94 - Missions, Investigation (1) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

The daily life of the Yongbong Clan was tranquil. Assuming tranquility could describe the daily accidents and the consequent fury they dragged Dang Hwa-seo into, it was more peaceful than ever before. How long had such days continued? "Your next mission." The second mission was assigned. In the Yongbong Clan's office, seated at the head table, Dang Hwa-seo spoke. "This time, it's a reconnaissance mission." "Reconnaissance, you say?" "Yes." Dang Hwa-seo spread out a map on the table. It was a map of the Central Plains, marked with black dots here and there. "These are the locations of demons we've identified so far from the sect. And what's written here are their disguised identities." A look of surprise dawned on the faces of the clan members. "This many?" "Their disguised identities are not ordinary either. Merchants, landlords, martial arts masters…" Indeed, as Mok Riwon and Il Woon remarked, the extent to which the demons had meticulously disguised themselves inspired an automatic "How?". Across the entire Central Plains. Nodding, Dang Hwa-seo continued. "Yes, these are identities and spheres that can’t be prepared in a day or two. The sect has a theory about this." "What is it?" "That the invasion of the demons began at least a decade ago." The atmosphere turned grave. Narrowing her eyes, Hye Woon commented, "That makes sense. Even on our last mission, the disguised identity of O Gang-ak was the son-in-law of a big family. Despite being a short period, to become a son-in-law in such a prestigious family would have required extensive preparation." "Yes, which brings us to this mission." Dang Hwa-seo shook the secret letter in hand. It contained the details of the mission. "What is it?" "We’re going to Guizhou." "Guizhou, you mean..." "The land of the black clans." Mok Riwon's expression hardened. "Why there?" "It's believed to be in the south where the demons first established a footing. If you look at the map, you’ll see that their influence spreads stronger to the lower regions." "Seeking their base?" Namgung Jincheon got a nod from Dang Hwa-seo in response. "Yes, the demons must have secretly established branches in the Central Plains. We need to uncover these sect branches." Reconnaissance mission. The land of the black clans. And the sect branches. Just reminding themselves of the mission underscored its difficulty. "Like last time, disguises..." "None." Mok Riwon, puzzled, prompted Dang Hwa-seo to elaborate. "This time we reveal our identity as we go. In other words, we’ll be bait." "Bait for what?" A reconnaissance mission would naturally benefit from disguises. "Why forsake such an advantage to, moreover, volunteer as bait, and what exactly is it that we are trying to catch with this?" The roots of that question made Dang Hwa-seo smile askew. "Black clans." It was a somewhat dangerous smile. "We’ll be seeking black clans that may have colluded with the demons." * A week before the start of the mission, Mok Riwon sought out Yum So So. "Ah, Guizhou, you say?" "Yes!" "Indeed, disguises would be hard in Guizhou." "Excuse me?" "Being bait. Not just for catching black clans." As Mok Riwon tilted his head in confusion, Yum So So, laughing heartily, elaborated further. "Guizhou is home to the Hao Moon." "Ah...!" The Hao Moon. To the white martial arts world, it's akin to an information network for the black clans, much like the Open Sect. Primarily composed of bandits and courtesans in disguise, consequently, their information mostly deals with illicit deals. Essentially, everyone in Guizhou from this organization is an expert at disguises. "A clumsy disguise would instead trigger their vigilance!" "Exactly, you've hit the nail on the head." Mok Riwon then understood. Sure enough, with the Yongbong Clan’s rudimentary disguises, not to mention fooling them, even ordinary folk on the streets wouldn’t be deceived. If disguises were futile anyway, it was more sensible to just go openly. "Hmm... So, do you think the Hao Moon could be involved with the sect?" "That’s uncertain. Those folks only listen to the sect leader and no one else." "The sect leader, you say?" "Yes, the Hao Moon’s leader. They’d plunge into the fires of hell if the leader commanded." Yum So So’s mouth twisted. "If the sect leader has colluded with the demons, then its members might be aiding the demons unknowingly. If the opposite is true, they could be hindering them." "Hmm… this is complex." "No need to overthink it. Simply executing our mission diligently will uncover the truth." "Have you dealt with the Hao Moon before?" "Many times. I even dealt with their previous leader." Mok Riwon jolted. "Deserving of death, that one was. Fancy, he was smuggling courtesans to sell their flesh." "That’s appalling!" "The current high loyalty towards the sect leader also ties back to that. The leader prioritizes and acts with the followers' safety in mind, which they found moving. After all, humans will naturally be favorable towards those who protect them." Mok Riwon realized something from Yum So So’s words. "Do you know the current sect leader?" Even though the Hao Moon sect leader's identity remains a mystery even to the martial world's leaders, for some reason, Yum So So seemed to know about them. Mok Riwon's guess was correct. "I do know their face." "Then, do you know whether the sect leader has colluded with demons?!" "I don't." "Eh?" "Such matters require calculation. Even if they did assist the demons, it would be for profit. And if they opposed them, it would likewise be for profit. Without knowing where their profit lies, I can't say anything." Yum So So sipped his tea. Mok Riwon's head grew even more complicated. "Um, could you give me any advice? Like how to behave in Guizhou." "Stick to one thing. Never yield your body to courtesans." Mok Riwon blinked. He didn't understand right away. After a moment that was long enough to count to five internally, "That will never happen!" Mok Riwon stood up abruptly, his face flushed red. Memories of his first day in the jianghu, being tormented by courtesans in the brothel Dang Hwa-seo ran, came flooding back. Shuddering with embarrassment, Mok Riwon's reaction only made Yum So So start to laugh heartily. "Even so, I'm saying you should be cautious. Those courtesans have quite the skill." Skill. The word, for some reason, caught Mok Riwon's ear. His eyes squeezed shut. 'Would one succumb to carnal desires to become a true warrior?' To put it bluntly, Mok Riwon was a man in his prime. Yet, as far as lewd matters were concerned, it was all confined to his imagination. Faced with such a situation in reality, he would be too shy to do anything, a characteristic many 18-year-olds shared. Torn between rising worries and a faint excitement, Mok Riwon concluded his visit with Yum So So and then went to see Jegal San. When asked what to do if tempted by a courtesan, Jegal San answered indifferently, "You worry too much, Mok junior." "Eh? What do you mean?" "Courtesans have no husband. What pleasure is there in meeting such women?" Mok Riwon clamped his mouth shut. For the first time in a long while, contempt for Jegal San rose within him. Jegal San, the Strange Dragon. Though a decent person, he had a peculiar preference for married women. Such a quirk was deemed necessary to be corrected by Mok Riwon, who reported this to Dang Hwa-seo, leading to Jegal San suffering from indigestion. * Dang Hwa-seo was in deep thought. The concern weighing down enough to cast shadows under their eyes was no trivial matter. 'Courtesans?' It was information Mok Riwon had heard from an adviser. In Guizhou, the Hao Moon holds sway, and among them, the courtesans are known to seduce foreigners with incredible skills and extract information. It was an unspeakably devious tactic. Dang Hwa-seo suddenly recalled the past. The first meeting in Suyang County, when Mok Riwon, amid courtesans, appeared helplessly naive. Ignorant about matters of love yet vulnerable to women targeting his body. It was an action befitting a young man, thinking of love and lust as separate entities, now causing Dang Hwa-seo distress. 'Dangerous.' Mok Riwon's innocence was at risk. The veins on Dang Hwa-seo's hand stood out as tension gripped them. The 'imaginary seductress' always lurking in a corner of Dang Hwa-seo's mind now seemed affiliated with the Hao Moon. They would surely be curious about Mok Riwon's dazzling appearance once he visits Guizhou. And the moment they realize he’s a Wandering Dragon, they'd 'collect information' as an excuse to pounce on him. In truth, harboring sinister intentions of desiring him! Thump! Overcome with anger, Dang Hwa-seo slammed the desk. Namgung Jincheon, who had come to request maintenance for the training ground, paused in opening the door, startled, and then quietly shut it. 'Now is not the time.' Entering now might result in his request being rejected. With that thought, Namgung Jincheon quietly walked back to his quarters, a man who understood the art of waiting. * Time flew by swiftly. Dang Hwa-seo's worries, Jegal San's indigestion, Namgung Jincheon's training ground issues—none was conclusively resolved, but the day of the mission had arrived. Mok Riwon, observing the three’s ill complexion, was puzzled. Unable to get a satisfactory answer, only Hye Woon, vaguely aware of Dang Hwa-seo's concerns, grinned. "Don't you know, Mok leader?" "What do you mean?" "People see the world according to their standards." "Eh?" "Just something that came to mind." Hye Woon's gaze shifted towards Dang Hwa-seo, her expression slightly pitying. Why not? Hye Woon shared a room with Dang Hwa-seo. Thus, she was privy to the latter's struggles with nightmares, mumbling in sleep. -Mok hero...! Courtesans are no good...! Dang Hwa-seo themselves were unaware of this sleep-talking habit. On troubled nights, they'd often vent out their concerns through sleep talk. Was it better than when they used to curse workload in their sleep, Hye Woon pondered, before dismissing the thought. 'Not my concern.' Hye Woon had no desire to understand Dang Hwa-seo's worries about losing a man to a courtesan. It would have been right to say that I can’t understand why make things so complicated when it could just be tackled head-on by my standards. 'Besides, it’s Mok leader.' Mok Riwon, a blushing and bashful bachelor flustered by even the slightest tease—why all this fuss about him? As Hye Woon looked at Mok Riwon with a 'hmm', the startled young man stealthily moved towards Dang Hwa-seo, seeking refuge behind them. Still an awkward relationship. Mok Riwon instinctively hid behind Dang Hwa-seo whenever Hye Woon looked at him with meaningful eyes. ‘That’s the real danger though.’ With such a lack of danger awareness, how would he fare in the world? Hye Woon clicked her tongue in disapproval. ‘So far yet to go.’ Be it Dang Hwa-seo, who unnecessarily takes the long way around, or Mok Riwon, who mistakes the predator for a protector, both seemed to have a long way ahead. Only the realization of their profound journey was surging up. "Shall we go?" Not a single one in a normal state of mind. Today, leading the Yongbong Clan was Hye Woon, who had not the slightest bit of concern or trouble in sight.