108 - One's Heart and Soul (1)

Returning to the Martial Alliance, the Dragonbringers' pride was apparent. An unhidden identity during their return journey, just as when they had departed. Many whispers followed them, but the most prevalent spoke volumes. The Ink Dragon and the Sword Dragon have reached the zenith of martial prowess. This was evident from the aura they exuded alone. Feeling the pressure even among first-rate martial artists was one thing, but considering the long journey from Guizhou to Wulin, it was unlikely they hadn’t met anyone of the first-rate during that time. As someone said, rumors in the martial world travel faster than words, reaching the Martial Alliance before the Dragonbringers themselves. Thus came the day of the Dragonbringers' return. The entrance of the Martial Alliance was bustling. "Remarkable... If the rumors are true, then this generation has seen two individuals reach the zenith already." "Not just any zenith. The Sword Dragon is 22, and the Ink Dragon is 18. Such speed is unheard of in the history of our martial world, especially for the Ink Dragon…" "...An unprecedented record indeed." Similar sentiments echoed everywhere. Zenith. In the martial world, its significance was no joke. To reach the zenith meant that if you opened a school in any region, it would become the most powerful there. If you joined a family clan or an old sectarian alliance, you would be among the top officials, and in the Martial Alliance, you could attain a position as a 'Grand Master'. The mere fact of possessing such power made it all possible. "But the leader of the Dragonbringers, the Poison Phoenix, is still at her peak, isn't she? What does this mean for the group's hierarchy?" "Ah, I heard my lord, the White Sword Grand Master, discuss with the Red Cloud Grand Master. Despite the prowess of the Ink Dragon and the Sword Dragon, their practical abilities are lacking, so there won’t be any changes in the hierarchy." "Eh… do we call this fairness by Heaven?" "Fairness, my foot. Some reach the zenith at such a young age while we're still stuck at the first-rate stage. How is that fair?" "A valid point." Envy and reverence mixed in the voices. Somewhere, a burst of laughter emerged. Unsurprisingly, it was from Red Cloud Grand Master, Kang Chan, who had been with Kwon. "This time, I must request a sparring match! There's no need to hold back anymore!" "Refrain from acting rashly." "Blue Dragon Daeju, you worry too much! A person needs to have spirit." "...Perhaps I should hold my tongue." Blue Dragon Daeju, Ki Tae Woon, sighed deeply and crossed his arms. At that moment, Original Order's Gyeon Dong quietly slipped in between them. Gyeon Dong, who had been soundly defeated in a recent sparring match with the Dragonbringers and had quieted down, had a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. "It should be time for them to arrive, but they're a bit late." Gyeon Dong's goatee twitched. The defeat that day was bitter, but the consolation from Mok Riwon was immensely comforting, fostering fondness towards him. Gyeon Dong planned to share the treasured liquor he had saved as a congratulatory gesture once they returned. As Gyeon Dong held the liquor bottle, Kwon smiled softly. "They'll be here soon." At that moment, "Ah! There they are!" Six figures walked along the main road. It was the Dragonbringers, smiling brightly. Leading them, Dang Hwa-seo made an overwhelmed face at the gathered crowd, and Mok Riwon brightly smiled and waved at familiar faces. As they arrived, a tremendous cheer filled the air. "Waaaaaaah!!!" The Martial Alliance welcomed their masters. --- Upon returning to the Dragonbringers' hall, Dang Hwa-seo said, "I will go to make my report. Please rest." "Understood!" Mok Riwon cheerfully responded and saw Dang off. Together, they went to the entrance, and once Dang had left, Mok turned around. The meaning of returning home after two months was quite special. In the meantime, there seemed to be no dust accumulation, indicating good upkeep. "Ah! I must go to the training ground!" Mok Riwon aimed to take the 100-year-old rehmannia he received as a reward from Hao Mun to the training grounds. And he failed. "They’re all in use." "Eh?" "Namgung has the first one, Teacher Ilwoon the second, Teacher Hyewoon the third. Mok, it's a long wait for us." Jegal San laughed heartily, while Mok looked dejected. "It seems everyone had the same thought..." "The body is still fired up. After all, it's 100-year-old rehmannia, who wouldn’t want to use it in a safe place?" "That’s true." A 100-year-old rehmannia could increase one’s martial strength by at least 20 years. It could be refined into a more powerful elixir, but that would diminish the natural essence you can only get by consuming it directly. Given the unique benefits of natural essence, losing some martial strength for it made sense. 'Everyone wants to process the rehmannia before it deteriorates.' Mok understood their reasons. "Um... shall we go eat then?" "Sure, let’s go. I just saw Chef Young exclaiming that he’s making fried pork today." "Oh...!" "And I heard they've made fresh broth for the noodles." "Ohhhhh!!!" The new broth for the noodles excited Mok. He hurriedly rushed to the dining hall, with Jegal laughing and following behind. After their meal, while looking at the garden and having a drink, Namgung Jincheon emerged from inside. "Oh! Namgung Hyung, are you done?" Jegal San asked, and Namgung Jincheon nodded. He glanced at the cups placed between the two, then approached and took his seat. "May I have a drink?" "Of course, Namgung Hyung, please have a cup." Jegal San handed him a cup, and Namgung Jincheon filled it. Mok Riwon could see a troubled expression on his face. "Sword Dragon Hyung, do you have something troubling you?" He had been like this since leaving Hao Mun. Specifically, after a separate conversation with the sect leader. Had she threatened him somehow? Members had asked him, seeing the concern on his face, but Namgung Jincheon only replied, "It's nothing." Today, with Namgung Jincheon still clearly burdened by worry, Mok Riwon asked with concern when he noticed him deep in thought. "..." He didn't drink but just stared at his full cup. After a prolonged look at the rippling surface of the liquor, he finally spoke. "I've become curious about something." "Hmm?" "Love..." Namgung Jincheon paused, his face carrying a hint of shame, then sighed heavily. Jegal San, frustrated by his appearance, squinted and urged him. "Namgung Hyung, why so hesitant? Speak forthrightly like a man." "Right! We're comrades! Jegal Hyung and I will gladly listen to your concerns!" Namgung Jincheon's expression darkened further. He bit his lip, held his breath, and then sighed as if resigning himself to speak. "What... is love, do you think?" Both men froze. Up until now, Mok Riwon had always sincerely considered others' worries, but at that moment, he couldn't help but think. '...Why is Sword Dragon Hyung curious about that?' Mok Riwon was perplexed. --- Dang Hwa-seo returned to the hall late in the evening that day. The journey to Guizhou, the encounter with two of the Six Demons at the base of Hao Mun, and the information acquired through the leader of Hao Mun. There was much to report and discern, so Dang Hwa-seo, who returned only after dealing with these matters all day, met Mok Riwon. And then, he heard a rather perplexing statement. "Sword Dragon asked about that?" Dang Hwa-seo's eyebrows narrowed. Mok Riwon nodded. "Yes, it was rather shocking. Judging by his appearance, it seemed this had been troubling him for some time... doesn't it? It's bizarre to hear Sword Dragon Hyung and love in the same sentence." Dang Hwa-seo deeply sympathized with Mok Riwon's words. Egotistical, a troublemaker who usually resorts to his sword when things don't go his way, Namgung Jincheon and love seemed words too early to connect. While pondering this, Dang Hwa-seo suddenly asked. "...But, is it okay to tell me this?" Considering Namgung Jincheon would also expect secrecy, should this have been shared so freely? Wondering about this, Mok Riwon laughed heartily and replied. "Because you're a maiden! I won't keep secrets from you! True friends should not harbor any..." Mok Riwon trailed off, a hint of bitterness fleeting across his face before it vanished. "...hold any trivial secrets!" Dang Hwa-seo chuckled. 'She must be troubled about not being able to discuss the sect.' The only thing Mok Riwon appeared to hide from her was that, and even that was only half-hidden due to his open nature. Seeing Mok Riwon's awkward smile, Dang Hwa-seo reached out to stroke his head without thinking. "Mok Sohyeop is truly a sincere person." "Ehm! Indeed!" His acceptance of the gesture without any resistance momentarily stirred rigorous thoughts in Dang Hwa-seo, but she suppressed them and asked. "So, what answer did Mok Sohyeop give?" "Hmm?" "About love. What was your answer to Sword Dragon's question?" Dang Hwa-seo's inquiry was very serious. Mok Riwon's response mattered greatly to her. 'After all, we've never discussed such topics before...!' Perhaps this could turn into an opportunity for information gathering. Dang Hwa-seo felt a twinge of nervousness. Unaware of her state, Mok Riwon cheerfully smiled and replied. "I said I don't know!" "Eh, eh?" "Isn't it difficult! Love is!" Mok Riwon looked up at the star-filled night sky. A tangible sense of longing layered over his face. "When I was young, my teacher once said love is truly great and yet so trivial that he couldn't dare teach me about it lightly." "That's an odd thing to say." "Yes, a very odd thing indeed. So, I can only vaguely define it." "If vaguely, then…" "I love my Teacher. I love the Four Hundred, and beyond that, I love every connection I've made on this land. Of course, I love you too!" Thump— Dang Hwa-seo felt her heart drop significantly. She knew he wasn't speaking of romantic love, yet the word 'love' coming from his mouth felt so special that it tangled her thoughts instantaneously. "Whew..." Heat rushed to her face, and noises she couldn't understand herself squeaked out. Through it all, Mok Riwon continued, "It's a truly precious emotion. One that must never be forgotten. However, I cannot guarantee this love will always remain beautiful, can I?" Mok Riwon closed his eyes, "My Teacher and the one who looked after me said this. Love can sometimes take a form too selfish, causing pain to the other. It may change color and birth hatred. That's why it's a trivial emotion." "...Ah." "Great and yet trivial. Isn't it fitting for such an emotion?" Dang Hwa-seo's fingertips twitched. The entangled thoughts she had until then unravelled. '...What folly is this, Hwa-seo.' Even as Mok Riwon spoke frankly, she couldn't control her feelings and drifted to other thoughts. Dang Hwa-seo gathered her mind and smiled, "It seems your Teacher is a deeply thoughtful person." "Indeed! Teacher always enjoyed contemplation and loved discussing those thoughts with me!" "I feel as though I've received guidance as well." "Then, I'm glad." Mok Riwon gave a small smile. "Anyway, the conclusion is that I couldn't give an answer to Sword Dragon Hyung. Love is too complicated for me." Dang Hwa-seo nodded, "Your words are fair." "Ah, but Jegal Hyung gave a different answer!" "Hmm?" "Love is joy, he said! It's like a drug! Even more so when one knows it's wrong but pursues it anyway. He said disloyalty stimulates the most secret pleasure among human emotions!" Dang Hwa-seo immediately understood what that meant. While Mok Riwon, with his innocently smiling face, seemed unaware, that was definitely Jegal San's way of referring, yet again, to his affair with a married woman. Disloyalty stimulates the most secret human pleasures. Squeeze— Dang Hwa-seo's fist clenched tight. Mok Riwon tilted his head. "...Maiden?" "It's nothing." Jegal San must die. Even as she harbored such thoughts, Dang Hwa-seo struggled to control her wavering heart. ...Honestly, she found it relatable. But why mention it. Whenever Dang Hwa-seo saw Mok Riwon's innocence, she found herself deeply contemplating the emotion of disloyalty.