98 - Missions, Investigation (5) - The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Sect Leader Seo Ye. The path to becoming known by such a title was long if considered long, and short if considered short. Summarized very briefly, it went like this: She grew under the shadow of the previous sect leader who turned humans into fodder for profit, and harbored the intention to kill him at the age of 12. At 14, she sought out and hired the highly skilled assassin, Sal-Sung Yeom-So-Su, capable of killing the sect leader. By 15, she had taken the vacant position of sect leader. For 10 years since then, Seo Ye has protected the Ha-O-Mun as its sect leader. Her unconventional upbringing led her to always study the hearts of others, to weigh the pros and cons in every situation, and to act accordingly. Her delicate appearance thus far had been all an act. Given this, Seo Ye had never felt such a way about anyone as she did now. For the first time in her life, she stood before someone whom she couldn’t understand no matter how hard she tried. "Know your place." 'Place?' Place... Seo Ye absent-mindedly examined Namgung Jincheon's expression. It was incomprehensible. What he was thinking, whether his words now were sincere, or if they were all a facade to hide his true intentions. Isn't that so. It's the formidable Namgung Jincheon himself. A young master in the world of martial arts who would rank second to none, undeniably a man who since birth was given the best environment and tutored in martial arts among other disciplines by the best teachers. For such a man to prattle about purity and place, talking down on vulgarity – it makes no sense. 'Is he hiding something?' Perhaps acting without consideration of consequences as he does is the result of meticulous calculation. After all, by being stubborn in this way, he is steering situations to his advantage, it's not incorrect to say so. ...Thus, Seo Ye began to seek rationale in irrational actions. There’s a saying: No matter the logic you attach to irrationality, it cannot be explained reasonably. The more you try to find a reason, the more your thoughts complicate. That was true. Namgung Jincheon simply disliked Seo Ye exposing her skin to strangers. No matter how much Seo Ye pondered, she couldn't come close to the truth under the misconception that he was rational. "I am not vulgar!" "By exposing your bare skin?" "That is...!" It wasn’t out of preference. It was simply because more benefits could be reaped from breaking free from constraint with such actions. She couldn't speak of that truth. Seo Ye started acting. "...I-I’m not vulgar." She lowered her head. She cut off her breath, her body trembled lightly, and tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. As she pretended shame and sadness, Namgung Jincheon snorted dismissively. "There was something the Monster Dragon used to say. Those hoping for pity while selling their bodies are the most dangerous kind. I hadn’t given it much thought before, but seeing you makes me see he was right." Her shoulder twitched. This time, it wasn’t an act. "Just keep your mouth shut. If you try any more tricks, I’ll pin you down again." Namgung Jincheon concluded and closed his eyes, clearly unwilling to engage further. For the first time in her life, Seo Ye felt a headache coming on. * The members returned to their room an hour later. In just that hour, Seo Ye had significantly worn down. It wasn’t because she was further bullied by Namgung Jincheon. 'I don’t get it….' The confusion caused by the enigma that was Namgung Jincheon made her mind a mess. To put it simply: Seo Ye made the mistake of viewing irrationality with logic. In essence, she was caught in her own trap. "...Why is the Sword Dragon acting like this towards the sect leader?" "I don’t know. I haven't spoken a word to her." Dang Hwa-seo asked, and Namgung Jincheon confidently replied. Dang Hwa-seo seemed to look at him with rising disdain, a look Seo Ye noted as well. Her pupils quivered as if jolted by an earthquake. 'Why is he looking at me like that?' A possibility, previously unconsidered, began to surface. 'Could it be…?' Was Namgung Jincheon actually not very bright? Did he act this way because he lacked thought? Was she finding reasons in actions that were without thought? Everything from subduing his subordinates through strength in the Guju alley to kidnapping her here and assuming a high-handed stance til now? 'Really?' Seo Ye looked at Namgung Jincheon. Even as Dang Hwa-seo viewed him with such exasperation, he merely remained arrogant. "Ha…" Seo Ye laughed from a feeling of futility. For quite some time. * The members stared blankly at Seo Ye, who suddenly seemed to have lost her mind, laughing blankly. It was clear she wasn't in a state to hold a conversation. Naturally, their gaze shifted to Namgung Jincheon, but he offered no answers, claiming ‘interrogation’ as his stance. Dang Hwa-seo grimaced as if troubled, then said to Seo Ye. "Sect leader, I wish to ask a question." "Go ahead. Yes, you should." Seo Ye spoke as though she had let go of something. The delicate appearance she had maintained until now was gone. Now, she looked haggard and desolate. "...I heard there are disciples held captive in the secret base of Ha-O-Mun. Where is this base located, how many disciples are captured, and what is the enemy's troop strength? Do you have information on this?" It was an extension of gathering intelligence. Since they couldn't fully trust Seo Ye yet, this was an attempt to find any inconsistencies in her words. Seo Ye looked at Dang Hwa-seo as she pondered this. 'Right, this is the normal response.' Eyes revealing a light caution while pretending to be friendly. The tension in them. It was a reaction of doubt. Usually, this would be the correct behavior. 'But…' What was Namgung Jincheon's deal? Seo Ye was engulfed in confusion. A hollow laugh escaped her lips again. Namgung Jincheon, continuing to look at her and chuckle, spoke in a stern voice. "Don't look at me. Girl. It feels as if your filth is spreading." His words were accompanied by a furrowed brow. Seo Ye laughed vacantly. "Would that I could." She removed her gaze from Namgung Jincheon. The idea of being further swept up by him was sickening. "...I will answer your question." Seo Ye composed her expression and her heart before replying. "The enemy's troop strength is around a hundred. The number of captured disciples reaches a thousand." Mok Riwon's mouth fell open at Seo Ye's words. "A… thousand!" "That's just the number of those presumed alive. If we include everyone taken, the number is uncountable." A figure beyond imagination for an ordinary sect. Yet, it was possible for Ha-O-Mun. Their members were spread all over, disguised as street thugs, courtesans, or peddlers. "What is their level of martial arts?" "I don't know for sure. But there is something definite I can say." Seo Ye paused to catch her breath, then continued. "Among the Six Demons, the Lust Demon is here. She's a marital artist of the highest caliber." The members' eyes widened significantly. Seo Ye marked each of their reactions, thinking to herself. 'Let's reveal a bit more information.' The goal was to build a relationship of trust. "The Six Demons come from six prominent families beyond the power of Shin Gang in the Heaven Demon Sect. Traditionally, the leader of each generation of the Heaven Demon Sect comes from one of these families." "Families, you mean…" "It’s like the Five Great Clans in the martial arts world of justice. They call these families the Six Demon Gates." The Six Demons, and the Six Demon Gates. The members recalled a certain man upon hearing those words. Seo Ye observed their changing expressions before providing an answer. "Yes, the Flame Demon, Oh Gang-Ak, whom you've faced, is one of those six. That's why I've asked for your help." "Sister, this is…" Jegal San's expression turned sour. It was not going to be easy. Unlike before, they couldn't just call for nearby help since they weren't on the lands governed by the martial arts world of justice, and the enemy's numbers were at least double this time. Considering the captive individuals, they risked being slowed down. Rushing in blindly would bring no benefits. The original mission was reconnaissance. Now that they had gathered all the necessary information, they could consider returning and requesting further support. Jegal San suggested this, and the other members seemed to agree. Seo Ye read the atmosphere. 'I expected this.' It was already an improbable situation to ask for help. The difference between the forces of darkness and light, magnified more than tenfold. Seo Ye didn’t seek assistance without considering this. "Of course, there's a way." "Hm?" "Their location is Ha-O-Mun’s secret base. It’s where I used to live." Seo Ye looked straight at Dang Hwa-seo as she spoke. "I know every hidden pathway leading there. Not just how to get in, but all the routes inside. Furthermore, once I reach the place, I can activate traps and formations that haven’t been used yet." The secret base of Ha-O-Mun was truly hidden in the darkest shadows. Although it was quickly overrun without time for preparation, if they could just return, it was possible to disrupt the enemy. This could dramatically reduce the difference in force. But there was more. "If you assist, of course, there will be a reward." Seo Ye dangled the carrot. "Elixirs. In a hidden vault that only I can open, there are seven roots of hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum. All yours." Namgung Jincheon’s head whipped around. His eyes gleamed with interest. Seo Ye felt a surge of irritation at his reaction but restrained herself. "...I am in a hurry. Please." If these folks returned to report to the martial arts alliance, a more assured victory could follow. But that wasn’t desirable. 'It would give the Martial Alliance a justification.' Ha-O-Mun would owe a debt to the Martial Alliance. This was the land of the Black Path, Guizhou. Certainly, this information would reach the ears of the Black Spider Clan leader, complicating Ha-O-Mun's position. By entrusting this task solely to them, using the seven roots of Polygonum multiflorum, a relationship of gratitude could be settled. In Seo Ye’s current situation, it was the most rational way to conclude the matter. Dang Hwa-seo seemed to contemplate Seo Ye's intentions, quietly observing her eyes. "So, the sect leader doesn’t want to give the Alliance a reason to intervene." "Because it’s the dark path." "And you're suggesting clearing the debt with seven roots of hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum." "I think it's not a bad idea." It was an intention Seo Ye didn’t hide. An intention Dang Hwa-seo could easily perceive. Seo Ye was requesting a deal. To this, Dang Hwa-seo furrowed his brows. 'Seven roots of hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum…' Is this matter worth that much? Could it be a scheme by the Ha-O-Mun leader to lure them in? It wasn’t entirely baseless speculation. While it seemed like there was hostility between them, it could also mean she was willing to hand themselves over in exchange for the promise of getting the Ha-O-Mun disciples back. Deep contemplation surfaced within Dang Hwa-seo. 'I shouldn’t answer right away.' The fragile appearance previously shown was nowhere to be seen now. Perhaps sensing that tactic wouldn’t work. As these thoughts lingered. "Let’s accept." Namgung Jincheon, greedy for the elixirs, responded. Dang Hwa-seo stared at him blankly and, acting faster than thought, thumped Namgung Jincheon on the head. Thump! Seo Ye began to look at Namgung Jincheon as if he was foolish.