96 - Missions, Investigation (3) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

After wandering the streets for about two hours, dusk fell as the sun dipped below the horizon. Despite the lengthy meandering, our efforts bore no fruit. Or rather, it would be incorrect to say there was nothing at all. "Indeed, there's nothing. Even after such a long search, not a shadow of a warrior in sight," said Dang Hwa-seo, casting a seriousness over the atmosphere. Jegal San responded with a pat on his shoulder. "We've laid down the formation. Only those at the peak or above can break through it, and if it's breached, this jade stone will vibrate. Make sure everyone keeps one on them." Jegal San distributed five jade stones among the members. The stones, smooth to the touch, oddly comforted the mind. "This is a component of the formation." "Mok Ah-woo, you shouldn’t break it, understand?" Jegal San chuckled, and Mok Riwon, swallowing a sigh, slipped the jade stone into his pocket, smiling contentedly. "What’s next then?" "Given the late hour, we rest today... And start investigating from tomorrow. Jegal San, you'll be gathering intelligence from the outside." "Disguise might be necessary." "It must be done meticulously." Among them, Jegal San was the only one capable of high-level disguise. Surely, he could gather intelligence without arousing suspicion. "Hye Woon, you'll be moving with me." "Where to?" "To a black martial arts sect." Hye Woon tilted his head in confusion. "Do they even exist? We didn’t spot a single warrior." "That’s why we’re going. I know of the Paegum Sect nearby. We’ll search for that." "Lady! What should I do?" Mok Riwon asked eagerly, while Namgung Jincheon, though not showing it, seemed to await his assignment. Il Woon, however, seemed indifferent. Dang Hwa-seo, hesitating momentarily with an apologetic look, finally set her expression in determination. "Please guard the stronghold." "Hmm?" "It's defense. In fact, you could say it’s the core of our mission." "Oh!" Mok Riwon exclaimed in admiration at the mention of stronghold defense, while Namgung Jincheon nodded in agreement. Only Il Woon seemed to grasp the true intent behind her words. ‘She’s worried about entrusting them with tasks.’ They must be kept inside because they can’t be trusted with anything else. That must be her judgment. The gazes of Dang Hwa-seo and Il Woon met. She conveyed her message through a look. -Monk, please take good care of those two. Il Woon nodded as if to say, 'Leave it to me.' In his view, the two were useless unless it came to fighting. --- "We’ll be off then." The next morning, Dang Hwa-seo and Hye Woon set out from the stronghold, with Jegal San already ahead, carrying what was needed for his disguise. "Take care!" Mok Riwon waved them off energetically, leaving just Namgung Jincheon and Il Woon behind. "Then, we should proceed with the stronghold defense!" The term 'stronghold defense' seemed prestigious enough to excite him, causing Il Woon to smile awkwardly. Meanwhile, Namgung Jincheon spoke up. "No, we’ll also take action." Il Woon’s expression hardened. "…Excuse me?" "Dragon-type! Didn’t the lady tell us to stay?" "Foolish. The formation will protect the stronghold. Why stay here idle? Do you not understand why she left us behind?" Namgung Jincheon’s words made Mok Riwon tilt his head in confusion. "Isn’t it because she’s worried the formation alone won’t be enough?" Not very perceptive, especially when it came to Dang Hwa-seo’s deeper intentions, Mok Riwon deeply trusted her words, even to the extent of believing the stars in the night sky were immortals if she said so. In his mind, they needed to guard the stronghold because that was Dang Hwa-seo's wish. Namgung Jincheon clicked his tongue. "She thinks we're incapable of handling tasks." Thud— Mok Riwon’s expression stiffened as if struck by shock. "That, that can’t be…!" "With all of us scattered, collecting information is vital. Do you think it’s right to leave us idling here?" "That’s true but…" "Mok Dragon, can you really sit still, knowing you're being disregarded?" Namgung Jincheon intentionally provoked him. His motive was singular - to prove a point to Dang Hwa-seo, who seemingly doubted their capabilities. While normally indifferent, Namgung Jincheon was quick to notice such nuances. This keen awareness made him immediately sense their exclusion from critical mission aspects. ‘Not a chance.’ Though disinterested in troublesome endeavors, the situation now was different for Namgung Jincheon. He needed more results and more valuable elixirs. "Answer me, Mok Dragon." For the desired outcome, Mok Riwon’s martial prowess was necessary. Unlike Mok Riwon, who charged headfirst into danger, Namgung Jincheon knew how to prepare safety measures for ‘just in case’ scenarios. Mok Riwon visibly trembled, showing his inner turmoil. "Lady…!" The assumption that Dang Hwa-seo doubted his abilities crossed his mind. Reluctant as they were to admit it, Namgung Jincheon's words held merit. Their chests felt cold. Even if they seemed oblivious to practical reasoning, the thought of being deemed unworthy of duties stirred an unwelcome sense of betrayal. Mok Riwon's expression turned slightly sullen, while Namgung Jincheon offered a crooked smile. "Proof. It's necessary, isn't it?" "…Dragon Brother's right." Mok Riwon clenched his fists tightly. "I must prove that I am a person worthy of trust!" "Then go." "Understood!" Mok Riwon and Namgung Jincheon began to leave the stronghold, with Il Woon following them in confusion until he resolved to pursue them out of necessity. The now empty stronghold was all that remained, bearing silent witness to the moments that had just passed. --- Once outside, the three found themselves aimlessly standing in the market square. "…Dragon Brother. So, what should we do?" Namgung Jincheon kept his mouth shut tight. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about what to do; he was concentratedly listening for whispers that might pierce through the noise, seeking out-of-place conversations. 'There's bound to be a distinction with a Hao Moon disciple.' One was cloaked in monk's robes, another was a young man of stunning beauty that hurt the eyes, and the last had the imposing aura of a warrior—drawing eyes was inevitable. Finding peculiar conversations should have been straightforward. -Yong Bong Dan is here. -They're out today too. Is that monk there Kwon Ryong? -What brings them to this place… They dismissed the gossip of onlookers. -Is the White Way Martial World extending its reach here? -What's the use anyway? This or that side, what difference does it make? Speculative whispers; also dismissed. 'Is there nothing?' Just as Namgung Jincheon was about to conclude, a snippet reached him. -Reporting… That caught his attention. His eyes flickered open, and he quickly turned his head. There, hidden behind an alley, were two courtesans deep in conversation. "Found them." Namgung Jincheon wasted no time moving towards them, with Mok Riwon and Il Woon, albeit bewildered, following suit. As their eyes met, the courtesans flinched and disappeared behind the alley, reinforcing his suspicion. 'Suspicious.' They might be Hao Moon disciples. Namgung Jincheon sharpened his senses. 'There's no internal power.' But their steps were swift. Too agile for ordinary women, suggesting they might know some simple steps to quicken their pace. As Namgung Jincheon began to chase, Mok Riwon and Il Woon, now noticing the odd behavior of the courtesans, steeled their expressions. "Monk." "Yes, it's a stepping technique." Namgung Jincheon didn’t speed up. A possibility had dawned on him. 'A mistake, or a trap.' If they had unwittingly spilled information and were now fleeing, their destination would be their base—that was fine. Even a trap would do since it meant capturing someone for questioning or as a hostage. The courtesans entered deeper into the alley. The bustling street crowd was soon behind them, leaving them alone in eerily quiet and dim surroundings. -Stop here. Namgung Jincheon communicated with Mok Riwon and Il Woon through qi transmission. -Three more presences inside. -I feel it too. Mok Riwon responded, his senses honed. Closing his eyes, he focused on the energy inside before finally speaking up with his lids lifted. -Warriors. The energies belonged to warriors, unseen since arriving in this region. Mok Riwon’s expression sharpened. Warriors of the dark path. While Hao Moon might be considered more moderate among dark sects, it did not make them virtuous. Historically, Hao Moon had the reputation for cleaning up all manner of dirty work for the dark path. -What do we do? When Mok Riwon asked, Namgung Jincheon responded. -We go in. If it’s a trap, we break through. That’s why he had brought Mok Riwon. Nodding, Mok Riwon seemed resolved, and Il Woon, after some inner turmoil, also nodded in agreement. The foremost reason was that retreat wasn’t an option after coming this far. Secondly, the martial prowess of the warriors inside felt top-notch. Even if faced with a trap or poison, they were confident they could overpower it and return. Without delay, Namgung Jincheon approached the entrance of the building. Hand resting on the hilt of his sword, he kicked the door with such force it audibly cracked, ready to draw his weapon at the first hint of an ambush. And then. "We greet the Dragon." He was welcomed by a demure-looking young woman, bowing her head between two burly warriors. Startled— Namgung Jincheon froze with his hand on his sword, and so did Mok Riwon and Il Woon behind him. An unexpected scenario. Namgung Jincheon furrowed his brows, pondering the situation. 'A lure?' Indeed, it was. However, observing their reactions, it didn’t seem like they had called for an ambush or a trap. If anything, their attitudes bordered on welcoming. ‘As if…’ As if seeking help. Swoosh— Namgung Jincheon drew his sword, aiming it at the lady. Then, the two burly warriors stepped forward to shield her, twins by their strikingly similar appearances. "Who are you?" At Namgung Jincheon's inquiry, the woman bit her lower lip slightly, her fingertips trembling—a reaction that seemed rooted in fear. It was only moments later that she spoke. "...I am Seo Ye." The woman, revealing her name as Seo Ye, hardened her expression as she spoke. "I am the leader of Hao Moon, Seo Ye." Mok Riwon's breath caught in his throat. His eyes widened in surprise, darting rapidly as if trying to discern the truth. While Mok Riwon was still examining her, taken aback, Seo Ye looked towards the three men of Yong Bong Dan and said, "Please, help me." A plea for assistance. The space became engulfed in silence. Namgung Jincheon pondered over how to respond to this situation before finally letting out a breath. And he made his decision. "No." Namgung Jincheon’s refusal was swift. Crack! He used the scabbard to knock out the twin warriors with a strategic hit. Thwick! Thwick! He applied pressure points on Seo Ye. "Ugh!" Sealing her vital points and her ability to move or speak, he incapacitated her. The sudden action left Mok Riwon and Il Woon stunned, their faces a picture of utter surprise. Namgung Jincheon, hoisting her over his shoulder, then said, "We're heading back. For interrogation." Namgung Jincheon was the sort of man who saw no need to choose a complicated path.