95 - Missions, Investigation (2) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

The journey to Guizhou was by no means short. Traveling southward from Hubei by carriage, the journey easily spanned fifteen days. It was a tediously long journey, fraught with yearning for some. Needless to say, it was Dang Hwa-seo. With her face sharpened with tension, Dang Hwa-seo stared ahead. 'We're finally here.' Ahead, the walls of Guizhou came into view. Inside, it might not exactly be a free-for-all turmoil, but certainly, a city rife with chaos awaited, and within it, the vixens of Hao Mun, ever eager to exploit any opening. Crunch— Dang Hwa-seo's fist clenched. Her eyes ablaze with a flickering light, albeit briefly revealing her resolute determination to never let Mok Riwon out of her grasp, a sentiment unknown to him. “Je, Jegal brother. Why is she acting like this? It's so frightening…" “Knowing too much can get you hurt.” Jegal San averted his gaze from Mok Riwon, who couldn't help but steal anxious glances at Dang Hwa-seo. During this, “Mister Mok.” “Yes!” “Come closer, please.” Dang Hwa-seo gestured, and Mok Riwon moved to her side. Then, she firmly grasped his hand. “Miss...?” “Do you understand? You must never let go of this hand. Even if someone asks you to come over or cries out for help, hold on to it firmly.” “But, if someone needs help, I cannot simply ignore them…” “If it really seems like they need help, I will take care of it.” Dang Hwa-seo's gaze turned fiercely intense. Her words were a precaution against the guileful courtesans, to Mok Riwon, they were simply terrifying. “Ah, understood!” Only then did Dang Hwa-seo finally smile, satisfied. The grip on their interlocked hands tightened. Dang Hwa-seo gazed fondly at their clasped hands. A hand much longer and thicker than hers, Slightly coarse, yet filled with a warm aura, resided there. ‘Come to think of it…’ Her vigilance against the courtesans had overshadowed the fact that she was walking hand in hand with Mok Riwon. To others, they might even appear as lovers. ‘…Quite.’ What emerged was a cough attempting to disguise her emotions. “Um, ahem…” Dang Hwa-seo's cheeks turned red. The person's inner machinations gained depth, reveling in this newfound delight. ‘Hwa-seo, what a clever move you’ve concocted.’ As Dang Hwa-seo’s face brightened, Jegal San and Hye Un remained silent. Both thought at the same moment. ‘The vixen is right here.’ Indicating the vixen aspiring for Mok Riwon was among them. * The inspection passed swiftly, At a notably faster pace compared to their previous journey to Shaanxi. This time, they moved with their identities revealed, an occurrence on its own. The White Dao Martial Alliance’s Yong Bong Dan. Its reputation was undeniably substantial, not something to be taken lightly even in jest. Even in Guizhou, a land dominated by the dark factions, this held true. Besides, Yong Bong Dan could be readily distinguished solely by the youthful Namgung Jincheon’s gaze, making the inspection hardly a hassle. Once inside Guizhou City, they were met with gazes so sharp, it felt as though their skins were being pricked. “It seems we're drawing more attention than expected.” "Yes, especially since this is a land of the dark factions." Those casting their gazes were not the dark factions’ followers. They were merely commoners who, to them, the righteous faction’s late-stage masters venturing into a dark faction territory were certainly an unusual sight. The gazes conveyed intense caution and mild curiosity. Having acknowledged these gazes, Dang Hwa-seo spoke up. “Let’s move on. I’ve already arranged for accommodations.” They walked through the streets of Guizhou City. The residence was about a moment’s walk by foot. Given they were in hostile territory, needing to be wary not just of enemies but also of courtesans, Dang Hwa-seo was on edge, almost visibly radiating tension. It was this heightened sensitivity that led her to notice something was amiss. Dang Hwa-seo’s brows furrowed. ‘Can there truly be no warriors at all?’ It was peculiar. This notorious land of the dark factions, Guizhou, and yet, on their way here, not a single warrior was in sight. Were they concealing their presence? Or perhaps, observing from a hidden location? ‘…No.’ Neither was the case. She was certain. If the dark factions had martial experts capable of deceiving their heightened senses to this extent, the White Dao would have long since met its demise. As they continued walking, the only conclusion they arrived at was puzzlement. Upon reaching the residence, Dang Hwa-seo locked the doors and addressed her companions. “Did you notice?” “What do you mean?” “Not a single warrior was in sight.” Startle— The members shivered. They too had just realized this anomaly. “Now that you mention it…” In their vigilance against the dark factions, they hadn’t considered the lack of encounters with them not as a stroke of luck but rather as something unnatural. “What do you think is happening?” Jegal San was the first to respond to Dang Hwa-seo’s query. “It must be intentional. Perhaps they’re only using civilians who haven’t learned any martial arts.” “There’s merit to that thought. Any other insights?” No immediate response followed. The members collectively agreed Jegal San’s perspective was the most plausible. After a brief silence. It was Mok Riwon who shattered the silence. "...Hao Mun." "Hmm?" "The people of Hao Mun. They, too, might be involved." This was a thought he could entertain due to what he had heard about Hao Mun from Yum So So just before their departure. "Hao Mun doesn’t exclusively recruit martial artists into their ranks. I've heard they also take in street thugs, moneylenders, courtesans, and diviners among their members. So, you see..." Mok Riwon hesitated, a grimace crossing his face. "Among those we've encountered along the way here, someone could be…" No, to say 'someone' might be understating it. "We must consider the possibility that they all could be disciples of Hao Mun." The members tensed up. "That would mean..." "Our movements could be completely exposed. Beyond what we intended to reveal." Under normal circumstances, such astuteness from Mok Riwon might have been the subject of jest. But the situation at hand allowed for no such levity. Despite their high status as late-stage masters, the members of Yong Bong Dan were essentially novices in the world of martial arts and found themselves baffled by the unexpected predicament. "Isn't this dangerous? If the dark factions have indeed conspired with spies..." It was a dire thought. They had to consider the possibility of being ambushed at any moment. Unlike their time in Shaanxi, here, there was no martial alliance branch to call upon in moments of crisis. Jegal San shivered at the thoughts crossing his mind. Next to speak was Il Un. "Shouldn’t we lay down some protective formations around the residence?" He directed the suggestion to Jegal San, who nodded in agreement. Certainly, laying down protective formations would serve as a minimal defense strategy. Jegal San knew of several formations capable of disorienting intruders. "I’ll start setting up the formations. Monk Il Un, will you assist me?" "Yes, I will accompany you, Miss Dang. Let's go." "I'll come too." Following Hyewun joining Jegal San and Il Un in setting out, Namgung Jincheon spoke up. "Sitting idly by won’t resolve anything." Namgung Jincheon rose from his seat as Dang Hwa-seo inquired, "Where are you going?" "To serve as bait. I'll wander outside for a bit." "I forbid it. It’s too risky without knowing anything." "Then I'll take Mok with me. Unless we encounter a top-level master, escape should be feasible." His reasoning held merit. Yet, Dang Hwa-seo hesitated for a slightly different reason this time. ‘Those two?’ Mok Riwon and Namgung Jincheon. They were Yong Bong Dan's prime examples of reducing its collective mental maturity and exhibited below-average capabilities in all aspects except martial arts. Bait might suit them well. Given their glaring vulnerabilities, even scammers loitering in the streets might take the bait. In other words, they were not to be trusted. Dang Hwa-seo narrowed her eyes and stated, "Forbidden." "Then what do you propose?" Dang Hwa-seo pondered heavily. Certainly, as Namgung Jincheon said, playing defense without any knowledge was a poor strategy. If they failed to learn anything during the broad daylight, a night filled with unrest and no proper rest was inevitable. Dang Hwa-seo made her decision. "...Let’s go together, the three of us." Leaving the task to these two would be courting disaster. Moreover, thinking further, ‘Hao Mun.’ If they were indeed behind this anomaly, the situation was dangerous. Especially for Mok Riwon’s virtue. Dang Hwa-seo’s eyes shone coldly like frost. * The streets, at first glance, didn’t resemble those of a land ruled by dark factions, bustling with activity. Understandably, if every avenue inhabited by merchants and local residents was drowned in gloom, who would choose to stay? Dang Hwa-seo, Mok Riwon, and Namgung Jincheon did their best to hide their tension, feigning calmness as they listened to the surrounding noises. Mostly, it was the chatter of everyday life. Intermittently, whispers about them could be heard. "Those over there..." "How did the martial alliance’s people end up…" "Ah, best to ignore and move on. No good comes from getting entangled." The whispers were nothing extraordinary. Yet, they couldn't afford to lower their guard. Pretending to shop for groceries, Dang Hwa-seo scanned the various street vendors, deepening her suspicion. 'As expected, no warriors.' Sharpening her senses, she could detect the presence of third-rate warriors mimicking martial arts at best. However, even commoners could easily reach this level. It was nonsensical for those aligned with any faction. ‘Hao Mun?’ She considered the possibility but couldn't be certain. The rising unease inside her and the continuous stream of speculations narrowed Dang Hwa-seo’s brows. Suddenly, "Ah..." A woman's sigh came from somewhere. Dang Hwa-seo instantly turned her head in that direction, her eyes widening, "Look over there. Really…" "Delicious... I mean, what a handsome young master..." Two courtesans whispered, their cheeks flushed, gazing at Mok Riwon. "Huh..." Dang Hwa-seo let out an incredulous chuckle, feeling utterly bemused. Currently holding hands with Mok Riwon, it seemed she was invisible to them, their chattering audacity blatant. 'There they are. The vixens of Hao Mun.' Dang Hwa-seo's glaring eyes pierced straight through the courtesans, and soon after, they locked eyes with her. "Eek!" They let out a startled yelp. The courtesans then glanced at Dang Hwa-seo apprehensively and swiftly disappeared behind an alley. 'To chase?' No. A surge of anger had led her to hastily label them as vixens of Hao Mun, but it wasn't certain yet. After all, the assumption that those present could be affiliated with Hao Mun was just speculation. Rashly pursuing and confronting them might only end up heightening the vigilance of the dark factions lurking somewhere. Dang Hwa-seo gritted her teeth, suppressing her anger. 'Hwa-seo, you're out here to be bait.' She reminded herself internally. Her head snapped forward, her expression heated as if fueled by rising anger, and Mok Riwon, holding her hand next to her, closed his mouth tightly. 'Miss seems to be very tense!' The thought that they might be surrounded by enemies seemed to have sharpened her nerves. Thus, adopting a half-hearted investigative demeanor would not do. …With this thought, Mok Riwon ignited his commitment to the task at hand. All the while shaking off the sentiment, 'today, Miss seems scarier than usual.'