97 - Missions, Investigation (4) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Dang Hwa-seo stared blankly at the scene unfolding before her eyes. The largest room in the mansion. In its center, a delicate-looking woman, bound tightly with ropes and shivering. And beside her, Namgung Jincheon, with his arms crossed, chin lifted in arrogance. "What is this?" Dang Hwa-seo asked, her eyelashes fluttering. Namgung Jincheon answered, "I tracked and captured those who were following us. They claim to be the leader of Haowen." Haowen's leader… Dang Hwa-seo brushed under her eyes with her hand and looked at Ilwoon. Ilwoon couldn’t bear to meet Dang Hwa-seo's gaze and bowed his head. Mok Riwon was the same. Feeling the ominous air around her, he clenched his mouth shut and looked at the floor. What exactly is happening here? Dang Hwa-seo, feeling the need for a more detailed explanation, questioned Namgung Jincheon further. "Did she come out on her own?" "Would she have crawled into our mansion on her own volition?" At those words, Seo Ye's shoulders twitched. Even in her frightened state, she seemed displeased with his comment and started giving Namgung Jincheon sullen looks. Dang Hwa-seo felt a sharp pain at the back of her head. Disobedience of orders. And kidnapping based on uncertain information. '...No, it's not uncertain.' The distinct trace of her inner strength. She's at least a first-rate martial artist. Considering Dang Hwa-seo had never seen martial artists in Guiju before, it was clear they had picked up a clue. Dang Hwa-seo clutched her throbbing head, took a deep breath, and calmed herself down. Then she asked again, "Did this woman attack first?" "She asked for help, so I subdued her escorts. I saw no reason to comply with their wishes." The connection between asking for help and subduing her escorts puzzled Dang Hwa-seo. Without dwelling on it for long, she approached Seo Ye and unlocked her acupoints. "Whew…" Finally able to take a deep breath, Seo Ye looked around. Dang Hwa-seo said, "I am Dang Hwa-seo, the chief of Yongbongdan. I want to hear your story." Understanding the exact cause and effect was the priority. The Condition of Paegeomfang, which she had visited earlier, felt neglected enough to suggest that it had been long since people had disappeared. There were no other martial artists discovered during the visit. Now that a single martial artist appeared before Namgung Jincheon, they might know something about the events that transpired here. "Can you speak?" "Yes…" Seo Ye answered, shrinking back visibly. The sight of her anxiety, compounded by her inherently delicate appearance, evoked a sense of pity. "As Lord Geomryong said, I am indeed the leader of Haowen. My name is Seo Ye." "What proof do you have?" "There should be a leader's badge in my belongings. Please, take a look." Dang Hwa-seo frowned, then reached towards her. Inserting her hand into the clothing, she found a badge, just as Seo Ye had said. The badge, carved with the words ‘Leader of Haowen’ on black wood, was fetched. 'Is she really the leader?' It was uncertain. To begin with, there hadn't been an opportunity to see what the original Haowen leader's badge looked like, and even if this was indeed the leader's badge, it was still possible that she was carrying it on behalf of the actual leader. 'For now…' Leaving her doubts aside, it was time to listen to the next part of the story. Dang Hwa-seo signaled with her chin. Then, Seo Ye, took a breath and began to speak. "There was an attack by barbarians, directed at Haowen." "Barbarians?" "Yes." "When did this happen?" "Three years ago." Dang Hwa-seo’s brow furrowed. 'Just?' According to the alliance's judgment, barbarians had invaded the Central Plains more than a decade ago. Considering their possible paths of invasion, the likelihood of them bypassing Guiju was almost nil. Yet, it was only three years ago that they were attacked by barbarians. An involuntary suspicion arose, sharpening Dang Hwa-seo’s demeanor, just as Seo Ye added, "…We didn’t realize they were barbarians before.” It seemed as though she had anticipated Dang Hwa-seo's thoughts. "They had established themselves here before I took over as the leader. They had been here long before I ascended to leadership." "When did you become the leader?" "About ten years ago." The timing somewhat matched. Dang Hwa-seo's eyes sparkled as she asked, "Who were they?" "…Vagrants." "Excuse me?" "Vagrants. They were staying as guests of the nearby dark sects, lending their swords... Those kinds of vagrants." Seo Ye continued, her face darkening, "…I never doubted their origins. After all, origins are less clear in the realm of the underworld, and they had been quite beneficial to Haowen." "In what way?" "They spent all the money they earned on pleasures. Some of the houses of pleasure they frequented were owned by Haowen." "They provided a source of information. Is that what you’re implying?" Seo Ye nodded. Dang Hwa-seo contemplated the information she had gathered and then inquired further, "I have three questions. How did you find out they were barbarians, why are no martial artists to be seen here, and what did you mean by asking for help?" The core of the needed information was probed. Seo Ye swallowed dryly before answering. "...The reason we first realized they were barbarians is just as I mentioned earlier. They attacked Haowen's secret base as if they knew exactly where it was from the beginning." "Why are you so sure they were not just bandits but barbarians?" "The whites of their eyes were stained red. Their breathing was harsh, and some were using Qi Absorption Technique (吸氣公)." Dang Hwa-seo's expression turned grave. Qi Absorption Technique. It was a demonic technique classified as particularly dangerous among martial arts, converting others' internal strength into demonic energy for one's own use. 'That would indeed justify such a judgment.' As Dang Hwa-seo nodded, Seo Ye continued. "There was no chance for counterattack. I had to flee, leaving behind my fallen comrades, and since then, I have been hiding and investigating what is happening here. Yes, this leads to your second question." "Yes, I was curious about that. Why are there no martial artists around?" "It's not that there are no martial artists." Seo Ye bit her lip before adding, "...they had their internal strength drained. That’s why they don't feel like martial artists anymore." "But I saw no one with an unusual gait or presence." "They are there. Just not visible." A look of utter desolation covered Seo Ye's face. "...They are imprisoned in Haowen's secret base. Every martial artist that comes here is kidnapped and taken there." Dang Hwa-seo inhaled sharply. If what she said was true, it explained the cause of everything. 'The reason Paegeomfang is empty.' The reason there are no martial artists around. And the reason to specifically lure Namgung Jincheon into the alley for a meeting. 'Then…' Perhaps the request was to rescue them. Dang Hwa-seo speculated, and Seo Ye nodded as if confirming that guess. The way Seo Ye provided answers without needing to express her thoughts suggested she was no ordinary woman. Dang Hwa-seo frowned, contemplating. Should she trust and follow her words? Or should she 'interrogate' further? After a moment of deep thought, "...I'll consult with my members." Dang Hwa-seo chose to hold off on a decision. As she stood up, the members prepared to leave with her. Namgung Jincheon remained standing with his arms crossed. "I'll keep watch." His expression seemed to ask, "What do you think?" as though proud of his accomplishment. Dang Hwa-seo, pressing her lips firmly together to keep them from moving unbidden, nodded and then left the room. * "How do you find it?" After bringing the members to another room, Dang Hwa-seo spoke, and Ilwoon answered. "The cause and effect she described do make sense." "I thought so too." Hyewoon joined in, and Dang Hwa-seo turned to Jegal San. "What about you?" "My thoughts aren’t much different." Jegal San scratched his chin and continued, "According to rumors I've heard, martial artists stopped appearing in the streets around three years ago as well." This was the culled information from all day spent incognito, which aligned with what Seo Ye had shared, thus leading Jegal San to lean towards believing her words. Dang Hwa-seo then looked at Mok Riwon. Normally, he would have something to say, but he was absorbed in thought with a serious expression. "Mok Sohyeop?" Startled, Mok Riwon snapped back, "Ah… My apologies. I was deep in thought." "About what?" "It's nothing significant…" Mok Riwon hesitated before saying with a sheepish look, "I was thinking that Haowen’s leader’s demeanor differs slightly from what I had heard." -"It inherently has to be calculative. They might have collaborated with the barbarians for profit, and if they turned against them, it would be for profit as well. Thus, without knowing where their profit lies, there is nothing I can surmise." Yeom Soso had clearly stated Seo Ye was calculative and rational. Yet, the Seo Ye they saw today was markedly different from what they had heard, appearing as a fearful, frail woman. Hyewoon was the one who responded to his observation. "Uhm, given the situation turning out as such, maybe it’s the mental pressure? It seems plausible." "That might be possible... but I'm not sure." Mok Riwon chuckled, scratching the back of his head with an unsettled expression. * In the room where Seo Ye was tied up. "Lord Geomryong." Namgung Jincheon, who had been standing quietly with his eyes closed, opened his eyes at her call. His rolling gaze settled on Seo Ye. She emitted her unique air of vulnerability as she spoke to Namgung Jincheon, "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you untie these ropes? My body is in quite discomfort…" As she squirmed, Namgung Jincheon's gaze fixed on her. Despite possessing first-rate internal strength, her frail body seemed to lack any muscular build. It led Namgung Jincheon to deduce she belonged to those martial artists who had merely inflated their internal power with elixirs. "I refuse." Startled— Seo Ye's shoulders trembled. Her eyes searched Namgung Jincheon's face back and forth. "How could it not be possible? I have no intention of harming you..." "There's no reason to trust you." Namgung Jincheon was unyielding. Seo Ye bit her lip in response. After furrowing her brows for a moment, she seemed to make up her mind, hardening her expression as she continued, "Please, I beg you. I can't just sit here doing nothing. I don't even know what's happening to my disciples, and it's too suffocating to just sit tied up waiting...!" Her tone began to tremble with emotion. Then, shivering, Seo Ye bowed her head and went on, "If you untie me, I'll do anything. Whatever Lord Geomryong instructs, even if it involves my body...!" Anything. Even if it involves my body. Emphasizing those words, Seo Ye relaxed her shoulders. Naturally, her clothing became disheveled, revealing her nape. Her earlobes, neck, and cheeks. Every exposed part was flushed red. Namgung Jincheon's gaze was fixed on those spots. After a moment of silence, He finally spoke, "I refuse." "Excuse me?" "I desire nothing from you." Namgung Jincheon scowled. "How vulgar. Your first thought is to sell your body." Seo Ye's expression stiffened. Or more accurately, it became vacant. As if she couldn't comprehend Namgung Jincheon's words. “...” "Hmph." Geumryong Namgung Jincheon. Though not greatly interested in the opposite sex, he was still a man. That is to say, he had his preferences. "Know your place." Namgung Jincheon admired chaste and virtuous women who credited purity as precious as life itself. In his view, Seo Ye was not one of them.