92 - Brain Degeneration (1) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

The day after the martial competition, the hall of Dragon Peak Sect's leader was engulfed in a hurried buzz. The reason was, in short, spirit pills. In addition to the two spirit pills they had originally received, the four gained from the competition meant there were just enough for everyone. With this, the disciples waited eagerly for what Dang Hwa-seo would say, who, despite having her arm in a splint, was smiling brightly. "Look, we’ve got a chance here with enough spirit pills for each person. As you've heard already, the Summoning Pill and Self-Increasing Pill will go to Mok Riwon and Sword Dragon respectively. Any objections?" There were none. The members were painfully aware of what the two had contributed to their mission. Acknowledging their silent consent with a nod, Dang Hwa-seo continued. "So, let's discuss the distribution of the Summoning and Self-Increasing Pills. Do any of you have a preference?" Mok Riwon was deep in thought. ‘Hmm… I’ve already taken the Summoning Pill.’ Having won it as a prize at the Dragon Peak gathering, he aimed for the Self-Increasing Pill, as taking the same spirit pill repeatedly lessened its effectiveness. His gaze shifted to Namgung Jincheon, who glanced back and soon made his choice clear. "I’ll take the Summoning Pill. I missed out last time at the guild meet, and it just so happens I need it." Mok Riwon’s face lit up at the declaration, whereas Namgung Jincheon snorted in amusement. "It’s not for you. I chose it because the Summoning Pill contains more internal energy than the Self-Increasing Pill." "Still, thank you! Sword Dragon... " "Don’t mention it." Namgung Jincheon frowned in disdain. Mok Riwon, interpreting even that as endearing, let out a hearty laugh, while Il Un was pleased to see Namgung Jincheon value the temple's spirit pill so highly. With a helpless smile, Dang Hwa-seo watched this unfold, then with her good hand, slapped the desk, announcing, "Let’s end the distribution here and disperse. Please take your share." On the desk lay four identical boxes and two distinct ones. The members picked up their shares and left the room, leaving only Dang Hwa-seo and Mok Riwon. Observing Dang Hwa-seo attempt to work with one hand, Mok Riwon asked, "Lady, is that not uncomfortable?" "Hmm? It is uncomfortable... but what can I do? It’s a consequence of my own actions." Mok Riwon’s expression turned visibly uncomfortable, his gaze fixed on her hand. ‘Lady’s hands are really... No! That’s not it!’ Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, Mok Riwon then offered, "Lady! Let me help!" "Excuse me?" "Lady, you have so much to do, tackling it all with one arm will only add to your discomfort! So, let me help!" Mok Riwon thrummed his chest, his confident smile moving Dang Hwa-seo, though her response was a refusal. "It’s alright. Mok Sir, aren’t you unfamiliar with these administrative procedures?" "Still, I can do errands! I hate the idea of you struggling alone!" His insistence puzzled Dang Hwa-seo, but seeing his earnest eyes made it hard to decline. "Anything at all!" "Anything" made her shoulders twitch involuntarily, her mind racing with dangerous imaginations. Dang Hwa-seo coughed awkwardly to regain composure. "Er, well..." "Please! When I was in the mountains, even my master was amazed at how well I handled such tasks!" At this point, rejecting his offer seemed almost rude. Dang Hwa-seo’s rationale began aligning toward acceptance, her glance flitting towards Mok Riwon’s innocent face, unknowing of her turmoil. ‘Well, for mere chores...’ Imagining Mok Riwon handling a myriad of tasks, from writing with one hand—which was feasible—to the potential need for shoulder massages from stiff shoulders or assistance with meals, Dang Hwa-seo pondered. ‘Oh, if my clothes were disheveled...’ Her face flushed deeply, her eyes wide and lips pursed. After a brief silence, she finally spoke, "…Then, might I be in your debt?" Dang Hwa-seo had succumbed to her desires. Mok Riwon’s face brightened even more. "Understood! Where shall we start?!" "Perhaps a massage first… My shoulders are a bit stiff…!" "Leave it to me!" Mok Riwon hastily moved behind Dang Hwa-seo to begin the massage. "Ah...!" Dang Hwa-seo could not help but feel grateful to the martial artist who had broken her arm. * Dang Hwa-seo had never been happier in recent times. She found herself caring less about the spirit pills obtained from the competition. "Lady! I’ve brought some snacks for you!" From the end of the hallway, Mok Riwon was seen hurrying towards her, arms full of snacks. Smiling warmly at this sight, Mok Riwon stopped in front of her, pushing forward what he had been carrying and said, "Look! Potatoes!" They were steamed potatoes, with steam still rising from them. Mok Riwon started to peel one gently, then offered it to Dang Hwa-seo, saying, "Here, try it!" At times like these, endearingly gallant and grateful. Dang Hwa-seo marveled inwardly and opened her mouth slightly. As she bit into the potato, Mok Riwon smiled radiantly. "How is it? Tasty, isn't it?" "Yes, it's salty and delicious." "My master said it's a steamed potato he prepared through a special process! It tasted different from any potato I've had before, so I wanted you to try it first!" It was harmful to her heart. Dang Hwa-seo giggled, feeling the profound wickedness within her writhing at Mok Riwon's babbling cuteness. But that must not be done. 'Slowly...no, I must resist!' Dang Hwa-seo exercised patience. She did not want to appear as a frivolous person to Mok Riwon. "Let's go inside." She always wanted to appear elegant and beautiful in front of Mok Riwon. Not just that. Dang Hwa-seo also believed in romance. Surely, the charm between a man and a woman lies in advancing through each step of the relationship. Rushing might feel good in the moment, but it would extinguish the spark faster and reduce the thrill. With such thoughts, Dang Hwa-seo sat at her desk. Next to where Dang Hwa-seo sat, there was a small chair meant for Mok Riwon. He sat there, eating potatoes while watching Dang Hwa-seo work. The continuous documents which he didn't understand gave him a headache as he stole glances at Dang Hwa-seo's profile. She blushed under his intense gaze. "...It's embarrassing when you look at me like that." "Ah! My apologies!" Mok Riwon immediately turned his head away, straightening his posture, recalling his belated embarrassment. Dang Hwa-seo felt a strange pleasure seeing Mok Riwon's cheeks flush. The documents were piled up like a mountain, yet her concentration faltered with Mok Riwon by her side. Perhaps he came not to help but to hinder. It was to the point where such thoughts arose. Wasn't it so? How could someone just by existing cause such distraction? If it were only that issue, she wouldn't have minded. Every action he took was so adorable it made her want to ruin that innocence with her own hands. ‘…Calm down!’ Dang Hwa-seo 'again' scolded herself. Closing her eyes tight, she gripped her pen harder. Snap— The pen broke. "Ah! Lady, are you alright?" Mok Riwon, startled, took her hand and examined it worriedly. Seeing him inspect her hand with such concern, Dang Hwa-seo thought to herself, ‘Remove distractions! Remove distractions! Remove distractions!’ Remove distractions. Away with the thoughts! After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit, Dang Hwa-seo managed a forced smile. "It's not a serious injury, so don't worry." "That's a relief…!" Yes. It was indeed a relief to have conquered those distractions. Dang Hwa-seo muttered words she couldn't dare say out loud and cautiously withdrew her hand. "Could you...bring me a new pen?" "Got it!" Mok Riwon dashed out of the office. Finally relaxing, Dang Hwa-seo exhaled deeply and fanned herself with her hand. ‘Such temptation!’ As if there were no fox more fox-like than this. Dang Hwa-seo's heart fluttered perilously at Mok Riwon's unwitting actions. * Mok Riwon returned with a new pen and this time, sat quietly behind Dang Hwa-seo, watching her. His move to the back was at her request, as his nearby presence was too distracting. Mok Riwon's face shone with resolute intention. It declared his readiness to rush over if Dang Hwa-seo showed any sign of discomfort. However, Dang Hwa-seo held firm. Having defeated her distractions, she didn't give away a single inch. Eventually, boredom began to appear on Mok Riwon's face, and it was then he discovered 'it'. ‘Hmm?’ Mok Riwon's gaze shifted towards Dang Hwa-seo's hair. Her waist-length hair, soft as silk, fell gently down her back. His eyes focused on the center of it. "Lady." "Yes?" "Your hair has gotten tangled. May I untangle it for you?" Dang Hwa-seo's shoulders twitched. In front of her, where Mok Riwon couldn't see, Dang Hwa-seo's eyes darted in all directions. Her face turned beet red, and her lips formed a reluctant smile. It had come. The thought flashed across Dang Hwa-seo's mind. "Lady?" "P-Please do." Even as she spoke, Dang Hwa-seo did not turn to face Mok Riwon. Instead, she picked up a random brush from the desk and held it out behind her. Mok Riwon took the brush. "I'll do my best!" Mok Riwon, with a concentrated look on his face licked his lips and began to comb. Swoosh— The sound of the comb running through her hair broke the silence of the office. Knotted strands began to untangle, finding their rightful places. Seeing the entangled parts more clearly up close prompted Mok Riwon to sigh and say, "It seems you couldn't comb properly due to your arm! Wait, I'll make sure to comb through it all!" Swoosh— Mok Riwon resumed combing Dang Hwa-seo’s hair. The softness of her hair, and the sweet body fragrance that grew stronger whenever he came closer, enveloped him in a sense of comfort. He thought to himself that this silence and atmosphere might not be so bad after all. Normally chatty, Mok Riwon had an epiphany and smiled faintly. Of course, the one feeling comfortable was ‘only’ Mok Riwon. ‘Ugh…!’ Dang Hwa-seo’s eyes were tightly shut, even holding her breath. Her hands had stopped moving long ago, halting all work, while her heart thundered as if it were being used as a drum, echoing throughout her body. The feeling of her hair lifted by Mok Riwon’s touch, the subsequent combing, and even his breathing that could be heard when concentrating. Everything, for some reason, led to the illusion as if her head was being gently stroked. ‘Distra…!’ So much for driving away distractions. Dang Hwa-seo, overwhelmed by the pounding of her heart, ultimately gave up on resisting and allowed a sly smile to form. For about two moments, neither too short nor too long, Dang Hwa-seo indulged in this slice of heaven to the fullest.