startled concern. The warriors remaining in the area stared at him with a "Why is he like this?" expression. Gyeon Dong cried as he wept. 'Nothing has ended.' Being out of favor with his grandfather did not mean the end of the world. No, it was only after stepping out of his grandfather's shadow that he could see the wider world laid out before him. There were so many people who did not judge him based on his humble beginnings or the inadequacy of his martial arts but looked solely at his will in those moments. "Clan leader...!" "No, no." Gyeon Dong, tears and snot running down his face, wiped them off with trembling, goat-like beard. The smile that formed on his face, cleared from crying, felt refreshing, almost resembling the cloudless sky above. "Mok Riwon the Great." "Eh, yes?" "Next time, could you spar with me again?" Mok Riwon tilted his head at this request, then nonchalantly nodded. "Anytime. If that is what the clan leader wishes." "Thank you." During their conversation, Danghwa Seo climbed onto the martial arts stage. His broken arm was wrapped in splints. Gyeon Dong felt guilty at this sight. After all, the injury was caused by a mercenary brought in from within the cabinet, and going even further back, this very duel had resulted from his own indiscreet talking. "...Yongbong clan leader." Danghwa Seo looked down at Gyeon Dong nonchalantly. Gyeon Dong's perseverance in the duel, standing up till the end, was different from what he had seen before. It had improved his reputation from 'all talk' to 'at least has some guts'. 'But.' That was that, and this was this. Danghwa Seo smiled slightly at Gyeon Dong and said, "Please send the elixir by today." Startled. Gyeon Dong flinched. Danghwa Seo, having said his piece to Gyeon Dong, turned to Mok Riwon. "Mok Young Hero, let's go." "Ah, yes! Take care, clan leader!" Gyeon Dong blankly watched the two leave. Then he heard the surrounding voices. "Hm, well, as expected. Jinwon clan leader is really... lacking in force." "But at least he tries hard. His lack of force... well, still." "Come on, speak plainly. His force is truly disgraceful." Gyeon Dong laughed emptily. 'That’s right.' These were the people who judged him as they saw him. They did not prejudge based on his background but looked at him as he was. 'And I showed such a pathetic side to those people.' He had things to reflect upon. And he had to strive for better. Gyeon Dong got to his feet. Gently. Tears rolled from his eyes. 'Let's start living earnestly from now on.' The reason for the tears was nothing special. '...But couldn’t someone worry about me, just one person? After being hurt this badly.' No one seemed concerned about his beat-up state. That was the sad reason. Yes. Though he had shown a remarkable front, Gyeon Dong was still Gyeon Dong. In the martial world, being referred to as "Gyeon Dong the Blunt Sword" still meant being seen as an incompetent loudmouth.