101 - Missions, Investigation (8)

Mok Riwon dashed through the core of the enemy territory. Behind him were Dang Hwa-seo, Nangung Jincheon, and Seo Ye. Clang! Clang! Clang! The sound of bells rang noisily. They had been detected. Yet, the four of them were not perturbed. Having fought several battles as they raced through this place, the commotion was expected. "There's more ahead!" Mok Riwon swung his sword sheath wide. Whack! "Ugh!" "Argh!" Two enemies fell in an instant. There was no time to confirm if they were handled properly due to the urgency of time. Seo Ye exclaimed. "A moment has passed!" This was the critical time for Jegal San to cause chaos among the enemy forces outside. Seo Ye had to enter the secret vault in the core within the next moment to activate the formation. Having covered about half of the core, a decision was made that they could barely make it in time by a razor-thin margin. Hesitation! Mok Riwon stopped in his tracks. His pupils narrowed. The direction of his gaze was not forward but to the right of the corridor. "What's the matter, Mr. Mok?" Dang Hwa-seo, who had also stopped, asked Mok Riwon. However, Mok Riwon couldn't respond. "I sense it." "What are you talking about?" "There's an enemy over there." Mok Riwon's expression sharpened. He was the only one who sensed the presence, for one reason. 'Murderous intent.' It was because of the murderous intent emanating towards him. Refined and heavy, the kind that suggests its owner had performed countless killings. His skin tingled. Mok Riwon's inherent killer instinct was screaming. 'We must stop it.' They shouldn't pass it by. "…Young master, please take Sword Dragon and the sect leader inside." "What about you?" "I must stop that person. I feel I must." Dang Hwa-seo furrowed his brows. He couldn't comprehend what Mok Riwon was saying. 'An enemy that makes Mr. Mok nervous?' He felt nothing. If the enemy was that strong, surely their demonic energy should have reached here, but nothing was felt in the direction Mok Riwon was looking at. A misperception. While it could have been dismissed as such, Dang Hwa-seo couldn't do that. '…Mr. Mok has keen instincts.' To put it more directly, that was true. His instincts were more animal-like, making his judgments superior in such moments. Dang Hwa-seo looked at Nangung Jincheon. He nodded, indicating they should let Mok Riwon proceed. Dang Hwa-seo made his decision. "…Please, take care." "Understood. I'll do my best to block." Swoosh. Until now, Mok Riwon had been swinging his sword still sheathed. Now, he drew his blade. "I will block." Choosing such words, he felt an uneasiness growing. "We must go again. We're out of time." Nangung Jincheon spoke. Dang Hwa-seo, suppressing his rising anxiety, nodded in agreement. Crack! The three dashed towards the end of the core once more. * Mok Riwon continued towards the direction from which the murderous intent emanated and finally encountered it. 'That person.' In a room that seemed to comfortably fit a hundred people, all furnishings that might hint at its original purpose were gone. In the center of the room sat a man, seemingly lost in thought. His face completely hidden by long, disheveled hair. Dressed in the shabby robes one might expect of a street beggar. And in his grip, a broad sword that seemed at least a span wide. "Who are you?" Mok Riwon asked in a tense voice, and the man lifted his head. Through the strands of hair, a pair of eyes devoid of focus gazed back at Mok Riwon and replied. "Yeon Ligeon." His voice was devoid of strength. "Sword Demon." Startled— Mok Riwon flinched. His eyes widened as much as they could. 'Sword Demon? Not a Lust Demon?' Seo Ye had clearly stated that the demon residing in this place was a Lust Demon. Then why was the Sword Demon here? Was the information incorrect... '…No.' Mok Riwon soon realized. 'It’s 'also' the Sword Demon.' There were two of the Six Demons present here. Their forces had been bolstered. Mok Riwon felt a deeper sense of urgency. Something was amiss, worsening the situation than anticipated. He knew he had to take down this man swiftly and rejoin Dang Hwa-seo, but it seemed imprudent to act rashly at the moment. 'This man is at the pinnacle.' Not just any pinnacle, but the absolute pinnacle. And it wasn't just that. The murderous intent he felt at this very moment. So dense and sticky, it made his breath feel hot, even though the man had such a vacant expression. Mok Riwon licked his lips. "I have a question." "Go ahead." "Is the Lust Demon inside as strong as you?" "..." Yeon Ligeon bowed his head. After flickering his lips in contemplation, he finally spoke. "Weaker than the Flame Demon. The Lust Demon is." Taking Oh Gang-ak as a standard, Mok Riwon thought for a moment before responding. "Then Sword Dragon will be able to win." "Highly likely." "Knowing that, should you be so at ease?" "My duty is not to guard this place." Yeon Ligeon was still seated. What does that mean? As Mok Riwon lifted his brows in curiosity, Yeon Ligeon said, "Heavenly Killing Star. I came for you." "...I was the target." Mok Riwon was not as bewildered as before. By now, he inevitably understood. That his Heavenly Killing Star form was within their aims. 'Assassination or abduction?' Various possibilities came to mind, but even those were narrowed down by today. "Why do you seek to abduct me?" "Because it is an order." "Whose?" "The Sect Leader's." "...The Sect Leader." The next master of the Thousand Demons Sect. It must be him who is directly targeting. Surely, the invasion of Zhongyuan wasn’t a plan concocted by mere underlings. Mok Riwon fiddled with his sword sheath and glared at Yeon Ligeon. It’s hard to fathom thoughts behind such a vacant face. "May I ask more?" "By all means." "You're quite forthcoming." "There were no orders against sharing." "I've heard you're called the Six Demons." "Yes." "The Fist Demon. Do you know him?" "Pae Woong Choo." "Is he still living, continuing his evil deeds?" "He's alive. Following orders." Fist Demon Pae Woong Choo. The name of the demon who attacked them en route to the Martial Alliance and slaughtered the messengers. Mok Riwon had not forgotten. The sense of defeat, anger, and sorrow he felt that day. The promise to repay them all was inciting Mok Riwon more fervently as time passed. "How strong has he become?" "As strong as Oh Gang-ak, and he will become stronger. He has the talent." "Is that so?" Alive. And will become stronger. Having heard everything he deemed necessary, Mok Riwon nodded. Swoosh— And then, a dark energy swept out. "Thank you for the information." "There's no need for thanks." Yeon Ligeon also stood up. Swoosh— He drew his enormous sword, broad and long, an unusual shape for any swordsmanship. Yeon Ligeon said, "No need to bother. You won't be fighting Pae Woong Choo." "Because you're taking me? Is that what you want to say?" "Correct." "Prideful." Mok Riwon took a fighting stance. "All of you do the same. Focused only on the fact that I'm the Heavenly Killing Star, not considering what type of star it actually is." Murderous intent pressed down on him. Yet, the more it did, the stronger Mok Riwon felt. Heavenly Killing Star and the Extreme Devil Body. In this land of Zhongyuan designed for demons to enact murder, he was second to none. Mok Riwon was born for this. "I tried not to use this murderous intent, thinking it was wrong." "..." "But not anymore. I have learned that from someone I respect." Mok Riwon did not forget the teachings he received after joining the Martial Alliance. The stinging lessons from distant seniors. Indeed, these were changing Mok Riwon’s mindset. - Be flexible. Dividing the world into black and white will hinder your progress. Sa Baek Un talked about flexibility. - The martial world ultimately respects the strong. If you wish to argue your righteousness, prove it. Show that you have the strength to do so. Yeom So So spoke of power. And many others imparted their teachings. Mok Riwon would not hesitate anymore. Not in wielding his sword, using murderous intent, nor in overcoming it. "Bring it on. Heavenly Killing Star." Mok Riwon charged forward. Clash! Yeon Ligeon blocked the sword strike with the flat of his blade, saying, "As much as you like." The battle began. * Clash! Sharp sounds of sword clashes echoed continuously. Mok Riwon, without a blink, kept his eyes on Yeon Ligeon and swung his sword. Clang! A storm of fast sword movements, so fast they blurred his form. It was the first form of Manryeon Swordplay, Soul Divorce. The onslaught was to test what type of moves his sword followed. But it was futile. 'His defense is solid.' He did nothing but defend. As if waiting for something. Even breaching that defense proved problematic. 'Is this why the sword is so broad?' Using the sword, twice as broad as regular ones, like a shield was too skilled a maneuver. It was natural for someone who had reached the pinnacle, but even then, his proficiency in defense was alarmingly high. Clash! Again, the swords collided mightily. At that moment, Mok Riwon sensed murderous intent gathering at his left waist. He didn't even look. Just blocked it with his sword sheath. Clang! "Kuh!" It was a kick. Charged with demonic energy, the kick sent Mok Riwon flying into a corner. Bang! Mok Riwon crashed into the wall. His breath was cut short, his posture broken. The pain was too intense to be just from the impact with the wall. 'Internal Striking Technique!' A method that involves pushing the qi deep inside the body and then exploding it from within. Mok Riwon realized. "Sword Demon my foot." That sword wasn’t meant for swinging. The attacks came solely from his body. "Resorting to such lowly tactics." "Holding a sword makes me a Sword Demon." "How petty." Mok Riwon gasped for air and regained his posture. Yeon Ligeon remained in the same spot, his resolve to continue his defense solid. 'This won't do.' Apart from anything else, he lacked the power to break through that defense. Pinnacle and Supreme Pinnacle. Though it might only seem like a single step difference, the height of that thin barrier was not negligible. Mok Riwon took a deep breath. "As expected, a pinnacle is not enough." "That's why it's called a realm." Yeon Ligeon said. Still with vacant eyes, his voice dull, he leaked murderous intent endlessly. "Give up. You cannot do it." "On what grounds?" "Your realm is inferior." It was a ridiculous statement. That’s what Mok Riwon thought. "Do you know?" "What?" "Ever since I emerged in this martial world, I’ve always fought with stronger opponents." The first step he took was in Suyang County. There, Mok Riwon fought Pyosan, who was at the mid-pinnacle stage. Passing through Gwigok and meeting the geniuses of the era in Anhui’s Yongbong Branch, and then encountering Fist Demon Pae Woong Choo as he moved to Muhan. Later, through friendly duels, he faced Golden Sword Kwon Pyowol, and again, in Shaanxi, the Flame Demon Oh Gang-ak. There were victories and defeats. However, Mok Riwon never once considered giving up due to a shortfall in realm in front of those challenges. Mok Riwon assumed his fighting stance once again. "Realm is not an excuse." Swoosh— A dark energy wrapped around Mok Riwon's entire body. "Wielding a sword is ultimately the sword wielder’s will." This time it was different. The dark energy seemed almost sentient, swirling around Mok Riwon's body, as if it had its own will. Mok Riwon pointed the tip of his sword at Yeon Ligeon. A murderous intent that seemed to press down on the whole body. Subtle demonic energy flowing out. His own internal energy surged, and the world turned achromic, sharpening his senses. 'I have prepared more than enough.' Mok Riwon sensed. "If the realm is the issue, then I'll just have to break through." Now was the moment to break through the wall of the Supreme Pinnacle.