102 - Missions, Investigation (9)

Mok Riwon honed his senses. The malevolent inner strength flowing throughout his body was already overflowing its vessel. Stimulating it were a thick murderous intent and a brutal demonic aura. And then, there was that dazed look in his eyes. “If you pierce through it, that's the end of it...” Yeon Ligeon said, adjusting his grip on the sword. This time, it was different. He was clearly performing a form of swordsmanship. “…Arrogance. But, impressive nonetheless.” Woosh! A crimson demonic aura enveloped his sword and whole body. “That is the karmic retribution of Tiansha (Heaven's Slaughter).” Crack! Yeon Ligeon's right arm swelled. It was unnatural. The muscle tightened and pulsed, its swollen size becoming twice that of his left arm; Mok Riwon realized that this was the true essence of the demonic martial art he wielded. The murderous aura became even denser. Simultaneously, Mok Riwon's eyes began to see. In his vision, which had turned to a grayscale, Yeon Ligeon's vulnerabilities stood out in red. ‘The Path of Slaughter.’ It was the path to kill him. Following that path, he could take Yeon Ligeon's life. However, Mok Riwon chose not to do so. Because winning as a murderer was not a legitimate victory, and what he sought was somewhere else entirely. “Dodge if you can.” Mok Riwon took a step. Thud! With a light sound, Mok Riwon suddenly appeared right before Yeon Ligeon. He swung his sword. Crunch! A swirling dark sword aura began to shave off Yeon Ligeon's sword surface. Yeon Ligeon rotated his body greatly, repelling Mok Riwon. And the moment he was about to swing his sword. Flinch. He felt a chill and turned his eyes. The swirling dark sword aura was still there, lingering even after Mok Riwon had left it behind. ‘Qi Gong!’ A method of infusing one's will into the sword aura, allowing it to harm the opponent even after the sword has moved away. Although still unrefined, the foundation was all there. Truly, Mok Riwon was challenging the pinnacle at this moment. Boom! The sword aura exploded, spraying blood from Yeon Ligeon's side. Yet, Yeon Ligeon gritted his teeth and readjusted his grip on the sword. He aimed the sword tip at Mok Riwon, resembling a preparation to throw a spear. A ferocious demonic aura clung to the sword surface, flickering its tongue. Then, Yeon Ligeon hurled the sword. Explosive Demonic Sword, Throw. The sword thrown by Yeon Ligeon embedded itself in the spot where Mok Riwon had been, and it exploded. Boom-! With an explosion, smoke billowed. ‘He dodged it.’ Yeon Ligeon rushed to the spot where he had thrown his sword without hesitation, noticing Mok Riwon's energy was still clear. The moment he did, Mok Riwon burst out of the smoke. His figure, shrouded in smoke, violently shook as it flashed with sword light. Thousand Chain Sword Technique, First Form, Soul Release. Yeon Ligeon wrapped his body with demonic aura before charging directly into Mok Riwon with his torso. Crunch! The skin was lacerated. Yet, the muscles were protected. At that thought, the moment Yeon Ligeon turned his eyes. ‘Again.’ Even though Mok Riwon had already withdrawn his sword, the lingering energy began to whirl again, scraping off Yeon Ligeon's skin anew. Crunch! Twice in total. The same attack, exploiting a moment of carelessness to follow one after another. Yeon Ligeon could then realize. ‘He’s becoming more accustomed to Qi Gong.’ Grab! Yeon Ligeon retrieved his sword and layered demonic aura over its surface. He went on the offensive. Woosh! The demonic aura surrounding his sword inflated his form, to the point where the sword was invisible due to the deepening demonic aura. And as Yeon Ligeon swung his sword, that aura was shot forward. Explosive Demonic Sword, Slash. Swoosh! The sword aura that flew like spreading wings enveloped Mok Riwon. However, it did not make contact. Yeon Ligeon's eyebrows furrowed. ‘Was it an afterimage?’ Troublesome. Normally, Qi Gong manifests in a form corresponding to one's envisioned image, but no fixed image could be seen from Mok Riwon. The reason was obvious. ‘He is still drawing it.’ Mok Riwon had yet to complete his image. Heart (心), Chi (氣), Body (體). Among the things he needed to complete to reach the pinnacle, what he was filling in now was the Heart (心). At this rate, it was conclusive that Mok Riwon would reach the pinnacle. Yeon Ligeon thought for a moment. ‘Kill him before that?’ And then, he dismissed the thought. His orders were not to assassinate Mok Riwon but to capture him. Boom! The approaching Mok Riwon swung his sword. It was a powerful sword strike. Yeon Ligeon showed his discomfort while repelling Mok Riwon. ‘This is not easy.’ Celestial Murder Star. Yeon Ligeon realized that capturing it alive was far more challenging than expected. * In the distant past, when Mok Riwon was still learning the sword from Mok Seon-o in the mountains of Gangseo Province. “Riwon, what do you think is the difference between the peak and the absolute peak?” That day, Mok Seon-o unusually asked such a question. Even though he was the kind of person who disliked dwelling on the distinctions between realms. Young Mok Riwon had answered. "The peak allows manipulation of sword energy to harm (劒氣傷人), while the absolute peak involves handling the intent of the heart (心意), doesn't it?" The intent of the heart that can only be handled upon reaching the absolute peak. According to what Mok Riwon learned, it was a profound understanding that forms the foundation of Qi Gong (氣功), enabling physical force through Qi (氣) alone, imbued with the martial artist's will, without relying on internal power. Mok Seon-o smiled slightly and corrected the young Mok Riwon's words. "Half right, half wrong." "Eh?" "That's a distinction visible to the eye. It's not the true criterion that divides peak and absolute peak." Mok Seon-o continued. "The difference between peak and absolute peak lies elsewhere." "What is it?" "Whether one stands within the realm of humans, or ascends to the realm of superhumans. That's the real criterion." Mok Seon-o said that the highest state reachable as a human is the peak, and transcending humanity is what defines the absolute peak—the realm of the superhuman. "Everyone harbors intentions and dreams. Some dreams are so steadfast that not even the weight of the skies can crush them. Yet, that alone isn't enough to reach them, because dreaming is a human trait." Mok Riwon quietly observed his smile. It was a smile where fine wrinkles stylishly creased. "It means humans can't achieve their dreams." Mok Riwon asked. "Then, is the absolute peak a realm for superhumans? A realm unreachable without talent… Is that what it means? That's too…" "Perhaps my words were conveyed incorrectly. This teacher meant something else." "What did you mean?" "It means never to collapse, no matter what. Even if high walls block your path, stand up time and again. Being a superhuman isn't about talent." This teaching shaped the person Mok Riwon is. "Always, those who become superhumans are the foolish humans who blaze their lives for unremarkable dreams." It was this teaching that made Mok Riwon unhesitant to challenge. "So, Riwon, become a superhuman. Rather than ending oppressed as a human, become a superhuman and forge your own path ahead." Mok Riwon believed those words. "You're a child capable of such feats." * Mok Riwon continued to ignore the murderous intent that heated his mind. And he recited. "Become a superhuman." Transcend humanity. Take one more step forward, look ahead. Realize the ideals you've harbored within. Mok Riwon was already prepared. He had achieved everything that needed to be done while trapped within the egg. "My swordsmanship is under control." He climbed atop the ridge of the realm he could reach on his own, having trained, learned, and mastered throughout his journeys in Jianghu after leaving Gangseo Province. "My internal power is also sufficient." His growth after stepping into Jianghu was different. He no longer restrained his inner power, enhancing his growth with the addition of the human-faced stanchion inner elixir, the summoning elixir, and the Jahad elixir. "So, it's the Heart (心)." What was needed was an ideal image. The ideal to be drawn stepping out of humanity into superhumanhood. Thud! Mok Riwon lunged at Yeon Ligeon. He swung his sword. Yeon Ligeon blocked it and counterattacked. Then, Mok Riwon avoided it with murderous intent. During that process, Mok Riwon reminisced. -Become a superhuman. Rather than ending oppressed as a human, become a superhuman and forge your own path ahead. The teachings of his master that made him who he is today. -Jianghu is vast and profound, they say. But I think humans are more mystical than that. Since we can't know their true worth from a single aspect. Also, since they change their entire lives, I think it's wrong to rashly judge their potential. Sa Baek Oon, the Spear Star. His words added refinement to the ideal Mok Riwon wished to pursue. -You have a long way to go. You're remarkable for your age, but Jianghu won't go easy on you just because you're young. The words of Yeom So So that pinpointed his extravagance. Now, Mok Riwon could see further. He could see Jianghu. He could see humans. He could see himself. And he could see the path encompassing them all. "The path I must walk." What he saw was the world he must advance into. Boom! The dark Qi became even more turbulent. The inner power burst forth with a fierceness felt as a scream. The body continued to crave the demonic aura. Shaking it off once more, Mok Riwon lunged forward. "What I wanted to achieve was always the same." In the distant past, he had seen a sword dance shining coldly even at noon. He had gazed at the soaring, overwhelmingly beautiful stars. From that day, Mok Riwon had only one wish. To become a star that brightly illuminates this Jianghu, just like the knights he so dearly admires. Woosh-! Mok Riwon's sword aura was born. The endlessly unfurling dark Qi began to drown the space in darkness. And in its midst. "Beyond human, to superhuman." A single sword shone like a star. "And I will run forward." Mok Riwon accelerated. Yeon Ligeon widened his eyes. With an instinctive sense of crisis, he shielded his body with the sword surface. Wrapped around him now was a refined demonic aura distinctly different from before. The aura intertwined meticulously, as if unwilling to concede even an inch of space. Explosive Demonic Sword, Defense. Yet, it was inadequate. The ideal that the man finally unveiled carried such a vast and heavy momentum. Within the mist of Qi that evoked the black night sky, what descended upon the sword surface was the desire of a young and audacious starlight, yearning to shine as it traversed the vast Jianghu. Creeak— A crack formed on the sword surface. That moment sparked an explosion of light. Intent of the Heart, Meteor from Miles. The starlight chillingly dyed the space. Boom-! At that moment, Mok Riwon felt it. Within his ideal, a place that had remained vacant now housed the owner of the fifth constellation of the Stellar Linked Divine Technique. He had finally entered the same realm as the great masters who once seemed to be insurmountable walls. “I’ve reached it.” Mok Riwon smiled. As a superhuman, having transcended the peak attainable by humans. Yet, because he still dwells among humans, he couldn’t be called transcendent. Ultimately, the term would be the absolute peak. In the annals of Jianghu’s history, Mok Riwon had entered the ranks of superhumans at an unprecedented pace, achieving this at the mere age of 18. “Cough...!” Blood burst from Yeon Ligeon’s mouth.